I am being censored by the BBC
(too old to reply)
2008-03-01 19:55:21 UTC
I started a thread on the BBC website, in their Radio 2 message board
under a thread called 'The concept album.

I have been making replies that are not abusive or offensive and are
all OT.

However, my messages are being delayed to the point that messages that
I wrote about 3 hours ago still have not appeared on the site, when
everybody else manages to get their postings uploaded instantly.

I have rung them twice complained and was fobbed off. I have emailed
them and have received no reply.

So, BBC, you have attempted to silence me for a petty incident, just
goes to show how tense the situation is ;)

Michael H
2008-03-24 08:23:33 UTC
In article
Post by Muscipula
I started a thread on the BBC website, in their Radio 2 message board
under a thread called 'The concept album.
I have been making replies that are not abusive or offensive and are
all OT.
However, my messages are being delayed to the point that messages that
I wrote about 3 hours ago still have not appeared on the site, when
everybody else manages to get their postings uploaded instantly.
I have rung them twice complained and was fobbed off. I have emailed
them and have received no reply.
Post by Muscipula
So, BBC, you have attempted to silence me for a petty incident, just
goes to show how tense the situation is ;)
This has nothing to do with usenet.


