(too old to reply)
2003-09-10 21:23:44 UTC
Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-09-12 16:22:54 UTC
Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-09-18 23:41:09 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-09-30 22:05:47 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-10-08 18:01:15 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-10-15 23:06:38 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2006-10-22 15:00:41 UTC
Power is like a drug, only much more powerful
and much more addictive.

====================== Quote Begin ======================

[Zionism, Jew, NWO, Iraq, Saddam, terror, genocide, Illuminati,

American Prospect's Michael Tomasky wonders why the
American press has given so little play to the scoop
by London's Observer that the United States was
eavesdropping on Security Council members.

====================== Quote End ========================

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
====================== Quote Begin ======================

"It would be a mistake for the United States Senate
to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of
that chamber."

--- Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C., April 10, 2002

====================== Quote End ========================
2006-10-27 01:59:19 UTC
====================== Quote Begin ======================

Israel honors it founding terrorists on its postage stamps,
like 1978's stamp honoring Abraham Stern
[Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue #692],

and 1991's stamps honoring Lehi (also called "The Stern Gang",
led at one time by future Prime Minister Begin)

and Etzel (also called "The Irgun", led at one time by future
Prime Minister Shamir) [Scott #1099, 1100].

====================== Quote End ========================

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
====================== Quote Begin ======================

"The greatest calamity which could befall us
would be submission to a government of unlimited power."

--- Thomas Jefferson.

====================== Quote End ========================
2006-10-31 23:47:45 UTC
The Times reported that over the last twenty years, the CIA owned
or subsidized more than fifty newspapers, news services, radio
stations, periodicals and other communications facilities, most
of them overseas. These were used for propaganda efforts, or even
as cover for operations.

Another dozen foreign news organizations were infiltrated by paid
CIA agents. At least 22 American news organizations had employed
American journalists who were also working for the CIA, and nearly
a dozen American publishing houses printed some of the more than
1,000 books that had been produced or subsidized by the CIA.

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

[NWO: More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"I appreciate that question because I, in the state of Texas,
had heard a lot of discussion about a faith-based initiative
eroding the important bridge between church and state."

--- Adolph Bush,
Question and answer session with the press,
Jan. 29, 2001
(Thanks to Tim Santry.)
2006-11-18 04:14:57 UTC
"I'm plowed of the leadership of Chuck Grassley and
Greg Ganske and Jim Leach."

--- Adolph Bush,
Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2002

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."

--- Adolph Bush
2006-11-22 02:48:44 UTC
"I haven't had a chance to talk, but I'm confident we'll get a bill
that I can live with if we don't."

--- Adolph Bush,
Referring to the McCain-Kennedy patients' bill of rights,
Brussels, Belgium, June 13, 2001

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"Anyway, I'm so thankful, and so gracious -- I'm gracious
that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well."

--- Adolph Bush,
Miami, Fla., June 4, 2001
2006-11-23 05:05:58 UTC
"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."

--- Adolph Bush

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"with tongue and pen, with all our open and secret
influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the sword..."

--- Albert Pike,
Grand Commander,
Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry
2006-12-03 02:58:12 UTC
"I'm plowed of the leadership of Chuck Grassley and
Greg Ganske and Jim Leach."

--- Adolph Bush,
Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2002

"Tommy [Thompson, Health and Human Services secretary,]
is a good listener, and he's a pretty good actor, too."

--- Adolph Bush
2006-12-03 04:16:44 UTC
[NWO, propaganda, disinformation, mind control, brainwashing, deceit,
Skull and Bones, Illuminati, mason]

"In all actuality the USMC has been using some robots made and
field tested in Israel for awhile now and they are now training
on these nasty little toys in Israel right this second.

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"After all, a week ago, there were -- Yasser Arafat was boarded up
in his building in Ramallah, a building full of, evidently,
German peace protestors and all kinds of people.
They're now out. He's now free to show leadership,
to lead the world."

--- Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C., May 2, 2002
(Thanks to M. Bateman.)
2006-12-11 01:29:03 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2006-12-18 00:38:34 UTC
President Bush's grandfather (Prescott Bush) was a director
of a bank seized by the federal government because of its ties
to a German industrialist who helped bankroll Adolf Hitler's
rise to power, government documents show.


{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"Since 9-11, we have increasingly embraced at the highest official
level a paranoiac view of the world. Summarized in a phrase repeatedly
used at the highest level,

"he who is not with us is against us."

I strongly suspect the person who uses that phrase doesn't know its
historical or intellectual origins.

It is a phrase popularized by Lenin (Applause)
when he attacked the social democrats on the grounds that they were
anti-Bolshevik and therefore he who is not with us is against us
and can be handled accordingly."

--- Zbigniew Brzezinski
2006-12-24 03:43:52 UTC
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism,
as it is a merge of State and Corporate power."

--- Benito Mussolini, the Father of Fascism.

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."

--- Adolph Bush
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-17 01:02:43 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-26 00:02:30 UTC
All totalitarian dictators crave for power, control,
oppression, domination and anihilation of all those,
who do not accept their rotten trips.
That is why it is called totalitarianism
and not democracy.

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2007-02-16 21:19:23 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2007-03-27 22:58:44 UTC
All totalitarian dictators crave for power, control,
oppression, domination and anihilation of all those,
who do not accept their rotten trips.
That is why it is called totalitarianism
and not democracy.

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

The most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."

--- Adolph Bush

2003-10-26 04:06:38 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-10-31 02:37:19 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)
2003-11-07 22:03:50 UTC
{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


Usenet has become a system of totalitarian
domination and promotion of fascist ideology,
where the big brother ideology and the most
idiotic of all idias of submittal to the party
line are given a green light and all others
are squashed and destroyed, just to prevent
the process of uncorruption.

As in the times of Socrates, the main charge
is "corrupting the minds of youg", pronunced
by the corruptest of ALL corrupt. The cunningmost
of all cunning invented this charge using the trick
of "the best defense is an attack", the ancient
Roman technique.

So, the most intolerant blood boiling idiots,
in order to maintain the same ass licking order,
destroy ANY views that do not align with the
totalitarian and fascist ideology on the corruptest
of all corupt hierarchies, big-8, ruled by some
of the most blatant fascists, pissing into your
faces because by this time, the tools of totalitarianism
are already wired into your very network protocols
and your news distribution software, such as INN.

They know all too well, there is just simply nothing
you can do about it and you will be eating any kind
of crap they feed you, because you simply have no choice.
So corrupt this system has become.

The very "voting" process, which was a ploy on
the first place, as was recorded on the public
record worldwide, from the worlds of some of the
founders of usenet, was NEVER a democratic process
of ANY kind.

Never even meant to be.

They simply used some of your most advanced ideas,
such as democracy, and perverted it to be used
as a weapon for shutting people down.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

New World Order
Guidelines to Newsgroup Moderation
for bio-robots


A biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of
instructions, based in morality ["good" and "bad" definitions],
created by the priest,
to manipulate your fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax,
as priest, being totally uncreative and incapable of
producing anything, and, being as cunning and
manipulative, as he is, created this most potent
trick to make you work and simply enjoy the benefits
of YOUR labor, while doing nothing, but creating guilt and fear,
as he knows all to well:
"You never become rich, working for others".

First of all, the good news for all those, interested in
taking over a group via trick of "moderation", is that the
"moderation" trick is used by the usenet power elite to
take control of the usenet and establish the brave new world
order, where these megalomaniacs, assorted perverts and
homophobiacs, knowing no other joy in life, but torturing
others, assert a dictatorship of the lowest common denominator,
while, at the same time, posing as some kind of public servants,
protectors of "good" and assorted net "heroes".

Their idea of Usenet 2 failed quite miserably as it was obvious
on its face value that it was the model of total control of
usenet on every conceivable level.

But, being the cunning perverts as they are, they invented a
new trick to effectively take control of usenet in place, the
trick of "moderation", one of the cunniest ideas ever invented.
At this point, at least 15% of all "big-8" groups are "moderated".
Some of the most significant topics of discussion are already
controlled and totally censored by these "moderators".
Not only they control those groups, they took over, but they
effectively prevent any uncensored discussions on the subject
of that group, because you can not even create anogher group
on the same subject, because, according to the principles of
the current "system", if group already exist on a given subject,
then you can not create another group on the same, or even
similar subject. You'll be told those groups already cover that

Among those groups you find some of the most significant groups
in the modern technology, such as comp.ai, taken over by the
pathological liar and intellectual pigmey David Kinny, using
the tricks and lies, deception and fabrication, inviting the
people to conduct a mail campaign behind the scenes in order
to gather enough people to take it over. Before the group is
taken over, these potential "moderators" pretend to be the
most democratic and the most tolerant people, telling everyone
that only most obvious "bad" things will be cancelled out of
existence. Otherwise, there will be total freedom to express
any ideas on the subject of that group.

But those fools, who bought into this trick, soon learn that
once the group is taken over, the "new realities" come into
play, just as outlined by this very pervert, David Kinny,
during the discussions on the subject of "moderating" the
entire root of the ai hierarchy in March - May 1999.

Comp.ai, was converted into a bulletin board for advertizements,
and the second one, sci.psychology.consciousness, was simply
suffocated by totally intolerant propaganda peddlers, calling
themselves "moderators", while destroying ANY opinion but their
own, engaging in most blatant form of censorship.
If you look around, you'll find plenty more.

The idea behind the "moderation" is simple enough. The power
elite invented the process of selecting the most parasitic of
all perverts as their appointees, controlling the specific
groups. The intolerant parasites, craving for power, control
and domination, coming to news.groups trying to take over
the group with the trick of moderation, are merely used by the
power elite to establish an extensive network of control of

The beauty of this scheme is that both, the power elite and
the "moderation" candidates are pretty much the same kind of
people, interested in the same sort of thing. So, they
effectively become the local enforcers of the brave new world
order on usenet and become the extension of the power elite,
which is the best possible model beyond the outright takeover
of usenet, such as Usenet 2 model.

Moderation is the most effective tool in newsroups
takeover, control, oppression and domination. If some
posters offend your moral principles, programmed into
that outdated CPU between your ears, and you are utterly
unable to even comprehend the idea of pushing the "Next"
button on your newsreader, even on the groups with just
a few posts a day, and if your blood boils and steam is
coming out of your elephant sized ears when you see some
ASCII character combinations, then the trick of "moderation"
is the most effective tool you can utilize to get rid of the
"undesirables" and suppress ANY kind of ideas, that increase
the temperature of your blood stream to the point of boiling.

There is no better way to take over a group than the
trick of "moderation" and it is not that difficult to do.
All you need is to conduct a small mailing campaign behind
the scenes and follow these guidelines.

Then publish the "results" of a "public poll", "proving"
an overwhelming support of your noble idea. Since the
campaign was conducted behind the scenes, using private
email messages or things of that nature, there is no way
to find out if your results are anything, but pure fabrication.
So, you can publish the "results", changing the real numbers
by the factors of magnitude literally. Meanwhile, you have
"evidence" of overwhelming support. Nifty trick indeed.

Then go to IRC or call a few of your friends and generate as many
"votes", as you wish. All quite doable. Been done before,
being done now, and there is a well established set of
tricks you can utilize to achive your noble goal.

Now, if you ever succeed in converting a group to a
"moderated" status, then you are home free as you will
enjoy the protection of the dictator number one on entire
newsgroup "big 8" hierarchy of corruption, whose rule number
one on the subject of "moderation" is:

A SITTING DICTATOR, (aka "moderator").

Zo, once you succeed, first of all, you will obtain the
powers of a local virtual dictator yourself. Sure, they are
not as extensive as his, but it is just a matter of time.
If you get in line of promotion then one day it will be
virtually inevitable. For now, you will only be able
to control the information stream on one group, but hey,
that is how you start the sucking enterprises unlimited.
Once you took over one group, the rest is a piece of cake.

Now, you'd have to create some combination of ASCII
characters and submit it to Preliminary Insult Committee
during the RFD phase, better known as PMII (Premilimary
Mass Insult Invitation), but the favors are on your side
as you will have the most powerful tricks and lies at your
disposal to "convince" others of the validity of your
noblest of all ideas.

Just remember to keep the "public interest" as the main
thing to hide behind. That turns out to be the most
powerful protection you can enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind, since NONE of this jazz on
newsgroups is either legal, or authorized by any lawful
authority, and all the "rules", you have seen around are
nothing but a pure bluff and fabrications, created by the
power hungry on their way to the "top" of the heap, you
can virtually do miracles here, if you know the right
tricks of the trade.

The principles of your own Consitution, Freedom of Speech,
Democracy, Basic Human Hights, or ANYTHING you might hold
as a valid reference in your ordinary life, simply do not
apply to this perverted system of totalitarianism, sometimes
called retarded Anarchy, or benevolent dictatorship of the
news groups.

Ok, so your arguments on "moderating" a group would most
likely be:

1. DA PEOPLE are tired of being subjected to this endless
spam on our 5 message per day hole. This is one of the most
powerful tricks indeed.

Not a single person will object to it, most likely, as
this is so overwhelmingly "obvious", that they won't be
able to even conceive of an idea otherwise. Objecting this
point is equivalent to commiting a mortal sin.

Spam = "evil". End of argument.
Well, but what is spam?
- Nobody knows. Even the "spam fighters" themselves, the
newsnet power elite and the oldest of all news groupies
do not agree on it.

It ranges from merely crossposting an article or posting
it more than once to exceeding the BI (Bullshit Index)
of 20. The definitions range from 0 to infinity.

"Spam fighting" is one of the most honorable ways to self
promotion and establishment of global control of the
information streams. It is utilized by the virtual control
and domination organizations, such as Cabal/SPUTUM (Subgenious
Police Usenet Tactical Units Mobile), Lart and a few others.

2. We are sick of crossposts. Don't even need to bother
that those crossposts could be valid, as they come from
a subject very similar to yours, as crossposts automatically
fall under the classification of "evil".

So, plus in YOUR column. Not even an argument required
from your side at least.

Just insist on this point, no matter what, and you are bound
to win on this one also. In fact, you might be pleasantly
surprised that there will be no arguments whatsoever, so
"obvious" it is, even to your opposition.

3. The discussions in our dirty hole are of such a low
level as a result of all those "clueless", "kooks",
"trolls", and "whiners", that we are about to commit a
mass suicide or shut down our own discipline of delusion
altogether, which is a grave threat to the entire human
progress as such.

This argument will stand, and no objection could be even
conceived, as no one can even comprehend how to start the
argument on the first place. They simply "do not care" to
even "bother".

So, you win on this one by default.

4. Certain individuals destroy "sanity" in our hole.
You can use your local equivalent of this Bloxy's entity
and there is plenty of information on the public record
to prove that such entities "disturb our piss-full

Everybody used to talk the same set of delusions and used
to agree to the same old, same old principles of our
mutual output hole licking procedure, we so carefully
perpetuate. But now it becomes virtually impossible to
maintain the "order", as people start asking new
kwestions, to which no one has any answers not now, not
in foreseeable future, and this is kwite bothersome in

5. Bio-robots are getting confused.
Yes, this is an important argument. No one knows any more
what is what and who is who. We used to blabber about the
same old, same old, just slightly modifying some ASCII
characters, but now that trick does not seem to work, as
the bio-robots can no longer distinguish their own input
hole from the output one. Dangerous consequences follow
indeed, and pretty much automatically.

6. The leading experts don't come to participate in our
obscenest of all obscene groups, as they can not un-confuse
the crowds any longer.

Yes, the masters of mass delusion and mass brain programming,
interested in maximization of the rate of sucking, perpetuating
the same old template thought processes and ideas, can not
operate in this kind of environment, as people simply laugh
at our foremost experts, such as honorable Mr. Turing, or
Marvin Minksy himself (one of the founding fathers of Artificial
Suckology, they used to call Artificial Intelligence).

So, we no longer have guidance and no longer can copycat
the ideas those "leaders" thrown to us as a bone to chew
upon. Most of it simply looks between boring and obscene.
Not even laughable. We used to sit there in our hole,
enumerating their names and their delusions, chewing it in
any way conceivable, but now it doest not seem to work any
longer, as the whole thing seems simply ridiculous.

Also, a pretty bothersome development indeed. Again, this
is EASILY winnable point for takeover.

7. The bio-robotic program seems to lock up or go in
circles, and that does not seem "right". We all seem to be
loosing a grip on reality as it all looks more like a set
of delusions, rooted in the fear of survival. This is one
the most "dangerous" points, having far reaching consequences.

Everybody can see now that our own arguments are not much
different than the story of the Wheel of Karma, as told by
the Idiot. In a couple of sentences we seem to refer to
the beginning of an argument and can not kwite figure out
how to get out of that deadly loop of self referential

Things like that. Basically, every single point works in
YOUR favor.

Plus, if you know the deepest held secrets of the newsgroups,
the very idea here is to prevent as much of a discussion of
ANY significance, as possible, in order to suppress the
advancement of any radically new ideas and developments in
order to perpetuate the same state of mass delusion, resulting
from total brainwashing.

Most of what you see around is perpetuation of the same old,
the same old familiar ideology, resulting from mass bio-robotization
of human perception for the purpose of maximization of the rate
of sucking of the blood of many by the few. Very few ideas around
are either original or genuine and authentic because of fear
of survival, producing the herd mentality. The new, original ideas,
are pretty much by definition will conflict with the existing
set of delusions and and templates produced by mass brainwashing.

Creativity is replaced with mutual ass licking and genuine joy
is replaced with a plastic smile, just to maintain the safety
of the herd.

Any new ideas endanger the state of mass brain programming.
You need consistency of perception in order to maximize the
"market share". The more diversity there is, the more difficult
it is to create the groves in perception and create massive
quantities of bio-robots, thinking along the same lines.

Eventually, what remains is the same set of ideology, created
for the purpose of maximization of the rate of sucking of
blood of many by the few. If you do not fit this ideology,
you are an inherent threat to the current state of affairs.

Bio-robots, brainwashed into oblivion, guided by the moral
principles, invented by the priest, manipulating the notions
of "good" and "bad" via tricks of fear and guilt, programming
the minds of all with the ideas of "sin" in order to collect
a "sin tax", feel threatened when they see any ideas that are
not in line with the program inside the CPUs between their ears.

So again, the chips on the table are automatically laid out
in YOUR favor.

Another point, you might not even begin to comprehend, is
that there is a class of animals around here, called news
groupies, regularly hanging out on news.groups to enjoy the
sadistic torture of those "clueless", who come to news.groups
to either create a new group or trying to get some help or

These news groupies are "having fun" here, like those old ladies,
that used to sit in the court rooms, knitting while the death
sentences were pronounced, exclaiming: Oh, how exciting! Finally!
The justice has been served, plus it was a good show. Now its time
to move to the death chambers and smell the burning meat of those

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional occupation
as they enjoy the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in the virtual
domain, arguing with every single proponent, interested in creating
a group, like they cared about it to the very least.

You see, on the first place, the only group they really care about,
is news.groups, as that is the best place to enjoy the mass insult,
humiliation, and an outright intellectual and emotional torture of
those very "clueless", who think they can just come and create a
new group, just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
a slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about, and
that is, to enjoy the torture of those very "clueless"
and "kooks". These news groupies are here in line for self
promotion, hoping to get noticed by the power elite and
eventually become the part of the ruling elite on the usenet.

Sure, you'll be asked to create some "charter", but that
is a piece of cake. Just copy anybody else's obscenities
and they are publicly available, change the name of the
group, twist a few words around and, hupla, hupla, you
are in business.

Now, once you vote on this thing, just make sure to
fabricate as many "votes" as impossible, even if the
number exceeds the activity on your group by the factors
of magnitude, you will, most likely, win at the end, as
no one can even verify that "vote" because it is not
technically possible, unless ordered by the courts, and
since the value of this entire newsnet thing is on the par
with used condom, you pretty much have a 100% chance to
"prove" your vote is valid. Remember that preliminary
"poll", you conducted behind the scenes? Well, see how
nicely it works in YOUR favor now?

You can simply refer to it if someone objects to the
totally obscene vote count or things of that sort and you
can even use the tricks of guilt, shame and even fear, to
"dismiss" their arguments, saying something like "hey,
what an evil person you are! Haven't you seen the
OVERWHELMING support for this moderation thing during
the 'public opinion poll'? What kind of evil thoughts you
got in your outdated CPU between your ears? You need to
install the latest version!"

See? You win again!

Ok, and once you "win", then you can shove that "charter"
up their tootoo and do ANYTHING you like, as no one even
cares what happens in all those holes once they are
created, and even if they did, what could they do
afterwards? The deal is DONE!.

Now you can create blacklists, containing the names of
"evil" people, or what is called the filth or inferior
race, and you can create "whitelists", containing the
names of the Aryan race of pure blooded individuals, to
be automatically trusted, no matter what kind of obscenity
they might wish to assert from then on.

You don't even have to bother about the shades of gray.
Those outdated ideas simply do not belong to the domain
of DA "private property", as that is EXACTLY what you have
created in essence with this convenient trick of
"moderation", and you can completely forget about the
ideas of a rainbow. That simply does not apply to the
domains of obscene.

Since it is your private property, you can do ANYTHING
you wish. For example, you can kick the rears of the
dudes of the grade of Marvin Minsky, one of the founding
fathers of Artificial Intelligence, and tell them their
arguments are "off topic" now and will not be considered
until the next millennium (the year 3000).

So, you have a comfortable margin time to operate within.

The benefits of moderation are plenty. First of all, you
can suppress the "undesirable" articles and reduce the
traffic to the point, where only your own articles of
self promotion will be the most visible thing on that
group, and not many will even realize or notice it. It
can be done in the most subliminal ways you can EVER

The bio-robots only have a limited set of instructions
and are largely guided by the "family values", so you can
use the tricks of guilt and fear at ANY time to manipulate
them and remember to lick your output hole on a daily
basis, or else...

You automatically become the object of everyone's
attention, jealousy, and automatic "respect", as you,
from now on, become the most prestigious person on that
group, and that group can be ANY group you wish. So,
visibility in your industry, field or discipline, group,
cult, or whatever, is AUTOMATICALLY achieved with this

You will be eventually considered the only authority there
is, as even the world's foremost scientists will be licking
your output hole until their tongue is well polished and

You can begin peddling ANYTHING on that group of yours, be
it an ordinary delusion, and outright lie, dirty marketing
tricks, or ANYTHING you want.

There is just no one to stop you from then on, as the rule
number one kicks in. Remember? It all depends on your self
imposed limitations ONLY. Zo, expand your horizons and
become DA one, who counts, dictates, tells others the
"rules of conduct", ways of thinking the "right" thoughts,
or ANYTHING you can even begin to imagine in your wildest

You are the virtual king now!
So, you get the idea?

Again, once you succeed to moderate a group, the most
powerful trick on newsgroups comes into play, aka the rule
number sucking one:

A SITTING DICTATOR, aka "moderator".

So, good luck in converting the newsgroups into an
orderly world of lowest common denominator to restore
the "order" and "sanity" in the free sucking world.

May god be with you.
May Jedi and the lords of destruction help your noblest
of ALL intents.

In the name of free sucking world:
Good luck!
(and don't forget a good, hearty lick)