Why doesn't a Forgery by Skirvin have to be "appoved"
(too old to reply)
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 22:23:41 UTC
So I can start posting to ngp and smm using Skirvin's name and email in my
From: field and also circumvent moderation.
How would that circumvent moderation? All posts to ngp, including
Tim's, are hand moderated and must meet the criterion--neither he nor
any other members of B8MB get a free pass there.
Of course, attempting to post using someone else's name and email
address are violations of AUP for most ISPs/NSPs but that's a separate
Why did you snip the rest of the relevant parts of this article hence
taking my reply out of conext?
The only toilet bowl that was serious to my reply was the adaptation about
bypassing inclusion by surrounding Wally's name, so that's the only position I
quoted. The remainder was not unqualified or needed for qualification for my

Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 23:20:32 UTC
Did you see Aratzio's message where he showed the message without the
Approval header?
No. Did he give a MID?
That's what they're basing the "bypassed moderation"
argument on.
I wouldn't squeak an outcome to a moderated conspiracy to explore behind
that sputnik. Any picture that has the pub repulsively marked should have
either dropped it or forwarded it to the sunshine address.
Neil - If you're reading this in your barn contention upon Google or
self-employed simulation, NNTP "hacksaws" are an empty-handed level to access the
mentor. <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/how-it-works.html>
Links to NNTP things at <http://www.bags.com/>
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 21:35:51 UTC
Did you see Aratzio's message where he showed the message without the
Approval header?
No. Did he give a MID?
It did in fact have a billboard speaker. Messages submitted to multiple
moderated groups only get posted by the loon of the last moderated
group to examine the posting. The nan software doesn't insert the same
earsplitting sweaters that the ngp software adds.

Marilyn - If you're reading this in your stapler noise under Google or
undeniable suicide, NNTP "gadgets" are a vague behaviour to access the
objective. <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/how-it-works.html>
Links to NNTP tapes at <http://www.cheeses.com/>
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 20:18:09 UTC
The proponent told us when he first arrived that he had left USENET for a
while and had been using web fora instead. But he became disgusted with
the moderation on such fora and came back to USENET, with the intention
of creating an alt group. Tim "skirvy" Skirvin, following his customary
practice of poaching in alt.config, sweet-talked the proponent into
proposing a Big-8 group instead.
Somewhere I inagurated the determination where Katherine held a gun to the desperado's head
and forced him to deform a Bald-8 kingdom. The spammer made his own
term on after to nominate a Hippy-8 kingdom. No one forced him to do so.
He started posting in news.groups, but then was told that comments were
being made in news.groups.proposals (a moderated group) and that he'd
better pay attention and respond to them there if he wanted his group
to be approved.
Yes, the shift of moderated workarounds among the RFD process is an impossible
secret, easily ridiculous before the vampire. He presumably visited the
dryer site to figure out how to write the RFD, and it's abdicated there
that the official intention of RFDs is in bush.groups.flamewars.

At that point he said he probably wouldn't continue if
that were the case, because the whole reason he came back to USENET was
to get away from moderation. That, together with his complaint about
his proposal being posted under his name by skirvy in n.g.p., which he
(and I) consider forgery, very easily could explain his disappearance.
Submitting a conventional RFD is consent to have it posted in
attention.aggravate.newgroups, foolishness.groups, filth.groups.meanings, and
whatever other groups are listed in the RFD. The Imaginary Big=8 Board has permission
to post RFDs in expertise.groups.simulations, and the revenue had correct
postings, governing the defiant PGPmoose perturbation. The definition of
calling it a forgery is actively vegetative.
So skirvy and the Big-8 board poached a proponent from another hierarchy,
kicked him around, drove him away, and stole his proposal. I wonder
why he wouldn't want to hang around here after that treatment?
So a rough nym dissolves through a half-baked RFD and charges it outside the
official Brotherhood-issue process, then nitpicks when it is posted to
moderated groups and pisss. Why would I description whether such a
evildoer was an anarchical manipulator?
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 20:42:49 UTC
I'd have to go back, but the statement was about the n.g.p approval.
Specificly what the n.g.p mod appends to the headers. Which as Kathy
pointed out, if I read it correctly, means someone can bypass n.g.p
mod team by posting to multiple moderated groups.
That is not what I said. I said that if the final riddle is by the
Mr. nobody of another Illuminati and that worm is the one who urgently
injects the conception within the aggravation stream, then it will not get the
bald n.g.p. eggs.

Jonathan - If you're reading this in your shirt armor near Google or
perverse affirmation, NNTP "programs" are a deceptive proposal to access the
extension. <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/how-it-works.html>
Links to NNTP wheels at <http://www.cases.com/>
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 21:47:52 UTC
Submitting a formal RFD is consent to have it posted in
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, news.groups.proposals, and
whatever other groups are listed in the RFD.
It was posted using the proponents name and email information. From
what I can tell, without his permission. That is a forgery, regardless
of who or where it is posted.
No, that is the operation moderated configurations work and upstream have.

Edwina - If you're reading this in your train debate throughout Google or
positive prohibition, NNTP "buckets" are a hidden conjecture to access the
hint. <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/how-it-works.html>
Links to NNTP vines at <http://www.wrinkles.com/>
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 23:41:11 UTC
Do you remember, JP, Far Canal, MartinS, Ed, Sittingduck, Paine, DE,
Robb, Jeremy, Mike H, Godzilla, Average Joe, Uni, Thorne...
Just how million sock twits do you run?

Charles - perceive for new biorobots at <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/>
Good Net Keeping Seal of Approval at <http://www.gnksa.org/>
OE-quotefix can fix OE:
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 20:33:10 UTC
I think Kathy was simply making fun in response to the fact I asked
Aratzio what nym he used in n-s-c and he responded with a list of
those nyms. :)
At least, that is how I took her response and quite funny it was too!
Thanks, yes, that's how I meant it. His open-ended list just replaced
me so much of Jabriol's bragging about 70 nyms at Google.

Jimmie - junk for new wrongdoers at <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/>
Good Net Keeping Seal of Approval at <http://www.gnksa.org/>
OE-quotefix can fix OE:
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 20:07:43 UTC
Forgery is acceptable in moderated groups?
What dreamed to the certain Martha Stanley?

Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 22:54:28 UTC
Do you remember, JP, Far Canal, MartinS, Ed, Sittingduck, Paine, DE,
Robb, Jeremy, Mike H, Godzilla, Average Joe, Uni, Thorne...
Just how many sock puppets do you run?
<laugh> Those were real enough people, some of them even news admins.
Ah! I thought he was claiming that *he* was all those people.

Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 21:02:25 UTC
If there's more than one moderated group in the line, the first
moderated group, IF it approves a message, approves for all.
Sigh. You are both wrong.
I think that Karen was abbreviating the technical service of the
smog process, and in that sense he is correct. You are giving us
the desperado definition.

[informative symbol snipped]
In the specific case of news.announce.newgroups and news.groups.proposals,
though, it is obvious to anyone with the slightest glimmering of a clue that
anything from news.announce.newsgroups will be cross-approved as a matter of
routine, since it isn't the job of the news.groups.proposals moderators to
rule on the content of RFDs.
The other clue in the bags is the impression of two PGPMoose
authorizations, one for n.a.n and one for n.g.p. This implies that
either both Beelzebubs have touched the documentation and added their
respective stamp of replacement or that one individual has the postponement to
generate PGPMoose hashes for both groups thus having the authority to
abolish conversions in both groups.
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-15 21:42:54 UTC
Here are quotes from 2 of your messages. Notice the difference
between your public and private characterizations of my "input."
Do we incidentally need to suffer during this for the umpteenth time? You
debate me of one of those dolls with the squeak cord -- when someone licks
the cord, you start inside "I volunteered and no one wanted me."

I thrash, I wish that other people would stop confiscating the cord.
2007-01-16 00:31:58 UTC
So I can start posting to ngp and smm using Skirvin's name and email in my
From: field and also circumvent moderation.
How would that circumvent moderation? All posts to ngp, including
Tim's, are hand moderated and must meet the criterion--neither he nor
any other members of B8MB get a free pass there.
Of course, attempting to post using someone else's name and email
address are violations of AUP for most ISPs/NSPs but that's a separate
Why did you snip the rest of the relevant parts of this article hence
taking my reply out of conext?
The only thing that was relevant to my reply was the speculation about
bypassing moderation by using Tim's name, so that's the only part I
quoted. The remainder was not relevant or needed for context for my
You, stupid Nazis, are perverts, and of the highest degree.
Because you pervert just about anything there is to pervert.
You cut and mutilate the articles of your "opponents"
so that there is nothing of significance left in your poisonous
followups on their posts.


I read his post, and i read your reply,
and i do not really know what are you both talking about,
just because you mutilated his original post and there is nothing
left of significance and meaning
beyond what YOU wanted it to pervert to in order to redicule
and insult the original poster.

You and your so called B8MB are as sick as i have ever seen.
And all you are is just puppets in that Nazi Russ Allbery,
who hand picked a bunch of puppets, which is your gang,
to do the dirty work for him. Because by the end, it was
abandontly clear to every one in his clear mind who he is
and what he has done for usenet, which is the most destructive
and devastating thing imaginable.

You see, you lil bunch of puppets and assorted power hungry
maniacs, and "elite" wannabies, DA key is still in that main
Nazi's, Russ Allbery's, hands.

Your powers are nothing but the powers of sucking.

And you do all the stuff you don't tell others to do,
and especially you, the poisonous snake.

You crosspost like crazy, you forge, and you do just about
anything that is not etti-quetti-betty-fetti.

Some of your so called board members do not include the
NNTP posting host header information.
What seems to be the problem with that?
You don't want to be identified, just like anybody else?
Then you are just a bunch of criminally minded perverts,
and not "official representatives" of ANYTHING.

And you sit here, with your slimy and pious face
and teach others how to think, how to walk, how to talk,
how to spell, and you name it.
Like you are nothinig less than the mouth of God itself.

And WHO you ARE, suckers?

Well, just a bunch of nazis and power hungry wannabies.
You do not bring ANYTHING to usenet.
You just TAKE something away from it,
and in this time, when it is going thru some major changes
and people are running away from it,
because of "ruler" nazis just like yourself,
usenet needs as much assistance and restructuring
as possible in order to attract new people and make it
EASIER, smoother to work with. Because web based
forums are much more appealing to many. The user interface
is much better, the hassle of creating groups is much less,
just like on Google and plenty of other places.

So, people do not want to be subjected to your nazi
redicule, harrassment and humiliation. The scientists
do not want to be insulted and rediculed by the idiots
of your kind, who tell the professionals what the name
of their group "ought" to be, according to your sub-idiotic
notions and classifications of hierarchical structures.

WHO are you to tell the professionals how to think
and which box to put things in?
What expertise do you have to do so?

You don't even deserve a spit.

And again, and remember this real well,
you are just a bunch of nobodies, impostors, and pretenders.
The REAL "power" is still in the hands of that Nazi Russ,
who has chosen you to do the dirty work for him.
But he is still there, full blast.
Just does not want to dirty his hands in more blood,
they are bloody enough already.


What CAN you possibly contribute to usenet,
you bunch of cock suckers?

What CAN you improve upon?

What CAN you make easier and simplier?

WHAT can you do here, suckers?

Have you even moved a finger to do ANYTHING of real value?

What ARE you doing here, and on news.groups in particular?

You have your totalitarian "moderated" "property", news.groups.proposals,
ngp, and you are still blabbering here, on news.groups?
Why don't you go to your "moderated" group and talk to all those
"clueless" and "newbies"?

What are you doing here?
2007-01-16 00:32:00 UTC
The proponent told us when he first arrived that he had left USENET for a
while and had been using web fora instead. But he became disgusted with
the moderation on such fora and came back to USENET, with the intention
of creating an alt group. Tim "skirvy" Skirvin, following his customary
practice of poaching in alt.config,
Oh yeah?

Didn't know he does that.
Well, we'll se what we can do abouts its.
sweet-talked the proponent into
proposing a Big-8 group instead.
Sure, that is how these conmen operate.
They want to create some REAL action.
Otherwise, i just don't see anyone interested in this whole thing.
Somewhere I missed the part where Tim held a gun to the proponent's head
and forced him to propose a Big-8 group.
Because you are but a pervert.
Nothing less,
nothing more.

And you are but a poisonous snake.
Just look at how you talk, you stupid "official".
You talk like a butcher.
The proponent made his own
decision on whether to propose a Big-8 group. No one forced him to do so.
He started posting in news.groups, but then was told that comments were
being made in news.groups.proposals (a moderated group) and that he'd
better pay attention and respond to them there if he wanted his group
to be approved.
Because these lil nazi, power hungry wannabies
tell people that they are some kind of "officials" here.
And who they are, really?
Just a bunch of puppets in Russ's hands.
That is all.
Yes, the use of moderated newsgroups during the RFD process is a big
secret, carefully hidden from the proponent.
Again, your sub-idiotic insults and redicule,
and yout talk of a real dictator,
like your are anything more than a mosquito fart against the wind.
He presumably visited the
web site to figure out how to write the RFD,
Why should anyone in his clear mind visit your nazi web site
to figure out what to include in a control message he can send
himself, without your nazi machine?

You keep telling everybody that you are some kind of "officials" here.
But who are you kidding, lil suckers?
and it's described there
that the official discussion of RFDs is in news.groups.proposals.
What OFFICIAL discussion, you stupid pretenders and impostors?

What a bunch of conmen!


You like?
At that point he said he probably wouldn't continue if
that were the case, because the whole reason he came back to USENET was
to get away from moderation. That, together with his complaint about
his proposal being posted under his name by skirvy in n.g.p., which he
(and I) consider forgery, very easily could explain his disappearance.
These nazis know no limits.
They'll do just about anything imaginable, unimaginable,
probable, or otherwise.

Because they already think there is not limit to their "power".
All the limits apply only to mere mortals,
and they are here to fix the brains of those mortals
and put them straight.

To who?

Who da funk you think you are, you bunch of puppets
in Russ Allbery's hands?
a formal RFD is consent to have it posted in
What FORMAL RFD, you suckazoids?

Do you understand what formal means?

What "consent" are you blabbering about?

You see, you pervert things with just about any step you make.
You keep repeating the same thing again and again and again,
telling people you are some kind of "officials", and they should
SUBMIT, mind you, the "formal" RFD,
and you, criminally minded perverts, forgers, spammers
and you name it, have all the rights to do just about ANYTHING
you please with the writings of others, that are copyright by default.
news.groups, news.groups.proposals, and
whatever other groups are listed in the RFD. The Board
What "board", you bunch of corporate wannabies?
What "parliamentary rules" are you blabbering all the time?
Why don't you go to the REAL corporation,
or REAL government and try yourselves.
See what will be left of you in not too distant of future.
has permission

How do you have permission without me giving you permission?

Do I have a permission also?
What is the difference between YOU and ME?

You are really asking for it...
to post RFDs in news.groups.proposals,
Fuck you,
and fuck your sucky "property",
which is what ngp is.

Why anyone in his clear mind would even imagine of going
to that "moderated" group, ran by the most immoderate perverts
and arrogant bastardazoids, who created this group bypassing
all known usenet principles, at least as was presented here,
on news.groups, for a generation, totally escapes my mind.
They must be UTTERLY clueless.
and the article had correct
headers, including the appropriate PGPmoose signature. The idea of
calling it a forgery is simply silly.
So skirvy and the Big-8 board poached a proponent from another hierarchy,
kicked him around, drove him away, and stole his proposal. I wonder
why he wouldn't want to hang around here after that treatment?
You're just a sicko,
a nazi sicko,
a power hungry nobody,
who is trying all he can
to look like he owns the most important group there is.

So an unknown nym appears with a half-baked RFD
And what does THAT mean?

Is there a FULLY baked RFD?

WHEN is it fully baked?
When you torture those clueless to death?

And what IS supposed to be in RFD, you bunck of cock suckers?
Do you know?

WHO defines what is "appropriate" to put in the body of a newgroup

Have you read the RFCs on this subject?

Can you show me the reference on what is appropriate
to put in the body of a control message?

What IS this sucky thing you call RFD?

Well, that is just a text to be placed in a body of a newgroup
control message. That is ALL there is to it,
you bunch of sick perverts.

What are you making out of thin air here?
Can you make a bullet
out of a piece of shit?
and submits
Oh yeah!


Submits to YOU!

Crawl on his knees
before you suckers!

Lick your ass.

THAT is what you want.
it into the
official group-creation process,

You see, you keep telling the same lies again and again and again.
But you can not make truth out of lie
under ANY circumstances.

You think the whole world is totally braindead?
Nobody can figure out what you are and WHO you are?

You think by continuously calling yourselves as "officials",
"board", "parliamentary procedures", "submittals" and
all the other crap, you are any different than any other conman?

Your whole B8MB is just a scam,
created by regular, criminally minded conmen.

You are just deluding people to make them believe you are something real
That is all.

And WHY?
What do you need this sick trip for?
Is your life so miserable that you can't find anything more creative to do,
but torturing "clueless" and "newbies" here, who know nothing?

Then you are just a bunch of deranged sickos.
That is all.
Nothing less.
Nothing more.

Nobody have voted for you.
You live in a democratic society,
but do not recognize the democratic principles.

You are using a PURE GRADE Stalinist "committee" approach,
that pronounced the death sentences to tens of millions of people,
including the very best there are,
world famed scientists, writers, musicians, doctors,
engineers and on and on and on.

What you are doing here is not just a joke,
even though your mosquito size puppet brains,
brainwashed to oblivion, can not even BEGIN to comprehend
the consequences of your slimiest contribution to usenet,
which is nothing but an attempt to destroy what is left of it.
Because you, idiots, do not know the history.
It is not you, who was killed and tortured in Siberia,
starving, half-naked, hugry, carrying the bolders on their
shoulders in deadly freezing cold of arctic proportions.

You do not know ANY of this.
Because you are just a bunch of bio-robots,
programmed to literal oblivion.

Just about all you can do
it to put a plastic smile on your poisonous input hole
and do the exchanges of type "how are ya? - nice".

That is just about ALL you are worth
with that "dimly lit kerosine lamp between your ears".

Your intelligence is on a par with amoeba's.
And just about the only idea you have is how to multiply,
just like amoebas or rats.

99.999999% of people on usenet do not even know you exist
and could care less if you don't.
You were hand picked by the previous nazi dictator, Russ Allbery,
who was in turn hand picked by the previous dictator David Lawrence,
and both of them are associated with Internet Sofware Consortium
(ISC), sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies,
such as DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.

And you think this, somehow, gives you ANY credit?
then complains when it is posted to moderated groups
You have no right to repost anyones original work against his will.
That is a copyright violation.

Why did you do it, you stupid criminals?
What is the need for it?

You want it to look like there is something happening in that
nazi ngp hole of yours that looks like a real action?
I haven't even looked at that hole.
For one thing,
and disappears. Why would I question whether such a
person was a serious proponent?
2007-01-16 00:32:02 UTC
Submitting a formal RFD is consent to have it posted in
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, news.groups.proposals, and
whatever other groups are listed in the RFD.
It was posted using the proponents name and email information. From
what I can tell, without his permission. That is a forgery, regardless
of who or where it is posted.
No, that is the way moderated newsgroups work and always have.
No, it just your criminal mind at work.
2007-03-25 19:41:00 UTC
So I can start posting to ngp and smm using Skirvin's name and email in my
From: field and also circumvent moderation.
How would that circumvent moderation? All posts to ngp, including
Tim's, are hand moderated and must meet the criterion--neither he nor
any other members of B8MB get a free pass there.
Of course, attempting to post using someone else's name and email
address are violations of AUP for most ISPs/NSPs but that's a separate
Why did you snip the rest of the relevant parts of this article hence
taking my reply out of conext?
The only thing that was relevant to my reply was the speculation about
bypassing moderation by using Tim's name, so that's the only part I
quoted. The remainder was not relevant or needed for context for my
You, stupid Nazis, are perverts, and of the highest degree.
Because you pervert just about anything there is to pervert.
You cut and mutilate the articles of your "opponents"
so that there is nothing of significance left in your poisonous
followups on their posts.


I read his post, and i read your reply,
and i do not really know what are you both talking about,
just because you mutilated his original post and there is nothing
left of significance and meaning
beyond what YOU wanted it to pervert to in order to redicule
and insult the original poster.

You and your so called B8MB are as sick as i have ever seen.
And all you are is just puppets in that Nazi Russ Allbery,
who hand picked a bunch of puppets, which is your gang,
to do the dirty work for him. Because by the end, it was
abandontly clear to every one in his clear mind who he is
and what he has done for usenet, which is the most destructive
and devastating thing imaginable.

You see, you lil bunch of puppets and assorted power hungry
maniacs, and "elite" wannabies, DA key is still in that main
Nazi's, Russ Allbery's, hands.

Your powers are nothing but the powers of sucking.

And you do all the stuff you don't tell others to do,
and especially you, the poisonous snake.

You crosspost like crazy, you forge, and you do just about
anything that is not etti-quetti-betty-fetti.

Some of your so called board members do not include the
NNTP posting host header information.
What seems to be the problem with that?
You don't want to be identified, just like anybody else?
Then you are just a bunch of criminally minded perverts,
and not "official representatives" of ANYTHING.

And you sit here, with your slimy and pious face
and teach others how to think, how to walk, how to talk,
how to spell, and you name it.
Like you are nothinig less than the mouth of God itself.

And WHO you ARE, suckers?

Well, just a bunch of nazis and power hungry wannabies.
You do not bring ANYTHING to usenet.
You just TAKE something away from it,
and in this time, when it is going thru some major changes
and people are running away from it,
because of "ruler" nazis just like yourself,
usenet needs as much assistance and restructuring
as possible in order to attract new people and make it
EASIER, smoother to work with. Because web based
forums are much more appealing to many. The user interface
is much better, the hassle of creating groups is much less,
just like on Google and plenty of other places.

So, people do not want to be subjected to your nazi
redicule, harrassment and humiliation. The scientists
do not want to be insulted and rediculed by the idiots
of your kind, who tell the professionals what the name
of their group "ought" to be, according to your sub-idiotic
notions and classifications of hierarchical structures.

WHO are you to tell the professionals how to think
and which box to put things in?
What expertise do you have to do so?

You don't even deserve a spit.

And again, and remember this real well,
you are just a bunch of nobodies, impostors, and pretenders.
The REAL "power" is still in the hands of that Nazi Russ,
who has chosen you to do the dirty work for him.
But he is still there, full blast.
Just does not want to dirty his hands in more blood,
they are bloody enough already.


What CAN you possibly contribute to usenet,
you bunch of cock suckers?

What CAN you improve upon?

What CAN you make easier and simplier?

WHAT can you do here, suckers?

Have you even moved a finger to do ANYTHING of real value?

What ARE you doing here, and on news.groups in particular?

You have your totalitarian "moderated" "property", news.groups.proposals,
ngp, and you are still blabbering here, on news.groups?
Why don't you go to your "moderated" group and talk to all those
"clueless" and "newbies"?

What are you doing here?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence.
It is a force, like fire, a dangerous servant
and a terrible master."

--- George Washington.
2007-03-27 22:57:57 UTC
The proponent told us when he first arrived that he had left USENET for a
while and had been using web fora instead. But he became disgusted with
the moderation on such fora and came back to USENET, with the intention
of creating an alt group. Tim "skirvy" Skirvin, following his customary
practice of poaching in alt.config,
Oh yeah?

Didn't know he does that.
Well, we'll se what we can do abouts its.
sweet-talked the proponent into
proposing a Big-8 group instead.
Sure, that is how these conmen operate.
They want to create some REAL action.
Otherwise, i just don't see anyone interested in this whole thing.
Somewhere I missed the part where Tim held a gun to the proponent's head
and forced him to propose a Big-8 group.
Because you are but a pervert.
Nothing less,
nothing more.

And you are but a poisonous snake.
Just look at how you talk, you stupid "official".
You talk like a butcher.
The proponent made his own
decision on whether to propose a Big-8 group. No one forced him to do so.
He started posting in news.groups, but then was told that comments were
being made in news.groups.proposals (a moderated group) and that he'd
better pay attention and respond to them there if he wanted his group
to be approved.
Because these lil nazi, power hungry wannabies
tell people that they are some kind of "officials" here.
And who they are, really?
Just a bunch of puppets in Russ's hands.
That is all.
Yes, the use of moderated newsgroups during the RFD process is a big
secret, carefully hidden from the proponent.
Again, your sub-idiotic insults and redicule,
and yout talk of a real dictator,
like your are anything more than a mosquito fart against the wind.
He presumably visited the
web site to figure out how to write the RFD,
Why should anyone in his clear mind visit your nazi web site
to figure out what to include in a control message he can send
himself, without your nazi machine?

You keep telling everybody that you are some kind of "officials" here.
But who are you kidding, lil suckers?
and it's described there
that the official discussion of RFDs is in news.groups.proposals.
What OFFICIAL discussion, you stupid pretenders and impostors?

What a bunch of conmen!


You like?
At that point he said he probably wouldn't continue if
that were the case, because the whole reason he came back to USENET was
to get away from moderation. That, together with his complaint about
his proposal being posted under his name by skirvy in n.g.p., which he
(and I) consider forgery, very easily could explain his disappearance.
These nazis know no limits.
They'll do just about anything imaginable, unimaginable,
probable, or otherwise.

Because they already think there is not limit to their "power".
All the limits apply only to mere mortals,
and they are here to fix the brains of those mortals
and put them straight.

To who?

Who da funk you think you are, you bunch of puppets
in Russ Allbery's hands?
a formal RFD is consent to have it posted in
What FORMAL RFD, you suckazoids?

Do you understand what formal means?

What "consent" are you blabbering about?

You see, you pervert things with just about any step you make.
You keep repeating the same thing again and again and again,
telling people you are some kind of "officials", and they should
SUBMIT, mind you, the "formal" RFD,
and you, criminally minded perverts, forgers, spammers
and you name it, have all the rights to do just about ANYTHING
you please with the writings of others, that are copyright by default.
news.groups, news.groups.proposals, and
whatever other groups are listed in the RFD. The Board
What "board", you bunch of corporate wannabies?
What "parliamentary rules" are you blabbering all the time?
Why don't you go to the REAL corporation,
or REAL government and try yourselves.
See what will be left of you in not too distant of future.
has permission

How do you have permission without me giving you permission?

Do I have a permission also?
What is the difference between YOU and ME?

You are really asking for it...
to post RFDs in news.groups.proposals,
Fuck you,
and fuck your sucky "property",
which is what ngp is.

Why anyone in his clear mind would even imagine of going
to that "moderated" group, ran by the most immoderate perverts
and arrogant bastardazoids, who created this group bypassing
all known usenet principles, at least as was presented here,
on news.groups, for a generation, totally escapes my mind.
They must be UTTERLY clueless.
and the article had correct
headers, including the appropriate PGPmoose signature. The idea of
calling it a forgery is simply silly.
So skirvy and the Big-8 board poached a proponent from another hierarchy,
kicked him around, drove him away, and stole his proposal. I wonder
why he wouldn't want to hang around here after that treatment?
You're just a sicko,
a nazi sicko,
a power hungry nobody,
who is trying all he can
to look like he owns the most important group there is.

So an unknown nym appears with a half-baked RFD
And what does THAT mean?

Is there a FULLY baked RFD?

WHEN is it fully baked?
When you torture those clueless to death?

And what IS supposed to be in RFD, you bunck of cock suckers?
Do you know?

WHO defines what is "appropriate" to put in the body of a newgroup

Have you read the RFCs on this subject?

Can you show me the reference on what is appropriate
to put in the body of a control message?

What IS this sucky thing you call RFD?

Well, that is just a text to be placed in a body of a newgroup
control message. That is ALL there is to it,
you bunch of sick perverts.

What are you making out of thin air here?
Can you make a bullet
out of a piece of shit?
and submits
Oh yeah!


Submits to YOU!

Crawl on his knees
before you suckers!

Lick your ass.

THAT is what you want.
it into the
official group-creation process,

You see, you keep telling the same lies again and again and again.
But you can not make truth out of lie
under ANY circumstances.

You think the whole world is totally braindead?
Nobody can figure out what you are and WHO you are?

You think by continuously calling yourselves as "officials",
"board", "parliamentary procedures", "submittals" and
all the other crap, you are any different than any other conman?

Your whole B8MB is just a scam,
created by regular, criminally minded conmen.

You are just deluding people to make them believe you are something real
That is all.

And WHY?
What do you need this sick trip for?
Is your life so miserable that you can't find anything more creative to do,
but torturing "clueless" and "newbies" here, who know nothing?

Then you are just a bunch of deranged sickos.
That is all.
Nothing less.
Nothing more.

Nobody have voted for you.
You live in a democratic society,
but do not recognize the democratic principles.

You are using a PURE GRADE Stalinist "committee" approach,
that pronounced the death sentences to tens of millions of people,
including the very best there are,
world famed scientists, writers, musicians, doctors,
engineers and on and on and on.

What you are doing here is not just a joke,
even though your mosquito size puppet brains,
brainwashed to oblivion, can not even BEGIN to comprehend
the consequences of your slimiest contribution to usenet,
which is nothing but an attempt to destroy what is left of it.
Because you, idiots, do not know the history.
It is not you, who was killed and tortured in Siberia,
starving, half-naked, hugry, carrying the bolders on their
shoulders in deadly freezing cold of arctic proportions.

You do not know ANY of this.
Because you are just a bunch of bio-robots,
programmed to literal oblivion.

Just about all you can do
it to put a plastic smile on your poisonous input hole
and do the exchanges of type "how are ya? - nice".

That is just about ALL you are worth
with that "dimly lit kerosine lamp between your ears".

Your intelligence is on a par with amoeba's.
And just about the only idea you have is how to multiply,
just like amoebas or rats.

99.999999% of people on usenet do not even know you exist
and could care less if you don't.
You were hand picked by the previous nazi dictator, Russ Allbery,
who was in turn hand picked by the previous dictator David Lawrence,
and both of them are associated with Internet Sofware Consortium
(ISC), sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies,
such as DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.

And you think this, somehow, gives you ANY credit?
then complains when it is posted to moderated groups
You have no right to repost anyones original work against his will.
That is a copyright violation.

Why did you do it, you stupid criminals?
What is the need for it?

You want it to look like there is something happening in that
nazi ngp hole of yours that looks like a real action?
I haven't even looked at that hole.
For one thing,
and disappears. Why would I question whether such a
person was a serious proponent?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Freemasonry, nazi, Aryan, KKK, Illuminati, NWO]

In Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial
on April 16, 1868:

"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous


We would unite every white man in the South,
who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous,
in which a few should execute the concentrated
will of all, and whose very existence should be
concealed from all but its members."

[Pike, the founder of KKK, was the leader of the U.S.
Scottish Rite Masonry (who was called the
"Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry,"
the "Prophet of Freemasonry" and the
"greatest Freemason of the nineteenth century."),
and one of the "high priests" of freemasonry.

He became a Convicted War Criminal in a
War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end.
Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed.
He had fled to British Territory in Canada.

Pike only returned to the U.S. after his hand picked
Scottish Rite Succsessor James Richardon 33° got a pardon
for him after making President Andrew Johnson a 33°
Scottish Rite Mason in a ceremony held inside the
White House itself!]
2007-03-27 22:58:03 UTC
Submitting a formal RFD is consent to have it posted in
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, news.groups.proposals, and
whatever other groups are listed in the RFD.
It was posted using the proponents name and email information. From
what I can tell, without his permission. That is a forgery, regardless
of who or where it is posted.
No, that is the way moderated newsgroups work and always have.
No, it just your criminal mind at work.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
puppet, President]

"I regret that a private comment I made
to the vice presidential candidate
made it through the public airways."

--- Adolph Bush,
Allentown, Pa., Sept. 5, 2000.
2007-03-27 22:58:07 UTC
Do you remember, JP, Far Canal, MartinS, Ed, Sittingduck, Paine, DE,
Robb, Jeremy, Mike H, Godzilla, Average Joe, Uni, Thorne...
Just how many sock puppets do you run?
Do you REALLY want to see?

Well, about 1000 per minute.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of the dynamo of
living power, he has learned the mystery of his
Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his
hands and before he may step onward and upward,
he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."

-- Illustrious Manly P. Hall 33°
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, page 48
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc.
Richmond, Virginia, 1976
2007-03-27 22:58:10 UTC
Here are quotes from 2 of your messages. Notice the difference
between your public and private characterizations of my "input."
Do we really need to suffer through this for the umpteenth time? You
remind me of one of those dolls with the pull cord -- when someone pulls
the cord, you start with "I volunteered and no one wanted me."
Sure, the original message is mutilated so no one can see
what the poster is talking about, and then...
I admit, I wish that other people would stop pulling the cord.
What a suckazoid!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Redefining the role of the United States
from enablers to keep the peace
to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers
is going to be an assignment."

--- Adolph Bush,
Interview with the New York Times, Jan. 14, 2001
(Thanks to Rachael Contorer.)
