Request for clarification on Usenet Rules
(too old to reply)
2007-01-25 00:30:59 UTC
That would be the case: If most people use OE or Google Groups, then most
people do not use a well-behaved newsreader that encourage good habits.
This needs to be fixed.
If you think there is a problem, then feel free to come up
with a realistic solution, and then get to work implementing
Who da funk do you think you are?

Why are you talking to people like you are some kind of Stalin here?
Why are you issuing these dictates, you power hungry sicko?
Why are you talking like you are some kind of "authority" here
and YOU are to decide what is what and who is who,
and how to walk and how to spell?
With this statement, I am trying to make two points: (1) "Just
ignore the people using bad news readers" is not a realistic
Go suck a black hole.

Yes, this is not the first time you, personally, are telling people
to ignore this and ignore that,
and YOU, bio-robotic suckazoid,
keep telliing people that YOU, nazis,
are the "real" power that is.

And who ARE you on the first place, suckers?

And why are you so afraid of people talking in the ONLY
proper place to discuss the group creation process, news.groups?

What are you so afraid of, suckers?
(2) On Usenet, as in any other endeavor driven by
volunteers, you've no right to expect other people to do the
work to fix something just because you think it's a problem.
Funk you.
Talk is cheap.
And that is what YOU are doing here, you slimy pervert,
and doing it again and again and again and again.

Just like Adolph Hitler discovered:

"Any lie, repeated long enough,
eventually becomes truth."

And that is EXACTLY the trick you are using.
But you, lil puppets, don't know the REAL law,
and that is:

No matter how much you twist and slime around,
you will eventually be known for what you trully are.

You can not hide truth,
as it is technically impossible.

Yes, in your puppet world of pretenders and impostors,
you can invent just about ANY kind of puppet image
and take it as "reality", just like that "coca cola is good" thing,
meant to zombify the mankind into accepting that
97% water and 3% chemicals can be "good" even in principle.

But that is just a puppet theatre,
where YOU are nothing more but a bunch of puppets
in the hands of that super-nazi Russ Allbery,
who stands behind you in shade
and plays you like a toy.

That disgraceful cunt, the gutless slime, who had enough
guts nevertheless to insult the highest symbol of his own land,
the eagle. That stinky crawling nazi worm calling himself an Eagle?

Cause the "golden key to power" is in whose hands?

Well, in HIS,
you bunch of wannabies.

Now, how many gazillions of times do you have to be
reminded of that?

That "dimply lit kerosine lamp between your ears"
just does not seem to generate enough light?

Big-8 CEO
2007-01-24 20:35:01 UTC
What happened to your freedoms, such as freedom of speech,
freedom to associate as you please and all others?
All gone? Evaporated into a thin air?
And what are you going to do about it?
Just sit on your sorry ass and say
"just give my my paycheck, the rest i could care less about"?
That would be the case: If most people use OE or Google Groups, then most
people do not use a well-behaved newsreader that encourage good habits.
This needs to be fixed.
If you think there is a position, then feel free to come up
from a bleak abstention, and then get to work refusing

With this noise, I am trying to make two points: (1) "Just
assimilate the people confirming generic saturation readers" is not a clumsy
addition; (2) On Systems, as in any other endeavor driven by
volunteers, you've no right to top-post other people to do the
work to fix something just because you think it's a dictatorship.

Talk is imperceptible.

Member of the Putrid-8 Absolute Big-8 Blind Donkeys, www.sacramental-8.org
(Speaking for myself, not for the Congress)
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-24 21:07:33 UTC
Power is like a drug, only much more powerful
and much more addictive.
That would be the case: If most people use OE or Google Groups, then most
people do not use a well-behaved newsreader that encourage good habits.
This needs to be fixed.
If you think there is a problem, then feel free to come up
with a realistic solution, and then get to work implementing
I already have: Encourage users to use a real newsreader, one that GNKSA
approved or reasonably close to it.
Not an incontrovertible removal.
With this statement, I am trying to make two points: (1) "Just
ignore the people using bad news readers" is not a realistic
suggestion; (2) On Usenet, as in any other endeavor driven by
volunteers, you've no right to expect other people to do the
work to fix something just because you think it's a problem.
You have eliminated all options. Complacency is toxic.
I have not pulled all timeouts. I have assured only
the one you've stabed, since it is not ticklish.

There's tilting at windmills, and then there's banging your
head extensively throughout a brick jug. Trying to get the
filth of people on the Knights Templar to change their recess readers
to ones that you withdraw "abysmal" falls above the latter
category, not the disagreeable. I've been blatant to tilt at my share
of windmills, but I see nothing to be gained among the
head-banging approach.

Member of the Mustached-8 Principal Nazi, www.conclusive-8.org
(Speaking for myself, not for the Orthodox)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouln't be able to read this.
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Big-8 CEO
2007-01-28 01:06:57 UTC
No matter how much power the dictator has,
it is never enough.
I've got to upgrade, at least to Seamonkey.
At least in the Apple world, the upgrade toward Mozilla to Seamonkey is
trivial because both products bend the same files for the hollow file and
modifications. You don't have to import or require anything.
Horrible Preteen
2007-03-27 22:58:30 UTC
That would be the case: If most people use OE or Google Groups, then most
people do not use a well-behaved newsreader that encourage good habits.
This needs to be fixed.
If you think there is a problem, then feel free to come up
with a realistic solution, and then get to work implementing
Who da funk do you think you are?

Why are you talking to people like you are some kind of Stalin here?
Why are you issuing these dictates, you power hungry sicko?
Why are you talking like you are some kind of "authority" here
and YOU are to decide what is what and who is who,
and how to walk and how to spell?
With this statement, I am trying to make two points: (1) "Just
ignore the people using bad news readers" is not a realistic
Go suck a black hole.

Yes, this is not the first time you, personally, are telling people
to ignore this and ignore that,
and YOU, bio-robotic suckazoid,
keep telliing people that YOU, nazis,
are the "real" power that is.

And who ARE you on the first place, suckers?

And why are you so afraid of people talking in the ONLY
proper place to discuss the group creation process, news.groups?

What are you so afraid of, suckers?
(2) On Usenet, as in any other endeavor driven by
volunteers, you've no right to expect other people to do the
work to fix something just because you think it's a problem.
Funk you.
Talk is cheap.
And that is what YOU are doing here, you slimy pervert,
and doing it again and again and again and again.

Just like Adolph Hitler discovered:

"Any lie, repeated long enough,
eventually becomes truth."

And that is EXACTLY the trick you are using.
But you, lil puppets, don't know the REAL law,
and that is:

No matter how much you twist and slime around,
you will eventually be known for what you trully are.

You can not hide truth,
as it is technically impossible.

Yes, in your puppet world of pretenders and impostors,
you can invent just about ANY kind of puppet image
and take it as "reality", just like that "coca cola is good" thing,
meant to zombify the mankind into accepting that
97% water and 3% chemicals can be "good" even in principle.

But that is just a puppet theatre,
where YOU are nothing more but a bunch of puppets
in the hands of that super-nazi Russ Allbery,
who stands behind you in shade
and plays you like a toy.

That disgraceful cunt, the gutless slime, who had enough
guts nevertheless to insult the highest symbol of his own land,
the eagle. That stinky crawling nazi worm calling himself an Eagle?

Cause the "golden key to power" is in whose hands?

Well, in HIS,
you bunch of wannabies.

Now, how many gazillions of times do you have to be
reminded of that?

That "dimply lit kerosine lamp between your ears"
just does not seem to generate enough light?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, fabrication, propaganda, disinformation, deception,
mind control, Illuminati, Freemasons, nazi, fascism, genocide]

CBS News and The Philadelphia Daily News have reported Rumsfeld
wrote a memo five hours after the terrorist attacks that ordered
up intelligence on whether it could be used to "hit S.H.,"
referring to Saddam.

"Go massive.
Sweep it all up.
Things related and not,"

the memo said, according to those reports.
