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2007-03-12 02:29:22 UTC
The Illuminati in America

Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati

By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com
Copyright © 2000 CentrExNews.com. All rights reserved.

Part 2: Who and What is the Illuminati?

Q: Does it bother you to write about this?

A: It doesn't upset me to write on the topic of the
Illuminati, I was explaining why I write under a pen
name, that is all. I received a letter recently in which
it was alleged that I write under a pen name because I'm a
phony, which is not true at all. I am a freelance writer on
the side (I write for nursing magazines and publications on
health topics that have NOTHING to do with abuse) and
understand the need for fact checking, so no offense is
taken at your wanting to know my background. In fact, it
shows you are a responsible editor, which I admire.
I have nothing to hide. My story is 100% true.

I have gained no money for disclosing; I do NOT go on
talk shows, I am unknown and prefer it this way. I have
absolutely no secondary gain from doing this, other than the
medical bills for my children, which means I work three
part-time jobs. This is to answer the skeptics who say
that people disclose for: sympathy (I don't want any and
don't need it.

I made choices and mistakes in my life, and am now involved
in restitution); money (I earn $20 a MONTH for my site on
Suite 101. I earn $150 to $250 an article when I write on
Women's health. Guess which topic I write on more frequently?
Yep. Women's health, on completely non-abuse issues. The
editors of the Nursing magazines and women's magazines don't
know about the other topic I write on, another reason I write
under a pen name.) I don't write for fame. Instead, if my
co-workers knew about my past, I risk losing my job.
I have everything to lose by disclosing, everything to gain
by being silent.

But I also know that this kind of child abuse must be stopped.
As a Christian, and as one who stands against child abuse,
I have decided to speak out against cult abuse by writing
articles that expose it. I also know that there are a number
of people outspoken on this topic who have published, and
they could possibly be back-up information for you. I don't
know any of them, since I have no contact with other survivors
other than my own family, but it is a possibility.

Anyway, to your questions:

Q: Svali, I think our readers are wondering 'Is the Illuminati
a religion, secret society, satanism or is it a combination of
it, or something different all together, or more sinister?

A: The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith
known as "enlightenment". It is Luciferian, and they teach
their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery
religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken
what they consider the "best" of each, the foundational practices,
and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline.
Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as
"El","Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".

This said, the leadership councils at times scoff at the more
"primitive" practices of the anarchical, or lower levels.
I remember when I was on council in San Diego, they called the
high priests and priestesses the "slicers and dicers", who kept
the "lower levels happy". This is not to offend anyone, it only
shows that at the leadership levels,they often believe
they are more scientifically and cognitively driven. But they
still practice the principles of enlightenment.

There are 12 steps to this, also known as "the 12 steps of
discipline' and they also teach traveling astral planes, time
travel, and other metaphysical phenomena. Do people really
do this, or is it a drug induced hallucination ? I cannot judge.
I saw things that I believe cannot be rationally explained when
in this group, things that frightened me, but I can only
say that it could be a combination of cult mind control, drug
inductions, hypnosis, and some true demonic activity. How much
of each, I cannot begin to guess. I do know that these people
teach and practice evil.

At the higher levels, the group is no longer people in robes
chanting in front of bonfires. Leadership councils have
administrators who handle finances (and trust me, this group
makes money. That alone would keep it going even if the rest
were just religious hog wash). The leadership levels include
businessmen, bankers, and local community leaders.
They are intelligent, well educated, and active in their
churches.Above local leadership councils are the regional
councils, who give dictates to the groups below them, help form
the policies and agendas for each region, and who interact with
the local leadership councils.

At the national level, there are extremely wealthy people who
finance these goals and interact with the leaders of other
countries. The Illuminati are international. Secret? By all
means. The first thing a child learns from "family, or the Order"
as they are called, is "The first rule of the Order is secrecy".
This is why you don't hear from more survivors who get out.
The lengths that this group goes to, to terrify its members into
not disclosing, is unbelievable. I have seen set ups (oh, yes,
they set up fake deaths, etc. ) where a person was "burned alive"
to teach the children not to tell. They are told that this is a
traitor, who disclosed,and now he is being punished. (The person
wasn't really a traitor, and is in a flame proof vest, but the
vision of a person on fire and screaming remains with 3 and 4
year old children for a lifetime). And, when they are adults,
even if they DO leave, scenes such as this mean they won't tell
many people for fear of being traced and punished.

Because I helped create a lot of set ups as an adult trainer,
I became somewhat cynical, and have chosen to disclose as a result.
Although I do fight intense fear even now at times.
Try being buried in a wooden box for a period of time (it may
have been minutes, but to a four year old it is an eternity),
and then when the lid is lifted, being told, "if you ever tell,
we'll put you back in forever". The child will scream hysterically
that they will NEVER EVER tell. I was that child, and now I am
breaking that vow made under psychological duress. Because I don't
want any other children to go through what I did, or have seen
done to others. Yes, the Illuminati are organized, secretive, and
extremely wealthy at its upper levels. They are not stupid, or
poor people running around dabbling with witchcraft.
To see them as this is a huge misconception.

Q: How widespread would you say this group has infiltrated our
society in terms of number of people? Are they present in every
town or city throughout North America? Do they take or recruit
outsiders? And how far does this group go to keep this knowledge

A: I think I answered some of the secrecy above. The Illuminati
are present in every major metropolitan center in the United States.
They have divided the United States up into 7 major regions, and
each has a regional council over it, with the heads of the local
councils reporting to them. They meet once every two months, and
on special occasions.

A metropolitan region may have as many as 10 to 30 groups within
it, and rural areas will often have meetings with other local
groups, and report to the metro leadership council. They almost
NEVER recruit outsiders, although ocassionally they will buy
children or a family from Asia, for example, and keep them under
constant surveillance in return for saving their life from the
local Mafia. They are threatened with being returned to this
group if they ever disclose.

They also have excellent lawyers who are well paid to help
cover their tracks. There are also people in the media paid
to help keep stories from coming out. I know of three people
in San Diego who worked for the Union Tribune who were faithful
Illuminists, and who also wrote frequent articles attacking
local therapists who worked with RA (Ritual Abuse) survivors.
I remember leadership boasting they had "run so-and-so out of
town" because of a media blitz, and being quite happy about it.

The Illuminati believe in controlling an area through its:

1. Banks and financial institutions (guess how many sit on banking
boards? You'd be surprised)
2. Local government: guess how many get elected to local city councils?
3. Law: children are encouraged to go to law school and medical school.
4. Media:others are encouraged to go to journalism school, and members
help fund local papers .

Q: Is this the same Illuminati that was created by Adam Weishaupt
in Germany?

A: Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati, they chose him as a
figurehead and told him what to write about. The financiers,
dating back to the bankers during the times of the Templar Knights
who financed the early kings in Europe, created the Illuminati.
Weishaupt was their "go fer", who did their bidding.

Q: Do you have anymore info about the political goals, if any,
of the Illuminati?

A: This article I wrote for Suite101.com addresses it: "Are the
Illuminati taking over the world?" You can reprint it, or part
of it, as long as you give credit to Suite 101 and/or a
link back to the site.

Q: How do Illuminati members recognise each other?

A: Since it is generational, its easy. It isn't hard to
recognize one's father, mother, siblings, and neighbors and
friends one has grown up with. The Illuminati use telephone
trees to contact members when a meeting is to occur. A month
or two ahead of time, leadership council plans dates and places
for meetings for different groups under their umbrella. They
then call local leaders a week ahead of time (the high priest
or priestess). Two days ahead, these people call their head
members, who then call the people under them. A person knows
their status in the group by how far ahead of time they know
a meeting date. The lower in the group, the less they are
trusted with information, and the less "lag time" before

Sometimes, certain pieces of jewelry, such as a ruby ring or
an oval emerald, might be worn if meeting someone in a public
place at a prearranged assignation. But most accessing
and contact is done through family members or close friends.

When I lived in San Diego, my entire family of origin and my
four closest friends were all members of the group. It wasn't
hard to reach me, to say the least. My spouse was also a member.
The Illuminati believe in arranged members, and do NOT allow their
members to marry a nonmember. If someone says their spouse isn't
in it, they aren't Illuminati, or they are in denial. This was an
unbreakable policy. My marriage was arranged by the local leadership
council to another ranking member. I didn't want to marry him, because
I didn't love him, and I will never forget what I was told by Athena,
my mentor at the time (she held the second position on the council):
"That's for the best, then, because he can never hurt you or control
you." Or, my mother's timeless advice given when I was 12 years old:
"Never fu-- someone lower than you. They will drag you down. Always
choose someone higher than yourself."

She was an ambitious woman, to say the least, determined that I
would do well in this very political group. I took her advice,
and Athena was my lover and protected me from some of the SOBs
on leadership in San Diego especially Jonathan, the head trainer.
She taught me his weaknesses and how to get around him, and
stood up to him for me. I wouldn't have survived otherwise.

These are NOT nice people and they use and manipulate others
viciously.They cut their eye teeth on status, power, and money.
I have given all of that up to leave, and am glad to be away from
it now, although I do miss some of my friends, and at times I miss
the respect of being a leader. But I am learning to live a whole
new life without the constant background of "family" monitoring
and telling me what to do.

Know what the hardest part of getting out was? The freedom.
Not having anyone telling me what to do. I literally went through
a period of adjustment, felt wobbly, trying to figure out what
I wanted to do. It was hard, since I was used to reflexively
checking my decisions with leadership and Jonathan and my husband.
Freedom can be difficult, believe it or not, and took quite a period
of time to adjust to. I believe that the inability to deal with
it often draws people back in. I hope this information is useful
to you.
2007-03-12 01:58:13 UTC
The Illuminati in America

Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati

By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com
Copyright © 2000 CentrExNews.com. All rights reserved.

Part 3: How the Illuminati runs Hollywood

Q: I would think that California would be one of the major 'turfs'
of the Illuminati, and I'm thinking specifically Hollywood.
What's your inside on this, in regards to film making, symbology,
subliminals, the whole scene in general?

A: Oh, boy, do you have a few hours? I'll try to be brief.
The Illuminati believethat to control the media is to control
the public. This is one of their stated agendas. Remember,
finances, media, law, government and education are the areas
they targeted as being the best to dominate society.

How do they do this? They don't go to a film producer and say,
"Oh, by the way, we're Illuminati members and we want you to
make a movie that promotes our agenda". (Remember, they aren't
stupid, either). Instead, they will form a small investment
corporation that funds movies with ideas that they like. They
quietly hire actors and producers and directors and scripts, but
they never mention their affiliation publicly or why they are
doing this.

Money talks, and especially in Hollywood. If you have money,
you can get about anything made, and they know this. They can
also channel money intoadvertising campaigns, etc. for their
films (how many Christian films have had major ad campaigns in
the past twenty years? Very few. How many occult movies have?
I rest my case).

This has been a slow, subtle process because they are patient.
They have been working behind the scenes for hundreds of years,
and they know that the public is slow to accept new ideas, that
it has to be done gradually. (They call it leading in the "sheep"
which is one of their terms for the "unenlightened"). And it has
been. The number of occult films that has come out in the past
ten years alone should make anyone pause and think.

Why so many films with this theme? Why the desensitization of
America's youth to the occult and magic? Just look at Saturday
morning cartoons. I don't allow my children to watch them, except
for "animaniacs" and Bugs Bunny at times. Instead, we rent old
classics with Audrey Hepburn and John Wayne. I can send you some
articles that did an excellent job of investigating Walt Disney
(he was an Illuminist, and Fantasia was used to program children).

Some films that blatantly portray the Illuminist agenda: The Matrix.
You could have peeled me off the ceiling when I saw that one.
The references to conditioning and the core were so blatant, it
wasn't funny. Fight Club: I love Brad Pitt and Ed Norton, and this
film is a nod at the covert military buildup going on that the
average person doesn't realize. Also, Ed is dissociative in the
film, as Pitt's character takes over (notice that the cult-creating
military figure is the "stronger" one in the story?).

The Labyrinth: I haven't seen this, but my husband did, and
everything he mentioned is pure Illuminati programming stories
used with children. Any movies with an occult viewpoint, or that
show supernatural psychic phenomena, astral travel, or contact
with the spirit world are guaranteed to be part of this agenda.
I don't watch them, myself. Saw enough of the real thing to last
me this lifetime.

The sensationalization of rituals and other occult insignia on
television is another example. Ghost stories. Witch stories.
Children's books about Wizards and their training that are
extremely popular.

Oh, yes, Starship Trooper. This one had so many cult symbols
(the Illumnists have a strong Aryan ideology going, too) that
I almost laughed outright when I saw it. I counted at least
100 in it. Someone had fun going tongue-in-cheek with the
Illuminist agenda in that one.

Many fine actors and actresses are being used in films funded
by these people. Some may know the agenda, most probably do not,
as long as they receive a pay check. Some are also Illuminists
as well, although I don't know who is. I do know a few, but I
don't want to risk a libel suit here.

Anyway, I was too busy training and going to meetings and learning
the effects of drugs on people to pay much attention to that part
of the group when I was in it, sorry, I don't have lots of famous
names in my memories. I lived a very relatively boring life as a
teacher and head trainer, and we rarely discussed the media except
the fact that it, too, was another tool to bring in "The New Order",
which is the motivation for all Illuminists.

I want to address another misconception. That is, the one that the
Illuminists know that they are evil. When I was in the group, I
and those around me were idealogically committed to the agenda
as being GOOD. I thought I was helping others reach their full
potential when I was a trainer.

I believed that after years of sweat and hard work, that my
intelligence won out, and that I made an excellent leader. I
fought Jonathan and others on the council when I thought they
were unfair, and stood up for the people beneath me. Others did
the same. They honestly think they are doing a GOOD thing, and
if you told them it was wrong, or evil, they would look confused.

It took a LOT of therapy and deprogramming myself, doing reality
checks with noncult people to realize that it was all a lie.
I was devastated. I had dedicated my life to helping others bring
in the glorious new order, and then found out it was EVIL and
abusive. I went through a period of intense grieving/mourning over

Most Illuminists I knew weren't evil, they were deceived. Only the
top leadership perhaps were consciously being hurtful.
2007-03-12 02:16:03 UTC
The Illuminati in America

By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com
Copyright © 2000 CentrExNews.com. All rights reserved.

Part 4: The Illuminati - Freemason Connection

Q: Svali, one of the more important points, which I am sure a lot
of readers would like to know more about, is, what is the
Illuminati/Freemason connection, as far as you are aware of,
given your previous position in the Illuminati? Also, was there
and is there an infiltration of the Masonic Order?

A: The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't
care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The masonic temple
at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after
Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a
center in the Washington, DC area for Illuminati scholarship and
teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to
step up a level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders
in this masonic group were also Illuminists.

This has been true of every large city I have lived in. The top
Freemasons were also top Illuminists. My maternal grandparents
were both high ranking Masons in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa.
(president of the Eastern Star and 33rd degree Mason) and they
both were also leaders in the Illuminati in that area.

Are all Masons Illuminati? No, especially at the lower levels,
I believe they know nothing of the practices that occur in the
middle of the night in the larger temples. Many are probably
fine businessmen and Christians. But I have never known a 32
degree or above who wasn't Illuminati, and the group helped
create Freemasonry as a "front" for their activities.

Q: What exactly is the meaning of the pyramid on the back of
the $1 U.S. note? I'm talking about the pyramid with the capstone
detached and hovering above the rest of the pyramid, containing
the 'All-Seeing-Eye'. Is this a Masonic or Illuminati symbol?

A: The pyramid and the "eye of Horus" on the back of the dollar
bill are Illuminati symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form
based on the holyness of the number 3 to the ancient mystery
religions (it, not 6, is considered the most spiritual number),
and a pyramid was a structure used specifically to call up the
demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.

The eye is the all seeing eye of Horus (remember the emphasis
on Egyptian magical religious practices? The book of the undead,
etc.?) and the fact that no one can escape his magical reach.
This eye is considered a demonic eye in the group, or the eye of
the deity, and in Illuminati mythology is either open or closed,
depending upon the spiritual time of year and the state of the
person psychically. Young children are given "psychic surgery"
where the eye is placed inside, and they are told that Horus will
snatch their soul if they ever try to leave, or if they tell, or
that the eye will explode. The symbol on the dollar is reinforcement
for every Illuminati child who sees one, and the reminder that they
are being watched.

The saying on the dollar, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' also means "bringing
in the new order", which is the Illuminati stated agenda. Just think,
in the early 1800's, our forefathers already were looking forward to
when the new order would be ushered in. Have I mentioned that this
is a patient, forward looking group of intellectuals? That Thomas
Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, FDR, and others were Illuminati leaders?
Our country may have been founded on freedom from taxation, but it was
also founded on the New World Order just as surely.

Q: How far back in time does the concept / cult of the Illuminati
go? It seems to me that they have been around quite some time,
possibly since antiquity, guiding, steering and using humanity for
their own purposes, operating under different names? Can you

A: I was taught that the Illuminati had its roots in the ancient
practices that reach into the beginning of recorded time; that the
Babylonians on the plains created ziggurats to their deities, whom
the Illuminati worship. They were proud of the fact that it was
supposedly an unbroken occult line from then until now. The names
changed, the basic group was the same.

The ancient mystery religions of Egypt, heart of dark magic were
another forerunner, with adherents of Set, Osiris, Horus and Ra;
and the Illuminists also believe their bloodlines have come down
from the ancient kings of Egypt.

It's hard for me to know how much was cult propaganda, and how much
truth is in the claims. The Templar Knights were definitely a
forerunner during medieval times, as well as the Rosicrucians and
ancient celts and druids (you know, the ones who built Stonehenge).
2007-03-12 01:52:23 UTC
The Illuminati in America

By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com
Copyright © 2000 CentrExNews.com. All rights reserved.

Part 5 - Illuminati - CIA Connection - Russia & China

Svali: I just want you and your readers to know that I
am NOT an Illuminati expert, nor do I want to be.
I am only a survivor who was part of this group,
in a lower management position locally. I did NOT rub
elbows with the rich and famous, although I heard about
things that occurred at higher levels (people do gossip
even in the cult, they're still human beings).

There are other people who have come out and disclosed.
I don't know them personally, but I have heard about them.
One is Brice Taylor, in California and North Carolina (she
lives part time in both places). Another is Neil Brick of
SmartNews, he seems to be very real and believable and a
nice person. Others are Caryn StarDancer, of Survivorship.org,
and Annie McKenna (I think she even wrote a book about her
experiences [ed. 'Paperclip Dolls'], it is quite good).
There are others, and if you go to the Suite101.com site,
there are links to resources and also survivor pages.
Survivorship.org also has links.

Some survivors have self-published their stories on the web,
to help the public know that this is going on. I am only one
person among many who has come out to talk about my experiences,
and my experiences are limited to what one person did in the
Washington, DC area and the San Diego, Ca. area between 1957
and 1995. A person who was doing their job at the time,
was very misguided, and who is now heartily sorry for the
things that I once participated in.

Q: How do survivors remain anonymous after seeking help?
Would the cult not go to extreme measures to find and
silence programmers or members that have left the cult? To
what ends would they go to shut you up?

A: At Suite 101, and in my book, I wrote a whole chapter
on staying safe. Here's the URL for the Suite 101 article:
Breaking Free of the Cult. It includes tips on staying safe.

Yes, they do try to recontact people who get out. The first
way they do this is through their family (remember they are
transgenerational). My mother told me to "come back or die"
four years ago, which triggered off lethal self destruct
programming inside (I believe she was counting on my coming
back, but she was wrong and I almost died. God spared my
life). I then had to go in and dismantle it all. When I left,
the head trainer was pretty arrogant. He had said I would be
dead within 6 months if I remembered, because "no one
could remember with what I put in her and live". Direct
quote from Jonathan M., head trainer, and I hope he reads
this article.

Second, a lot of people get abducted and reaccessed because
they : phone their perps, go out alone at night (you wouldn't
believe the stories I have heard from survivors who told
me they went out at 2 or 3 am to the store, alone, walking
down alleys. What were they thinking????).

I helped one survivor get out three years ago, she was being
harrassed by the group, and was fighting back, she literally
pulled a gun on a would-be abductor and he backed away
(he had his gun out) when she asked him, "and who of the
two of us do you think is the better shot?" She was an
expert marksman). She stayed with me for 6 months, and is free
of the group.

They usually do give up after awhile, and get tired of
trying to pull people back. I could never live in San Diego,
or DC, though. The chances of running into an old trainer or
someone I knew would be too great. Instead, having physical
distance (people in the cult in this state don't know me or
care about me one way or the other) helps. I also have tons of
accountability. These people like secrecy, and won't usually
act out in public if someone is with people who aren't part
of their group. I have heard of people being assassinated,
which is one reason that I don't go on T.V., or speak publicly.
I live very quietly and anonymously out here. MOST cult recontact
comes because the person recontacts, though.
The pull to go back is enormous at times, and has to be fought
a lot, especially in the first years. To find out why someone
would go back to their abusers, read my article on
"Trauma Bonding: The Pull to the Perpetrator" at Suite 101.

Q: I want to get back to the Illuminati's political agenda.
What is the connection between the CIA, FBI, and other secret
services and the cult? To what degree are they infiltrated?
And what is the real agenda of these secret services?

A: They are all infiltrated. I don't think everyone in these
groups are Illuminists, but a lot of the leadership is.
An example: my mother was friends with Sid Gottlieb,
who was part of the CIA. The farm I grew up on was only
about a half hour away from his home in Culpeper, Va. She
also knew the Dulles family. A lot of the researchers in
the CIA were part of it, and I visited Langley, Va. at
intervals growing up. MK-Ultra was funded in part with
Illuminati money. These people use the most sophisticated
mind control techniques on their members, believe me.

When I was in San Diego, human experimentation was still
going on. Jonathan and I were investigating the effects
of certain drugs on inducing trance states and assisting with
programming. We would take the data, and download it into a
database (oh, yes, the cult is very technologically sophisticated)
and then send it to Langley.

Many of the administrators and directors at the FBI are also
Illuminists. The CIA helped bring over german scientists after
WWII. Many of these were also Illuminati leaders in their
own country, and they were welcomed with open arms by the
U.S. group. They also funnelled all information they were
learning to the Illuminati.

Q: I assume if the U.S. political, banking, and military
systems are all fairly well under Illuminati control this
would then also be true for Eastern Europe, Russia and other
communist bloc countries as well. What does this mean for
relations between the West-East axis? Was Russia, or the USSR
at the time, ever the adversary it was made out to be, and was
there a grand plan behind having Russia as an enemy?

A: Russia was never really a threat to us. Marxism was funded
by the Illuminati, and espoused as a counterbalance to capitalism.
The Illluminati believe strongly in balancing opposing forces,
in the pull between opposites. They see history as a complex chess
game, and they will fund one side, then another, while ultimately
out of the chaos and division ..., they are laughing because
they are ultimately beyond political parties. A top western
financier will secretly meet with an eastern or russian
"adversary" during those years, and have a good laugh at how
the "sheep" were being deluded. I am sharing here what I was
taught, and also observed.

When DELPHI met with ORACLE in Europe, (these are the head
training groups for the northern hemisphere and european
continents) the Russian, German, French, British, Canadian,
and US trainers all worked together. In fact, this is one
reason why plurality of linguality is valued in the Illuminati.
I had to learn six languages as a child, and learn to converse
with people from around the world. They are truly an
international group, and the group's agenda supercedes any
nationalistic feelings. There is also a lot of trading back and
forth of members in these groups. A russian trainer might come
to the US for awhile, complete a job, then go back, or vice-versa.

Q: China is starting to rattle their sabers and arming itself
with nuclear weapons which are pointing at U.S. cities. Is all
this occurring according to Illuminati agenda or is there still
a fairly large 'uncertainty, random or x-factor' involved that
is beyond the Illuminati's control?

A: I have been out for five years, so my information is "old news".
But the military buildup of China is part of their plan. There
are members of the group who are Asian, and very opportunistic.
The Oriental Mafia groups are very much linked to Illuminati
activity. The random factor in all of this is how the average
citizen reacts. It can't be predicted, although Illuminati
leadership will often invent different scenarios, and try to
decide how they will act if the ordinary citizens react in
an unexpected manner.

I was told that around 2020, the Illuminist agenda would be
revealed openly. I don't know if this is accurate, or just
propaganda that I was taught, or if they have changed this date
since I was in the group.

Q: Svali, earlier you were talking about mindcontrol victims
and survivors that have come forward with their stories and
publicised it. One of the more recent and high profile stories
is the one of Cathy O'Brian [see links at
http://www.vegan.swinternet.co.uk/articles/conspiracies/cathyandmark.html and
http://www.trance-formation.com/ ].
She seems to be more of a CIA mind control victim,
which still sound very much like your own story, in terms of
technology and technique. Do you think there could be an
Illuminati connection?

A: As I mentioned before, the CIA and the Illuminati are
definitely linked. The top leadership in the CIA are also
Illuminati leaders. I mentioned Dulles and Gottlieb as men I
knew personally as a child and young adult. The scientists
that ran the MK-Ultra and other governmental mind control
programs were Illuminists brought over from Nazi Germany.
That's why you will find that mind control victims ALWAYS
speak German or have a dissociated part that speaks with a
German accent; they are mimicking their abusers, which
is very very common.

You could say that the CIA and the Illuminati are hand in
glove companions. I know that the different Illuminati groups
around the US also send data on the experiments they do to
the central computer at Langley, Va. (oh, yes, human
experimentation and mind control experiments are still ongoing,
it didn't stop with WWII...).
2007-03-12 04:06:04 UTC
The Illuminati in America

By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com
Copyright © 2000 CentrExNews.com. All rights reserved.

Part 6 - Ritual Abuse - Mind Control Denial; Bohemian

Q: I just find it amazing that this sort of topic (Ritual Abuse,
mindcontrol) gets next to no press attention, considering the
amount of evidence available.

A: Here is where I will sound really, really cynical. I'm not
surprised, because the Illuminati leadership often boasted that
their best protection was that no one would believe what was
happening. They also have their own media blitz campaign, one
that is pretty effective. For example, a reporter with the
initials M. S., who wrote articles on Ritual Abuse (RA) and
Mind Control in the San Diego Union-Tribune, was a member of
the Illuminati. His articles have almost a patent formula.

1. He interviews supposedly respected doctors in the field.
These people with scholarly credentials, the "thinking man's
verdict" give a rational, measured conclusion: no logically
thinking being could ever possibly believe in ritual abuse,
and the therapists that treat victims of it are leading the
poor people on, the gullible little dears being oppressed by
therapists of a most vicious and mercenary bent.

2. He then exposes the "fundamentalist, narrow minded" "raving"
and "mentally ill" people who say that ritual abuse is real, and
the "fraudulent" or supposedly mercenary/attention seeking
therapists that work with them. His word images create the
image of a person practically foaming at the mouth, full of
demented ravings, on this side of the fence. He then brings
in the heart break of dear, precious families broken apart
by the wicked therapists who are "implanting" ideas of ritual
abuse in these poor victim's heads.

Wrap up with the supposedly rational, caring, logical and
compassionate person on the FMS board saying how tragic it
is that this is occurring, that something needs to be done.

M.S. never mentions that the therapists who work with ritual
abuse survivors work for very low pay, or sometimes for free,
to help these people break free of the chains of a lifetime.
He never ever interviews the large percentage (>85%) of the
psychological field that has stated that they believe that
ritual abuse is, or could be real; instead, he only
interviews the minority viewpoint to feed his agenda.

Okay, so now we know that the normal media is quite biased at times.

Q: But, with the evidence out there, why aren't more people
concerned about the Illuminati?

A: Because they simply can't, won't believe that this is happening.
I am a strong Christian, and in Revelations, it says that right
before the return of Jesus, people will be acting as if nothing
has happened, that all is normal, in spite of evidence to the
contrary. You could show people a video taken of a ritual, and
they would declare: "it has to be a fake; people just don't do
those things." You can show them a site with pentagrams, buried
bones, and other evidence, and they would say, "Oh, that is just
teenagers playing around". You can show them photos of underground
tunnels near Los Alamos, and they will say, "Isn't that interesting.
Must be some government project." They can be shown the scars on a
survivor's body, from cigarette burns in childhood, and old lash
marks that have healed on their back, and the question would be
"are you sure it wasn't self inflicted?"

The evidence is there, but in my opinion, the average person does
NOT want to know, and even when confronted with it, will look
the other way.

The Franklin case is a point. How much evidence has come out? Or
the MK-Ultra documents that have been declassified, shown as real,
and people ignore it.

Okay, I'll get off my soap box. But I believe that the media that
downplays ritual abuse is feeding into a deep need in the average
person to NOT know the reality. In fact, how can a person face the
fact of great evil in mankind, unless they have either a strong
faith in God, or are faced with insurmountable evidence? We as
human beings want to believe the BEST of our race, not the worst,

Q: You probably have heard of the 'Bohemian Grove'. What do you
know about this? Any connection to the Illuminati?

A: I myself do not know anything about the Bohemian Grove. Remember,
I wouldn't have been in a position to have much to do with it. Most
of my connections were with Germany. I was never prostituted out,
instead I taught others to be that. But I myself never went there,
and really don't know anything about it. I'm sorry I can't be more
helpful there.

Now, if you were asking about the masonic temple in Alexandria, Va.,
or the "Institute' in Charlottesville, Va., or a small grove up in
Canada with a bronze statue of Baal, I could help you. Sorry I don't
have anything to share on this topic. If the Bohemian Grove is
occult, though, it probably definitely is known about by the

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This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
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