vote - comp.sys.vintage
(too old to reply)
2007-01-28 20:58:04 UTC
On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 15:31:27 -0600, Dave Balderstone
Can you please cite where in the Beight's rules a formal proposal is
required before you can vote?

But according to your voting rules,
What "rules"?
Are you out of yer mind?
a board member
Member means dick, that thing that hangs
between your legs where they join with your torso,
or we have to describe even what THAT is?
may ask for a vote
There are no votes here, mr. clueless.
What they call "votes" are not votes by ANY standard.

There are just a bunch of nazi puppets
and assorted wannabies.

Just about ALL they do is to make these sucking sounds
telling all the cluless like yourself
that they are something real.

But the real masta of dizasta is that crawling worm
(not to insult the worms, as even they contribute
more to the life force than all these jacks combined),
Russ Allbery, calling himself an eagle,
thus insulting about the most important symbol
of his land, the symbol of freedom.

That nazi is so sub-idiotic and so perverted that
he even have guts to call himself an EAGLE!

This sickness is well beyond the obscene.

Ok, and then?
at any time (the proponent doesn't have to request a vote).
What "request"?
What "vote"?

All this crap is nothing but a puppet show
to play with the puppets of your kind.

The news admins are laughing their sorry arses off
reading all this crap, as they know all too well,
WHO counts in this game, and that is THEMSELVES.

All these puppets
with a plastic smile
frozen in their sucky input holes,
are just that,
the puppets.

In a shadow theatre...

Where is that sucky herr fuehrer Russ Allbery?

Oh, he's gonna hide behind those bushes and woods?

Does that slimebag have ANY guts?

Or shall we write a few emails to Stanford
and blast his sorry tootoo to pieces?
nothing there that says a formal proposal
What "formal" proposal, you lunatic?

Can you have a "formal" proposal
to the criminals?

These are just a bunch of criminals.
They have never been elected via democratic process
even though these sick, power hungry megalomaniacs
enjoy the benefits of democracy,
and, being utterly idiotic,
for some strange reason
can not comprehend the simpliest idea of all,

Democracy applies to usenet just as well.

And so they came here, in their never ending thirst
for "power", just because they are nothing but a bunch
of miserable sickos that never experienced true joy
in life via creative process,
and tried to extract the perverted "joy"
of sadistic nature out of torturing clueless
of your kind.

That is just about ALL there is to it.

Ok, fine, and then?
must be posted before that
We used the voting rules
What "voting rules", you funky cockroach?

Have you read the REAL rules - New World Order Guidelines... ?

What AUTHOURITY, you bunch of sickos
can POSSIBLY have
to create ANY rules on usenet?
to produce other rules,
Yep, that is how ALL the nazis operate.
They use the previous nazi's "rules".
Then twist them to fit their neo-nazi agenda,
and then refer to them
like it is all nothing less than a word of God,
and blame all their sadistic trips
on those very "rules"
they themselves created.

Can't you see this simpliest thing under the Sun?
them the description of the newsgroup creation process
Funk your "newsgroup creation process".
And funk your clique of totalitarian biorobots.

In not too distance of a future,
what will be left of you
isn't even worth mentioning.

Just about the only thing left
would be those archives,
filled with your nazi mouth foaming blabber.

For all those 5 year olds
that come after you
to read all those delusions
and get amuzed by how funked up
the mankind can get.

published on the page indicated above.
Well, i can give you a reference on something published
that'll blast your sorry tootoo to dust.

Git it?
Look, farty.
What are you trying to make of yourselves here?

How long can you delude the people for,
you criminally minded, power hungry clique of megalomaniacs,
sick to the point of no return?

What is your REAL contribution to big-8
and usenet as such?

Do you think your puppet minds can produce
new dictates that are any better than dictates
by the PREVIOUS fuehers and virtual "tsars"?

Why do you need to insult herr fuehrer Russ
by trying to overwrite his own version of the Universe?

You see, he may get pissed with you, cockoraches,
and smash you with his shue, and what will be left
of you is nothing even worth mentioning.

Who are you trying to delude here?

You think those "clueless" won't even know the reality
of this stick trip of yours?
Because you "moderated" them out of existence
and brainwashed them to literal oblivion
with your nazi propaganda?


Yes, i can relate to that
in the extent that sick people of your kind
never can grasp the reality of who they are
and what is their real worth. That is why it is sickness,
and not just some minor screw up,
which they do all day long,
just about every single day of their miserable lives,
which is why they crave to be DA "rulers"
of big-sucking-8 on the first place?

Is it too complicated for your puppet mind,
brainwashed to literal oblivion?

What is so difficult to grasp here?
Little Redneck
2007-03-28 03:11:47 UTC
On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 15:31:27 -0600, Dave Balderstone
Can you please cite where in the Beight's rules a formal proposal is
required before you can vote?

But according to your voting rules,
What "rules"?
Are you out of yer mind?
a board member
Member means dick, that lil thingy
hanging between yer leggies,
if you have any.
may ask for a vote
There are no votes here, mr. clueless.
What they call "votes" are not votes by ANY standard.

This bamby clique is just a bunch of nazi puppets
and assorted wannabies.

Just about ALL they do is to make these sucking sounds
telling all the cluless like yourself
that they are something real.

But the real masta of dizasta is that crawling worm
(not to insult the worms, as even they contribute
more to the life force than all these jacks combined),
Russ Allbery, calling himself an eagle,
thus insulting about the most important symbol
of his land, the symbol of freedom.

That nazi is so sub-idiotic and so perverted that
he even have guts to call himself an EAGLE!

This sickness is well beyond the obscene.

Ok, and then?
at any time (the proponent doesn't have to request a vote).
What "request"?
What "vote"?

All this crap is nothing but a puppet show
to play with the puppets of your kind.

The news admins are laughing their sorry arses off
reading all this crap, as they know all too well,
WHO counts in this game, and that is THEMSELVES.

All these puppets
with a plastic smile
frozen in their sucky input holes,
are just that,
the puppets.

In a shadow theatre...

Where is that sucky herr fuehrer Russ Allbery?

Oh, he's gonna hide behind those bushes and woods?

Does that slimebag have ANY guts?

Or shall we write a few emails to Stanford
and blast his sorry tootoo to pieces?
nothing there that says a formal proposal
What "formal" proposal, you lunatic?

Can you have a "formal" proposal
to the criminals?

These are just a bunch of criminals.
They have never been elected via democratic process
even though these sick, power hungry megalomaniacs
enjoy the benefits of democracy,
and, being utterly idiotic,
for some strange reason
can not comprehend the simpliest idea of all,

Democracy applies to usenet just as well.

And so they came here, in their never ending thirst
for "power", just because they are nothing but a bunch
of miserable sickos that never experienced true joy
in life via creative process,
and tried to extract the perverted "joy"
of sadistic nature out of torturing clueless
of your kind.

That is just about ALL there is to it.

Ok, fine, and then?
must be posted before that
We used the voting rules
What "voting rules", you funky cockroach?

Have you read the REAL rules - New World Order Guidelines... ?

What AUTHOURITY, you bunch of sickos
can POSSIBLY have
to create ANY rules on usenet?
to produce other rules,
Yep, that is how ALL the nazis operate.
They use the previous nazi's "rules".
Then twist them to fit their neo-nazi agenda,
and then refer to them
like it is all nothing less than a word of God,
and blame all their sadistic trips
on those very "rules"
they themselves created.

Can't you see this simpliest thing under the Sun?
them the description of the newsgroup creation process
Funk your "newsgroup creation process".
And funk your clique of totalitarian biorobots.

In not too distance of a future,
what will be left of you
isn't even worth mentioning.

Just about the only thing left
would be those archives,
filled with your nazi mouth foaming blabber.

For all those 5 year olds
that come after you
to read all those delusions
and get amuzed by how funked up
the mankind can get.

published on the page indicated above.
Well, i can give you a reference on something published
that'll blast your sorry tootoo to dust.

Git it?
Look, farty.
What are you trying to make of yourselves here?

How long can you delude the people for,
you criminally minded, power hungry clique of megalomaniacs,
sick to the point of no return?

What is your REAL contribution to big-8
and usenet as such?

Do you think your puppet minds can produce
new dictates that are any better than dictates
by the PREVIOUS fuehers and virtual "tzars"?

Why do you need to insult herr fuehrer Russ
by trying to overwrite his own version of the Universe?

You see, he may get pissed with you, cockoraches,
and smash you with his shue, and what will be left
of you is nothing even worth mentioning.

Who are you trying to delude here?

You think those "clueless" won't even know the reality
of this stick trip of yours?
Because you "moderated" them out of existence
and brainwashed them to literal oblivion
with your nazi propaganda?


Yes, i can relate to that
in the extent that sick people of your kind
never can grasp the reality of who they are
and what is their real worth. That is why it is sickness,
and not just some minor screw up,
which they do all day long,
just about every single day of their miserable lives,
which is why they crave to be DA "rulers"
of big-sucking-8 on the first place?

Is it too complicated for your puppet mind,
brainwashed to literal oblivion?

What is so difficult to grasp here?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Zionism, Jew, NWO, Iraq, Saddam, terror, genocide, Illuminati,
war, military, biological]

"I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq."

--- Deputy Offense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz,
