SCJM Bias Censorship must end! WAS Re: Warsaw Ghetto
(too old to reply)
2009-02-12 22:10:22 UTC
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in > > selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? > Just curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting raw deal that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....At least we
are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Goldman personality on this
forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>

DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right! NY Jewish
History is part of World Jewish History & Culture. Ironically, had I
responded to your above off-topic post, my message would have been
rejected. This is called bias censorship! I do not have to curtail my
speech, because you or someone else happens to suffer from ultra-
sensitive frailties! Self-assured and knowing people do not kvetch
over the rightful praising of Jewish NY!

DoD, are you like Susan? The Big Macher who has card blanche (aka auto-
approval status), and can say and do as she pleases? Yet when I and
others label Henry Goodman & Harry Weiss as Thought Police, you run to
their defense? Until both imbeciles are removed, I refuse to post on
SCJM! One imbecile lost his mind when he shlepped out of Jewish NY
(largest, richest, most creative Jewish community in the world), and
the other is an anti-American insular Brit, who up until a year or so
ago, did not know what the First Amendment was! LOL! Remember, this is
not an isolated incidence. There is no human error when you
continually engage in bias censorship. As for Jewish NY?

Yes, in terms of "practical Jewish history" (aka "not staring at a
wailing wall" eh), Jewish NY leaves Israel in the dust! Always has,
always will! Jewish NY was the "first" thriving Jewish community that
was giving back to the world! This is a fact! We have more Jews for
any single city, more World Jewish Organizations, more opportunities
for Jews, more shuls, more Yeshivas, more Kosher eateries, more Jewish
museums, more Jewish events, more Jewish firsts (including the World's
First Jewish Music Awards at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and the
World's First Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights, Brooklyn),
and the most diverse Jewish community in the world. Had you lived
here, you would already know this! Once again, where else will you see
"Se Habla Yiddish" in a store window?ehee

DoD, I know you mean well, but you're a little too involved in what
"this one" says about "that one!" It borders on the bizarre!! -D, NYC
"For the past one hundred years, Jewish New York has grown into a
world center of Jewish life, Jewish thought, and Jewish power. New
York Jewry has fulfilled completely the mandate the Dutch West Indies
Company set out for Jews here 350 years ago: "not to become a
burden...but be supported by their own nation." New York now is a
leading voice of the Jewish international community" - LEADER OF WORLD
IRA WOLFMAN.."What's the First Amendment, does it have halachik
meaning, and in what way do we disregard it?" - HENRY GOODMAN
(clueless Brit/head moderator, SCJM).."FWIW the statistics for you are
1116 accepted 117 rejected. This is a rejection rate of 9.49%. While
higher than most it is hardly huge. There are posters, whom I am not
prepared to name, with higher rates." LOL! (HENRY GOODMAN responding
to a user who asked why he was not auto-approved).."It is sad that
some of you come from totalitarian regimes and do not understand the
concepts of freedom of speech and think it only applies to those you
agree with" - HARRY WEISS (co-moderator, 'King of self-
contradiction').."The Jews of New York City today make up the largest,
richest, most creative Jewish community in the world. Yet little more
than a hundred years ago, most of them were desperately poor, living
in teeming immigrant neighborhoods. How these Jews - through struggle,
education, and determination - transformed themselves and their city
is a great American success story. Jewish New Yorkers powered major
city businesses such as the garment and media industries, reinvented
Broadway theatre, and helped invent the modern labor movement. They
also won Nobel Prizes and introduced the United States to such
delights as pastrami, Egg Creams, and an intimitable form of Jewish
Arab-Israeli war, which preceded by weeks of international tension,
which really demonstrated the depth of New York Jewry's support for
the state of Israel. In a matter of a few weeks, the city's Jewish
community raised $72 million. Six years later, in response to the 1973
Israel-Arab war, the donations topped $100 million. In today's world,
in which an independent but still threatened Jewish state exists, New
York Jews know full well that their attention to the needs of World
Jewry is incredibly important. Beyond that is the community's keen
awareness that Jews the world over are linked, and that living in the
freest, most affluent Jewish society in the world does release them
from responsibility for their brothers and sisters" - LIONS & LAMBS
UNITE TO AID THE SHTETL, IBID.."New York City has for several
centuries offered a promise to the destitute and downtrodden of the
world: venture here and you too can earn a living in our highy
competitive, intensely commercial metropolis. Millions of Jews took
that challenge, found success, and along the way attempted almost
every occupation imaginable" - GOTTA EARN A DOLLAR, IBID.."Imagine,
then, that until 1825, the only synagogue in all of New York City was
Shearith Israel, the "Spanish and Portuguese congregation" that began
in 1654 with those twenty-three refugees from South America. Though
Director-General Stuyvesant begrudgingly allowed them to stay, he
forbade the Jews to pray in public, insisting that they congregate in
private home for religious worship and ceremonies. However, the
English conquered New Amsterdam (aka NY) soon afterwards, and New York
map of 1695, already included a notation for a "Jews Synagogue" -
SYNAGOGUES & CELEBRATIONS: The Place Of Prayer in New York, IBID.."New
York City offers something for every type and facet of Jewish
religious life. Unique places of worship in the city cater to Jews of
diverse national origins, linguistic traditions, styles of worship,
philosophical affiliations, and even professions. A sampling of
synagogues in Manhattan includes: Millinery Center synagogue,
Garment Center congregation, Actors Temple, Fur Center synagogue, Gay
and Lesbian synagogue, Romaniote (Greek-speakers) synagogue, Romanian-
Americans congregation, Austrian Shul, Sephardic (Levantine/Middle
Eastern) synagogue, Sephardic (Spanish & Portuguese) synagogue,
African-Hebrew congregation, Congregation for Humanistic Judaism,
Temple of Universal Judaism, Reconstructionist Society for the
Advancement of Judaism, Jewish Continuity Center Congregations of Jews
from Bialystok, Lisk, and many other towns and shtetlach" - SYNAGOGUES
& CELEBRATIONS: The Place of Prayer in New York, IBID.."At the same
time that 350,000 Jews were crammed into the bustling Lower East Side,
other "Israelites" were living a life of luxury. Only six miles north
of Hester Street, Fifth Avenue had, by the 1890s, become a
neighborhood of the fabulously wealthy, and New York's German Jewish
families were among them. The Warburgs, Kahns, Lehmanns, Guggenheims,
Schiffs, Seligmans, Strauses, and Bloomingdales had made their money
in the garment trade, financial world, department stores, cigar
business, and shipping industry. With their wealth, they built lavish
homes close to those of America's superrich, such as Carnegie and
Frick" - UPTOWN JEWS: RICH ON FIFTH AVENUE, IBID.."The extraordinary
European Jews who emigrated to New York were enriching the city's
intellectual life with an intensity that has probably never been
equaled anywhere during a comparable period of time. I was raised
largely by these Jews... They were my teachers; they were my
employers; they were my friends. They introduced me to a world of
books and ideas that I didn't know existed" - MARLON BRANDO, excerpt
from "Songs My Mother Taught Me")
http://tinyurl.com/ytylqx (New York Jewish History)
http://tinyurl.com/3yydhb (Brach's - America's Largest Kosher
Supermarket, NY)
http://www.abigaels.com (Abigael's on Broadway - World's largest
Kosher restaurant)
http://tinyurl.com/ysfgtl (Temple Emanu-El, NYC - World's Largest
http://tinyurl.com/26fdnj (US Study - Jews Richer Because Of
http://tinyurl.com/2v6n4j (ABC NEWS: Manhattan: Where the rich are
filthy rich)
http://tinyurl.com/nqp8w (Forbes: Most Expensive Zip Codes: #1 -
11962, Sagaponack, NY - Hamptons; NY - NY State & NYC appear 20+ more
http://tinyurl.com/2n8e5h (CNN Money: World's most expensive cities,
2007, NYC #15 (down from 10)
http://tinyurl.com/pyz6a (Top 10 Places To Live & Work For Those Under
35 - NY, NY)
http://tinyurl.com/qs7la (World's Most Expensive Hotel Suites - #1 -
Plaza Hotel, NY, NY)
http://tinyurl.com/7hexr (Best States For Raising Healthy Kids: #2 -
http://tinyurl.com/3nyhl (America's 5 Most/Least Expensive Cities To
Live In: #1 - NYC - most expensive)
http://tinyurl.com/3c6kk (Top 10 Places America Goes To Have Fun - #3
Times Square)
http://tinyurl.com/234vsm (NYC - safest, largest city in the US)
http://tinyurl.com/46f53 (NY, NY - Capital Of The World)
http://tinyurl.com/2tjcgw (A Study In Differences - Are Jews Smarter?
By Richard Cohen, Washington Post)
http://tinyurl.com/38m6o (Jewish population of the US by State)
http://tinyurl.com/666cx (Jewish population of the World)
http://tinyurl.com/68ttu (Jewish Nobel Prizes)
http://tinyurl.com/6qb5e (Is It True - Do Jews Win More Nobel Prizes
than anyone else?)
http://tinyurl.com/4cz9j (Tel-Aviv - Top 10 High-Tech Cities In The
http://tinyurl.com/6exvb (Phenomenon Of The Jews)
http://tinyurl.com/ihif (Jews, IQs & Nobel Laureates)
http://tinyurl.com/9oea7 (Do Jews Run Hollywood!? You Bet They do, and
what of it?" by sweet Ben Stein)
2009-02-12 22:18:09 UTC
Post by Darrin
In article
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in > > selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? > Just curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting raw deal that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....At least we
are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Goldman personality on this
forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right!
What the hell? I haven't seen a post of yours or commented on it for a long
time... If you want to kvell New York, that is your business. You could
kvell Chicago or L.A. for all I care. I am not the one who let's posts in or
denies them. The mods have always been fair to me, I have no idea about
2009-02-13 14:27:29 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by Darrin
In article
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in >
selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? >
curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting raw deal
Darrin would have a hissy fit over not being able to peddle
his weird views of what constitutes Jewishness in a JEWISH
Post by DoD
Post by Darrin
that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....
& Henry is smart enough to know what is allows in SCJM & what isn't.
Post by DoD
Post by Darrin
At least we
are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Goldman personality on this
forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right!
But not where it's off-topic, moron!

(DoD - Darrin goes out of his way not to udnerstand
anything that gets in the way of his own weird bias)
Post by DoD
What the hell? I haven't seen a post of yours or commented on it for a long
time... If you want to kvell New York, that is your business. You could
kvell Chicago or L.A. for all I care. I am not the one who let's posts in or
denies them. The mods have always been fair to me, I have no idea about
They are fair - he's just whining.

Eli Grubman
2009-02-13 15:28:58 UTC
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by Darrin
In article
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in >
selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? >
curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting raw deal
Darrin would have a hissy fit over not being able to peddle
his weird views of what constitutes Jewishness in a JEWISH
And this from a th*ck Ir*sh cunt pretending to be a jew!
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by Darrin
that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....
& Henry is smart enough to know what is allows (sic) in SCJM & what isn't.
Why are th*ck Ir*sh cunts like you allows (sic) in the moderated
jewsgroup, KKKohen?

Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL
2009-02-13 16:14:30 UTC
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 10:28:58 -0500, Eli Grubman, the mental, emotional and
Post by Eli Grubman
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by Darrin
In article
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in >
selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? >
curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting raw deal
Darrin would have a hissy fit over not being able to peddle
his weird views of what constitutes Jewishness in a JEWISH
And this from a th*ck Ir*sh cunt pretending to be a jew!
Obviously she is Jewish, poor psychopathic swine Grabmen. There's nothing
you can do about it, except make an ass of yourself, time and again.
Post by Eli Grubman
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by Darrin
that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....
& Henry is smart enough to know what is allows (sic) in SCJM & what isn't.
Why are th*ck Ir*sh cunts like you allows (sic) in the moderated
jewsgroup, KKKohen?
Guess why, poor psychopathic swine Grabmen! <BG>

Doctor Panta
Everyone check this: psychopath Grabmen glued to his computer today as from
03:54 a.m. again (MID: <***@4ax.com>).
Watch the poor psycho with no life AT ALL making a complete ass of himself,
AGAIN, for the next EIGHTEEN to TWENTY HOURS (and more) at a stretch!
2009-02-13 20:14:58 UTC
that Henry is not> > > letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....> & Henry is smart enough to know what is allows in SCJM & what isn't.> > > >At least we> > > are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Goldman personality on this> > > forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First> > > Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to> > > kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right!>
But not where it's off-topic, moron!>
Yes, speaking about blood sugar levels and used cars should be off-
topic, yet YOU are allowed to speak of those very things! DOH!
Discussing Jewish NY should NOT be off-topic, yet it is! This is
called discriminatory censorship, dunderhead Susan! You do not tell me
what I can or cannot speak about in the realm of Jewish NY. This is
called censorship, dunderhead Susan! You can now remove thy shnoz from
thy moderator's tuchises! LOL! -D, NYC "Something about New York..has
given rise to a pluralism within Jewish life that never existed...a
certain spirit of American live-and-let live..pragmatism..has made it
possible for all kinds of Jews to live together not only in one city
but in one community" - RABBI ARTHUR HERTZBERG.."In 1926, this NYC
landmark hotel became the first Jewish hotel in the US" - LIBBY'S
HOTEL & BATHS.."There are many Jews settled in New York...they have
asynagogue and houses...they enjoy all the privileges common to other
inhabitants of this town" - PETER KALM, a Swedish visitor,
1748.."Currently, one million Jews live in NYC, in the 1950s, the
community reached two million. Those numbers make NY the largest
Jewish urban community in history. But Jewish New York is not only
enormous, it is also enormously complex. The substantial size of New
York's Jewish society is personally significant to every Jewish person
who lives in the city. The presence of so many Jewish people allows
the populace to live free from the self-consciousness that often
inhibits Jews in other cities" - THE PEOPLE OF JEWISH NEW YORK,
IRA WOLFMAN.."New York Jews have always had a special relationship
with the public school system. From the 1950s on, nearly half the
city's teachers were Jewish, as was an even higher percentage of the
principals. On the high holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the
schools were virtual ghost towns because of absent Jewish students,
faculty, and administration. Finally, in 1960, the city decided to
close the schools on those days for everyone" -GOTTA EARN A DOLLAR:
HOW THEY MADE A LIVING, IBID.."More Jews work in The Empire State
Building than live in the states of North Dakota & South Dakota
combined" - THE JEWISH BOOKS OF LISTS by JOEL SAMBERG.."There's a boat
dat's leavin' soon for New York. Come wid me, dat's where we belong,
sister. You an' mekin live dat high life in New York. Come wid me,
dere you can't gowrong, sister. I'll buy you de swellest mansion - up
on upper Fi'thAvenue - An' through Harlem we'll go struttin'..." -
ELLA FITZGERALD (penned by George & Ira Gershwin, b. Gershowitz,
umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYers - greatest pop songwriters of all
-time.."Jewish stockbrokers had been in business since at least 1792,
when at least four of the twenty-four founders of the New York
Stockbrokers Guild (later renamed the New York Stock Exchange) were
Jewish, including Ephraim Hart, Isaac Gomez, Alexander Zuntz, and
David Bostwick
2009-02-13 21:17:17 UTC
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
that Henry is not> > > letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are j=
ust human....> & Henry is smart enough to know what is allows in SCJM & wha=
t isn't.> > > >At least we> > > are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Gol=
dman personality on this> > > forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First> >=
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to> =
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right!>
But not where it's off-topic, moron!>
Yes, speaking about blood sugar levels and used cars should be off-
topic, yet YOU are allowed to speak of those very things! DOH!
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I figure
you don't care.
2009-02-14 09:15:36 UTC
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
that Henry is not> > > letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are j=
ust human....> & Henry is smart enough to know what is allows in SCJM & wha=
t isn't.> > > >At least we> > > are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Gol=
dman personality on this> > > forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First> >=
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to> =
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right!>
But not where it's off-topic, moron!>
Yes, speaking about blood sugar levels and used cars should be off-
topic, yet YOU are allowed to speak of those very things! DOH!>
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I figure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship. I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed. If
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM! We have Russell Steinthal (another lump on a log!
eh) to thank for that one, having appointed an insular Brit as mod to
a public domain newsgroup that is still bound by US laws.
2009-02-14 13:53:20 UTC
So Darrin, are you ignoring me again?

Thanks for pointing out to me that Unitarians are the smartest people
on earth, I honestly had no idea!

Where's that link that says Gene Hackman is a jew?

Have you thought of a few reasons as to why Gentiles are supposed to
be jealous of jews?

This war of words is not looking good for you, Darrin. Your silence
is deafening.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Voted for McCain. Uses AOL.
David Bostwick
2009-02-16 14:22:16 UTC
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I f=
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship. I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed. If
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM! We have Russell Steinthal (another lump on a log!
eh) to thank for that one, having appointed an insular Brit as mod to
a public domain newsgroup that is still bound by US laws.
If you had a clue, you'd know that there's really no way to remove a
moderator. US or UK law has nothing to do with it, it's just a fact. Keep
tilting at windmills if you want, but the readers of news.groups have little
control over your disobedient moderator. Also, newsgroup and news.groups
don't go in quotation marks, unless you are implying the term, "so-called <>,"
which I suppose is possible.

Oh, I just noticed that you're using both Google Groups and AOL. That
'splains it.

[news.groups] removed again, but will probably reappear.
2009-02-17 01:17:07 UTC
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I f=
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses to udnerstand that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
Post by David Bostwick
I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed.
I hope the poor little crybaby chokes on his "wants".
Post by David Bostwick
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM!
What a maroon.
Post by David Bostwick
We have Russell Steinthal (another lump on a log!
eh) to thank for that one, having appointed an insular Brit as mod to
a public domain newsgroup that is still bound by US laws.
If you had a clue, you'd know that there's really no way to remove a
moderator. US or UK law has nothing to do with it, it's just a fact.
tilting at windmills if you want, but the readers of news.groups have little
control over your disobedient moderator.
There is no "disobedient moderator".
There's Darrin blathering away & we at SCJM who are
relieved at not having to read his crap.
Also, newsgroup and news.groups
don't go in quotation marks, unless you are implying the term, "so-called <>,"
which I suppose is possible.
Sounds like it - he gets whackier with every tantrum.
Oh, I just noticed that you're using both Google Groups and AOL. That
'splains it.
[news.groups] removed again, but will probably reappear.

Eli Grubman
2009-02-17 04:52:26 UTC
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I f=
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses (sic) to udnerstand (sic) that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
Dyslexia attack, KKKohen?
Post by David Bostwick
I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed.
I hope the poor little crybaby chokes on his "wants".
I hope you choke the next time your jew hubby sodomises you.
Post by David Bostwick
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM!
What a maroon.
What a th*ck Ir*sh cunt.

<Ir*sh banshee screeching b'rissed>

Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL
2009-02-17 12:10:48 UTC
On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 23:52:26 -0500, Eli Grubman, the hilarious, dickless,
Post by Eli Grubman
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I f=
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses (sic) to udnerstand (sic) that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
Dyslexia attack, KKKohen?
Post by David Bostwick
I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed.
I hope the poor little crybaby chokes on his "wants".
I hope you choke the next time your jew hubby sodomises you.
Post by David Bostwick
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM!
What a maroon.
What a th*ck Ir*sh cunt.
<Ir*sh banshee screeching b'rissed>
It's obvious: Susan PWNS you and your entire "life", housebound,
psychopathic swine Grabmen! <G>

Doctor Panta
Retarded, Subnormal and Extremely Proud of it: Poor Psychopathic Swine
Grabmen! LOL
B. Cramer
2009-02-17 07:33:07 UTC
Post by f***@verizon.net
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses to udnerstand that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
What the fuck is an "udnerstand" suzie babes?
B. Cramer
2009-02-17 07:34:35 UTC
Post by f***@verizon.net
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses to udnerstand that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
What the fuck is an "regfuses" you stupid, whining, dyslexic, thick Irish
Kosher Cunny
2009-02-28 11:57:26 UTC
Post by B. Cramer
Post by f***@verizon.net
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses to udnerstand that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
What the fuck is an "regfuses" you stupid, whining, dyslexic, thick Irish
I "regfuse" to believe she did that in error. She's trying coin a new word
like "projectionary."

B. Cramer
2009-02-28 12:21:45 UTC
Post by Kosher Cunny
Post by B. Cramer
Post by f***@verizon.net
In article
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups,
but I
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship.
Translation: Darrin regfuses to udnerstand that NO ONE is OBLIGATED to post
his crap.
What the fuck is an "regfuses" you stupid, whining, dyslexic, thick Irish
I "regfuse" to believe she did that in error. She's trying coin a new
word like "projectionary."
Who would know with this cohen clown. It creates new words on a daily basis.
Post by Kosher Cunny
2009-03-05 08:21:18 UTC
Dan Kimmel started the following (Harry & Henry must have been off
that day! LOL) thread on SCJM:

"Looking at the exit again"
Don't want to leave and am not leaving yet, but I see that absolutely> > nothing has changed with regard to the heavy-handed and biased moderation> > policies here and, in some ways, it has gotten worse.> > The mods should be ashamed of themselves.>
Tsedrayt Tim, you have auto-approval status! DOH! Under the options
menu, click on "Show Original." Every one of your messages clearly
shows: "--X-Scjm-Auto-Approved: yes." IOW, you too can speak about
blood sugar levels & used cars, while the rest of us continue to have
our messages unfairly scrutinized by the SCJM Thought Police. Once
again, if I am lying about SCJM bias moderation, why is Daniel Kimmel
complaining about it again? BTW, are you still searching for "that
great cuisine city!?" LOL! Once again, when the brain is deprived of
its proper cultural stimuli, it ultimately turns to Goyified mush! ehe
The obvious has always remained a mystery to our Tim! LOL! -D, NYC "I
like most Jews you talk to nowadays...I was basically a good Jew until
I went to synagogue and got Bar-Mitzvahed. I pretty much forgot all
about it. Then I would go to the Temple just for the Oneg Shabbat.
Where you get the wine & danish (laughter). I'd go for the danish. I'd
skip the service. Who wants to hear that? The Rabbi...Cantor...nice
guys. Where's the danish?" eh - RON "The Hedgehog" JEREMY (b. Ron
Jeremy Hyatt, umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer - #1 adult performer of all-
time, excerpt from "The Legend of Ron Jeremy").."I think in terms of
quality and diversity, NY is the restaurant capital of the world. In
terms of price, NY is the most expensive dining city in the US" -
TIMOTHY ZAGAT (sweet CEO/founder of The Zagat Guides/Surveys),
interview on BLOOMBERG TELEVISION.."If food were a competitive sport,
New York City would have more gold medals than anywhere else in the
world" - TRACY NIEPORENT, Myriad Restaurant Group/NYC & Company
Restaurant Committee Chair.."New Yorkers spend $11 billion a year
eating out, making NY the restaurant capital of the world" - JANE'S NY
(Jane Hansen, NBC 4 NY - Studio 6B, Rockefeller Center - NBC World
News Headquarters: home to SNL, Dateline, Late Night With Conan..err
Jimmy Fallon (eh), Today Show, and Nightly News With Brian
Williams).."I wish there were some award for the myriad nameless
Jewish immigrants - our parents & grandparents - who never attained
celebrity but who have a substantial part of the bone and flesh and
robust spirit of our community" - DAVID SARNOFF, communications
pioneer who paved the way for the establishment of national radio &
television networks, and
started the first radio network, the National Broadcasting Company
(NBC) in 1926, NYC.."What's the First Amendment, does it have halachik
meaning, and in what way do we disregard it?" - HENRY GOODMAN
(clueless Brit/head moderator, SCJM).."FWIW the statistics for you are
1116 accepted 117 rejected. This is a rejection rate of 9.49%. While
higher than most it is hardly huge. There are posters, whom I am not
prepared to name, with higher rates." LOL! - HENRY GOODMAN,
responding to a user who asked why he was not auto-approved).."It is
sad that some of you come from totalitarian regimes and do not
understand the concepts of freedom of speech and think it only applies
to those you agree with" - HARRY WEISS (co-moderator, 'King of self-
contradiction').."During the early 1900s, when hundreds of thousands
of Eastern European Jews emigrated to America and settled in New York
City, they brought their family recipes for knishes. Knishes were made
at home until Yonah Schimmel, a rabbi from Romania, began to sell them
at Coney Island ("America's First Amusement Park") and from a pushcart
on the Lower East Side. In 1910, he opened a knish bakery on East
Houston Street, where it still remains today" - LITTLE BIG BOOK OF NEW
YORK.."New York City is the central home for this entire planet. The
Olympics draws contestants from all countries. Wherever they come from
we've got a family for them, a neighborhood for them, a group who
speak their language, cook their food, support their religion,
understand their needs. We have someone for everyone" - JUDGE JUDY,
umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer, as told to sweet Cindy Adams of Page 6
of the NY Post - oldest, continuously published newspaper in America;
founded by one of our founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton.."In New
York, even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish. If you live in Butte,
Montana, you're going to be Goyish, even if you're Jewish!" eh - LENNY
BRUCE (b. Leonard Alfred Schneider, umpteenth sweet, Jewish
NYer).."The Jews of New York City today make up the largest, richest,
most creative Jewish community in the world. Yet little more than a
hundred years ago, most of them were desperately poor, living in
teeming immigrant neighborhoods. How these Jews - through struggle,
education, and determination - transformed themselves and their city
is a great American success story. Jewish New Yorkers powered major
city businesses such as the garment and media industries, reinvented
Broadway theatre, and helped invent the modern labor movement. They
also won Nobel Prizes and introduced the United States to such
delights as pastrami, Egg Creams, and an intimitable form of Jewish
hundred years, Jewish New York has grown into a world center of Jewish
life, Jewish thought, and Jewish power. New York Jewry has fulfilled
completely the mandate the Dutch West Indies Company set out for Jews
here 350 years ago: "not to become a burden...but be supported by
their own nation." New York now is a leading voice of the Jewish
international community" - LEADER OF WORLD JEWRY, IBID
2009-03-05 08:54:13 UTC
Post by Darrin
Dan Kimmel started the following (Harry & Henry must have been off
"Looking at the exit again"
Don't want to leave and am not leaving yet, but I see that absolutely> > nothing has changed with regard to the heavy-handed and biased moderation> > policies here and, in some ways, it has gotten worse.> > The mods should be ashamed of themselves.>
Tsedrayt Tim, you have auto-approval status! DOH! Under the options
menu, click on "Show Original." Every one of your messages clearly
shows: "--X-Scjm-Auto-Approved: yes." IOW, you too can speak about
blood sugar levels & used cars, while the rest of us continue to have
our messages unfairly scrutinized by the SCJM Thought Police. Once
again, if I am lying about SCJM bias moderation, why is Daniel Kimmel
complaining about it again? BTW, are you still searching for "that
great cuisine city!?" LOL! Once again, when the brain is deprived of
its proper cultural stimuli, it ultimately turns to Goyified mush!
You mean the same Goyified mush that was the Beatles? And the Rolling
Stones? And The Godfather? And Da Vinci? And Shakespeare?

So Darrin, are you ignoring me again? Because you retreated from
every single thread we had going recently.

Post by Darrin
The obvious has always remained a mystery to our Tim! LOL! -D, NYC "I
like most Jews you talk to nowadays...I was basically a good Jew until
I went to synagogue and got Bar-Mitzvahed. I pretty much forgot all
about it. Then I would go to the Temple just for the Oneg Shabbat.
Where you get the wine & danish (laughter). I'd go for the danish. I'd
skip the service. Who wants to hear that? The Rabbi...Cantor...nice
guys. Where's the danish?" eh - RON "The Hedgehog" JEREMY (b. Ron
Jeremy Hyatt,umpteenthsweet, Jewish NYer - #1 adult performer of all-
time, excerpt from "The Legend of Ron Jeremy").."I think in terms of
quality and diversity, NY is the restaurant capital of the world. In
terms of price, NY is the most expensive dining city in the US" -
I agree. Gentiles are the best chefs and own/operate the best

(sweetCEO/founder of The Zagat Guides/Surveys),
Post by Darrin
interview on BLOOMBERG TELEVISION.."If food were a competitive sport,
New York City would have more gold medals than anywhere else in the
Do you think she's talking about kosher delis?

, Myriad Restaurant Group/NYC & Company
Post by Darrin
Restaurant Committee Chair.."New Yorkers spend $11 billion a year
eating out, making NY the restaurant capital of the world" - JANE'S NY
We're not spending billions on gefilte fish.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a
2009-03-05 08:55:48 UTC
Darrin, you never answered my question as to why you can post MY
quotes in paragraphs, but you can't post YOUR quotes in paragraphs.
It makes no sense.
B. Cramer
2009-03-05 09:12:07 UTC
Post by Darrin
Dan Kimmel started the following (Harry & Henry must have been off
Kimmelstein is one of the most disgusting turds ever to have drawn breath.
He is a loud mouth, a self opinionated clown, a liar and a gobshite.

He pissed off from the moderated group, in a huge hissy fit, quite a while
ago, vowing never to return, yet here it is - back as large as life, as full
of shit as ever and consumed by hatred as he always was.
Post by Darrin
"Looking at the exit again"
Don't want to leave and am not leaving yet, but I see that absolutely>
nothing has changed with regard to the heavy-handed and biased
moderation> > policies here and, in some ways, it has gotten worse.> >
The mods should be ashamed of themselves.>
Funny, none of MY posts go to moderation.... But maybe I just stay>
on-topic and am friendly, who knows? :-)> Tim> Timothy A. Meushaw>
Tsedrayt Tim, you have auto-approval status! DOH! Under the options
menu, click on "Show Original." Every one of your messages clearly
shows: "--X-Scjm-Auto-Approved: yes." IOW, you too can speak about
blood sugar levels & used cars, while the rest of us continue to have
our messages unfairly scrutinized by the SCJM Thought Police. Once
again, if I am lying about SCJM bias moderation, why is Daniel Kimmel
complaining about it again? BTW, are you still searching for "that
great cuisine city!?" LOL! Once again, when the brain is deprived of
its proper cultural stimuli, it ultimately turns to Goyified mush! ehe
The obvious has always remained a mystery to our Tim! LOL! -D, NYC "I
like most Jews you talk to nowadays...I was basically a good Jew until
I went to synagogue and got Bar-Mitzvahed. I pretty much forgot all
about it. Then I would go to the Temple just for the Oneg Shabbat.
Where you get the wine & danish (laughter). I'd go for the danish. I'd
skip the service. Who wants to hear that? The Rabbi...Cantor...nice
guys. Where's the danish?" eh - RON "The Hedgehog" JEREMY (b. Ron
Jeremy Hyatt, umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer - #1 adult performer of all-
time, excerpt from "The Legend of Ron Jeremy").."I think in terms of
quality and diversity, NY is the restaurant capital of the world. In
terms of price, NY is the most expensive dining city in the US" -
TIMOTHY ZAGAT (sweet CEO/founder of The Zagat Guides/Surveys),
interview on BLOOMBERG TELEVISION.."If food were a competitive sport,
New York City would have more gold medals than anywhere else in the
world" - TRACY NIEPORENT, Myriad Restaurant Group/NYC & Company
Restaurant Committee Chair.."New Yorkers spend $11 billion a year
eating out, making NY the restaurant capital of the world" - JANE'S NY
(Jane Hansen, NBC 4 NY - Studio 6B, Rockefeller Center - NBC World
News Headquarters: home to SNL, Dateline, Late Night With Conan..err
Jimmy Fallon (eh), Today Show, and Nightly News With Brian
Williams).."I wish there were some award for the myriad nameless
Jewish immigrants - our parents & grandparents - who never attained
celebrity but who have a substantial part of the bone and flesh and
robust spirit of our community" - DAVID SARNOFF, communications
pioneer who paved the way for the establishment of national radio &
television networks, and
started the first radio network, the National Broadcasting Company
(NBC) in 1926, NYC.."What's the First Amendment, does it have halachik
meaning, and in what way do we disregard it?" - HENRY GOODMAN
(clueless Brit/head moderator, SCJM).."FWIW the statistics for you are
1116 accepted 117 rejected. This is a rejection rate of 9.49%. While
higher than most it is hardly huge. There are posters, whom I am not
prepared to name, with higher rates." LOL! - HENRY GOODMAN,
responding to a user who asked why he was not auto-approved).."It is
sad that some of you come from totalitarian regimes and do not
understand the concepts of freedom of speech and think it only applies
to those you agree with" - HARRY WEISS (co-moderator, 'King of self-
contradiction').."During the early 1900s, when hundreds of thousands
of Eastern European Jews emigrated to America and settled in New York
City, they brought their family recipes for knishes. Knishes were made
at home until Yonah Schimmel, a rabbi from Romania, began to sell them
at Coney Island ("America's First Amusement Park") and from a pushcart
on the Lower East Side. In 1910, he opened a knish bakery on East
Houston Street, where it still remains today" - LITTLE BIG BOOK OF NEW
YORK.."New York City is the central home for this entire planet. The
Olympics draws contestants from all countries. Wherever they come from
we've got a family for them, a neighborhood for them, a group who
speak their language, cook their food, support their religion,
understand their needs. We have someone for everyone" - JUDGE JUDY,
umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer, as told to sweet Cindy Adams of Page 6
of the NY Post - oldest, continuously published newspaper in America;
founded by one of our founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton.."In New
York, even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish. If you live in Butte,
Montana, you're going to be Goyish, even if you're Jewish!" eh - LENNY
BRUCE (b. Leonard Alfred Schneider, umpteenth sweet, Jewish
NYer).."The Jews of New York City today make up the largest, richest,
most creative Jewish community in the world. Yet little more than a
hundred years ago, most of them were desperately poor, living in
teeming immigrant neighborhoods. How these Jews - through struggle,
education, and determination - transformed themselves and their city
is a great American success story. Jewish New Yorkers powered major
city businesses such as the garment and media industries, reinvented
Broadway theatre, and helped invent the modern labor movement. They
also won Nobel Prizes and introduced the United States to such
delights as pastrami, Egg Creams, and an intimitable form of Jewish
hundred years, Jewish New York has grown into a world center of Jewish
life, Jewish thought, and Jewish power. New York Jewry has fulfilled
completely the mandate the Dutch West Indies Company set out for Jews
here 350 years ago: "not to become a burden...but be supported by
their own nation." New York now is a leading voice of the Jewish
international community" - LEADER OF WORLD JEWRY, IBID
Mack A. Damia
2009-03-13 23:29:37 UTC
Ever had a hot pastrami at Katz's on East Houston?

Why didn't I know about the place? I used to work on West Houston
2009-03-20 19:06:19 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Ever had a hot pastrami at Katz's on East Houston?
Yes, they are delicious, large and expensive...but worth every penny.
Post by Mack A. Damia
Why didn't I know about the place? I used to work on West Houston
Katz's is on EAST Houston Street.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and
carrying the cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Mack A. Damia
2009-03-20 19:13:49 UTC
Post by Slim
Post by Mack A. Damia
Ever had a hot pastrami at Katz's on East Houston?
Yes, they are delicious, large and expensive...but worth every penny.
Post by Mack A. Damia
Why didn't I know about the place? I used to work on West Houston
Katz's is on EAST Houston Street.
Yes, of course. I taught school, and I would have thought that some
of the teachers or students might have known about it for lunch. It
could not have been too far away.

It was a rhetorical question.

"Within a budding grove, the girls think but of love.
Hear the radio, drinking tea, and to hell with being free.
They've no idea the bourgeoisie has never hesitated to kill its
children." - Pasolini, *Salo* (1975)
2009-02-19 06:51:14 UTC
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I f=
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship. I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed. If
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM! We have Russell Steinthal (another lump on a log!
eh) to thank for that one, having appointed an insular Brit as mod to
a public domain newsgroup that is still bound by US laws.
If you had a clue, you'd know that there's really no way to remove a
moderator.  US or UK law has nothing to do with it, it's just a fact.  Keep
tilting at windmills if you want, but the readers of news.groups have little
control over your disobedient moderator.  Also, newsgroup and news.groups
don't go in quotation marks, unless you are implying the term, "so-called <>,"
which I suppose is possible.
Oh, I just noticed that you're using both Google Groups and AOL.  That> 'splains it.
[news.groups] removed again, but will probably reappear.
Speaking of off-topic, if you weren't such a touchy-feely kvetch, you
wouldn't have to resort to nitpicking at quotation marks. I am well
aware of how difficult it is to remove moderators from their so-called
jobs! LOL! Since Russell Steinthal (so-called founder) refuses to
budge on the issue, there may be strength in number.

Here's what I propose: Remove all moderators and re-appoint the
following members, who would be more than capable of moderating in a
just fashion. They being: Daniel Kimmel, Steve Goldfarb, and Josh
Backon. The current moderator staff has consistently shown bias toward
myself and others. They can never be re-appointed as moderators. Short
of removal, the only other option: reform! I and other regulars who
have been posting for years, must receive auto-approval status.

There's no legitimate reason for denying any member auto-approval
status, once that member has shown to be a seasoned user. The only
reason for denying frequent contributors auto-approval status, is
egotistical spite: aka "The Little Hitler" syndrome. Once power goes
to a moderator's head, they ultimately become tyrants! Henry Goodman
gets off on having power over his users. Remember, moderation was
never intended as a tool for censorship. It was intended to weed out
spam, personal attacks, and in the case of SCJM, preventing anti-

As for AOL? While it's still The Cadillac of cyberspace, I am no
longer paying for AOL. I retained my free AOL email account. Once
again, since you are unable to impugn factual info, you resort to non
sequiturs. -D, NYC "Jewish education has, over the years, brought to
New York State the fruits of a proud heritage of learning, a history
of scholarly achievement and a tradition of progressive educational
involvement" - NELSON ROCKEFELLER (former US V.P., NY Governor -
1959-73).."What's the First Amendment, does it have halachik meaning,
and in what way do we disregard it?" - HENRY GOODMAN (clueless Brit/
head moderator, SCJM).."FWIW the statistics for you are 1116 accepted
117 rejected. This is a rejection rate of 9.49%. While higher than
most it is hardly huge. There are posters, whom I am not prepared to
name, with higher rates." LOL! (HENRY GOODMAN responding to a user who
asked why he was not auto-approved).."It is sad that some of you come
from totalitarian regimes and do not understand the concepts of
freedom of speech and think it only applies to those you agree with" -
HARRY WEISS (co-moderator, 'King of self-contradiction')
2009-02-19 07:03:00 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
[news.groups removed from propagation list]
Post by David Bostwick
Post by David Bostwick
Of course, you all realize that this is off-topic in news.groups, but I f=
igure> you don't care.>>
Actually, it's not off-topic! The discussion clearly centers around a
"newsgroup" that is engaging in blatant censorship. I added it there
for a specific reason: I want the moderators of SCJM to be removed. If
I remember correctly, "news.groups" was one of the forums that was
used to create SCJM! We have Russell Steinthal (another lump on a log!
eh) to thank for that one, having appointed an insular Brit as mod to
a public domain newsgroup that is still bound by US laws.
If you had a clue, you'd know that there's really no way to remove a
moderator.  US or UK law has nothing to do with it, it's just a fact.  Keep
tilting at windmills if you want, but the readers of news.groups have little
control over your disobedient moderator.  Also, newsgroup and news.groups
don't go in quotation marks, unless you are implying the term, "so-called <>,"
which I suppose is possible.
Oh, I just noticed that you're using both Google Groups and AOL.  That> 'splains it.
[news.groups] removed again, but will probably reappear.
Speaking of off-topic, if you weren't such a touchy-feely kvetch, you
wouldn't have to resort to nitpicking at quotation marks. I am well
aware of how difficult it is to remove moderators from their so-called
jobs! LOL! Since Russell Steinthal (so-called founder) refuses to
budge on the issue, there may be strength in number.
Here's what I propose: Remove all moderators and re-appoint the
following members, who would be more than capable of moderating in a
just fashion. They being: Daniel Kimmel, Steve Goldfarb, and Josh
Backon. The current moderator staff has consistently shown bias toward
myself and others. They can never be re-appointed as moderators. Short
of removal, the only other option: reform! I and other regulars who
have been posting for years, must receive auto-approval status.
There's no legitimate reason for denying any member auto-approval
status, once that member has shown to be a seasoned user. The only
reason for denying frequent contributors auto-approval status, is
egotistical spite: aka "The Little Hitler" syndrome. Once power goes
to a moderator's head, they ultimately become tyrants! Henry Goodman
gets off on having power over his users. Remember, moderation was
never intended as a tool for censorship. It was intended to weed out
spam, personal attacks, and in the case of SCJM, preventing anti-
As for AOL? While it's still The Cadillac of cyberspace
It was never a "Cadillac" of cyberspace. It was named #1 Worst Tech
Product of ALL TIME by PC World Magazine! The fact that you thinks
it's anything above the shittiest ISP ever proves how delusional you
are! Epic 56k AOL FAIL!

I am no
Post by Darrin
longer paying for AOL.
No evidence of this. I see an AOL account and I think of some poor
dumbass who's still using a dial-up connection.
Post by Darrin
I retained my free AOL email account.
Why don't you get a free Yahoo or Gmail account? AOL users get no
respect on the internets (and rightfully so).

Nice paragraphs, Darrin. Why don't you use them more often. Are you
really such a lazy fatass that you can't push the "Enter" key?

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Voted for McCain. Uses AOL on
a 56k.
David Bostwick
2009-02-19 15:31:54 UTC
In article <3e49b079-6034-481b-ae71-***@f3g2000yqf.googlegroups.com>, Darrin <***@aol.com> wrote:

Post by Darrin
I am well
aware of how difficult it is to remove moderators from their so-called

You say this, and then proceed to propose a "solution" demonstrating that you
still haven't a clue. You win. Keep up your nonsense, I just won't see it.
2009-02-20 06:44:36 UTC
Post by David Bostwick
I am well> >aware of how difficult it is to remove moderators from their so-called
jobs!> [...]>
You say this, and then proceed to propose a "solution" demonstrating that you
still haven't a clue.  You win.  Keep up your nonsense, I just won't see it.>>
Yes, it's difficult, but not impossible! ehe And why are you still
kvetching like a little yenta?eheh Why is this conversation so
troubling for you? What makes this conversation any different than the
rest? The description of news.groups clearly states: "discussion and
lists of newsgroups." I am discussing SCJM - a newsgroup! I feh! on
you already! eh
2009-02-20 06:51:37 UTC
Post by David Bostwick
I am well> >aware of how difficult it is to remove moderators from their so-called
jobs!> [...]>
You say this, and then proceed to propose a "solution" demonstrating that you
still haven't a clue.  You win.  Keep up your nonsense, I just won't see it.>>
Yes, it's difficult, but not impossible! ehe And why are you still
kvetching like a little yenta?eheh Why is this conversation so
troubling for you? What makes this conversation any different than the
rest? Other than the fact that my cursor tongue happens to be sharper
than most!ehee The description of news.groups clearly states:
"discussion and lists of newsgroups." I am discussing SCJM - a
newsgroup! I feh! on you already! eh
2009-02-13 13:28:53 UTC
Post by Darrin
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in > > selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? > Just curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting  raw deal that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....At least we
are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Goldman personality on this
forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs. If I want to
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right! NY Jewish
History is part of World Jewish History & Culture. Ironically, had I
responded to your above off-topic post, my message would have been
rejected. This is called bias censorship! I do not have to curtail my
speech, because you or someone else happens to suffer from ultra-
sensitive frailties! Self-assured and knowing people do not kvetch
over the rightful praising of Jewish NY!
DoD, are you like Susan? The Big Macher who has card blanche (aka auto-
approval status), and can say and do as she pleases? Yet when I and
others label Henry Goodman & Harry Weiss as Thought Police, you run to
their defense? Until both imbeciles are removed, I refuse to post on
SCJM! One imbecile lost his mind when he shlepped out of Jewish NY
(largest, richest, most creative Jewish community in the world), and
the other is an anti-American insular Brit, who up until a year or so
ago, did not know what the First Amendment was! LOL! Remember, this is
not an isolated incidence. There is no human error when you
continually engage in bias censorship. As for Jewish NY?
Yes, in terms of "practical Jewish history" (aka "not staring at a
wailing wall" eh), Jewish NY leaves Israel in the dust! Always has,
always will! Jewish NY was the "first" thriving Jewish community that
was giving back to the world! This is a fact! We have more Jews for
any single city, more World Jewish Organizations, more opportunities
for Jews, more shuls, more Yeshivas, more Kosher eateries, more Jewish
museums, more Jewish events, more Jewish firsts (including the World's
First Jewish Music Awards at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and the
World's First Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights, Brooklyn),
and the most diverse Jewish community in the world. Had you lived
here, you would already know this! Once again, where else will you see
"Se Habla Yiddish" in a store window?ehee
Darrin, seeing these paragraphs really brings a tear to my eye. Now
all you have to do is get rid of AOL.
2009-02-13 20:36:02 UTC
Post by Darrin
I have a cobblestone from the Warsaw Ghetto and I am interested in > > selling it.
What is someone from Brick Hll Road in Canton GA doing in Warsaw? > Just curious. >>
BTW I see Henry Goodman is back as a moderator. >>
<<What a b.s. thing to say.. It seems you are not happy with his
judgement from your standpoint of letting in people that are screwy
and "Darrin" who is the guy who believes that New York is more Jewish
than Tel-Aviv is pissy that he is getting  raw deal that Henry is not
letting his posts in..... Pssst.... Mods are just human....At least we
are not listening to the Ben Cramer/Ron Goldman personality on this
forum... >>Fer pete sake... >>
DoD, it's not a BS thing to say! Under the principles of the First
Amendment, I (like others) am entitled to my own beliefs.
Once again, I suggest you go back to school or least open up a history

The 1st Amendment protects your freedom of speech from the U.S.
GOVERNMENT. If I start screaming in a Walgreens drugstore, they have
the right to throw me out. Same goes with any internet message board
or a moderated usenet group.

You = epic 56k AOL Fail.

If I want to
Post by Darrin
kvell New York Jewish History for 24/7, I have that right!
Take it to a non-moderated group and you won't have any problem.

NY Jewish
Post by Darrin
History is part of World Jewish History & Culture. Ironically, had I
responded to your above off-topic post, my message would have been
rejected. This is called bias censorship! I do not have to curtail my
speech, because you or someone else happens to suffer from ultra-
sensitive frailties! Self-assured and knowing people do not kvetch
over the rightful praising of Jewish NY!
DoD, are you like Susan? The Big Macher who has card blanche (aka auto-
approval status), and can say and do as she pleases? Yet when I and
others label Henry Goodman & Harry Weiss as Thought Police, you run to
their defense?
So Darrin, JEWS are censoring you? I've never asked you to stop or
anything. So much for all that jewish enlightenment that you

Until both imbeciles are removed, I refuse to post on
Post by Darrin
Kind of an empty threat because they could just be deleted anyway.

One imbecile lost his mind when he shlepped out of Jewish NY
Post by Darrin
(largest, richest, most creative Jewish community in the world)
Now home of the worlds largest thief. A jew who loved $ so much that
he ripped off jewish charities and schools.

, and
Post by Darrin
the other is an anti-American insular Brit, who up until a year or so
ago, did not know what the First Amendment was!
Why should a British person know about our government? I don't know
much about their government.

LOL! Remember, this is
Post by Darrin
not an isolated incidence. There is no human error when you
continually engage in bias censorship. As for Jewish NY?
Yes, in terms of "practical Jewish history" (aka "not staring at a
wailing wall" eh), Jewish NY
The jewish population has decreased 50% in the last 50 years. It's
not, nor was it ever "jewish NY". It was founded by Gentiles, much
like America and most other things on earth.
Post by Darrin
leaves Israel in the dust!
I know people from Israel who would kick your ass if you said that to
their face.

Always has,
Post by Darrin
always will! Jewish NY was the "first" thriving Jewish community that
was giving back to the world! This is a fact! We have more Jews for
any single city, more World Jewish Organizations, more opportunities
for Jews, more shuls, more Yeshivas, more Kosher eateries, more Jewish
museums, more Jewish events, more Jewish firsts (including the World's
First Jewish Music Awards at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and the
World's First Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights, Brooklyn),
and the most diverse Jewish community in the world. Had you lived
here, you would already know this! Once again, where else will you see
"Se Habla Yiddish" in a store window?ehee
You're impressing me with these paragraphs, Darrin.
Post by Darrin
DoD, I know you mean well, but you're a little too involved in what
"this one" says about "that one!" It borders on the bizarre!! -D, NYC
"For the past one hundred years, Jewish New York has grown into a
world center of Jewish life, Jewish thought, and Jewish power. New
York Jewry has fulfilled completely the mandate the Dutch West Indies
Company set out for Jews here 350 years ago: "not to become a
burden...but be supported by their own nation." New York now is a
leading voice of the Jewish international community" - LEADER OF WORLD
Total BS. Israel is the center of judaism and the jews of NY have
nothing to do with the Israel elections that just passed. The very
liberal jews of NY are probably sickened that Netanyahu might get

."What's the First Amendment, does it have halachik
Post by Darrin
meaning, and in what way do we disregard it?" - HENRY GOODMAN
(clueless Brit/head moderator, SCJM)..
You need a sarcasm detector.

Darrin - doesn't believe in Darwin, voted for McCain, uses AOL
David Bostwick
2009-02-13 21:18:29 UTC
[news.groups removed]

Can you kiddies keep your private war private? Thanks.
2009-02-19 04:19:48 UTC
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!

And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh I carved out my own
unique niche of words!ehe Remember when you once praised me for giving
another anti-Semite one of my patented sharp cursor tongue lashings?
eheh As you may have seen from my cyberstalker extraordinaire, the
residual effects can be felt indefinitely! ehe

Once again, had your every word been scrutinized by the SCJM Thought
Police, you wouldn't be so quick to run to their defense. If I am
indeed lying, how do you explain the following:

***@kamens.brookline.ma.us: "I haven't posted in SCJM in almost a year
and a half. I don't like the way it's moderated and don't like how
many of the people in it conduct themselves. I left because I wanted
nothing more to do with it, and that includes wanting nothing more to
do with other people's battles."

***@vms.huji.ac.il: "I refuse to post on SCJM until the moderators
get their act together and stop allowing 3 goyim to discuss Judaism
(Procida the anti-Semite, MacClean the missionary [do a search on //
groups.google.com] and DoD who sometimes argues with Damien Sullivan
the other goy). There have literally been thousands of off-topic posts
in the past 8 weeks since I left SCJM. Only when R. Dr. Josh Backon
(who of course isn't auto-moderated) protests against the off-topic
posts or missionary posts or plain old fashioned anti-Semitic posts is
his post REJECTED by the moderators. Thanks Henry Goodman for ruining
SCJM. You're doing a "marvelous" job :-)"

***@rcn.com: "They (moderators) routinely overstep their
bounds. They should lighten their own load by limiting themselves to
the job they were original supposed to do: keeping out the spam, the
proselytizers, and the Judeophobes. "No, they're not like the police.
They're like a group of vigilantes imposing their will on a group even
when people make clear they DON'T want the "benefit" of the heavy-
handed actions." I *do* want to live without them, or at least have
them scale back their role to what they were supposed to be doing,
which is not being nannies supervising adults having conversations."
"Actually, many of the most active participants have long since
departed PRECISELY because of the heavy-handedness of the
"moderation." And they were across the board Jewishly as well as
politically or whatever other standard you care to use." "And many
people have, and there are days I come close to walking out. But
instead I hope the more egregious abusers among the moderators will be
removed." I've had it with the mods. They are allow someone to defend
Holocaust denial, but are rejecting posts answering him. This group
has gone steadily downhill thanks to such absurd "moderation." I've
lost my patience with it."

Dan having summed it up perfectly! There are dozens more, including
the person that you had recently responded to. Once again, you decide
who is lying! -D, NYC "The Jews are the apple of God's eye..anyone who
hates Jews is stupid" - JERRY FALWELL (From his Sunday morning sermon,
March 11, 1984).."It must be understood that Jews, who for two
thousand years were dispersed among the nations of the world decided
to return to the land of their ancestors. This is their right" - POPE
JOHN PAUL VI..."If Christians were Christians, there would be no anti-
Semitism. Jesus was a Jew. There is nothing that the ordinary
Christian so dislikes to remember as this awkward historical fact. But
it happens, nontheless, to be true" -JOHN HAYNES HOLMES (Minister,
1879-1964).."When the historian visits Hebron today, he asks himself:
Where are all those peoples which once held the place? Where are the
Canaanites? Where are the Edomites? Where are the ancient Hellenes and
the Romans, the Byzantines, the Franks, the Mameluks and the Ottomans?
They have vanished into time, irrevocably. But the Jews are still in
Hebron" - PAUL JOHNSON, Historian.."The Jews, a people who have
survived the deaths of many empires that tried to destroy them -
including but not limited to the Egyptians, Romans, Babylonians,
Persians - have only one homeland, Israel, continuously occupied by
them for 4,000 years and never a nation-state belonging to any others"
- JOSEPH FARRAH, Arab-American journalist.."The Palestinians want
their own country. There's just one thing about that: There are no
Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two
thousand years. Like "Wiccan," "Palestinian" sounds ancient but is
really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in war,
Gaza was owned by Egypt, and there were no "Palestinians" then, and
the West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians"
then. As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big
as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians,"
weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation." Chew
this around and spit it out: Five hundred million Arabs; five million
Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel
as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. And now these same
folks swear that if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches,
everyone will be pals. Really? Wow, what neat news. Hey, but what
about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the
constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Oh,
that? We were just kidding. So for the sake of honesty, let's not use
the word "Palestinian" any more to describe these delightful folks,
who dance for joy at our deaths until someone points out they're being
taped. Instead, let's call them what they are: "Other Arabs Accomplish
Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive
Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death" eh - LARRY MILLER (sweet
comedian/actor/pundit, excerpt from "Whoever So Blesses Them")
2009-02-19 05:48:50 UTC
Post by Darrin
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood. You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.

I carved out my own
Post by Darrin
unique niche of words!ehe
And you use those same words over and over and over and over and over
again. Learn to type.

Remember when you once praised me for giving
Post by Darrin
another anti-Semite one of my patented sharp cursor tongue lashings?
I want those lashings, yet you're busying replying to other peoples
Post by Darrin
eheh As you may have seen from my cyberstalker extraordinaire, the
residual effects can be felt indefinitely! ehe
Once again, had your every word been scrutinized by the SCJM Thought
Police, you wouldn't be so quick to run to their defense. If I am
and a half. I don't like the way it's moderated and don't like how
many of the people in it conduct themselves. I left because I wanted
nothing more to do with it, and that includes wanting nothing more to
do with other people's battles."
get their act together and stop allowing 3 goyim to discuss Judaism
(Procida the anti-Semite, MacClean the missionary [do a search on //
groups.google.com] and DoD who sometimes argues with Damien Sullivan
the other goy). There have literally been thousands of off-topic posts
in the past 8 weeks since I left SCJM. Only when R. Dr. Josh Backon
(who of course isn't auto-moderated) protests against the off-topic
posts or missionary posts or plain old fashioned anti-Semitic posts is
his post REJECTED by the moderators. Thanks Henry Goodman for ruining
SCJM. You're doing a "marvelous" job :-)"
bounds. They should lighten their own load by limiting themselves to
the job they were original supposed to do: keeping out the spam, the
proselytizers, and the Judeophobes. "No, they're not like the police.
They're like a group of vigilantes imposing their will on a group even
when people make clear they DON'T want the "benefit" of the heavy-
handed actions."  I *do* want to live without them, or at least have
them scale back their role to what they were supposed to be doing,
which is not being nannies supervising adults having conversations."
"Actually, many of the most active participants have long since
departed PRECISELY because of the heavy-handedness of the
"moderation." And they were across the board Jewishly as well as
politically or whatever other standard you care to use." "And many
people have, and there are days I come close to walking out. But
instead I hope the more egregious abusers among the moderators will be
removed." I've had it with the mods.  They are allow someone to defend
Holocaust denial, but are rejecting posts answering him. This group
has gone steadily downhill thanks to such absurd "moderation." I've
lost my patience with it."
Dan having summed it up perfectly! There are dozens more, including
the person that you had recently responded to. Once again, you decide
who is lying! -D, NYC "The Jews are the apple of God's eye..anyone who
hates Jews is stupid" - JERRY FALWELL (From his Sunday morning sermon,
March 11, 1984)
Jerry was one of the biggest morons on earth.

.."It must be understood that Jews, who for two
Post by Darrin
thousand years were dispersed among the nations of the world decided
to return to the land of their ancestors. This is their right" - POPE
JOHN PAUL VI..."If Christians were Christians, there would be no anti-
Semitism. Jesus was a Jew. There is nothing that the ordinary
Christian so dislikes to remember as this awkward historical fact. But
it happens, nontheless, to be true" -JOHN HAYNES HOLMES (Minister,
Where are all those peoples which once held the place? Where are the
Canaanites? Where are the Edomites? Where are the ancient Hellenes and
the Romans, the Byzantines, the Franks, the Mameluks and the Ottomans?
They have vanished into time, irrevocably. But the Jews are still in
Hebron" - PAUL JOHNSON, Historian.."The Jews, a people who have
survived the deaths of many empires that tried to destroy them -
including but not limited to the Egyptians, Romans, Babylonians,
Persians - have only one homeland, Israel, continuously occupied by
them for 4,000 years and never a nation-state belonging to any others"
- JOSEPH FARRAH, Arab-American journalist.."The Palestinians want
their own country. There's just one thing about that: There are no
Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two
thousand years. Like "Wiccan," "Palestinian" sounds ancient but is
really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in war,
Gaza was owned by Egypt, and there were no "Palestinians" then, and
the West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians"
then. As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big
as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians,"
weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation." Chew
this around and spit it out: Five hundred million Arabs; five million
Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel
as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. And now these same
folks swear that if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches,
everyone will be pals. Really? Wow, what neat news. Hey, but what
about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the
constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Oh,
that? We were just kidding. So for the sake of honesty, let's not use
the word "Palestinian" any more to describe these delightful folks,
who dance for joy at our deaths until someone points out they're being
taped. Instead, let's call them what they are: "Other Arabs Accomplish
Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive
Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death" eh - LARRY MILLER (sweet
comedian/actor/pundit, excerpt from "Whoever So Blesses Them")
So Larry Miller is a historian now? You should listen to yourself,

So is it finally over, Darrin? Have you admitted defeat? Will you
run away for a month? Or will you just ignore my posts (which you
claim to do often only to always break down and start replying again a
few hours later).

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Voted for McCain. Uses AOL on
a 56k.
2009-02-19 09:26:35 UTC
Post by Darrin
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh
I carved out my own> > unique niche of words!ehe>
And you use those same words over and over and over and over and over> again.  Learn to type.
I go with what works! ehe Plus, my new audience may not have seen it!
eh Like Mickey Rourke recently said: "I should have kept playing the
same part!" ehee
 Remember when you once praised me for giving> > another anti-Semite one of my patented sharp cursor tongue lashings?>
I want those lashings, yet you're busying replying to other peoples> posts.
A SuperJew's day is never done, Goy Wonder! ehe You jealous Goyim are
dropping like tsetse flies! eheeee
Post by Darrin
eheh As you may have seen from my cyberstalker extraordinaire, the> > residual effects can be felt indefinitely! ehe>
< -D, NYC "The Jews are the apple of God's eye..anyone who> > hates
Jews is stupid" - JERRY FALWELL (From his Sunday morning sermon,> >
March 11, 1984)>
Jerry was one of the biggest morons on earth.>
Why? Because he didn't share your OCD obsession with Jews wanting to
be Gentiles?eheh Jerry knew where his bread was buttered! eh Jews are
like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon - practically everything in life can
be tied to us! ehe That's why every evangelist is for the Jews!
So Larry Miller is a historian now?  You should listen to yourself,> Darrin.>
He's a professional writer, what are you?eh And he's not to be
confused with Goy Dennis Miller! eehee Larry summed it up perfectly,
in a humorous yet factual way!! Once again, 6 neighborhood Arab
bullies vs. 1 tiny David of a country! Yet we kicked all of their
tuchises! ehehe
So is it finally over, Darrin?  Have you admitted defeat?  Will you
run away for a month?  Or will you just ignore my posts (which you
claim to do often only to always break down and start replying again a
few hours later).>
Unlike you, I have a life! I don't have bells & whistles attached to
my PC, notifying me of when you post!eheheee
Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution.  Voted for McCain.  Uses AOL on> a 56k.>
DSL all the way! eh Never voted this election. And I believe in Franz
Boas - sweet German-Jew who brought anthropology to the forefront of
American science! I told you, even if I had a C64 and 300 baud modem,
I'd still be able to whip your decrepit tush!ehehehee Now go away,
nutter! -D, NYC "They all laughed at Rockefeller Center, now they're
fighting to get in!" - TONEY BENNETT (umpteenth celebrity I-talian,
penned by George & Ira Gershwin (b. Gershowitz, umpteenth sweet,
Jewish NYers - greatest pop-songwriters of all-time).."Brooklyn's
Atlantic Avenue, today a center for Middle Eastern markets, was
formerly referred to as "Swedish Broadway" - LITTLE BIG BOOK OF NEW
YORK.."Carbonated water is another Jewish gustatory success story. In
1880, two seltzer producers opened on the East Side. Twenty-seven
years later, thanks to the exploding immigrant population and its
thrist, more than a hundred companies were manufacturing "East Side
MOMENTS BY IRA WOLFMAN.."New Yorkers spend $11 billion a year eating
out, making NY the restaurant capital of the world" - JANE'S NY:
RESTAURANTS (Jane Hansen, NBC 4 NY at NBC World Headquarters -
Rockefeller Center, Manhattan: center of the universe/hub of
broadcasting: home to Nightly News with Brian Williams, The Today
Show, SNL, Dateline, and Late Night with Conan O'Brien).."If food were
a competitive sport, New York City would have more gold medals than
anywhere else in the world" - TRACY NIEPORENT, Myriad Restaurant Group/
NYC & Company Restaurant Committee Chair..""New York City has had many
colorful and memorable Jewish neighborhoods: Harlem, Yorkville,
Williamsburg, East New York - Brownsville, the East Bronx, the Grand
Concourse, Washington Heights, and the Upper West Side. However, the
most recognizable district and the one central to any story of Jewish
life in New York is the legendary Lower East Side. By the early 1900s,
the neighborhood's boundaries extended along Second Avenue, which
became "The Yiddish Rialto," filled with theatres and shops" - JEWISH
WOLFMAN.."Lox became popular in the USA, specifically in New York,
circa 1905 on Houston Street. According to Claudia Rosen of "The Book
of Jewish Food," "there is no evidence that Eastern European Jews ate
lox or smoked salmon in the shtetls. They ate copious amounts offish,
but salmon was usually too expensive" - ERICA KINETZ (Lox: So Pink, So
New York - NY Times, excerpt from The Book of Jewish Food by Claudia
Rosen).."In 1906, a survey of pushcars found 2,362 peddlers in the
district south of 14th Street and east of Broadway! By 1934 New York
had about 12,000 Kosher food processors and dealers, with combined
annual sales above $200 million. A sampling of the 631 food dealers
doing business in the center of the East Side Tenth Ward in 1899
included 140 groceries, 131 butcher shops, 36 bakeries, 14 butter and
egg stores, 62 candy stores, 21 fruit stands, and 10 delicatessens. By
1905, some 250 to 300 coffehouses were operating on the Lower East
Side. In addition to the less formal eating establishments in the
area, more "fashionable restaurants" appeared on its frantic streets."
2009-02-19 09:56:38 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh
Show me a link that says jews are 60% of screenwriters in Hollywood
(and no, onlinejournal.com doesn't count).
Post by Darrin
I carved out my own> > unique niche of words!ehe>
And you use those same words over and over and over and over and over> again.  Learn to type.
I go with what works! ehe
But it obviously doesn't work because I've crushed them all (or they
were just flat out incorrect to begin with).
Post by Darrin
Plus, my new audience may not have seen it!
What new audience? This is usenet. It's userbase shrinks more and
more every year.
Post by Darrin
eh Like Mickey Rourke recently said: "I should have kept playing the
same part!" ehee
So in addition to only quoting Gentiles movies and TV shows you're now
quoting Gentiles themselves?
Post by Darrin
 Remember when you once praised me for giving> > another anti-Semite one of my patented sharp cursor tongue lashings?>
I want those lashings, yet you're busying replying to other peoples> posts.
A SuperJew's day is never done, Goy Wonder!
If that's the case why does it take your 24 hours to reply to a post?
Why do you run away for months at a time?

ehe You jealous Goyim are
Post by Darrin
dropping like tsetse flies! eheeee
Darrin, what exactly are Gentiles jealous of when it comes to jews?
The only react fact you pointed out was that jews in the lower-middle
class bracket make twice as much as Gentiles (not that it matter when
the richest of the rich are Gentiles).

Is that it?

I've already proven that jews are jealous of Gentiles and want to be
like them (why else would Israel have to IMPORT blondes!)!
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
eheh As you may have seen from my cyberstalker extraordinaire, the> > residual effects can be felt indefinitely! ehe>
< -D, NYC "The Jews are the apple of God's eye..anyone who> > hates
Jews is stupid" - JERRY FALWELL (From his Sunday morning sermon,> >
March 11, 1984)>
Jerry was one of the biggest morons on earth.>
Why? Because he didn't share your OCD obsession with Jews wanting to
be Gentiles?eheh
No, because he was a rightwing Bible Belt douchebag who blamed 9/11 as
God's punishment for gay people. You claim to be a democrat and from

NO jewish Democrat from NYC agrees(d) with Falwell.
Post by Darrin
Jerry knew where his bread was buttered! eh Jews are
like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon - practically everything in life can
be tied to us! ehe That's why every evangelist is for the Jews!
Wow, wow, wow. Open the Bible. Evangelists believe that Jesus will
return to earth in the Rapture and the Rapture will only take place if
jews are living in Israel. That's why they support jews and Israel.

Seriously Darrin, you're "facts" are nothing but delusional fantasies.
Post by Darrin
So Larry Miller is a historian now?  You should listen to yourself,> Darrin.>
He's a professional writer, what are you?eh
So a professional writer is a historian?
Post by Darrin
And he's not to be
confused with Goy Dennis Miller! eehee Larry summed it up perfectly,
in a humorous yet factual way!! ''
No he didn't. He like you needs to open a history book.

Once again, 6 neighborhood Arab
Post by Darrin
bullies vs. 1 tiny David of a country! Yet we kicked all of their
tuchises! ehehe
1 tiny country of David with BILLIONS of dollars coming in from the US
every year not to mention access to all of our state of the art
military hardware (planes, tanks, missiles, etc)
Post by Darrin
So is it finally over, Darrin?  Have you admitted defeat?  Will you
run away for a month?  Or will you just ignore my posts (which you
claim to do often only to always break down and start replying again a
few hours later).>
Unlike you, I have a life! I don't have bells & whistles attached to
my PC, notifying me of when you post!eheheee
But, when you're replying to other peoples posts your reply within
half an hour. Yet with mine you suddenly "have a life"?

Darrin, here's a timetable of your posts in your "We waited 7 years
for this dreck" thread:

Here's your posting history in
this thread BEFORE I showed up:

Dec 8, 3:09 PM
Dec 8, 3:28 PM
Dec 8, 4:08 PM
Dec 8, 4:14 PM
Dec 8, 4:29 PM
Dec 8, 5:51 PM
Dec 8, 6:02 PM
Dec 8, 7:31 PM
Dec 8, 7:42 PM
Dec 8, 10:37 PM
Dec 9, 12:30 AM
Dec 9, 3:47 AM
Dec 9, 4:41 AM

Impressive. It doesn't seem like you "have a life" as you so often
use as an excuse. But lets look at your history as you started reply
to MY posts:

Dec 10, 5:10 PM
Dec 10, 10:42 PM
Dec 11, 3:06 AM
Dec 11, 4:00 AM
Dec 11, 2:17 PM
Dec 11, 8:28 PM
Dec 11, 11:14 PM
Dec 12, 1:31 AM

Note the big chunks of time.
Post by Darrin
Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution.  Voted for McCain.  Uses AOL on> a 56k.>
DSL all the way!
Uh huh. NO ONE who uses AOL uses DSL. Most people use AOL for the
phone modem because they don't have broadband. Only a total MORON
would get rid of AOL but for reason decide to keep the shitty software
and the crappy email account.

I don't buy it. You're using AOL on a 56k.

eh Never voted this election.

"Steve, as much as I detest McCain & Palin, we sweets have no choice
but to vote (by default) for that ticket!ehe Obama is not for the
Jews! Was his mentor not a Muslim extremist? Now he has Rev. Jesse
Jackson egging him on to end the so-called Zionist reign! LOL!"

It doesn't sound like you didn't vote. You said you have NO CHOICE

And I believe in Franz
Post by Darrin
Boas - sweet German-Jew who brought anthropology to the forefront of
American science!
But Boas is not Darwinism. Boas is not evolution. Darwin =
Evolution. You yourself said of evolution: "It's still a theory",
just like some neocon creationist. You're a moron.
Post by Darrin
I told you, even if I had a C64 and 300 baud modem,
I'd still be able to whip your decrepit tush!ehehehee
So you're definition of whipping my tush is:

1. Ignoring my posts.
2. Taking hours upon hours to reply to my posts.
3. Running away for a month.
4. Asking/BEGGING me to go away!

You're definition of winning is very bizarre.

Darrin, have you found the links that say Murdoch and Gene Hackman are
jews yet?
Post by Darrin
Now go away,
So you think you're winning, but you're asking me to go away? I
notice when you're pouncing on everyone else you never ask them to go

-D, NYC "They all laughed at Rockefeller Center, now they're
Post by Darrin
fighting to get in!" - TONEY BENNETT (umpteenth celebrity I-talian,
penned by George & Ira Gershwin (b. Gershowitz, umpteenth sweet,
Jewish NYers - greatest pop-songwriters of all-time).."Brooklyn's
Atlantic Avenue, today a center for Middle Eastern markets, was
formerly referred to as "Swedish Broadway" - LITTLE BIG BOOK OF NEW
YORK.."Carbonated water is another Jewish gustatory success story. In
1880, two seltzer producers opened on the East Side. Twenty-seven
years later, thanks to the exploding immigrant population and its
thrist, more than a hundred companies were manufacturing "East Side
MOMENTS BY IRA WOLFMAN.."New Yorkers spend $11 billion a year eating
I agree. You don't think they're spending that cash at kosher deli's
do you?

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a Democrat but
voted for McCain and supports Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-20 07:08:45 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh>
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.>
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh>
Show me a link that says jews are 60% of screenwriters in Hollywood
(and no, onlinejournal.com doesn't count).
Oy gevalt!ehe Dullard over there actually needs confirmation that Jews
still saturate every facet of Hollywood!? LOL! Have you ever stayed
for the end of film credits?ehehh Every other name is Jewish! eheh
Read it and weep: "Crafty 60 Minutes had studied the top slots in
town. Their research showed that "only" about 60 percent of the most
important positions in Hollywood were run by Jews. What did I think? I
managed to disqualify myself by saying that while Hollywood was not
really "run" by anyone (it's far too chaotic for that), if Jews were
about 2.5 percent of the population and were about 60 percent of
Hollywood, they might well be said to be extremely predominant in that

See, unlike you, this person actually knows about his percentiles, as
does 60 Minutes, and as does sweet Ben Stein, who also pointed this
out in his E! article: "Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do, and
what of it?" Read it and weep:
2009-02-20 13:29:48 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh>
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.>
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh>
Show me a link that says jews are 60% of screenwriters in Hollywood
(and no, onlinejournal.com doesn't count).
Oy gevalt!ehe Dullard over there actually needs confirmation that Jews
still saturate every facet of Hollywood!?
I just don't believe the screenwriters in Hollywood are 60% jewish.
Post a link that says this. Not that it matters, the top, top, top
writers are ALL Gentiles.

Post the link Darrin.

LOL! Have you ever stayed
Post by Darrin
for the end of film credits?ehehh Every other name is Jewish!
No it isn't.

Post by Darrin
Read it and weep: "Crafty 60 Minutes had studied the top slots in
town. Their research showed that "only" about 60 percent of the most
important positions in Hollywood were run by Jews. What did I think? I
managed to disqualify myself by saying that while Hollywood was not
really "run" by anyone (it's far too chaotic for that), if Jews were
about 2.5 percent of the population and were about 60 percent of
Hollywood, they might well be said to be extremely predominant in that
See, unlike you, this person actually knows about his percentiles, as
does 60 Minutes, and as does sweet Ben Stein, who also pointed this
out in his E! article: "Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do, and
what of it?" Read it and weep:http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2005/01/19/do-jews-run-hollywood
You = FAIL.

The "important" positions are screenwriting, directing, STUDIO HEADS/

I've told you a dozen times that jews dominate the business end of

Show me a link that says jews make up 60% of the screenwriters in
Hollywood. While you're at it, show me the link that says Hackman and
Murdoch are jews.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a Democrat but
voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-20 19:01:18 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh>
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.>
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh>
Show me a link that says jews are 60% of screenwriters in Hollywood
(and no, onlinejournal.com doesn't count).>
Oy gevalt!ehe Dullard over there actually needs confirmation that Jews
still saturate every facet of Hollywood!?>
I just don't believe the screenwriters in Hollywood are 60% jewish.> Post a link that says this.  Not that it matters, the top, top, top> writers are ALL Gentiles.>
Post the link Darrin.>
Already did! "60 Minutes" (created by Jews) proved that we still leave
your ilk in the disproportionate dust! ehe Ben Stein made mention of
the screenwriter % in his E! article, which no longer exists online.
And Gentiles can't be Top in Hollywood (Jewish creation) when Gentiles
comprise 40% of its being, maths failure!!
LOL! Have you ever stayed> > for the end of film credits?ehehh Every other name is Jewish!>
No it isn't.
Wipe the smegma from your syphillitic eyes!eh Yes it is! eh
Post by Darrin
Read it and weep: "Crafty 60 Minutes had studied the top slots in
town. Their research showed that "only" about 60 percent of the most
important positions in Hollywood were run by Jews. What did I think? I
managed to disqualify myself by saying that while Hollywood was not
really "run" by anyone (it's far too chaotic for that), if Jews were
about 2.5 percent of the population and were about 60 percent of
Hollywood, they might well be said to be extremely predominant in that
See, unlike you, this person actually knows about his percentiles, as
does 60 Minutes, and as does sweet Ben Stein, who also pointed this> > out in his E! article: "Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do, and> > what of it?" Read it and weep:http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2005/01/19/do-jews-run-hollywood>
You = FAIL.> The "important" positions are screenwriting, directing, STUDIO HEADS/> OWNERS, PRODUCERS, etc.
Dullard, the proof had already been provided to you! IOW, we still
hold the most important positions in every facet of Hollywood. The
biggest directors (Spielberg), the biggest producers (Bruckheimer),
the biggest screenwriters (Mamet), the biggest studio heads/producers/
owners (Dreamworks - Spielberg, Geffen & Katzenberg; Miramax - Harvey
& Bob Weinstein) are all Jewish. And the remaining studios that were
founded by Jews are all Jewish, because they become the intellectual
property of Jews and their kin! DOH! Once again, go join a good day
program!ehe Stop jealously obsessing over myself and other Jews!
I've told you a dozen times that jews dominate the business end of> Hollywood.>
And that includes producers, directors, screenwriters, casting agents,
and every aspect of its being! Go ahead, continue proving just how
mentally retarded you are!! ehehee We're all pointing & laughing at
you - just like the handicapped! eh
Show me a link that says jews make up 60% of the screenwriters in
Hollywood.  While you're at it, show me the link that says Hackman and> Murdoch are jews.>
Show me a link that says Hackman isn't Jewish. And while you're there,
show me an Irish-Catholic (what you believe he is because he played
"Popeye Doyle" in "The French Connection" - directed by sweet William
Friedkin!eheheh LOL) who was born with the name of Eugene Allen
Hackman! LOL! And Murdoch is indeed Jewish. His mother was Jewish. But
alas, who needs Murdoch when we have Sumner Redstone (b. Rothstein)?
eheh Here's the Murdoch link: excerpt from: http://tinyurl.com/brpdjd
(scroll down to "Fox Owner's Back-story")

"Murdoch, as stated, became an American for business reasons. As
Action Report online states, Keith Rupert Murdoch was born in
Australia on March 11, 1931. Rupert’s Australian father, Sir Keith
Murdoch, was a newspaper publisher; his mother Elisabeth Joy Green was
the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family. Keith Rupert, through his
wife’s connections, was “subsequently promoted from reporter to
chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked.

“There was also enough of his wife’s money to buy himself a knighthood
of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and
a radio station in a faraway mining town. For some reason, [Fox’s]
Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother
brought him up as a Jew . . .” Later in life, Murdoch chose to use the
first name of his maternal grandfather alone, without the Keith, as in
Rupert Murdoch."
Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution.  Claims to be a Democrat but
voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell.   Uses AOL on a 56k.>>
You have yet to evolve!ehe To paraphrase John Lennon: "I believe in
sweet Bobby Dylan!" ehe DSL all the way, and I ultimately decided not
to vote in this election. BTW, aren't you late for your day program?
born in a small village in Germany, fled from the poverty of his
background to come to America, and founded Universal Pictures. ADOLPH
ZUCKER was born in Hungary, became orphaned as a small child, came to
America lonely and unloved, and built Paramount Pictures. WILLIAM FOX,
also born in Hungary, came to the States as a poor immigrant selling
soda and sandwiches and working as a chimney sweeper until he one day
founded the Fox Film Corporation. LOUIS B. MAYER was born in Russia,
fled his father's junkyard business, and eventually headed up the
greatest studio of all, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. BENJAMIN WARNER came from
Poland to seek his fortune in America. Here he worked as a cobbler in
Baltimore, peddled notions from a wagon, and tried to eke out a living
so that he could feed his four sons, Harry, Sam, Albert & Jack. Then
he bought a broken movie projector and one thing led to another, until
incredibly enough, Warner Brothers was born" - THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S
2009-02-20 19:25:20 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh>
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.>
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh>
Show me a link that says jews are 60% of screenwriters in Hollywood
(and no, onlinejournal.com doesn't count).>
Oy gevalt!ehe Dullard over there actually needs confirmation that Jews
still saturate every facet of Hollywood!?>
I just don't believe the screenwriters in Hollywood are 60% jewish.> Post a link that says this.  Not that it matters, the top, top, top> writers are ALL Gentiles.>
Post the link Darrin.>
Already did! "60 Minutes" (created by Jews) proved that we still leave
your ilk in the disproportionate dust! ehe Ben Stein made mention of
the screenwriter % in his E! article, which no longer exists online.
And Gentiles can't be Top in Hollywood (Jewish creation) when Gentiles
comprise 40% of its being, maths failure!!
Oh, so the article NO LONGER EXISTS ONLINE?! You're quoting from a
source that doesn't exist? Epic 56k AOL Fail.

Show me a real link then get back to me.

Gentiles are the best directors, actor, actresses, and writers...and
this is according to the AFI jews!
Post by Darrin
LOL! Have you ever stayed> > for the end of film credits?ehehh Every other name is Jewish!>
No it isn't.
Wipe the smegma from your syphillitic eyes!eh  Yes it is! eh
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
Read it and weep: "Crafty 60 Minutes had studied the top slots in
town. Their research showed that "only" about 60 percent of the most
important positions in Hollywood were run by Jews. What did I think? I
managed to disqualify myself by saying that while Hollywood was not
really "run" by anyone (it's far too chaotic for that), if Jews were
about 2.5 percent of the population and were about 60 percent of
Hollywood, they might well be said to be extremely predominant in that
See, unlike you, this person actually knows about his percentiles, as
does 60 Minutes, and as does sweet Ben Stein, who also pointed this> > out in his E! article: "Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do, and> > what of it?" Read it and weep:http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2005/01/19/do-jews-run-hollywood>
You = FAIL.> The "important" positions are screenwriting, directing, STUDIO HEADS/> OWNERS, PRODUCERS, etc.
Dullard, the proof had already been provided to you!
Where, post the link, oh right, it doesn't exist anymore.

IOW, we still
Post by Darrin
hold the most important positions in every facet of Hollywood. The
biggest directors (Spielberg),
Welles is #1.
Post by Darrin
the biggest producers (Bruckheimer),
Biggest producers yes, but Bruckheimer sucks.
Post by Darrin
the biggest screenwriters (Mamet),
Coppola, Welles.

the biggest studio heads/producers/
Post by Darrin
owners (Dreamworks - Spielberg, Geffen & Katzenberg; Miramax - Harvey
& Bob Weinstein) are all Jewish.
I've told you this a dozen times. What the fucks is wrong with you?

And the remaining studios that were
Post by Darrin
founded by Jews are all Jewish, because they become the intellectual
property of Jews and their kin! DOH! Once again, go join a good day
program!ehe Stop jealously obsessing over myself and other Jews!
Not over jews, just over you.
Post by Darrin
I've told you a dozen times that jews dominate the business end of> Hollywood.>
And that includes producers, directors, screenwriters, casting agents,
and every aspect of its being!
Gentiles are the best directors and screenwriters.

Go ahead, continue proving just how
Post by Darrin
mentally retarded you are!! ehehee We're all pointing & laughing at
you - just like the handicapped! eh
You point and laugh at the handicapped? WHAT?!

And if you're laughing at me, why are you taking 24 hours to reply to
my posts? Why are running away for months at a time?

Remember Darrin, the AFI jews are on MY side.
Post by Darrin
Show me a link that says jews make up 60% of the screenwriters in
Hollywood.  While you're at it, show me the link that says Hackman and> Murdoch are jews.>
Show me a link that says Hackman isn't Jewish.
I've shown you the Wikipedia entry. Here's the link that shows the
religion of all the Oscar winners with a "?" next to Hackman's name:


And the site that has the "Top Jewish Roles played by Non-Jewish
Actors" with Hackman at #6.

You have provided ZERO links. You should listen to yourself. Hackman

And while you're there,
Post by Darrin
show me an Irish-Catholic (what you believe he is because he played
"Popeye Doyle" in "The French Connection" - directed by sweet William
Friedkin!eheheh LOL)

I told you 50,000 time that I didn't say Hackman was IRISH CATHOLIC.
I said Popeye Doyle is IRISH, and I couldn't see a JEW playing that

who was born with the name of Eugene Allen
Post by Darrin
Hackman! LOL! And Murdoch is indeed Jewish. His mother was Jewish. But
alas, who needs Murdoch when we have Sumner Redstone (b. Rothstein)?
eheh Here's the Murdoch link: excerpt from:http://tinyurl.com/brpdjd
(scroll down to "Fox Owner's Back-story")
Onlinejournal.com?????? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! Show me a link
from the NY Times or TIME Magazine, or a Murdoch biography, etc. I
posted a link from JPOST.com (which you ignored) that acknowledged
Murdoch as a GENTILE.

Get some new arguments you fucking retard.
Post by Darrin
"Murdoch, as stated, became an American for business reasons. As
Action Report online states, Keith Rupert Murdoch was born in
Australia on March 11, 1931. Rupert’s Australian father, Sir Keith
Murdoch, was a newspaper publisher; his mother Elisabeth Joy Green was
the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family. Keith Rupert, through his
wife’s connections, was “subsequently promoted from reporter to
chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked.
“There was also enough of his wife’s money to buy himself a knighthood
of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and
a radio station in a faraway mining town. For some reason, [Fox’s]
Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother
brought him up as a Jew . . .” Later in life, Murdoch chose to use the
first name of his maternal grandfather alone, without the Keith, as in
Rupert Murdoch."
FROM ONLINEJOURNAL.com!!! Not a legit source. My Jersulam Post
source is legit!!

"His mother is Dame Elisabeth Murdoch (née Elisabeth
Joy Greene), the daughter of a wealthy Irish family." - wikipedia.

Hey Darrin, here's an article from the Jerusalem Post about the Vanity
Fair Top 100 Power List.


Here's a quote you might like:

"Topping the rankings for the second year in a row is gentile media
mogul Rupert Murdoch, who's followed in second place by Steve Jobs,
the non-Jewish co-founder of Apple and Pixar. "

Murdoch = GENTILE!!!
Post by Darrin
Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution.  Claims to be a Democrat but
voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell.   Uses AOL on a 56k.>>
You have yet to evolve!ehe To paraphrase John Lennon: "I believe in
sweet Bobby Dylan!"
So you still don't believe in Darwin and Evolution?

And I've evolved to the point where I can use paragraphs.
Post by Darrin
ehe DSL all the way,
Uh huh. NO ONE who uses AOL uses DSL. Most people use AOL for the
phone modem because they don't have broadband. Only a total MORON
would get rid of AOL but for reason decide to keep the shitty software
and the crappy email account.

and I ultimately decided not
Post by Darrin
to vote in this election.
"Steve, as much as I detest McCain & Palin, we sweets have no choice
but to vote (by default) for that ticket!ehe Obama is not for the
Jews! Was his mentor not a Muslim extremist? Now he has Rev. Jesse
Jackson egging him on to end the so-called Zionist reign! LOL!"

It doesn't sound like you didn't vote. You said you have NO CHOICE

Once again Darrin, you're arguing with your own quotes!
Post by Darrin
BTW, aren't you late for your day program?
You're the one who has delusions that Gentiles are jewish. Remember,
jews want to be Gentiles, not the other way around!

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-20 22:17:58 UTC
IOW, we still> > hold the most important positions in every facet of Hollywood. The> > biggest directors (Spielberg),
Welles is #1.
A matter of opinion. Once again, "Citizen Kane" is not on my Top 10
list, but sweet Michael Curtiz's "Casablanca" (AFI #3) is. eh
Screenplay by sweets Howard Koch & Philip & Julius Epstein! eh Music
by sweet Max Steiner! ehe Produced by sweet Jack Warner! ehe Wherever
you turn... eh Plus, we already went through this, maths failure. Jews
comprise almost half of every AFI list.
the biggest screenwriters (Mamet),>
Coppola, Welles.> Gentiles are the best directors andscreenwriters.>>
No they're not! Coppola only had two universally acclaimed films: "The
Godfather" & "Apocalypse Now." He also had help writing both. Mario
Puzo was the main writer on "The Godfather," since it was his novel.
Welles had one with "Citizen Kane," and it had to be co-written by
sweet Herman L. Mankeiwicz! LOL! Jews have historically been the best
directors and screenwriters: Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, Billy
Wilder, Neil Simon, Sydney Pollack, David Mamet, George Cukor, William
Wyler, Cecil B. DeMille (mother was Jewish), Oliver Stone, Sidney
Lumet, Lawrence Kasdan, Barry Levinson, William Friedkin, John
Frankenheimer, Herman L. Mankeiwicz, Budd Schulberg, William Goldman,
Rod Serling, Ernest Lehman, Waldo Salt, Stewart Stern, Irving Shulman,
Charlie Kaufman, Ben Hecht, Howard Koch, Babaloo Mandel & Lowell Ganz,
Julius & Philip Epstein, Paddy Chayefsky, Edna Ferber, Richard Brooks,
James L. Brooks, George Axelrod, and on and on! Once again, if you
want to prove that you're mentally retarded, continue trying to refute
one of the many professions that Jews have always been synonymous
with. If you know nothing about film, just say so!!

2009-02-20 22:47:26 UTC
Post by Darrin
IOW, we still> > hold the most important positions in every facet of Hollywood. The> > biggest directors (Spielberg),
Welles is #1.
A matter of opinion. Once again, "Citizen Kane" is not on my Top 10
list, but sweet Michael Curtiz's "Casablanca" (AFI #3) is.
What are some other films in your top 10?

And how is "Citizen Kane" NOT in your top 10?

And how can YOU proclaim Mamet as the best when it's all "a matter of

By the way, the AFI jews (any 99% of the film community) agree with

Post by Darrin
Screenplay by sweets Howard Koch & Philip & Julius Epstein! eh Music
by sweet Max Steiner! ehe Produced by sweet Jack Warner! ehe Wherever
you turn... eh Plus, we already went through this, maths failure.
AFI jews says Citizen Kane is #1. Godfather is #2.

I always agreed with you that jews excel, it's just that Gentiles

Post by Darrin
comprise almost half of every AFI list.
the biggest screenwriters (Mamet),>
Coppola, Welles.> Gentiles are the best directors andscreenwriters.>>
No they're not! Coppola only had two universally acclaimed films: "The
Godfather" & "Apocalypse Now."
More than most. And the Godfather is a masterpiece for ages.

He also had help writing both. Mario
Post by Darrin
Puzo was the main writer on "The Godfather," since it was his novel.
Welles had one with "Citizen Kane," and it had to be co-written by
sweet Herman L. Mankeiwicz!
Peter Bogdanavich (jewish guy) made a documentary saying that Welles
was the true writer of the film. HBO made a movie that showed
Mankeiwicz as a drunk and Welles saving the script. The jews are NOT
on your side, Darrin.

LOL! Jews have historically been the best
Post by Darrin
directors and screenwriters: Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, Billy
Wilder, Neil Simon, Sydney Pollack, David Mamet, George Cukor, William
Wyler, Cecil B. DeMille (mother was Jewish), Oliver Stone, Sidney
Lumet, Lawrence Kasdan, Barry Levinson, William Friedkin, John
Frankenheimer, Herman L. Mankeiwicz, Budd Schulberg, William Goldman,
Rod Serling, Ernest Lehman, Waldo Salt, Stewart Stern, Irving Shulman,
Charlie Kaufman, Ben Hecht, Howard Koch, Babaloo Mandel & Lowell Ganz,
Julius & Philip Epstein, Paddy Chayefsky, Edna Ferber, Richard Brooks,
James L. Brooks, George Axelrod, and on and on!
Best director: Orson Welles (his film techniques changed movies
Best writer: Coppola/Puzo (best script ever)

I also think "Schindler's List" had a great script...oh wait,
Spielberg needed a GENTILE to write his Holocaust opus.

Once again, if you
Post by Darrin
want to prove that you're mentally retarded
continue trying to refute
Post by Darrin
one of the many professions that Jews have always been synonymous
When did I say jews weren't writers or directors? Stop putting words
in my mouth. I'm just saying they're not the best. And the AFI jews
agree with me.

If you know nothing about film, just say so!!
The AFI jews agree with me.

Your retard who doesn't put "Citizen Kane" in your top 10!! Every
film buff has that movie in their top 10, it's a masterpiece of non-
linear storytelling, editing, cinematography, use of sound, music,
makeup, etc!
Post by Darrin
So my insane psychobabble consists of providing links that prove Gene
Hackman and Rupert Murdoch are GENTILES and not jews? My insane
psychobabble consists of me using YOUR quote saying that you "had no
choice" but to vote for McCain?

Once again Darrin, what are Gentile jealous of when it comes to jews?
You throw that term around a lot, but never back it up with any

As far as I can tell, jews lust after shiksas (Israel has to import
blondes; intermarriage rate in America is over 50%; almost all
Hollywood movies and TV shows consist of a jewish guy going for a
shiksa; YOU yourself fell in love with a shiksa), jews celebrate
Gentile holiday's, jews drive GERMAN cars, according to YOU rich jews
bought houses in WASP neighborhoods.

You're in a serious state of denial, Darrin.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-20 22:55:22 UTC
Post by Darrin
Darrin, you've added another level to you EPIC FAIL ways.

First, you took me on.
Then when that didn't work, you ignored me.
But you couldn't ignore me, so you posted again, but the decided to
run away for a month.
But NOW you just decided to write off entire chunks of my posts all

Seriously Darrin, where are those links that show Hackman and Murdoch
are jews? I've provided you with numerous links that support my

Our arguing is like the movie "12 Angry Men", I'm the Henry Fonda
character and you're the Lee J. Cobb character (fat jewish guy). You
and Cobb get all angry and make crazy accusations and me and Fonda
poke holes in all your dumb ideas.

Seriously Darrin, you should show your posts to your mother, father,
girlfriend, friends, etc and see what they think. They'll tell you
exactly what I'm telling you right now.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-20 23:11:41 UTC
Hey Darrin, check out this NY Daily News book review of "The Shiksa
Syndrome" : http://tinyurl.com/ak9u43

"Quickly realizing that the hottest Jewish guys she meets have a
penchant for non-Jewish girls, Aimee uses her dramatic breakup weight
loss and a timely makeover opportunity to transform herself into a red-
haired, green-eyed shiksa goddess."

It's a novel about JEWISH girl who has to pretend to be a SHIKSA to

Isn't that what I've been saying all along? Now it's a JEWISH GIRL
saying it.

Is she wrong too, Darrin?
2009-02-21 02:53:50 UTC
Once again, if you> want to prove that you're mentally retarded> continue trying to refute> > one of the many professions that Jews have always been synonymous> > with.>>> If you know nothing about film, just say so!!>>
When did I say jews weren't writers or directors? Stop putting words> in my mouth. I'm just saying they're not the best. And the AFI jews> agree with me.> > The AFI jews agree with me.>>
Woody is not the best, eh? Kubrick was not the best, eh? Spielberg is
not the best, eh? DeMille was not the best, eh? Mamet is not the best,
eh? Go away, ra-ra retard!eheh Hint: the word that you're looking for
is "legendary." The same legendary list that I had provided of The
Greatest (Jewish) screenwriters and filmmakers of all-time. The same
names whom Coppola & Scorsese both admire. The same names that would
make any film enthusiast kvell and plotz!eheh BTW, is this the same
AFI that places Bogie as the #1 actor? LOL! Do you still believe that
Bogie could act better than a Brando, a Hoffman, or an Olivier? LOL!
Once again, learn how to discern between "great/best" vs.
"charismatic." Bogie was not a "great" actor. He would have never been
accepted into sweet Lee Strasberg's (AANBSA - "Godfather II") famed
Actor's Studio in NYC. That's why he never even tried, because he knew
his own limitations! Bogie came from the old school of acting: "stare
the actor in the eye and read your lines!" Hoffman is a great actor.
Pacino is a great actor. Brando was a great actor who revolutionized
the acting world. At best, Bogie was a charismatic actor. At worst,
he was a stiff actor! eh He overacted in many roles. Bogie played
Bogie! ehe If he wasn't a con, he was a psycho, if he wasn't a psycho,
he was a private eye! eh Bogie had no range as an actor! Remember,
there are opinions, and then there are educated opinions. Saying that
Bogie could act better than Brando, is not an educated opinion.
Your retard who doesn't put "Citizen Kane" in your top 10!! Every
film buff has that movie in their top 10, it's a masterpiece of non-> linear storytelling, editing, cinematography, use of sound, music,> makeup, etc!>
Unlike you, I'm not a sycophant! I never took to Welles or the film.
Albeit, I did like his role as "Will Varner" in "The Long, Hot
Summer." Directed by sweet Martin Ritt, starring sweet Paul Newman,
and screenplay by sweet Irving Ravetch! eheeee LOL! Amazing how almost
every legendary film has gobs of Jews attached to it! eh I wonder why?
So my insane psychobabble consists of providing links that prove Gene> Hackman and Rupert Murdoch are GENTILES and not jews? My insane> psychobabble consists of me using YOUR quote saying that you "had no> choice" but to vote for McCain?>
So insane that I see it took you 3 successive responses to my 1! LOL!
Boy, my sharp cursor tongue must be set on decimate, not stun!ehehe
What link did you provide? You yourself said there was a ? near his
religion. Once again, Hackman is Jewish. Even if he wasn't, I am still
batting well over 300!eheh How does Hackman take away from a Hoffman,
a Kirk Douglas, a Marx Brothers, a Keitel, a Dreyfuss, a Harrison, a
Woody, a Berle, a Burns, a Benny, a Caesar, a Seinfeld, a Spielberg, a
Streisand, or a Bacall? The greatest entertainers of our time have
predominantly been Jewish! As for Murdoch!? The link clearly states
that the mother's Jewish ancestry was originally reported in an
Australian newspaper. Learn how to read! And once again, we still have
Mel Karmazin & Sumner Redstone (b. Sumner Murray Rothstein). Both of
whom own two-thirds of all the major media conglomerates as we know
it! ehe CBS-Viacom, Sirius, MTV, QVC, Paramount, Nickelodeon, BET,
Dreamworks, Movietickets.com, and on and on! Once again, you are in a
no-win situation!
Once again Darrin, what are Gentile jealous of when it comes to jews?>> You throw that term around a lot, but never back it up with any> claims.>>
Just about everything in life!eehh The scope & importance of Jewish
influence on World Civilization & Culture is staggering! Unlike any
other peoples, Jews (2% of the American population - wealthiest ethnic
group in the US) have been successful in a way that breeds jealousy.
Historian Albert Lindemann said it best: "Western civilization is
undeniably a 'Jewified' civilization, however offensive the word may
be to our ears because of the ugly use made of it by anti-Semites;
anti-Semites believed that Jews were everywhere, and in a sense they
were almost everywhere that counted in modern society." Show me the
money, and I will show you the crimes against the Jews.
As far as I can tell, jews lust after shiksas (Israel has to import> blondes; intermarriage rate in America is over 50%; almost all> Hollywood movies and TV shows consist of a jewish guy going for a> shiksa; YOU yourself fell in love with a shiksa), jews celebrate> Gentile holiday's, jews drive GERMAN cars, according to YOU rich jews> bought houses in WASP neighborhoods.>>
Not that we need any further confirmation that you're deranged, but
remember these beauts: "Go fuck yourself, you ugly shikseh-chasing Jew
faggot!" "I'm going to respond to everyone of your posts until the die
I die!bahahaahahahahahahaha" Once again, we read about people like you
in the newspapers!ehe
You're in a serious state of denial, Darrin.>>> Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat> but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.>>
Once again, continue proving that you're begging me to have you
committed for a 72 hr. psych eval! eh Please get some help! Join a
good day program with others who share in your illness. They have
wonderful medications for paranoia-schizophrenia. Remember, we gave
you your Easter Bunny, your Santa Claus, your Christianity, your
Sabbath, your Jesus of Nazareth, your Mother Mary, your entire reason
for being! Judeo precedes Christian, remember? -D, NYC "I'm proud of
being Jewish. I'm proud of my heritage. I'm proud of the culture. I'm
proud of the ethic. I'm proud of the fact that we have survived when
there's no rational reason given..the powers that have been laid
against us over centuries for us to have survived. I feel good about
that. I'm proud to have my kids Bar-Mitzvahed. I think it's a plus!" -
GIL CATES (b. Katz, Bronx, NY - Emmy-winning producer/director -
Academy Awards, Uncle of Phoebe Cates, as told on JTN (Jewish TV
Network's "Personal Stories" with Bonnie Franklin (actress, "One Day
At A Time," sweet Jew).."When I was like 6 years old, I thought the
whole word was Jewish. And then I went to school. And all of a sudden,
I realized..gee...not everyone is Jewish. There are people who are not
Jewish. Then I realized there are alot of people who are not Jewish.
Then I realized (guess what) 99% of the world is not Jewish. And that
realization of that in that moment of my life... and then I began to
think back to when they integrated the schools. And all of a sudden
you had blacks. And I thought, wow, it had never occurred to me
before. That there were no blacks in my school. That they weren't
allowed. It didn't occur to me. Why weren't they allowed? And then I
began to think about when we began to cross Falls Road, which would
have been (to us), this Gentile area. Where there was like blonde
headed girls. We might as well have gone to Norway. And all of a
sudden we were fascinated. And then you realized, wait a minute,
you've been living in a ghetto (in a way). And so all of those
thoughts began to swim in my head and that's where Liberty Heights
came about" - BARRY LEVINSON (filmmaker, sweet Jew, Oscar for Best
Director - Rain Man).."NYC: "1010 Wins News - You give us 22 minutes,
we'll give you the world. The most listened to news program in the
nation".."When they liberated them, they thought they were the only
people left in the world. Can you imagine that? They thought they were
the few survivors. They were slowly informed that the world was still
going on. Then they couldn't understand why they were saved. How could
it happen? How could God let it happen? They gathered up what they
could and came to Canada. They were going to go to New York, but
someone said it was nice in Canada" - GEDDY LEE of RUSH (b. Gary
Weinrib, sweet Canuckian Jew, as told to Circus Magazine, 1977)
2009-02-21 03:58:59 UTC
Post by Darrin
Once again, if you> want to prove that you're mentally retarded>  continue trying to refute> > one of the many professions that Jews have always been synonymous> > with.>>>  If you know nothing about film, just say so!!>>
When did I say jews weren't writers or directors?  Stop putting words> in my mouth.  I'm just saying they're not the best.  And the AFI jews> agree with me.> > The AFI jews agree with me.>>
Woody is not the best, eh? Kubrick was not the best, eh? Spielberg is
not the best, eh? DeMille was not the best, eh? Mamet is not the best,
Welles. Coppola. AFI jews agree with ME.

Also, I see you quote the Godfather sometimes. I've never seen you
quote Spielberg or Kubrick films.
Post by Darrin
Go away, ra-ra retard!eheh
I think you have bi-polar disorder. One minute you're claiming your
kicking my ass, the next you're begging me to go away.

Hint: the word that you're looking for
Post by Darrin
is "legendary." The same legendary list that I had provided of The
Greatest (Jewish) screenwriters and filmmakers of all-time. The same
names whom Coppola & Scorsese both admire.
Who cares if they admire them? They're BETTER than them!

The same names that would
Post by Darrin
make any film enthusiast kvell and plotz!eheh
#1. Citizen Kane. #2. Godfather.

BTW, is this the same
Post by Darrin
AFI that places Bogie as the #1 actor?
Yup. AND Entertainment Weekly.

LOL! Do you still believe that
Post by Darrin
Bogie could act better than a Brando, a Hoffman, or an Olivier? LOL!
Yup. Not that it matters, YOU said James Dean is the "GREATEST actor
of all time" (not ONE OF the greatest)!
Post by Darrin
Once again, learn how to discern between "great/best" vs.
"charismatic." Bogie was not a "great" actor. He would have never been
accepted into sweet Lee Strasberg's (AANBSA - "Godfather II") famed
Actor's Studio in NYC.
Why would a non-method actor go to the Actor's Studio. You're logic
makes zero sense. That's like saying why didn't Bob Dylan conduct an

You = Fail.

Bogart was great. Look at the body of his work.
Post by Darrin
That's why he never even tried, because he knew
his own limitations! Bogie came from the old school of acting: "stare
the actor in the eye and read your lines!"
So you're saying the AFI jews are wrong? You're saying Entertainment
Weekly is wrong?

This coming from a so-called film buff that doesn't put "Citizen Kane"
in his top 10!!!
Post by Darrin
Hoffman is a great actor.
Pacino is a great actor. Brando was a great actor who revolutionized
the acting world. At best, Bogie was a charismatic actor.
Wrong. He was a great actor. He brought an rugged everyman quality
to his roles. But he wasn't an overly tough guy like Brando. Bogart
was cool, confident, but vulnerable.

 At worst,
Post by Darrin
he was a stiff actor! eh He overacted in many roles.
But you said all he could do is stare and read his lines? Now you're
accusing him of overacting?

Bogie played
Post by Darrin
Bogie! ehe If he wasn't a con, he was a psycho, if he wasn't a psycho,
he was a private eye! eh
He was neither a con, nor a psycho, nor a private eye in
"Casablanca". Nor in "The African Queen". Nor in "The Caine Mutiny".

You should listen to yourself, Darrin.

Bogie had no range as an actor! Remember,
Post by Darrin
there are opinions, and then there are educated opinions. Saying that
Bogie could act better than Brando, is not an educated opinion.
So the AFI jews are uneducated, but you who can't use paragraphs have
them topped?
Post by Darrin
Your retard who doesn't put "Citizen Kane" in your top 10!!  Every
film buff has that movie in their top 10, it's a masterpiece of non-> linear storytelling, editing, cinematography, use of sound, music,> makeup, etc!>
Unlike you, I'm not a sycophant! I never took to Welles or the film.
How could you not?! It was brilliant. Spellbinding. Woody Allen
called it his #1 film of all time. What didn't you like about it. I
really want to know, be specific.
Post by Darrin
Albeit, I did like his role as "Will Varner" in "The Long, Hot
Summer." Directed by sweet Martin Ritt, starring sweet Paul Newman,
and screenplay by sweet Irving Ravetch! eheeee LOL! Amazing how almost
every legendary film has gobs of Jews attached to it! eh I wonder why?
Gobs of Gentiles are attached to most films as well.
Post by Darrin
So my insane psychobabble consists of providing links that prove Gene> Hackman and Rupert Murdoch are GENTILES and not jews?  My insane> psychobabble consists of me using YOUR quote saying that you "had no> choice" but to vote for McCain?>
So insane that I see it took you 3 successive responses to my 1! LOL!
I had a few new thoughts, sue me.
Post by Darrin
Boy, my sharp cursor tongue must be set on decimate, not stun!ehehe
I've begged you to set it to decimate.
Post by Darrin
What link did you provide? You yourself said there was a ? near his
This one you fucking idiot:


Look under 1971 when Gene Hackman won. Under religion it says "?".

His Wikipedia entry also mentions nothing of him being jewish.

If he was jewish you would see something like "For 'The Royal
Tenenbaum's', for the first time in his career the jewish Gene Hackman
will be playing a jew."
Post by Darrin
Once again, Hackman is Jewish.
Prove it. Post a link. I've posted 3.

Hackman = Gentile.

Seriously Darrin, you're fucking delusional. If said "Einstein's a
Gentile" you'd laugh your ass off and ask me to prove it. When I
couldn't you'd laugh harder. Just like I'm laughing at you right now!

Even if he wasn't, I am still
Post by Darrin
batting well over 300!eheh
Yeah, you're right 1/3 of the time.

How does Hackman take away from a Hoffman,
Post by Darrin
a Kirk Douglas, a Marx Brothers, a Keitel, a Dreyfuss, a Harrison, a
Woody, a Berle, a Burns, a Benny, a Caesar, a Seinfeld, a Spielberg, a
Streisand, or a Bacall? The greatest entertainers of our time have
predominantly been Jewish! As for Murdoch!? The link clearly states
that the mother's Jewish ancestry was originally reported in an
Australian newspaper.
What newspaper was that? All I see is "As Action Report online
states". So "Action Report Online" (on an onlinejournal.com report)
is your SOURCE?

Show me a real source, Darrin.

Why did the JERUSALEM POST acknowledge him as a Gentile? Why has he
never admitted to being a jew!?!

Murdoch = GENTILE!

Learn how to read! And once again, we still have
Post by Darrin
Mel Karmazin & Sumner Redstone (b. Sumner Murray Rothstein). Both of
whom own two-thirds of all the major media conglomerates as we know
it! ehe CBS-Viacom, Sirius, MTV, QVC, Paramount, Nickelodeon, BET,
Dreamworks, Movietickets.com, and on and on!
I never said otherwise.

Once again, you are in a
Post by Darrin
no-win situation!
Then why are you running away?
Post by Darrin
Once again Darrin, what are Gentile jealous of when it comes to jews?>> You throw that term around a lot, but never back it up with any> claims.>>
Just about everything in life!eehh
Such as?
Post by Darrin
The scope & importance of Jewish
influence on World Civilization & Culture is staggering!
Describe in detail. The Founding Fathers were Gentiles. We speak
ENGLISH mostly. Our government is based on those of the Greeks and
the Romans. Aside from the Bible influencing some dumbasses, what do
jews actually influence?

Unlike any
Post by Darrin
other peoples, Jews (2% of the American population - wealthiest ethnic
group in the US) have been successful in a way that breeds jealousy.
So, why did Henry Ford and Joseph Kennedy dislike jews? They were
already superrich? Why did most of the kings of old Europe hate jews
(they had more money than anyone).

Darrin, much like your "the Holocaust, not the 15,000,000 Russian
troops brought down Hitler" or your "Jerry Falwell supports Israel not
because of the Rapture", I think you need to OPEN A FUCKING HISTORY
Post by Darrin
Historian Albert Lindemann said it best: "Western civilization is
undeniably a 'Jewified' civilization,
Describe how this is so. Are we all wearing yarmulkes? Eating
kosher? Speaking Hebrew? How are we "Jewified"?

however offensive the word may
Post by Darrin
be to our ears because of the ugly use made of it by anti-Semites;
anti-Semites believed that Jews were everywhere, and in a sense they
were almost everywhere that counted in modern society."
But the Gentiles are at the top of everything? Richest people,
highest IQ, President, VP, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, landed
on the moon, won every Superbowl, etc.

Show me the
Post by Darrin
money, and I will show you the crimes against the Jews.
Remember when the riots in Brooklyn took place between blacks and
jews? Because a jewish ambulance supposedly didn't help a black kid
who was hurt, then a black guy stabbed a jewish guy? - No money

And by your logic shouldn't jews because jealous of blacks for
reaching the Presidency first?

After Kennedy I always thought the order of breaking the Presidential
barrier would be:

-jewish male.
-black male.
-female (any race/religion)

Now we have a black male as President. Hilary will most likely run in
2016 and she'll probably be up against Romney (mormon). That's leaves
the jews shit out of luck. Spitzer could have been a contender, but
he couldn't lay off the shiksas!

Darrin, is that you're argument for Gentiles being jealous of jews? A
bunch of broad "they're jealous of our money" comments and a quote
from some jewish author? Epic 56k AOL Fail.
Post by Darrin
As far as I can tell, jews lust after shiksas (Israel has to import> blondes; intermarriage rate in America is over 50%; almost all> Hollywood movies and TV shows consist of a jewish guy going for a> shiksa; YOU yourself fell in love with a shiksa), jews celebrate> Gentile holiday's, jews drive GERMAN cars, according to YOU rich jews> bought houses in WASP neighborhoods.>>
Not that we need any further confirmation that you're deranged, but
remember these beauts: "Go fuck yourself, you ugly shikseh-chasing Jew
faggot!" "I'm going to respond to everyone of your posts until the die
I die!bahahaahahahahahahaha"
Wow. Way to avoid every one of my TRUE claims. I took your on head-
on. You ran away like a pussy.

Once again, we read about people like you
Post by Darrin
in the newspapers!ehe
Yeah, you with your "ehehehehe" and lack of paragraphs shows you have
all your marbles.
Post by Darrin
You're in a serious state of denial, Darrin.>>> Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution.  Claims to be a jewish Democrat> but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell.   Uses AOL on a 56k.>>
Once again, continue proving that you're begging me to have you
committed for a 72 hr. psych eval! eh Please get some help! Join a
good day program with others who share in your illness. They have
wonderful medications for paranoia-schizophrenia.
Did you not say evolution is "still a theory"?

Did you not say you had "NO CHOICE" but to vote for McCain?

Did you not say you supported Jerry Falwell?

Do you not use AOL?

Remember, we gave
Post by Darrin
you your Easter Bunny, your Santa Claus, your Christianity, your
Sabbath, your Jesus of Nazareth, your Mother Mary, your entire reason
for being! Judeo precedes Christian, remember?

Seriously Darrin, what the fuck is wrong with you? I've told you this
a 1,000 times! Get some new material you retard.

Darrin, we've had these same posts about 20 times already, and you
know why? Because YOU either run away for or start ignoring me right
at this spot! Then you come back and post the same arguments

Seriously Darrin, I'm Henry Fonda from "12 Angry Men" and you're Lee
J. Cobb (the fat jewish guy).

I love how you ignored my post about a JEWISH girl who writes a book
about pretending to be a SHIKSA to get JEWISH GUYS.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-21 04:07:42 UTC
Seriously, Darrin. You never answered me as to why you reply other
people posts so fast, but mine so slow?

Darrin, here's a timetable of your posts in your "We waited 7 years
for this dreck" thread:

Here's your posting history in
the thread BEFORE I showed up:

Dec 8, 3:09 PM
Dec 8, 3:28 PM
Dec 8, 4:08 PM
Dec 8, 4:14 PM
Dec 8, 4:29 PM
Dec 8, 5:51 PM
Dec 8, 6:02 PM
Dec 8, 7:31 PM
Dec 8, 7:42 PM
Dec 8, 10:37 PM
Dec 9, 12:30 AM
Dec 9, 3:47 AM
Dec 9, 4:41 AM

Impressive. It doesn't seem like you "have a life" as you so often
use as an excuse. But lets look at your history as you started reply
to MY posts:

Dec 10, 5:10 PM
Dec 10, 10:42 PM
Dec 11, 3:06 AM
Dec 11, 4:00 AM
Dec 11, 2:17 PM
Dec 11, 8:28 PM
Dec 11, 11:14 PM
Dec 12, 1:31 AM

Note the big chunks of time in between posts.

I have an idea, why don't YOU pick a time that you know you'll be on
your computer for while. Tell me when that will be, and I'll try to
be on my computer as well. That way we can respond to each other in
rapid succession without any of your 10-24 hour delays (that is when
you're not running away for a month).

What do you say, Darrin? Or are you a chickenshit?
2009-02-23 21:31:04 UTC
Once again, go join a good day> > program!ehe Stop jealously obsessing over myself and other Jews!>
Not over jews, just over you.>>
No, you jealously obsess over Jews!! Long before you began stalking
me, you were ranting and raving like the anti-Semitic nutter that you
are. Here's a few of your earlier ditties, under the following nyms
(talk abour your OCD meets bi-polar disorder! LOL!):


"Do you live in America? If so I take it you will either be giving
your home to a Native American tribe or compensating them in some
way? Oh wait, you won't? Every culture on this planet has been fucked
in the ass in one way or another. The problem is that you Jews keep
trying squeeze more and more and more money out of it."

"I'd rather have no Israel and die of heart failure, than have an
Israel and have a heart failure cure from Israel save my life."

"Was there a terrorist attack against America from Arabs before Israel

"Better than what Israel would do with it. I'd rather set the money on
fire than give it to Israel."

"Ok. Getting rid of Israel would solve America's problems."

"Jew Faggot."

"Yeah, a bunch of Jews who wouldn't even fight back when they were put
into ovens are going to defend a country?"

"Swimming With Sharks" was a movie about the "boss from hell" at a
film production office. The executive was Buddy Ackerman played by
Kevin Spacey. In the film he is a womanizing, egotistical sociopath
who constantly berates and torments his new young assistant, Guy.
You're thinking to yourself "Hollywood executive, played by Kevin
Space (who can pass for a Jew)", this character must be a Jew. Oh,
but this is Jew Hollywood, there can be no Jewish bad guys! You see,
there's a scene in this movie that BEATS YOU OVER THE HEAD with the
fact that he's not Jewish. It went like this:
Buddy: "Guy, do you have my yarmulke?"
Guy: "Yeah, here it is, I didn't know you were Jewish.". Buddy:
"I'm not, but its Yom Kippur and you have to kiss Jewish ass in this
Does it get any less subtle than that. The film was tellingyou "this
psycho isn't Jewish, he's gentile, just like you!"
The funny thing is psycho-boss Buddy is based on either Jewish
producer JOEL SILVER or Jewish movie mogul SCOTT RUDIN! Pathetic.

"Yeah, I'm the fool. I'm not the one selling out the history and
suffering that my people went through in order to get laid. As I
said, fucking pathetic."

"Why am I not suprised? Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
2009-02-24 02:35:09 UTC
Post by Darrin
Once again, go join a good day> > program!ehe Stop jealously obsessing over myself and other Jews!>
Not over jews, just over you.>>
No, you jealously obsess over Jews!!
Wrong, if you were saying "Chinese are teh best at everytingz" I'd be
ripping you apart all the same.

So now were back to this thread, Darrin?

Where are those links claiming Murdoch and Hackman are jews?

Long before you began stalking
Post by Darrin
me, you were ranting and raving like the anti-Semitic nutter that you
are. Here's a few of your earlier ditties, under the following nyms
I use different names but my posts are consistent. You have 1 name
and you're all over the place. One minute you're ignoring me, the
next you're making posts just like this.
I'd rather have a 1,000 different names than 1 AOL account.
Post by Darrin
"Do you live in America? If so I take it you will either be giving
your home to a Native American tribe or compensating them in some
way?  Oh wait, you won't? Every culture on this planet has been fucked
in the ass in one way or another. The problem is that you Jews keep
trying squeeze more and more and more money out of it."
Ok. As I said, YOU'RE touting jews and I'm knocking down your claims.
Post by Darrin
"I'd rather have no Israel and die of heart failure, than have an
Israel and have a heart failure cure from Israel save my life."
Please post the link where I said that.
Post by Darrin
"Was there a terrorist attack against America from Arabs before Israel
That's true. The Israeli President will tell you the same thing.
Israel is a political gamble for America.
Post by Darrin
"Better than what Israel would do with it. I'd rather set the money on
fire than give it to Israel."
True. Israel bombs lots of innocent civilians.
Post by Darrin
"Ok. Getting rid of Israel would solve America's problems."
Most of them.
Post by Darrin
"Jew Faggot."
WAAAH! He uses a racial slur! If you were a chinese guy I'd call you
a chink faggot. What's you're point?
Post by Darrin
"Yeah, a bunch of Jews who wouldn't even fight back when they were put
into ovens are going to defend a country?"
Why didn't they fight back?
Post by Darrin
"Swimming With Sharks" was a movie about the "boss from hell" at a
film production office.  The executive was Buddy Ackerman played by
Kevin Spacey. In the film he is a womanizing, egotistical sociopath
who constantly berates and torments his new young assistant, Guy.
You're thinking to yourself "Hollywood executive, played by Kevin
Space (who can pass for a Jew)", this character must be a Jew.  Oh,
but this is Jew Hollywood, there can be no Jewish bad guys! You see,
there's a scene in this movie that BEATS YOU OVER THE HEAD with the
Buddy: "Guy, do you have my yarmulke?"
"I'm not, but its Yom Kippur and you have to kiss Jewish ass in this
Does it get any less subtle than that. The film was tellingyou "this
psycho isn't Jewish, he's gentile, just like you!"
The funny thing is psycho-boss Buddy is based on either Jewish
producer JOEL SILVER or Jewish movie mogul SCOTT RUDIN!  Pathetic.
My film analysis is brilliant isn't it. How else would you explain
that scene?

Name me a few jewish bad guys, Darrin?
Name me a few movies where a jew hooks up with a jewish girl? All I
see it jews hooking up with shiksas in films (Meet the Parents,
Knocked Up, When Harry Met Sally, etc).
Post by Darrin
"Yeah, I'm the fool.  I'm not the one selling out the history and
suffering that my people went through in order to get laid.  As I
said, fucking pathetic."
Truth. What did Mel Brooks mother say when he said he was marrying
Anne Bancroft:

"Great bring her by. I'll be in the kitchen, with my head in the
Post by Darrin
"Why am I not suprised?  Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
Truth. Jews whine about Christian symbols. I'm not Christian, but I
don't get offended when I see a Christmas tree or a Menorah or
anything like that.

And without Christian support for Israel because of the supposed
Rapture, Israel would have dried up long ago. We give them BILLIONS
each year.

Open. A. History. Book.

Darrin, that's 2 replies are officially putting me back on "ignore

Great job with another 36 hour reply in a different thread, Darrin.
Why do you reply to everyone elses posts so fast?

Where's that link that says Hackman is a jew?

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a
2009-02-27 00:03:55 UTC
Post by Darrin
"Why am I not suprised?  Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
ago.">> And without Christian support for Israel because of the supposed
Rapture, Israel would have dried up long ago.  We give them BILLIONS
each year.>> Open. A. History. Book.
Despicable cretin, we give Egypt just as much each year, yet I don't
hear you jealously obsessing over Arabs! Why? Because Arabs have done
absolutely bupkess in life! We're back to economic jealousy, lame
brain! Even without US's aid (aka investing in a country that has
given back to America & the world tenfold), Israel's GDP is greater
than a handful of EU countries. If it wasn't for Jews and Israel,
you'd still be chipping away at numbers on granite! DOH! No, you open
a damn book, and edumacate (eh) your rabid anti-Semitism:

* Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East. It comprises
1% of all Middle East landmass, yet has a higher standard of living
than all those who seek its destruction. A measly 5 million Jews
surrounded by tens of millions of Arabs. That little David of a
country bitch-slapped all the Goliaths. It fought and won every war!
* Israel has one of the highest ratio of doctors in the world - 1 to
every 450 people.
* Tel Aviv has been rated as one of the Top 10 high technology cities
in the world.
* Israel is responsible for creating and exporting a great number of
technological advances in computers: chat software, MMAX & Pentium II
processors, data compression techniques that allow images and videos
to be transmitted on the internet, firewall and network security
mechanisms that have made the internet a safer neighborhood, and
internet telephony and conferencing technologies that connect millions
of people around the world. Many of microprocessors inside our PCs
were designed in Israel, and the basic technologies behind the flash
memories in smart cards were invented in Israel. Israeli researchers
are driving advances in modern algorithms, cryptography, knowledge
sharing, scientific computation, and compilation, to name just a few
fields. It is thus no surprise that most major companies in the
computer field have established research and development centers in
Israel, including Hewlett Packard, Microsoft (currently being run by
sweet Jew STEVE BALLMER - 16th richest man in the world), 3COM,
Motorola, Intel (created & run by sweet Jew
ANDREW GROVE - 90% of the world's PCs run on his microprocessor),
Applied Materials, Cisco, Lucent, IMB, SAP, Baan, and National
* Stem-cell research pioneers: The prospect of using human embryonic
stem cells to treat heart attacks and other diseases appears a step
closer as the result of a successful Israeli experiment that showed
that the versatile cells can serve as 'biological pacemakers',
correcting faulty heart rhythms when injected into the failing hearts
of pigs.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Abnormally
slow heart rate develops in older patients, who can only survive with
an electronic pacemaker. During heart attacks, tissue is destroyed
when blood is temporarily cut off to a section of the heart, and this
tissue can never be repaired.

The Israeli breakthrough could result in developments that would offer
relief for hundreds of thousands of people around the world who now
use artificial pacemakers to regulate the beating of their heart
because the normal cells that generate the rhythm work irregularly, or
because they have a break in the cell system of the heart used to
spread the natural pacemaking nerve signal.

The Israeli experiment centered on human embryonic stem cells, derived
from donated five-day-old embryos, which have the biological potential
to morph into virtually all of the 200 or so kinds of cells in the
body. Researchers are racing to learn how to direct them to develop
into specific types of cells that can be transplanted into failing
2009-02-27 03:29:23 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
"Why am I not suprised?  Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
ago.">> And without Christian support for Israel because of the supposed
Rapture, Israel would have dried up long ago.  We give them BILLIONS
each year.>> Open.  A.  History.  Book.
Despicable cretin, we give Egypt just as much each year
I didn't say the United States government you moron fuckwit, I said
"CHRISTIANS". If Christians tomorrow said "Fuck Israel", all the
politicians in this country would go right along to protect their

And Israel gets access to our state of the art weaponry as part of
their package.

, yet I don't
Post by Darrin
hear you jealously obsessing over Arabs! Why?
If you were saying "Arabs invented the forward pass", I'd be knocking
YOU down all the same.

Because Arabs have done
Post by Darrin
absolutely bupkess in life!
True that.
Post by Darrin
We're back to economic jealousy, lame
Uh huh. How can it be economic jealousy when Israel has to beg for
financial and military handouts?
Post by Darrin
Even without US's aid (aka investing in a country that has
given back to America & the world tenfold)

, Israel's GDP is greater
Post by Darrin
than a handful of EU countries.
Yeah, the tiny ones.

If it wasn't for Jews and Israel,
Post by Darrin
you'd still be chipping away at numbers on granite!
Explain this.
Post by Darrin
A Gentile term. You never quote Spielberg movies.

No, you open
Post by Darrin
* Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East.
If Syria got billions from America they might consider becoming a
Democracy real fast.

It comprises
Post by Darrin
1% of all Middle East landmass, yet has a higher standard of living
than all those who seek its destruction. A measly 5 million Jews
surrounded by tens of millions of Arabs. That little David of a
country bitch-slapped all the Goliaths.
Uh no, in this scenario Israel = Goliath. When you have a massive
arsenal of US tanks, planes, guns, missiles, etc, it's not difficult
to defeat a force of superior numbers. Study some military history.

Darrin, why have there been no great jewish Generals? Patton,
Montgomery, Powell, Napoleon, etc. ALL GENTILES!
Post by Darrin
It fought and won every war!
Lebanon kicked their ass in 2006.
Post by Darrin
* Israel has one of the highest ratio of doctors in the world - 1 to
every 450 people.
* Tel Aviv has been rated as one of the Top 10 high technology cities
in the world.
* Israel is responsible for creating and exporting a great number of
technological advances in computers: chat software
Which chat software? Give me a name.
Post by Darrin
, MMAX & Pentium II
Wow, 15 years ago...
Post by Darrin
data compression techniques that allow images and videos
to be transmitted on the internet,
What compression is that? Jpeg? WMV? etc.

You can't just post broad statements like this. You have to be

firewall and network security
Post by Darrin
mechanisms that have made the internet a safer neighborhood,
Which mechanisms are those? For which firewall? And do you mean
software firewall or hardware firewalls? Explain.

Post by Darrin
internet telephony and conferencing technologies that connect millions
of people around the world.
Do you mean land lines or satellites? Explain. Which company?
Post by Darrin
Many of microprocessors inside our PCs
were designed in Israel,
FALSE. Most chip design takes place in Silicon Valley in California
(that's where both Intel and AMD are based). They have facilities all
over the world, but to say that Israel is the center is insane.

and the basic technologies behind the flash
Post by Darrin
memories in smart cards were invented in Israel.
Which technology is that? Explain.

Israeli researchers
Post by Darrin
are driving advances in modern algorithms, cryptography, knowledge
sharing, scientific computation, and compilation, to name just a few
I'm sure America contributes to this 100 times more than Israel.

It is thus no surprise that most major companies in the
Post by Darrin
computer field have established research and development centers in
Israel, including Hewlett Packard, Microsoft (currently being run by
sweet Jew STEVE BALLMER - 16th richest man in the world), 3COM,
Motorola, Intel (created & run by sweet Jew
ANDREW GROVE - 90% of the world's PCs run on his microprocessor),
Applied Materials, Cisco, Lucent, IMB, SAP, Baan, and National
Companies have places everywhere. Silicon Valley (and Redmond for
Microsoft) is where the magic happens though.
Post by Darrin
* Stem-cell research pioneers: The prospect of using human embryonic
stem cells to treat heart attacks and other diseases appears a step
closer as the result of a successful Israeli experiment that showed
that the versatile cells can serve as 'biological pacemakers',
correcting faulty heart rhythms when injected into the failing hearts
of pigs.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Abnormally
slow heart rate develops in older patients, who can only survive with
an electronic pacemaker. During heart attacks, tissue is destroyed
when blood is temporarily cut off to a section of the heart, and this
tissue can never be repaired.
A Gentile invented the artificial heart.
Post by Darrin
The Israeli breakthrough could result in developments that would offer
relief for hundreds of thousands of people around the world who now
use artificial pacemakers to regulate the beating of their heart
because the normal cells that generate the rhythm work irregularly, or
because they have a break in the cell system of the heart used to
spread the natural pacemaking nerve signal.
Every modern country in the world is working on stem cells.
Post by Darrin
The Israeli experiment centered on human embryonic stem cells, derived
from donated five-day-old embryos, which have the biological potential
to morph into virtually all of the 200 or so kinds of cells in the
body. Researchers are racing to learn how to direct them to develop
into specific types of cells that can be transplanted into failing
Check out the "Key Events" in Stem Cell research:


I see no mention of Israel.

Great job with the 2 day reply, Darrin.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a
B. Cramer
2009-02-27 07:36:44 UTC
"Why am I not suprised? Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
ago.">> And without Christian support for Israel because of the supposed
Rapture, Israel would have dried up long ago. We give them BILLIONS
each year.>> Open. A. History. Book.
Despicable cretin, we give Egypt just as much each year,
Which is a defacto payment to Ersatz israel, fuckstain. It's paid to keep
Egypt off the backs of the yids.

Fuck orf with your lies.

Shite snipped.
2009-02-27 18:41:33 UTC
Post by B. Cramer
"Why am I not suprised? Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
ago.">> And without Christian support for Israel because of the supposed
Rapture, Israel would have dried up long ago. We give them BILLIONS
each year.>> Open.  A.  History.  Book.
Despicable cretin, we give Egypt just as much each year,
Which is a defacto payment to Ersatz israel, fuckstain. It's paid to keep
Egypt off the backs of the yids.
Fuck orf with your lies.
Shite snipped.
B. Cramer is right.

Since Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, the US government has
given them $45.6 billion dollars, compared with just $4.2 billion
between 1953-1978.

We're essentially paying Egypt not to attack Israel.
B. Cramer
2009-02-27 22:45:58 UTC
Post by B. Cramer
"Why am I not suprised? Even though the Supreme Court has declared
that the Christmas tree and the Menorah are both secular symbols, this
Jew douchebag decides that he's still offended. Has a Christian ever
complained about seeing a Menorah or the Star of David? Has a Muslim
ever complained about anything Christian related? Fucking Jews should
be sucking every Christian's cock for the support they give Israel.
Without it Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth long
ago.">> And without Christian support for Israel because of the supposed
Rapture, Israel would have dried up long ago. We give them BILLIONS
each year.>> Open. A. History. Book.
Despicable cretin, we give Egypt just as much each year,
Which is a defacto payment to Ersatz israel, fuckstain. It's paid to keep
Egypt off the backs of the yids.
Fuck orf with your lies.
Shite snipped.
B. Cramer is right.
Since Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, the US government has
given them $45.6 billion dollars, compared with just $4.2 billion
between 1953-1978.
A similar situation exists in Jordan.
Post by B. Cramer
We're essentially paying Egypt not to attack Israel.
2009-02-24 02:48:59 UTC
Darrin, why can you post my quotes in paragraphs, but you can't post
YOUR quotes in paragraphs?

Makes zero sense.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a
2009-02-20 13:32:22 UTC
Your silence on our other threads is deafening, Darrin.

Way to ignore the chart that I posted showing how fast you reply to
other people threads compared to mine.

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a Democrat but
voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a 56k.
2009-02-20 13:40:38 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh>
Mamet's a writer working in Hollywood.  You're writing non-paragraphed
INACCURATE (Murdoch and Hackman still aren't jews!) on usenet.>
Yes, Mamet is one of 60% of Hollywood screenwriters who are Jewish!
eheh Let's do our disproportionate percentile maths (eh): Jews
comprise a measly 2% of the American population + 60% of all
screenwriters = 30x more than should be expected of them. Domination
station! ehehe Unfknblvbl! eh>
Show me a link that says jews are 60% of screenwriters in Hollywood
(and no, onlinejournal.com doesn't count).
Oy gevalt!ehe Dullard over there actually needs confirmation that Jews
still saturate every facet of Hollywood!? LOL! Have you ever stayed
for the end of film credits?ehehh Every other name is Jewish! eheh
Read it and weep: "Crafty 60 Minutes had studied the top slots in
town. Their research showed that "only" about 60 percent of the most
important positions in Hollywood were run by Jews. What did I think? I
managed to disqualify myself by saying that while Hollywood was not
really "run" by anyone (it's far too chaotic for that), if Jews were
about 2.5 percent of the population and were about 60 percent of
Hollywood, they might well be said to be extremely predominant in that
See, unlike you, this person actually knows about his percentiles, as
does 60 Minutes, and as does sweet Ben Stein, who also pointed this
out in his E! article: "Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do, and
what of it?" Read it and weep:http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2005/01/19/do-jews-run-hollywood
Just so you know Darrin that's the same Ben Stein who made the film
"Expelled", which was about trying to disproved Evolution in favor of
Intelligent Design! He, like you is a moron and for the same reason!
2009-02-19 09:09:35 UTC
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel and
Jews are doing.

I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to believe I am without
And if anyone is capable of changing his views toward Jews, it is I -
the David Mamet (sweet Jew) of cyberspace!eheheh I carved out my own
unique niche of words!ehe Remember when you once praised me for giving
another anti-Semite one of my patented sharp cursor tongue lashings?
eheh As you may have seen from my cyberstalker extraordinaire, the
residual effects can be felt indefinitely! ehe
2009-02-20 06:38:16 UTC
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe Racially tolerant
people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
There's no excuse for this blasphemous remark, and there is no logical
reason to be anti-Jew or anti-Israel. What exactly are you not a fan
of? Israel's right to defend its soil against Jew-hating savages? Just
military retaliations against a people who maim & kill innocents in
suicide bomb attacks? The same people who use children as human
shields, then cry "blame the Jew?"

It has nothing to do with oppression: 20% of Arabs live as peaceful
Israeli citizens, and they have a higher standard of living than any
other Middle Eastern country. It has nothing to do with land: Israel
was first promised to the Hebrews over 3,000 years ago. It HAS
everything to do with economic jealousy - aka anti-Semitism. Pallies
will not rest until Israel is pushed into the sea.

If Israel ever stooped to the same level as Pallies, not one Arab
would be left standing. As the saying goes: "If the Arabs put down
their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put
down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel." Israel is
only second to the US, in terms of military might. Now place the shoe
on the other foot. Imagine if Palestine had the same weaponry!? They
wouldn't hesitate to nuke Israel.

Unfortunately, these lovely Palestinians (aka Arabs -
indistinguishable from Jordanians, Egyptians, etc) have done
everything in their power to prevent a Palestinian state from
happening. The late Terrorfat had a chance to have 95% of the West
Bank and part of Jerusalem as his capital, but he chose otherwise. He
refused the Clinton/Barak deal, and opted to engage in more Jew-hating
terrorism. This is the same louse who was later found to have looted
billions from his so-called poor, poor oppressed people. All while his
wife and child had been living like Kings & Queens in France!

In the end, why are we even caring about a tribally backward people &
a strip of land that has always been used as a pretense by
Palestinians to massacre more Jews!? Israel has never been Palestinian
land, nor will it ever be! History does not lie, anti-Semites do!
2009-02-21 04:31:30 UTC
Post by Karl
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel
and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to
believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe
Why should I not be permitted to *quack* as you so eloquently put it?
I am entitle to an opinion as are you.
Post by Karl
Racially tolerant
people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.
Until you can prove those words exist, you will have to suffer them.
Post by Karl
There's no excuse for this blasphemous remark, and there is no logical
reason to be anti-Jew or anti-Israel.
It is not blasphemous. The words condoning such behavior are contained
within the Talmud.
Post by Karl
What exactly are you not a fan of?
The lies of the Jews. The methods they used to steal Palestine. Their
ongoing brutality against the Palestinians. Their involvement in worldwide
extortion. Their manipulating the political process of many Western nations.
Their constant whining. The list is much longer, but I think you'll get the
Post by Karl
Israel's right to defend its soil against Jew-hating savages?
I think the Palestinians would hate Christians equally, had they been
responsible for stealing their country and been engaged in brutalising them
for over seventy years.
Post by Karl
military retaliations against a people who maim & kill innocents in
suicide bomb attacks? The same people who use children as human
shields, then cry "blame the Jew?"
The zionists started all the killing. You seem to forget that.
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with oppression: 20% of Arabs live as peaceful
Israeli citizens, and they have a higher standard of living than any
other Middle Eastern country.
They are not equal citizens of Israel. They are very much second class
citizens, with many restrictions placed upon them the Jews of Israel do not
have to tolerate.
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with land: Israel
was first promised to the Hebrews over 3,000 years ago.
That's rubbish and you know it.
Post by Karl
everything to do with economic jealousy - aka anti-Semitism. Pallies
will not rest until Israel is pushed into the sea.
It has nothing to do with jealousy of any kind. The Palestinians want their
land back.
Post by Karl
If Israel ever stooped to the same level as Pallies, not one Arab
would be left standing.
Israel has stooped way below the lowest standards of any nation in
Post by Karl
As the saying goes: "If the Arabs put down
their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
That's rubbish. If the Arabs put down their weapons today, they would lose
ALL their land.
Post by Karl
If the Jews put
down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."
I don't see that as a bad thing.
Post by Karl
Israel is
only second to the US, in terms of military might.
Something not to be proud of.
Post by Karl
Now place the shoe
on the other foot. Imagine if Palestine had the same weaponry!? They
wouldn't hesitate to nuke Israel.
How can you know that?
Post by Karl
Unfortunately, these lovely Palestinians (aka Arabs -
indistinguishable from Jordanians, Egyptians, etc) have done
everything in their power to prevent a Palestinian state from
That is a foolish statement.
Post by Karl
The late Terrorfat had a chance to have 95% of the West
Bank and part of Jerusalem as his capital, but he chose otherwise. He
refused the Clinton/Barak deal,
Any sane person would have refused it. The so-called *state* he was being
offered was nothing like it. The Palestinians would have been living under
total control of Israel with no say on their borders, water supply,
transport, travel etc. The *offer* was a disgrace.
Post by Karl
and opted to engage in more Jew-hating terrorism.
Nonsense. The Jews of Israel are far more adept at terrorist activities.
The residents of the illegal West Bank settlements are proof of that.
Post by Karl
This is the same louse who was later found to have looted
billions from his so-called poor, poor oppressed people. All while his
wife and child had been living like Kings & Queens in France!
That is an absolute lie. Arafat was never shown to have looted anything from
his people, and his wife lives as the wife of any world leader lives.

This story is a lie generated by the Hasbara Project to blacken Arafat. It
has long been debunked.
Post by Karl
In the end, why are we even caring about a tribally backward people &
a strip of land that has always been used as a pretense by
Palestinians to massacre more Jews!?
The Jews need to ask themselves that. The Europeans who stole the land from
the Arabs certainly had no historical connection to it or any right to it.
Post by Karl
Israel has never been Palestinian
land, nor will it ever be! History does not lie, anti-Semites do!
Palstine ceased to belong to the Israelis when they gave the country up
nearly 2000 years ago. Their claim to the land, even at that time, was
tenuous at best.

They were defeated, they lost the land. End of story.

God does not have a realtor's licence.
2009-02-21 13:24:12 UTC
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel
and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to
believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe
Why should I not be permitted to *quack* as you so eloquently put it?
I am entitle to an opinion as are you.
Post by Karl
Racially tolerant
people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.
Until you can prove those words exist, you will have to suffer them.
The above makes no sense. Par for the course for Karl. Karl is a
burgerflipper of absolutely no consequence to this group or the world.
Let the moron live out his excuse for a life as he is - he is an
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
There's no excuse for this blasphemous remark, and there is no logical
reason to be anti-Jew or anti-Israel.
It is not blasphemous. The words condoning such behavior are contained
within the Talmud.
Post by Karl
What exactly are you not a fan of?
The lies of the Jews. The methods they used to steal Palestine. Their
ongoing brutality against the Palestinians. Their involvement in worldwide
extortion. Their manipulating the political process of many Western nations.
Their constant whining.  The list is much longer, but I think you'll get the
Post by Karl
Israel's right to defend its soil against Jew-hating savages?
I think the Palestinians would hate Christians equally, had they been
responsible for stealing their country and been engaged in brutalising them
for over seventy years.
Post by Karl
military retaliations against a people who maim & kill innocents in
suicide bomb attacks? The same people who use children as human
shields, then cry "blame the Jew?"
The zionists started all the killing. You seem to forget that.
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with oppression: 20% of Arabs live as peaceful
Israeli citizens, and they have a higher standard of living than any
other Middle Eastern country.
They are not equal citizens of Israel. They are very much second class
citizens, with many restrictions placed upon them the Jews of Israel do not
have to tolerate.
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with land: Israel
was first promised to the Hebrews over 3,000 years ago.
That's rubbish and you know it.
Post by Karl
everything to do with economic jealousy - aka anti-Semitism. Pallies
will not rest until Israel is pushed into the sea.
It has nothing to do with jealousy of any kind. The Palestinians want their
land back.
Post by Karl
If Israel ever stooped to the same level as Pallies, not one Arab
would be left standing.
Israel has stooped way below the lowest standards of any nation in
Post by Karl
As the saying goes: "If the Arabs put down
their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
That's rubbish. If the Arabs put down their weapons today, they would lose
ALL their land.
Post by Karl
If the Jews put
down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."
I don't see that as a bad thing.
Post by Karl
Israel is
only second to the US, in terms of military might.
Something not to be proud of.
Post by Karl
Now place the shoe
on the other foot. Imagine if Palestine had the same weaponry!? They
wouldn't hesitate to nuke Israel.
How can you know that?
Post by Karl
Unfortunately, these lovely Palestinians (aka Arabs -
indistinguishable from Jordanians, Egyptians, etc) have done
everything in their power to prevent a Palestinian state from
That is a foolish statement.
Post by Karl
The late Terrorfat had a chance to have 95% of the West
Bank and part of Jerusalem as his capital, but he chose otherwise. He
refused the Clinton/Barak deal,
Any sane person would have refused it. The so-called *state* he was being
offered was nothing like it. The Palestinians would have been living under
total control of Israel with no say on their borders, water supply,
transport, travel etc. The *offer* was a disgrace.
Post by Karl
and opted to engage in more Jew-hating terrorism.
Nonsense. The Jews of Israel are far more adept at terrorist activities.
The residents of the illegal West Bank settlements are proof of that.
Post by Karl
This is the same louse who was later found to have looted
billions from his so-called poor, poor oppressed people. All while his
wife and child had been living like Kings & Queens in France!
That is an absolute lie. Arafat was never shown to have looted anything from
his people, and his wife lives as the wife of any world leader lives.
This story is a lie generated by the Hasbara Project to blacken Arafat. It
has long been debunked.
Post by Karl
In the end, why are we even caring about a tribally backward people &
a strip of land that has always been used as a pretense by
Palestinians to massacre more Jews!?
The Jews need to ask themselves that. The Europeans who stole the land from
the Arabs certainly had no historical connection to it or any right to it.
Post by Karl
Israel has never been Palestinian
land, nor will it ever be! History does not lie, anti-Semites do!
Palstine ceased to belong to the Israelis when they gave the country up
nearly 2000 years ago. Their claim to the land, even at that time, was
tenuous at best.
They were defeated, they lost the land. End of story.
God does not have a realtor's licence.
B. Cramer
2009-02-21 13:32:58 UTC
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel
and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to
believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe
Why should I not be permitted to *quack* as you so eloquently put it?
I am entitle to an opinion as are you.
Post by Karl
Racially tolerant
people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.
Until you can prove those words exist, you will have to suffer them.
The above makes no sense. Par for the course for Karl. Karl is a
burgerflipper of absolutely no consequence to this group or the world.
Let the moron live out his excuse for a life as he is - he is an
Poor Missy RATner. Got the rag, old girl?

It actually makes a shit load of sense, RATner. Your stinky talmud does
indeed state it's kosher to shag three year old kids.

You're a pathetic little girlie, RATner.
2009-02-23 06:38:35 UTC
Post by yousaybeus
Post by Karl
Post by Darrin
Racially tolerant
people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
Well, if only because "racially tolerant" people are smarter than bigots,
But one really has nothingto do w/the other.
Post by yousaybeus
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.
This is, of course, a lie, with its roots in ignorance;
the stinkiest canker on said roots being "bigotry".
Post by yousaybeus
Post by Karl
Until you can prove those words exist, you will have to suffer them.
The above makes no sense.
Yes, he should have to prove his lying assertion since he made it.
But even he knows that he cannot. He can only post what he knows
to be a lie, & then knows it will be soundly crushed, instantly.

Post by yousaybeus
Par for the course for Karl. Karl is a
burgerflipper of absolutely no consequence to this group or the world.
Let the moron live out his excuse for a life as he is - he is an
B. Cramer
2009-02-23 08:58:58 UTC
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by yousaybeus
Post by Karl
Post by Darrin
Racially tolerant
people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
Well, if only because "racially tolerant" people are smarter than bigots,
So? You think it's kosher to shag three year old kids, cohen. That much is
apparent, you disgusting, perverted, deviant, dyslexic, thick Irish cunt.
Post by f***@verizon.net
But one really has nothingto do w/the other.
Post by yousaybeus
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.
This is, of course, a lie, with its roots in ignorance;
Nope. The words are there for all to read, cohen. Just a finger in the eye.
Post by f***@verizon.net
the stinkiest canker on said roots being "bigotry".
Post by yousaybeus
Post by Karl
Until you can prove those words exist, you will have to suffer them.
The above makes no sense.
Yes, he should have to prove his lying assertion since he made it.
Here you go, cohen.

Now tell me the stinky talmud is not saying it's kosher to shag three year
old kids.

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

How many more do you need?

Apologise now, cunt.
2009-02-24 07:39:40 UTC
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel
and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to
believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe>
Why should I not be permitted to *quack* as you so eloquently put it?
I am entitle to an opinion as are you.
Your opinion is only shared by anti-Semites. Therefore, it ceases to
become an opinion. Lies are not opinions, they are lies.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Racially tolerant> >people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.> Until you can prove those words exist, you will have to suffer them.Please >
Please cite the reference.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
There's no excuse for this blasphemous remark, and there is no logical
reason to be anti-Jew or anti-Israel.>
It is not blasphemous. The words condoning such behavior are contained
within the Talmud.>
Please cite the reference.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
What exactly are you not a fan of?>
The lies of the Jews.>>
No, the lies of the jealous Gentiles (ie you), who claim that The
Talmud allows for child molestation? Time to step away from that Coney
Island fun house mirror of yours!!

<<The methods they used to steal Palestine. Their> ongoing brutality
against the Palestinians.

What part of "20% of Arabs live as peaceful Israeli citizens" did you
not understand the first time around? Do you think any of the 6
neighboring Arab countries would tolerate Palestinians as well as
Israel has? In the end, those who live among Israel in peace, have
access to the same opportunities, the same foods, the same shelter,
and the best standard of living of any other Middle Eastern country.

<<Their involvement in worldwide> extortion. Their manipulating the
political process of many Western nations.> Their constant whining.
The list is much longer, but I think you'll get the
Post by Karl
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred, without regard to either
facts or logic.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Israel's right to defend its soil against Jew-hating savages?>
I think the Palestinians would hate Christians equally, had they been> responsible for stealing their country and been engaged in brutalising them> for over seventy years.>
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred, without regard to either
facts or logic.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Just> >military retaliations against a people who maim & kill innocents in
suicide bomb attacks? The same people who use children as human
shields, then cry "blame the Jew?">
The zionists started all the killing. You seem to forget that.>
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred without regard to either
facts or logic.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with oppression: 20% of Arabs live as peaceful
Israeli citizens, and they have a higher standard of living than any
other Middle Eastern country.>
They are not equal citizens of Israel. They are very much second
class> citizens, with many restrictions placed upon them the Jews of
Israel do not> have to tolerate.>

" "
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with land: Israel> >was first promised to the Hebrews over 3,000 years ago.>
That's rubbish and you know it.>

1. Nationhood and Jerusalem - Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E.,
two thousand years before the rise of Islam.

2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a
Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of
Modern State of Israel.

3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had
over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in
land for the past 3,300 years.

4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no
more than 22 years.

5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital.
Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity.
Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to
it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy
Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward

9. Arab and Jewish Refugees In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged
to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews.
Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.

10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to
Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms.

11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated
to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands
estimated to be the same.

12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into
the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory.
Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the
refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated
into their own peoples' lands. Jewish refugees were completely
absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It HAS> >everything to do with economic jealousy - aka anti-Semitism. Pallies
will not rest until Israel is pushed into the sea.>
It has nothing to do with jealousy of any kind. The Palestinians want their
land back.
You can't get back land that was never yours in the first place!! DOH!
Pallies are Arabs! They became "Palestinians" two decades after the
establishment of the modern state of Israel.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
If Israel ever stooped to the same level as Pallies, not one Arab
would be left standing.>
Israel has stooped way below the lowest standards of any nation in
By allowing 20% of Arabs to live as peaceful Israeli citizens. By
allowing them to have the same access to employment, education, food,
shelter, etc. By allowing the rest of the Jew-hating savages to
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
As the saying goes: "If the Arabs put down> >their weapons today, there would be no more violence.>
That's rubbish. If the Arabs put down their weapons today, they would lose> ALL their land.>
With or without weapons, Israel already has the capabilities to nuke
every last Pallie standing. Like it or not, once Israel is free from
Jew-hating savages, then there will be peace. So why don't we decimate
them or deport them from our soil? Because unlike those Jew-hating
savages, we are a civil people. We have used remarkable restraint in
dealing with a people who live to see the destruction of Israel.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
If the Jews put> >down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.">
I don't see that as a bad thing.>
As an anti-Semite, why would you?
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Now place the shoe> >on the other foot. Imagine if Palestinians had the same weaponry!? They
wouldn't hesitate to nuke Israel.>
How can you know that?>
The intentional maiming & murdering of innocent Israeli civilians in
suicide bombings. 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympians at the Munich
Games. US Embassy bombings. 9/11. The kidnapping and murder of Daniel
Pearl. Wreaking havoc on most of the world. And on and on. Use
whatever brains you have left in that cranium of yours, and learn how
to deduce!
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Unfortunately, these lovely Palestinians (aka Arabs -
indistinguishable from Jordanians, Egyptians, etc) have done
everything in their power to prevent a Palestinian state from
That is a foolish statement.>
That IS a factual statement that goes against your foolish logic.
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
This is the same louse who was later found to have looted
billions from his so-called poor, poor oppressed people. All while his
wife and child had been living like Kings & Queens in France!>
That is an absolute lie. Arafat was never shown to have looted anything from
his people, and his wife lives as the wife of any world leader lives.>
Most wives of World leaders live with their husbands! The only thing
Terrorfat ever led was embezzling from his own people.
Post by Karl
This story is a lie generated by the Hasbara Project to blacken Arafat. It> has long been debunked.>
As if Terrorfat ever needed any help in tarnishing his own image!?
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
In the end, why are we even caring about a tribally backward people &
a strip of land that has always been used as a pretense by
Palestinians to massacre more Jews!?>
The Jews need to ask themselves that. The Europeans who stole the land from> the Arabs certainly had no historical connection to it or any right to it.>
The tie was to brilliant chemist, Chaim Weitzmann. A Russian-born
British citizen who saved England from ruination. In 1915, England
faced a critical shortage of acetone for explosives, and sweet
Weizmann figured out a way to produce it synthetically from ordinary
chestnuts, which were plentiful in England. In gratitude, the English
government wanted to make Weizmann a knight. Instead of this personal
honor, he pleaded that the British government proclaim its willingness
to support the
idea of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East. Weitzmann became the
first President of Israel!!
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Israel has never been Palestinian> >land, nor will it ever be! History does not lie, anti-Semites do!>
Palstine ceased to belong to the Israelis when they gave the country up> nearly 2000 years ago. Their claim to the land, even at that time, was> tenuous at best.>
They were defeated, they lost the land. End of story.
Nope. Jew-hating savages instigiated every war, and lost every war.
Post by Karl
God does not have a realtor's licence.>>
I would love to know which God you pray to!?! LOL! -D, NYC "In all
their long history, the Jewish people have done scarcely anything more
wondreful than to create the synagogue. No human institution has a
longer continuous history, and none has done more for the uplifting of
the human race" - ROBERT TRAVERS HERFORD (1860-1950, Minister).."There
was once a Jewish pope" - ANACLETUS II.."From the first moment we come
upon the Hebrews, they have within them a tenderness and compassion
from man to man that are essentially at one with Hosea & Isaiah" -
EDITH HAMILTON (19-century American theologian).."We belong to a race
that can do everything but fail" - BENJAMIN DISRAELI (1804-1881, first
Jewish Prime Minister of England).."One Jew was put to death in
Jerusalem two thousand years ago and the non-Jewish world has not
ceased to speak of this death. Do we Jews not have the right, the
duty, to keep alive the memory of the six million dead?" - ELIE WIESEL
Peace prize winner, humanitarian, Holocaust survivor, sweet Jew).."My
Uncle Chaim, the first president, used to complain that he presided
over a nation of 2 million presidents...Don't try and be a president
in Israel" - EZER WEIZMANN.."No people has ever insisted more firmly
the Jews that history has a purpose and humanity a destiny - PAUL
JOHNSON, Historian.."Afterall, I was representing a couple of million
Jews among a hundred million Gentiles, and I was always in the
spotlight...I felt a responsibility. I was there every day, every SOB
was calling me names so that I had to make good. As time went by, I
came to feel as if I, as a Jew, hit a home-run, I was hitting one
against Hitler" - HAMMERING HANK GREENBERG (commenting on the 1938
season when he hit 58 home runs and was approaching Babe Ruth's record
of 60).."May the children of the stock of Abraham, who dwell in this
land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other
inhabitants, while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine &
fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid" - GEORGE
WASHINGTON (1st US president, 1789-1797).."Bagels are doughnuts with a
college education - and the college is probably Yeshiva" - LEO ROSTEN
(author, sweet Jew).."Who would have imagined that my witnessing of
the lighting of Shabbos candles would open my mind and heart to a
religion I had once believed to be false?" - JOHN DAVID SCALAMONTI
(former Roman Catholic priest, now an Orthodox Jew).."We are the most
cursed of all generations, and we are the most blessed of all
generations. We are the generation of Job, but we are also the
generation of Jerusalem" - ELIE WIESEL
2009-02-24 14:13:33 UTC
Darrin, where's that link that says 60% of screenwriters (NOT
producers or studio heads) are jews? Oh right, you're only source was
an online article that NO LONGER exists!!

While you're at it show me the links (not onlinejournal.com) that says
Murdoch and Hackman are jews!

Darrin - Doesn't believe in Evolution. Claims to be a jewish Democrat
but voted for McCain and supported Jerry Falwell. Uses AOL on a
2009-02-24 09:16:46 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel
and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to
believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe>
Why should I not be permitted to *quack* as you so eloquently put it?
I am entitle to an opinion as are you.
Your opinion is only shared by anti-Semites.
There are billions of us and only a few million of you. You are out of step
with the world.
Post by Darrin
Therefore, it ceases to
become an opinion. Lies are not opinions, they are lies.
You Jews expect us to accept your lies as truth. You have lied for thousands
of years.

Your Talmud tells it is OK to lie to goyim.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Racially tolerant> >people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.> Until you can prove those
words exist, you will have to suffer them.Please >
Please cite the reference.
"A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by

"When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for
when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the
Kethuboth 116

"...the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded a sexual act..."

"...tears come to the eye again and again so does virginity come back to the
little girl under three years"
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
There's no excuse for this blasphemous remark, and there is no logical
reason to be anti-Jew or anti-Israel.>
It is not blasphemous. The words condoning such behavior are contained
within the Talmud.>
Please cite the reference.
I am just doing this for you above.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
What exactly are you not a fan of?>
The lies of the Jews.>>
No, the lies of the jealous Gentiles (ie you), who claim that The
Talmud allows for child molestation? Time to step away from that Coney
Island fun house mirror of yours!!
Jews are lying since a long time. Thousands of years. History tells us that.
Post by Darrin
<<The methods they used to steal Palestine. Their> ongoing brutality
against the Palestinians.
What part of "20% of Arabs live as peaceful Israeli citizens" did you
not understand the first time around? Do you think any of the 6
neighboring Arab countries would tolerate Palestinians as well as
Israel has? In the end, those who live among Israel in peace, have
access to the same opportunities, the same foods, the same shelter,
and the best standard of living of any other Middle Eastern country.
20% of Arabs do not live as EQUALS with Jews in Israel. That is a lie.
Israel is Apartheid.
Post by Darrin
<<Their involvement in worldwide> extortion. Their manipulating the
political process of many Western nations.> Their constant whining.
The list is much longer, but I think you'll get the
Post by Karl
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred, without regard to either
facts or logic.
You are not able to answer my question so you blaspheme.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Israel's right to defend its soil against Jew-hating savages?>
I think the Palestinians would hate Christians equally, had they been>
responsible for stealing their country and been engaged in brutalising
them> for over seventy years.>
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred, without regard to either
facts or logic.
You again have no answer so blaspheme.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Just> >military retaliations against a people who maim & kill innocents in
suicide bomb attacks? The same people who use children as human
shields, then cry "blame the Jew?">
The zionists started all the killing. You seem to forget that.>
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred without regard to either
facts or logic.
You do it again.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with oppression: 20% of Arabs live as peaceful
Israeli citizens, and they have a higher standard of living than any
other Middle Eastern country.>
They are not equal citizens of Israel. They are very much second
class> citizens, with many restrictions placed upon them the Jews of
Israel do not> have to tolerate.>
" "
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with land: Israel> >was first promised to the
Hebrews over 3,000 years ago.>
That's rubbish and you know it.>
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem - Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E.,
two thousand years before the rise of Islam.
But it ceased to be a nation 1800 years ago.
Post by Darrin
2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a
Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of
Modern State of Israel.
They were identified as Palestinians by the League of Nations and the United
Nations. Many eminent individuals also referred to them as Palestinians,
including David ben Gurion.
Post by Darrin
3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had
over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in
land for the past 3,300 years.
Not as a nation.
Post by Darrin
4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no
more than 22 years.
I thought we were discussing Israel.
Post by Darrin
5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital.
Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity.
Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to
it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.
Jews did not build Jerusalem.
Post by Darrin
6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy
Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.
Many strange things are mentioned in religious texts.
Post by Darrin
7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to
King David did not found the city of Jerusalem.

King David's city only covered less than 10 acres.
Post by Darrin
8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward
What does that have to do with it?
Post by Darrin
9. Arab and Jewish Refugees In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged
to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews.
Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.
That is a lie. Transcripts of British radio intercepts have not shown any
evidence of such calls being made.
This story surfaced many years after and was created by Jews.
Post by Darrin
10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to
Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms.
That is also a lie. They moved to the new Israel willingly to take
possession of Palestinian's homes and land.
Post by Darrin
11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated
to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands
estimated to be the same.
Jewish were not refugess from Arab lands. They left willingly and with no
rifles pointed at them. Most of them were wealthy.
Post by Darrin
12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into
the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory.
Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the
refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated
into their own peoples' lands. Jewish refugees were completely
absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New
The Jews do not want them to integrated because Jews have stolen their land.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It HAS> >everything to do with economic jealousy - aka anti-Semitism. Pallies
will not rest until Israel is pushed into the sea.>
It has nothing to do with jealousy of any kind. The Palestinians want their
land back.
You can't get back land that was never yours in the first place!! DOH!
Pallies are Arabs! They became "Palestinians" two decades after the
establishment of the modern state of Israel.
The land was not Israel's after 1800 years ago when the nation ceased to
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
If Israel ever stooped to the same level as Pallies, not one Arab
would be left standing.>
Israel has stooped way below the lowest standards of any nation in
By allowing 20% of Arabs to live as peaceful Israeli citizens. By
allowing them to have the same access to employment, education, food,
shelter, etc. By allowing the rest of the Jew-hating savages to
That 20% are not living as peaceful Israeli citizens. They are second class
citizens of an ethnocentric and apartheid nation.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
As the saying goes: "If the Arabs put down> >their weapons today, there
would be no more violence.>
That's rubbish. If the Arabs put down their weapons today, they would
lose> ALL their land.>
With or without weapons, Israel already has the capabilities to nuke
every last Pallie standing.
The minute the Jew tries to do so, they will be destroyed.
Post by Darrin
Like it or not, once Israel is free from
Jew-hating savages, then there will be peace.
Jews have to learn to stop being goyim hating Jews first.
Post by Darrin
So why don't we decimate
them or deport them from our soil?
It is not your soil. The Jews in Israel are mostly from Europe. They are
Khazari. They are not ethnic Jews.
Post by Darrin
Because unlike those Jew-hating
savages, we are a civil people. We have used remarkable restraint in
dealing with a people who live to see the destruction of Israel.
Jews are not a civil people. You have over 12000 Palestinians in Israeli
jails without trial.

You have just murdered nearly 1500 people in Gaza.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
If the Jews put> >down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.">
I don't see that as a bad thing.>
As an anti-Semite, why would you?
I am not an anti-Semite. Because I point out the nasty and dishonest side of
Jews does not make me anti anything.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Now place the shoe> >on the other foot. Imagine if Palestinians had the
same weaponry!? They
wouldn't hesitate to nuke Israel.>
How can you know that?>
The intentional maiming & murdering of innocent Israeli civilians in
suicide bombings. 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympians at the Munich
Games. US Embassy bombings. 9/11. The kidnapping and murder of Daniel
Pearl. Wreaking havoc on most of the world. And on and on. Use
whatever brains you have left in that cranium of yours, and learn how
to deduce!
All suicide bombings have been in retaliation for Jewish atrocities
committed on the Arabs earlier.

It is the Jews who have created the havoc in the world.

911 hijackers were motivated by a dislike of America because of their
pro-Israel foreign policy and the ongoing Palestine / Israel conflict.

Those words were spoken by the representative of the combined US Security
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Unfortunately, these lovely Palestinians (aka Arabs -
indistinguishable from Jordanians, Egyptians, etc) have done
everything in their power to prevent a Palestinian state from
That is a foolish statement.>
That IS a factual statement that goes against your foolish logic.
No. It is a foolish statement.

Israel has bombed neighbours for taking in Palestinian refugees. The
Americans pay Jordan, Egypt to keep peace with Israel which includes not
taking in Palestinian refugees.

Jordan and Egypt know Israel will treat them like they were treating Lebanon
from 1982.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
This is the same louse who was later found to have looted
billions from his so-called poor, poor oppressed people. All while his
wife and child had been living like Kings & Queens in France!>
That is an absolute lie. Arafat was never shown to have looted anything from
his people, and his wife lives as the wife of any world leader lives.>
Most wives of World leaders live with their husbands! The only thing
Terrorfat ever led was embezzling from his own people.
You may not know it but Arafat is dead, so Suha is a widow.

Arafat was locked in his buildings by the Jews for so long time.

Arafat did not steal any money from his people. You need to undersand the
Arab way of doing government, but you do not want to.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
This story is a lie generated by the Hasbara Project to blacken Arafat.
It> has long been debunked.>
As if Terrorfat ever needed any help in tarnishing his own image!?
Israel is the biggest terrorist state in the Middle East and they like to
puff up their image with many lies.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
In the end, why are we even caring about a tribally backward people &
a strip of land that has always been used as a pretense by
Palestinians to massacre more Jews!?>
The Jews need to ask themselves that. The Europeans who stole the land
from> the Arabs certainly had no historical connection to it or any right
to it.>
The tie was to brilliant chemist, Chaim Weitzmann. A Russian-born
British citizen who saved England from ruination. In 1915, England
faced a critical shortage of acetone for explosives, and sweet
Weizmann figured out a way to produce it synthetically from ordinary
chestnuts, which were plentiful in England. In gratitude, the English
government wanted to make Weizmann a knight. Instead of this personal
honor, he pleaded that the British government proclaim its willingness
to support the
idea of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East. Weitzmann became the
first President of Israel!!
That is another big exaggerated Jew lie.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Israel has never been Palestinian> >land, nor will it ever be! History
does not lie, anti-Semites do!>
Palstine ceased to belong to the Israelis when they gave the country up>
nearly 2000 years ago. Their claim to the land, even at that time, was>
tenuous at best.>
They were defeated, they lost the land. End of story.
Nope. Jew-hating savages instigiated every war, and lost every war.
That is not correct. Israel is starting all the wars. History is proof of
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
God does not have a realtor's licence.>>
I would love to know which God you pray to!?! LOL! -D, NYC "In all
their long history, the Jewish people have done scarcely anything more
wondreful than to create the synagogue.
How is that an answer to what I am saying?
Post by Darrin
No human institution has a
longer continuous history,
Than what?
Post by Darrin
and none has done more for the uplifting of
the human race" -
Destroying more goyim is what you have been doing.

I can no longer read any more of your lies. It is making me feel sick.

Can I ask you whether you are born a Jew or if you did a conversion?

You argue like Susan Cohen. She is very strange and crazy.
2009-02-25 17:32:58 UTC
In article <go336p$mg1$***@news.tornevall.net>, Karl <***@home.net> wrote:

(silly "Talmud" forgeries deleted)

Deal with the *real* sources, you degenerate aussie turd.

"About 20 convicted Australian pedophiles unsuccessfully tried to
travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the Dec. 26 tsunami
to prey on vulnerable children, a newspaper reported on Saturday."

"Child prostitution in Australia was studied by ECPAT, which collected
information from early 471 government and non-government agencies working
with children. The study, the first of its kind, revealed a vicious cycle
leading to child commercial sexual activities."

"It also confirmed suspicions the Pacific region has become a new target
for Australian pedophiles fleeing police crackdowns on child sex offences
at home and elsewhere in Asia."

"Australian pedophiles are part of an organised crime ring preying on
Thailand's vulnerable children, writes Mark Baker."
2009-02-26 23:46:46 UTC
        (silly "Talmud" forgeries deleted)
        Deal with the *real* sources,  you degenerate aussie turd.>>
LOL! Dingo breath is indeed disturbed! The quotes look as if they were
written by a child: "When a grown up man.." sounds really biblical in
content! LOL! Karl is helpless and hopeless. Immune to refutation from
either facts or logic. He has chosen to live in hatred, without regard
to either facts or logic. Let him dwell in ignorance, while 1% of the
world continues to leave his racist ilk in the disproportionate dust! -
D, NYC "The Jew is the emblem of eternity. He who neither slaughter
nor torture of thousands of years could destroy, he who neither fire,
nor sword, nor Inquisition was able to wipe off the face of the earth.
He who was the first to produce the Oracles of God. He who has been
for so long the Guardian of Prophecy and has transmitted it to the
rest of the world. Such a nation cannot be destroyed. The Jew is as
everlasting as Eternity itself" - LEO TOLSTOY.."I think of music as
Jewish because it's dramatic, it's intense, it has a certain
passionate lyricism to it. I can't imagine it written by a Goy" -
AARON COPLAND, umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer - "Dean of American
composers".."In spite of its small Jewish population of only 5,000 in
a population of over 3 1/2 million, New Zealand once had a Jewish
Prime Minister. Julius Vogel (1835-1899) moved to New Zealand from
Australia, where his mining ventures failed and, by 1873, in what was
certainly one of history's greatest immigrant success stories, was
elected Prime Minister. In 1875, he was knighted. Contemporaries
compared him to Benjamin Disraeli, but unlike the British leader,
Vogel remained a Jew all his life. Anti-Semitic detractors called him
CULTURE by RABBI BENJAMIN BLECH.."This Australian transplanted
superstar is the maternal granddaughter of German-Jewish physicist &
Nobel prize winner MAX BORN" - OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN.."Australia remains
to this day the only country in the world, other than Israel, whose
founding members included Jews" - THE VIRTUAL JEWISH HISTORY TOUR -
Australia By DAVID SHYOVITZ.."My so-called Jewish roots are in Egypt.
They went down there with Joseph, and they came back with Moses, you
know, the guy that killed the Egyptian, married an Ethiopian girl, and
brought the law down from the mountain" - BOB DYLAN (b. Zimmerman,
sweet Jew - "Voice of A Generation," Top 100 selling artist of all-
time).."This old town's no fun at all without your love..And now it's
all...Big Talk, Big Name, Big Noise, New York..walked from the
river..West Broadway..every stranger spoke your name" - DONALD FAGEN
(sweet Jew of Steely Dan fame).."I love New Orleans..I love the
romance..I love Sydney, Australia..I love anywhere in France..I love
Dublin, I love London and Berlin But New York is the best of any place
I've bin' '" - TOM TOM CLUB

   "About 20 convicted Australian pedophiles unsuccessfully tried to
travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the Dec. 26 tsunami
to prey on vulnerable children, a newspaper reported on Saturday."
   "Child prostitution in Australia was studied by ECPAT, which collected
information from early 471 government and non-government agencies working
with children. The study, the first of its kind, revealed a vicious cycle
leading to child commercial sexual activities."
   "It also confirmed suspicions the Pacific region has become a new target
for Australian pedophiles fleeing police crackdowns on child sex offences
at home and elsewhere in Asia."
   "Australian pedophiles are part of an organised crime ring preying on
Thailand's vulnerable children, writes Mark Baker."
2009-02-25 09:26:35 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Karl, I know my customers!ehehe>
Darrin, I have come to the conclusion you are an ass... This is your
Does your Talmud ok molestation of three year olds? You customer "karl/
cramer" believes so....>
Grow up Darrin, you stupid asshole.>>
DoD, and Shalom to you as well! LOL! While it's unfortunate that Karl
(I don't believe he's Cramer - notice the different style of writing)
has to resort to anti-Semitic propaganda, he was still dead-on about
you! ehee You do have a history of reading too much into things. You
do have a bizarre way of phrasing your questions, as if you are
conducting some sort of sociology experiment! LOL!>
Darrin, I am no Cramer. But I did tell you I am not a fan of what Israel
and> Jews are doing.> I do not think I am anti-Semitic, but you have to
believe I am without thought.>
Karl, if it walks and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. And you
have been quacking more than you should be! ehe>
Why should I not be permitted to *quack* as you so eloquently put it?
I am entitle to an opinion as are you.
Your opinion is only shared by anti-Semites.
There are billions of us and only a few million of you. You are out of step
with the world.
Post by Darrin
Therefore, it ceases to
become an opinion. Lies are not opinions, they are lies.
You Jews expect us to accept your lies as truth. You have lied for thousands
of years.

Your Talmud tells it is OK to lie to goyim.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Racially tolerant> >people do not believe that The Talmud condones child molestation.
It has nothing to do with racial tolerance. The Talmud declares it is
perfectly acceptable to molest young children.> Until you can prove those
words exist, you will have to suffer them.Please >
Please cite the reference.
"A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by

"When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for
when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the
Kethuboth 116

"...the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded a sexual act..."

"...tears come to the eye again and again so does virginity come back to the
little girl under three years"
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
There's no excuse for this blasphemous remark, and there is no logical
reason to be anti-Jew or anti-Israel.>
It is not blasphemous. The words condoning such behavior are contained
within the Talmud.>
Please cite the reference.
I am just doing this for you above.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
What exactly are you not a fan of?>
The lies of the Jews.>>
No, the lies of the jealous Gentiles (ie you), who claim that The
Talmud allows for child molestation? Time to step away from that Coney
Island fun house mirror of yours!!
Jews are lying since a long time. Thousands of years. History tells us that.
Post by Darrin
<<The methods they used to steal Palestine. Their> ongoing brutality
against the Palestinians.
What part of "20% of Arabs live as peaceful Israeli citizens" did you
not understand the first time around? Do you think any of the 6
neighboring Arab countries would tolerate Palestinians as well as
Israel has? In the end, those who live among Israel in peace, have
access to the same opportunities, the same foods, the same shelter,
and the best standard of living of any other Middle Eastern country.
20% of Arabs do not live as EQUALS with Jews in Israel. That is a lie.
Israel is Apartheid.
Post by Darrin
<<Their involvement in worldwide> extortion. Their manipulating the
political process of many Western nations.> Their constant whining.
The list is much longer, but I think you'll get the
Post by Karl
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred, without regard to either
facts or logic.
You are not able to answer my question so you blaspheme.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Israel's right to defend its soil against Jew-hating savages?>
I think the Palestinians would hate Christians equally, had they been>
responsible for stealing their country and been engaged in brutalising
them> for over seventy years.>
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred, without regard to either
facts or logic.
You again have no answer so blaspheme.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Just> >military retaliations against a people who maim & kill innocents in
suicide bomb attacks? The same people who use children as human
shields, then cry "blame the Jew?">
The zionists started all the killing. You seem to forget that.>
The anti-Semite is immune to refutation from either facts or logic.
The anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred without regard to either
facts or logic.
You do it again.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with oppression: 20% of Arabs live as peaceful
Israeli citizens, and they have a higher standard of living than any
other Middle Eastern country.>
They are not equal citizens of Israel. They are very much second
class> citizens, with many restrictions placed upon them the Jews of
Israel do not> have to tolerate.>
" "
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It has nothing to do with land: Israel> >was first promised to the
Hebrews over 3,000 years ago.>
That's rubbish and you know it.>
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem - Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E.,
two thousand years before the rise of Islam.
But it ceased to be a nation 1800 years ago.
Post by Darrin
2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a
Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of
Modern State of Israel.
They were identified as Palestinians by the League of Nations and the United
Nations. Many eminent individuals also referred to them as Palestinians,
including David ben Gurion.
Post by Darrin
3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had
over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in
land for the past 3,300 years.
Not as a nation.
Post by Darrin
4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no
more than 22 years.
I thought we were discussing Israel.
Post by Darrin
5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital.
Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity.
Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to
it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.
Jews did not build Jerusalem.
Post by Darrin
6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy
Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.
Many strange things are mentioned in religious texts.
Post by Darrin
7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to
King David did not found the city of Jerusalem.

King David's city only covered less than 10 acres.
Post by Darrin
8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward
What does that have to do with it?
Post by Darrin
9. Arab and Jewish Refugees In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged
to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews.
Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.
That is a lie. Transcripts of British radio intercepts have not shown any
evidence of such calls being made.
This story surfaced many years after and was created by Jews.
Post by Darrin
10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to
Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms.
That is also a lie. They moved to the new Israel willingly to take
possession of Palestinian's homes and land.
Post by Darrin
11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated
to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands
estimated to be the same.
Jewish were not refugess from Arab lands. They left willingly and with no
rifles pointed at them. Most of them were wealthy.
Post by Darrin
12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into
the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory.
Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the
refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated
into their own peoples' lands. Jewish refugees were completely
absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New
The Jews do not want them to integrated because Jews have stolen their land.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
It HAS> >everything to do with economic jealousy - aka anti-Semitism. Pallies
will not rest until Israel is pushed into the sea.>
It has nothing to do with jealousy of any kind. The Palestinians want their
land back.
You can't get back land that was never yours in the first place!! DOH!
Pallies are Arabs! They became "Palestinians" two decades after the
establishment of the modern state of Israel.
The land was not Israel's after 1800 years ago when the nation ceased to
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
If Israel ever stooped to the same level as Pallies, not one Arab
would be left standing.>
Israel has stooped way below the lowest standards of any nation in
By allowing 20% of Arabs to live as peaceful Israeli citizens. By
allowing them to have the same access to employment, education, food,
shelter, etc. By allowing the rest of the Jew-hating savages to
That 20% are not living as peaceful Israeli citizens. They are second class
citizens of an ethnocentric and apartheid nation.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
As the saying goes: "If the Arabs put down> >their weapons today, there
would be no more violence.>
That's rubbish. If the Arabs put down their weapons today, they would
lose> ALL their land.>
With or without weapons, Israel already has the capabilities to nuke
every last Pallie standing.
The minute the Jew tries to do so, they will be destroyed.
Post by Darrin
Like it or not, once Israel is free from
Jew-hating savages, then there will be peace.
Jews have to learn to stop being goyim hating Jews first.
Post by Darrin
So why don't we decimate
them or deport them from our soil?
It is not your soil. The Jews in Israel are mostly from Europe. They are
Khazari. They are not ethnic Jews.
Post by Darrin
Because unlike those Jew-hating
savages, we are a civil people. We have used remarkable restraint in
dealing with a people who live to see the destruction of Israel.
Jews are not a civil people. You have over 12000 Palestinians in Israeli
jails without trial.

You have just murdered nearly 1500 people in Gaza.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
If the Jews put> >down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.">
I don't see that as a bad thing.>
As an anti-Semite, why would you?
I am not an anti-Semite. Because I point out the nasty and dishonest side of
Jews does not make me anti anything.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Now place the shoe> >on the other foot. Imagine if Palestinians had the
same weaponry!? They
wouldn't hesitate to nuke Israel.>
How can you know that?>
The intentional maiming & murdering of innocent Israeli civilians in
suicide bombings. 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympians at the Munich
Games. US Embassy bombings. 9/11. The kidnapping and murder of Daniel
Pearl. Wreaking havoc on most of the world. And on and on. Use
whatever brains you have left in that cranium of yours, and learn how
to deduce!
All suicide bombings have been in retaliation for Jewish atrocities
committed on the Arabs earlier.

It is the Jews who have created the havoc in the world.

911 hijackers were motivated by a dislike of America because of their
pro-Israel foreign policy and the ongoing Palestine / Israel conflict.

Those words were spoken by the representative of the combined US Security
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Unfortunately, these lovely Palestinians (aka Arabs -
indistinguishable from Jordanians, Egyptians, etc) have done
everything in their power to prevent a Palestinian state from
That is a foolish statement.>
That IS a factual statement that goes against your foolish logic.
No. It is a foolish statement.

Israel has bombed neighbours for taking in Palestinian refugees. The
Americans pay Jordan, Egypt to keep peace with Israel which includes not
taking in Palestinian refugees.

Jordan and Egypt know Israel will treat them like they were treating Lebanon
from 1982.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
This is the same louse who was later found to have looted
billions from his so-called poor, poor oppressed people. All while his
wife and child had been living like Kings & Queens in France!>
That is an absolute lie. Arafat was never shown to have looted anything from
his people, and his wife lives as the wife of any world leader lives.>
Most wives of World leaders live with their husbands! The only thing
Terrorfat ever led was embezzling from his own people.
You may not know it but Arafat is dead, so Suha is a widow.

Arafat was locked in his buildings by the Jews for so long time.

Arafat did not steal any money from his people. You need to undersand the
Arab way of doing government, but you do not want to.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
This story is a lie generated by the Hasbara Project to blacken Arafat.
It> has long been debunked.>
As if Terrorfat ever needed any help in tarnishing his own image!?
Israel is the biggest terrorist state in the Middle East and they like to
puff up their image with many lies.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
In the end, why are we even caring about a tribally backward people &
a strip of land that has always been used as a pretense by
Palestinians to massacre more Jews!?>
The Jews need to ask themselves that. The Europeans who stole the land
from> the Arabs certainly had no historical connection to it or any right
to it.>
The tie was to brilliant chemist, Chaim Weitzmann. A Russian-born
British citizen who saved England from ruination. In 1915, England
faced a critical shortage of acetone for explosives, and sweet
Weizmann figured out a way to produce it synthetically from ordinary
chestnuts, which were plentiful in England. In gratitude, the English
government wanted to make Weizmann a knight. Instead of this personal
honor, he pleaded that the British government proclaim its willingness
to support the
idea of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East. Weitzmann became the
first President of Israel!!
That is another big exaggerated Jew lie.
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
Post by Karl
Israel has never been Palestinian> >land, nor will it ever be! History
does not lie, anti-Semites do!>
Palstine ceased to belong to the Israelis when they gave the country up>
nearly 2000 years ago. Their claim to the land, even at that time, was>
tenuous at best.>
They were defeated, they lost the land. End of story.
Nope. Jew-hating savages instigiated every war, and lost every war.
That is not correct. Israel is starting all the wars. History is proof of
Post by Darrin
Post by Karl
God does not have a realtor's licence.>>
I would love to know which God you pray to!?! LOL! -D, NYC "In all
their long history, the Jewish people have done scarcely anything more
wondreful than to create the synagogue.
How is that an answer to what I am saying?
Post by Darrin
No human institution has a
longer continuous history,
Than what?
Post by Darrin
and none has done more for the uplifting of
the human race" -
Destroying more goyim is what you have been doing.

I can no longer read any more of your lies. It is making me feel sick.

Can I ask you whether you are born a Jew or if you did a conversion?

You argue like Susan Cohen. She is very strange and crazy.
2009-02-25 17:48:51 UTC
In article <go336s$mg1$***@news.tornevall.net>, Karl <***@home.net> wrote:

("Talumd" forgeries and racist rants deleted)

You sick, lying, filthy aussie.

"About 20 convicted Australian pedophiles unsuccessfully tried to
travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the Dec. 26 tsunami
to prey on vulnerable children, a newspaper reported on Saturday."

"Child prostitution in Australia was studied by ECPAT, which collected
information from early 471 government and non-government agencies working
with children. The study, the first of its kind, revealed a vicious cycle
leading to child commercial sexual activities."

"It also confirmed suspicions the Pacific region has become a new target
for Australian pedophiles fleeing police crackdowns on child sex offences
at home and elsewhere in Asia."

"Australian pedophiles are part of an organised crime ring preying on
Thailand's vulnerable children, writes Mark Baker."