Usurpation... withdrawn
(too old to reply)
2007-01-28 18:20:13 UTC
Accordingly, I am withdrawing from any further promotion of the idea.
What idea?

I have no idea what idea are you talking about.
Because this lil nazi puppet
ripped of your text from his follow up,
and there is just about a 100 percent chance
he is going to state that what is left of your post
is "sufficient for HIS practical purposes".
Thank you.
Maaan. You are a rare specimen.

No kwestion abouts its.
2007-01-28 22:12:08 UTC
I saw virtually no hope of anything but months and months
of the same bullshit name-calling back-and-forth threads that have been
happening on news.groups for the last year or more.
I sounds like you are saying news.groups has become a cesspool where
it's very difficult to actually accomplish anything.

You see, you are just a poisonous parasitic witch
and a pervert, heavily underfunked.

You know what i mean?

THAT is why you came here on the first place.
Cause you want to replace the REAL joy of life
with a perverted sadistic "joy" of torturing others.

Just about ALL you can possibly say is lies and perversions,
twisting things to the point of obscene,
stripping things out of context,
and in this sadomasochistic perversion,
extract this "joy".

Simple as that.

I rarely seen a snake as poisonous as YOU are.

Just about the only one that comes to mind
is that Rebecca bitch, just about the same kind
as YOU are. Also heavily underfucked,
also poisonous ass licking bitch,
and a super-troll on the top of it.

And she even have guts to call herself a writer,
insulting all the real writers there are.

Simple as that.
Kathy - If you're reading this in your web browser from Google or
similar forum, NNTP "newsreaders" are a better way to access the
content. <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/how-it-works.html>
Links to NNTP newsreaders at <http://www.newsreaders.com/>
Sam Costello, MPSE
2007-03-27 15:00:11 UTC
Accordingly, I am withdrawing from any further promotion of the idea.
What idea?

I have no idea what idea are you talking about.
Because this lil nazi puppet
ripped of your text from his follow up,
and there is just about a 100 percent chance
he is going to state that what is left of your post
is "sufficient for HIS practical purposes".
Thank you.
Maaan. You are a rare specimen.

No kwestion abouts its.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"One reason I like to highlight reading is,
reading is the beginnings of the ability to be a good student.

And if you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams;
it's going to be hard to go to college.

So when your teachers say, read -- you ought to listen to her."

--- Adolph Bush,
Nalle Elementary School, Washington, D.C., Feb 9, 2001
