B8MB Nazi interrogation techniques
(too old to reply)
2006-12-24 02:49:57 UTC
Why is the person posting this request for discussion not one
of the proponents?
Of course Ken S. Tucker is a proponent, that's implied,
how many more do you need?
I'm looking right now at the list of proponents in the RFD
you posted, and you're not listed there.
Sure I am look below....
1) You post an RFD without being listed as one of its
2) I ask why.
3) You claim that you are in fact one of the proponents.
4) I ask why, then, you weren't listed as one in the RFD.
5) Rather than simply acknowledging and explaining the
omission, you respond by reposting the entire RFD, this time
inserting your name into the PROPONENT section.
And what is the problem with that, herr fuehrer?
This makes you look just a little foolish.
But if i call you a straight out idiot,
how would you feel, mr. smartass?
Is that your intent?
Which intent?
What are you talking about?
Which intent you trying to fabricate out of nothing?
Do you think that making yourself look foolish will
make your proposal more or less likely to succeed?
Again insults.
Again fabrications.
Again insulting assumptions right out of thin air,
trying the make a person feel guilty.
The assumption is that the person is foolish.
Then, based on that fabrication, the false conclusion
is dictated and guilt manipulation techniques are used.
Just like Freemasons do.
Are you a Freemason, by any humble chance?

Well... Looks like it is you, who is making himself foolish.

Look what i can do using the same technique:

You think by being a jackass, you can prove anything?

How's that?

A dictator wannabe.
An impostor.
Mr. nobody that thinks he is Da Ruler here.
What do the moderators of the other moderated sci.physics.*
newsgroups (research, plasma, discrete, strings) think about
this proposal?
All "moderators" think about the same thing.
And what does it matter what they think on the first place?
What does your neighbor think about you?
They like it.
I would like to hear that from them.
Zig hail!

Who da funk you think you are?
And what do they have to do with this proposal?
Those guys talk to god, you'll need an appointment.
Not too bad.
Uh huh. More foolishness.
More insults from YOUR side, mr. smart ass.
By now, you not only look foolish, but simply idiotic.
Have the proponents contacted the group mentors?
Are you out of your mind, by ANY humble chance?

What "group mentors"?
What are you talking about?
Why should anyone even bother to contact those "mentors"
and what authority do they have on the first place?

It there another clan that babysits YOUR clan?
Why did you even bother?
I am on the group mentors mailing list and have not seen any
email about this proposal on that list. How have you
contacted the group mentors, if not on the mailing list?
Are you sure? Maybe you have been dropped.
May be you are lunatic?
And maybe you are a loon.
And may be you are but a pile of dogshit
that imagined that he is DA king
and his totalitarian dictates are the word of God?
Anyway, if so, I'll petition to have you re-instated.
Yup, definitely a loon.
Yup, definetely a sick nazi, power hungry lunatic.
Who will the moderators of the proposed newsgroup be? Is
there some reason why they weren't listedin the RFD you
And I thought I had a reading problem!
Sorry, I was looking for the list of moderators where it
belongs in the RFD.
[remainder of snide, useless responses snipped]
What an arrogant sicko!

But what if YOU are but a pile of useless horseshit
that thinks he is to be reported to and he is to interrogate
others like his is an FBI agent that caught some drug dealer suspect?

Hows that?
With only a few postings, you've managed to convince me that I
probably can't take you seriously or trust you.
You see, the true nazi will not be convinced by just about anything,
just like you. It all depends on how biased is your mind
and how rotten you are.
Whether the alleged other proponents
Said the alleged bumby.
of this proposal can be trusted is a different question,

To do what?

Can YOU be trusted?
I mean with a single stinky dollar?
one which I'm not going to bother
Yep, yerr royal highness is a buy entity.
All sorts of horseshit to invent and to mend.
to try answering
Said Mr. god wannabe.
until they show up here
Uhu, and bring their chansaws to stick up your sorry totalitarian arse?
or in news.groups.proposals
and actually confirm that they're backing this proposal.
Why don't you go screw yourself, you stinky nazi?

What a sicko.
The alternative is that you made up the proposal and put their
names on it without their consent.
Another alternative is to realize that YOU are nothing
but nazi sicko and go hang yourself or jump from the highest bridge
there is.

Hows that?
That seems entirely
possible given the way you're acting and the reception that
your proposal seems to have received in sci.physics.
Have you been sniffing their asses, mr. "investigator"?
I find it curious that neither you nor any of the other
proponents have an email address at an academic or research
Fer what?

To please a nazi like YOU?
It seems to me that reputable physicists
And what does THAT supposed to mean, mr. smart?
What seems to you, you cat just eat it.
What means "reputable"?
Does he have to bring his shnobel prize certificate
and show it to YOU?
Or shove it up your tootoo?
who are
"serious researchers"
And how would you define that?
would be affiliated with a such an
is where YOU belong.

You must be thinking you are Adolph himself...
Or Stalin fits your fancy better?
and would publicize that affiliation.
For what?
To please a donkey like you?
I've got zome certificates and i don't even know where
they are. Never even thought i have to publicize ANY of it?

Plus you, pervert, even if it is publicized,
would claim you do not believe it.

Do you know what publication is, mr. smart?

Well, you are reading it this very moment.

So, I publicize that you are a nazi, and impostor,
a destroyer of big-8, a useless pile of crap and
of the lowest grade at that,
and a miserable scum
that never knew any joy in his life.

THAT is why you like to torture all these "clueless",
that even bother to talk to you, sicko.
I would
like to know what institutions the proponents of this proposal
are affiliated with,
What is this?
A criminal investigation of some sort?
Who ARE you, donkey?
and I would like the email addresses they
use at those institutions
Who da funk you think you are, you lil mosquito?
so I can confirm the affiliation
Zig hail!
(you can send the email addresses to the Board at
Or he can shove the chainsaw up yer perverted tootoo too?
if you don't want to post them publicly).
If you sniff my whiff,
you're gonna get it stiff.

Ever heard?
Help stop the genocide in Darfur!
And THAT is your signature, mr. nazi,
interested in destroying just about anything that comes his way?
2006-12-24 02:50:00 UTC
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User-Agent: G2/1.0
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Injection-Info: a3g2000cwd.googlegroups.com; posting-host=;
Xref: news.easynews.nl news.groups:10593
Status: O
Have the proponents contacted the group mentors?
Who are these "group mentors"?
Is it some kind of a madhouse?
I am on the group mentors mailing list and have not seen any
email about this proposal on that list. How have you
contacted the group mentors, if not on the mailing list?
Are you sure? Maybe you have been dropped.
Are you sure?
May be you suck like a black hole?
And maybe you are a loon.
And may be you are but an arrogant idiot
who imagined that he is to interrogate others?
I am also on the group-mentors list
Oh, another wannabe.
What "mentor list"?
What are you inventing here?
WHO apointted you?
WHO authorized you?
WHO elected you?

You are not on MY list.
Well, you ARE on a monkey list,
but that is a different story.

And you know who I am?


Dummy, i guess,
a brainless lil nazi.
That is all.
But that passes too.

Sure, with some, it happens when others throw the last shovel
of soil on your grave.

But what to do?

Such is the nature of da Wheel Of Karma
as told by the Idiot.
and have not received a copy of the RFD.
You mean Fedex?
With sase?
What else?
Where is Tim Skirvin?
Does he know you behave like a "tsar",
which arrogantly challenges HIS position and "power"?
At best a clueless proponent who can learn.
From whom?

Well, with the idiots of your kind
there is plenty to learn indeed.

The first thing is why do i have to deal with these nazis?
Anyway, if so, I'll petition to have you re-instated.
Yup, definitely a loon.
You forgot to say: lick, lick on his ass.

Othewise, everything is nize and dandy.
With only a few postings, you've managed to convince me that I
probably can't take you seriously or trust you.
It does appear to be a request for a group about discreditted
So what?
Is it illegal?

Do you have ANY theory of ANY merit?
Expect UFO sightings to be approved.
Depends on how arrogant you are, ain't it?
Whether the
alleged other proponents of this proposal can be trusted is a
different question, one which I'm not going to bother to try
answering until they show up here or in news.groups.proposals
and actually confirm that they're backing this proposal. The
alternative is that you made up the proposal and put their
names on it without their consent. That seems entirely
possible given the way you're acting and the reception that
your proposal seems to have received in sci.physics.
I find it curious that neither you nor any of the other
proponents have an email address at an academic or research
institution. It seems to me that reputable physicists who are
"serious researchers" would be affiliated with a such an
institution and would publicize that affiliation. I would
like to know what institutions the proponents of this proposal
are affiliated with, and I would like the email addresses they
use at those institutions so I can confirm the affiliation
(you can send the email addresses to the Board at
I don't object to a group that will discuss discreditted theories.
It could go under talk.* or wherever.
Good ideas have emerged
from scorned visionaries. But sci.physics would not be the
home of such.
Says who?
2006-12-24 02:50:07 UTC
wrote in
... There is a lot of misinformation about forming groups on the
net. I will rectify and post again in the new year.
I wish someone **could** rectify the now-outdated information
on the internet. :-O
Cleaning that mess up is a long-term project.
The board was only solemnly ratified at the
end of September after a year of intense and
convoluted negotiations.
By whom?
By the previous dictator?

2006-12-29 03:21:10 UTC
"Everything in Masonry has reference to God, implies God, speaks
of God, points and leads to God. Not a degree, not a symbol,
not an obligation, not a lecture, not a charge but finds its meaning
and derives its beauty from God, the Great Architect, in whose temple
all Masons are workmen"

--- Joseph Fort Newton,
The Religion of Freemasonry, An Interpretation, pg. 58-59.
Why is the person posting this request for discussion not one
of the proponents?
Of course Ken S. Tucker is a proponent, that's implied,
how many more do you need?
I'm looking right now at the list of proponents in the RFD
you posted, and you're not listed there.
Sure I am look below....
1) You post an RFD without being listed as one of its
2) I ask why.
3) You claim that you are in fact one of the proponents.
4) I ask why, then, you weren't listed as one in the RFD.
5) Rather than simply acknowledging and explaining the
omission, you respond by reposting the entire RFD, this time
inserting your name into the PROPONENT section.
And what is the problem with that, herr fuehrer?
This makes you look just a little foolish.
But if i call you a straight out idiot,
how would you feel, mr. smartass?
Is that your intent?
Which intent?
What are you talking about?
Which intent you trying to fabricate out of nothing?
Do you think that making yourself look foolish will
make your proposal more or less likely to succeed?
Again insults.
Again fabrications.
Again insulting assumptions right out of thin air,
trying the make a person feel guilty.
The assumption is that the person is foolish.
Then, based on that fabrication, the false conclusion
is dictated and guilt manipulation techniques are used.
Just like Freemasons do.
Are you a Freemason, by any humble chance?

Well... Looks like it is you, who is making himself foolish.

Look what i can do using the same technique:

You think by being a jackass, you can prove anything?

How's that?

A dictator wannabe.
An impostor.
Mr. nobody that thinks he is Da Ruler here.
What do the moderators of the other moderated sci.physics.*
newsgroups (research, plasma, discrete, strings) think about
this proposal?
All "moderators" think about the same thing.
And what does it matter what they think on the first place?
What does your neighbor think about you?
They like it.
I would like to hear that from them.
Zig hail!

Who da funk you think you are?
And what do they have to do with this proposal?
Those guys talk to god, you'll need an appointment.
Not too bad.
Uh huh. More foolishness.
More insults from YOUR side, mr. smart ass.
By now, you not only look foolish, but simply idiotic.
Have the proponents contacted the group mentors?
Are you out of your mind, by ANY humble chance?

What "group mentors"?
What are you talking about?
Why should anyone even bother to contact those "mentors"
and what authority do they have on the first place?

It there another clan that babysits YOUR clan?
Why did you even bother?
I am on the group mentors mailing list and have not seen any
email about this proposal on that list. How have you
contacted the group mentors, if not on the mailing list?
Are you sure? Maybe you have been dropped.
May be you are lunatic?
And maybe you are a loon.
And may be you are but a pile of dogshit
that imagined that he is DA king
and his totalitarian dictates are the word of God?
Anyway, if so, I'll petition to have you re-instated.
Yup, definitely a loon.
Yup, definetely a sick nazi, power hungry lunatic.
Who will the moderators of the proposed newsgroup be? Is
there some reason why they weren't listedin the RFD you
And I thought I had a reading problem!
Sorry, I was looking for the list of moderators where it
belongs in the RFD.
[remainder of snide, useless responses snipped]
What an arrogant sicko!

But what if YOU are but a pile of useless horseshit
that thinks he is to be reported to and he is to interrogate
others like his is an FBI agent that caught some drug dealer suspect?

Hows that?
With only a few postings, you've managed to convince me that I
probably can't take you seriously or trust you.
You see, the true nazi will not be convinced by just about anything,
just like you. It all depends on how biased is your mind
and how rotten you are.
Whether the alleged other proponents
Said the alleged bumby.
of this proposal can be trusted is a different question,

To do what?

Can YOU be trusted?
I mean with a single stinky dollar?
one which I'm not going to bother
Yep, yerr royal highness is a buy entity.
All sorts of horseshit to invent and to mend.
to try answering
Said Mr. god wannabe.
until they show up here
Uhu, and bring their chansaws to stick up your sorry totalitarian arse?
or in news.groups.proposals
and actually confirm that they're backing this proposal.
Why don't you go screw yourself, you stinky nazi?

What a sicko.
The alternative is that you made up the proposal and put their
names on it without their consent.
Another alternative is to realize that YOU are nothing
but nazi sicko and go hang yourself or jump from the highest bridge
there is.

Hows that?
That seems entirely
possible given the way you're acting and the reception that
your proposal seems to have received in sci.physics.
Have you been sniffing their asses, mr. "investigator"?
I find it curious that neither you nor any of the other
proponents have an email address at an academic or research
Fer what?

To please a nazi like YOU?
It seems to me that reputable physicists
And what does THAT supposed to mean, mr. smart?
What seems to you, you cat just eat it.
What means "reputable"?
Does he have to bring his shnobel prize certificate
and show it to YOU?
Or shove it up your tootoo?
who are
"serious researchers"
And how would you define that?
would be affiliated with a such an
is where YOU belong.

You must be thinking you are Adolph himself...
Or Stalin fits your fancy better?
and would publicize that affiliation.
For what?
To please a donkey like you?
I've got zome certificates and i don't even know where
they are. Never even thought i have to publicize ANY of it?

Plus you, pervert, even if it is publicized,
would claim you do not believe it.

Do you know what publication is, mr. smart?

Well, you are reading it this very moment.

So, I publicize that you are a nazi, and impostor,
a destroyer of big-8, a useless pile of crap and
of the lowest grade at that,
and a miserable scum
that never knew any joy in his life.

THAT is why you like to torture all these "clueless",
that even bother to talk to you, sicko.
I would
like to know what institutions the proponents of this proposal
are affiliated with,
What is this?
A criminal investigation of some sort?
Who ARE you, donkey?
and I would like the email addresses they
use at those institutions
Who da funk you think you are, you lil mosquito?
so I can confirm the affiliation
Zig hail!
(you can send the email addresses to the Board at
Or he can shove the chainsaw up yer perverted tootoo too?
if you don't want to post them publicly).
If you sniff my whiff,
you're gonna get it stiff.

Ever heard?
Help stop the genocide in Darfur!
And THAT is your signature, mr. nazi,
interested in destroying just about anything that comes his way?
"...you [Charlie Rose] had me on [before] to talk about the
New World Order! I talk about it all the time. It's one world
now. The Council [CFR] can find, nurture, and begin to put
people in the kinds of jobs this country needs. And that's
going to be one of the major enterprises of the Council
under me."

--- Leslie Gelb, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) president,
The Charlie Rose Show
May 4, 1993
2006-12-29 03:21:25 UTC
[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here
to the neighboring countries, to transfer all of them;
not one village, not one tribe, should be left."

--- Joseph Weitz,
the Jewish National Fund administrator
for Zionist colonization (1967),
from My Diary and Letters to the Children, Chapter III, p. 293.

"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."

In A.D. 740, the khagan (ruler) of Khazaria, decided that paganism
wasn't good enough for his people and decided to adopt one of the
"heavenly" religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

After a process of elimination he chose Judaism, and from that
point the Khazars adopted Judaism as the official state religion.

The history of the Khazars and their conversion is a documented,
undisputed part of Jewish history, but it is never publicly

It is, as former U.S. State Department official Alfred M. Lilienthal
declared, "Israel's Achilles heel," for it proves that Zionists
have no claim to the land of the Biblical Hebrews."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism
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Injection-Info: a3g2000cwd.googlegroups.com; posting-host=;
Xref: news.easynews.nl news.groups:10593
Status: O
Have the proponents contacted the group mentors?
Who are these "group mentors"?
Is it some kind of a madhouse?
I am on the group mentors mailing list and have not seen any
email about this proposal on that list. How have you
contacted the group mentors, if not on the mailing list?
Are you sure? Maybe you have been dropped.
Are you sure?
May be you suck like a black hole?
And maybe you are a loon.
And may be you are but an arrogant idiot
who imagined that he is to interrogate others?
I am also on the group-mentors list
Oh, another wannabe.
What "mentor list"?
What are you inventing here?
WHO apointted you?
WHO authorized you?
WHO elected you?

You are not on MY list.
Well, you ARE on a monkey list,
but that is a different story.

And you know who I am?


Dummy, i guess,
a brainless lil nazi.
That is all.
But that passes too.

Sure, with some, it happens when others throw the last shovel
of soil on your grave.

But what to do?

Such is the nature of da Wheel Of Karma
as told by the Idiot.
and have not received a copy of the RFD.
You mean Fedex?
With sase?
What else?
Where is Tim Skirvin?
Does he know you behave like a "tsar",
which arrogantly challenges HIS position and "power"?
At best a clueless proponent who can learn.
From whom?

Well, with the idiots of your kind
there is plenty to learn indeed.

The first thing is why do i have to deal with these nazis?
Anyway, if so, I'll petition to have you re-instated.
Yup, definitely a loon.
You forgot to say: lick, lick on his ass.

Othewise, everything is nize and dandy.
With only a few postings, you've managed to convince me that I
probably can't take you seriously or trust you.
It does appear to be a request for a group about discreditted
So what?
Is it illegal?

Do you have ANY theory of ANY merit?
Expect UFO sightings to be approved.
Depends on how arrogant you are, ain't it?
Whether the
alleged other proponents of this proposal can be trusted is a
different question, one which I'm not going to bother to try
answering until they show up here or in news.groups.proposals
and actually confirm that they're backing this proposal. The
alternative is that you made up the proposal and put their
names on it without their consent. That seems entirely
possible given the way you're acting and the reception that
your proposal seems to have received in sci.physics.
I find it curious that neither you nor any of the other
proponents have an email address at an academic or research
institution. It seems to me that reputable physicists who are
"serious researchers" would be affiliated with a such an
institution and would publicize that affiliation. I would
like to know what institutions the proponents of this proposal
are affiliated with, and I would like the email addresses they
use at those institutions so I can confirm the affiliation
(you can send the email addresses to the Board at
I don't object to a group that will discuss discreditted theories.
It could go under talk.* or wherever.
Good ideas have emerged
from scorned visionaries. But sci.physics would not be the
home of such.
Says who?

"with tongue and pen, with all our open and secret
influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the sword..."

--- Albert Pike,
Grand Commander,
Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry
2006-12-29 03:21:40 UTC
In a September 11, 1990 televised address to a joint session
of Congress, Bush said:

[September 11, EXACT same date, only 11 years before...
Interestingly enough, this symbology extends.
Twin Towers in New York look like number 11.
What kind of "coincidences" are these?]

"A new partnership of nations has begun. We stand today at a
unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf,
as grave as it is, offers a rare opportunity to move toward an
historic period of cooperation.

Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -
a New World Order - can emerge...

When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance
at this New World Order, an order in which a credible
United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the
promise and vision of the United Nations' founders."

--- George HW Bush,
Skull and Bones member, Illuminist

The September 17, 1990 issue of Time magazine said that
"the Bush administration would like to make the United Nations
a cornerstone of its plans to construct a New World Order."

On October 30, 1990, Bush suggested that the UN could help create
"a New World Order and a long era of peace."

Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN,
said that one of the purposes for the Desert Storm operation,
was to show to the world how a "reinvigorated United Nations
could serve as a global policeman in the New World Order."

Prior to the Gulf War, on January 29, 1991, Bush told the nation
in his State of the Union address:

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea -
a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a
common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind;
peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.

Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's
wrote in
... There is a lot of misinformation about forming groups on the
net. I will rectify and post again in the new year.
I wish someone **could** rectify the now-outdated information
on the internet. :-O
Cleaning that mess up is a long-term project.
The board was only solemnly ratified at the
end of September after a year of intense and
convoluted negotiations.
By whom?
By the previous dictator?

[Freemasonry, occult, Kabbalah, deception,
Illuminati, NWO]

"[The traditions found in the various Degrees of Masonry] are but
allegorical and legendary. We preserve them, but we do not give
you or the world solemn assurances of their truth, or gravely
pretend that they are historical or genuine traditions.

If the Initiate is permitted for a little while to think so,
it is because he may not prove worthy to receive the Light;
and that, if he should prove treacherous or unworthy,
he should be able only to babble to the Profane of legends and fables,
signifying to them nothing, and with as little apparent meaning
or value as the seeming jargon of the Alchemists"

--- Albert Pike, Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff
of Universal Freemasonry,
Legenda II.
2006-12-29 23:55:50 UTC
No, they are not silenced, they are just more effectively ignored.
There's something I find very troubling in that statement.
I'm not sure what it is, other than to me the main purpose of moderation
is to focus discusion, and concentrate it, rather than exclude it.
Exclusion should be a *side* effect, not the main purpose. I'm fumbling
here, but this really does bother me.
People asking for moderated groups are heavily criticized by some
groupies for their inability to ignore the trolls who have destroyed
their favorite group.
Good start.
Fabrications, assumptions and lies.
First of all, WHO says the posters are "trolls"?
What does it mean trolls? According to whose interpretation?
Those oppressors of thought you call "moderator" wannabies,
the most immoderate of all, craving for power, control,
domination and oppressioni?

What are you fabricating here?

From the very first sentence, you made an assumption
that those "moderator" wannabies are telling truth
and nothing but truth, and those, they call "trolls"
are automatically assumed to be evil.

Is it how your story goes?
Creating a moderated group provides an
environment where these people can enjoy their discussions
The same thing. "nice" people, "enjoying" their discussions,
that are mostly blabber on the first place, and, as a matter
of intercourse, "positive" environment.

Are you working as advertizer?
Or just a totalitarian fabricator of horseshit, and of the lowest grade
at that?
and easily
ignore any trolls
What trols?
What are you making up here out of thin air.
As far as i can see, YOU are nothing but troll.
All you say is horseshit, you just troll people
and catch them in the nets you weave.
still infesting the original group.
which immediately assumes they are but pests,
and pests are "bad" by definition.

So, out of thin air, you already fabricated something
that makes some posters "bad", and that herd of donkeys,
licking the moderators output hole, "good".
I'm sorry that bothers you,
ARE you?
First of all, you already made assumptions that what YOU
are fabricating here is truth and nothiing but truth,
and that other individual is but a delusional lunatic,
"bothered" by "nice" things.
but I think it's reasonable to help these posters by giving
them a moderated group for the discussion they want.
But you wouldn't even bother about all the other people,
who do not like this rotten totalitarian "moderation" trip
you constantly support.

Why is that?
That doesn't silence the trolls,
What trolls, you stinky troll?
You fabricated some crap and base your entire chain
of lies based on your own fabrications.

What a bunch of sickos these B8MB totalitarian perverts are.
who are still able to ravage the original group--it
just makes it easier for people to discuss the intended topic of their
Uhu, and that is about ALL you are interested in.
You don't even CONSIDER the other side of the coin.
You don't even bother about the fact that vast majority of those
moderators destroy the groups MUCH more effectively than
ANY "troller".

Why is your mind so one sided?
2007-01-05 05:06:34 UTC
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X-Trace: sws1.ornl.gov 1167762995 7376 (2 Jan 2007 18:36:35 GMT)
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User-Agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through
Obscurity, linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:v+AWOyezHoneLqF6zPvx/CKXaws=
Xref: news.easynews.nl news.groups:11846
Status: N
However, I would hate for the proponents to settle for a name
they do not like, believing their vote might be at stake if they do not.
That is exactly what they're being told: 'my way or the highway'
I agree, it sucks.
That's not at all what we're saying. Our obligation is to ensure not
only that needed groups are created,
As determined by whom?
Based on what criteria?
but that they're properly named.
You, donkeys understand about group naming?
Based on what criteria?

The author, who is a pro in his field, choses the name for a group,
then you, totalitarian dictators, better put your delusional ideas aside.

Do you think you know what is the appropriate name for a group
better than a pro in the field?

You need a brain examination.
It is like a bunch of lunatics of your kind
tell the pro salesman how to sell his stuff.

This is simply insane.
The general consensus among those board members who've voiced
an opinion here is that sci.physics.fundamentals isn't a great name
for the group the proponents want.
Screw your totalitarian "board", hand picked by the previous

You are just a bunch of wannabies and perverts,
doing ALL you can to destroy what is left of usenet.

That are you thinking of when you are torturing people
for weeks on?

That is why they left usenet by the truckloads.

It is such a hassle to create a stinky group,
and it is such a waste of time,
such a humiliation, insult and redicule,
no wonder there is hardly a group a month being created.

Sick as it gets.
We're more than willing to work to
find a name suitable to both sides.
Just get lost in a giant sucking machine.
Who ARE you on the first place?
What makes you so different than anybody else?

That godfather of brainwashing, the previous dictator,
Russ Allbery, who ran away in shame?

But he is a totalitarian pervert, the Stalin style,
craving for KGB type of supervision over all.
People who have no interest in the
group, but oppose the Board, and therefor encourage the proponents to
insist on their pet name are not doing them or the Big 8 a service.
Go fuck yourself, you dirty slime.
2007-03-25 19:40:14 UTC
Why is the person posting this request for discussion not one
of the proponents?
Of course Ken S. Tucker is a proponent, that's implied,
how many more do you need?
I'm looking right now at the list of proponents in the RFD
you posted, and you're not listed there.
Sure I am look below....
1) You post an RFD without being listed as one of its
2) I ask why.
3) You claim that you are in fact one of the proponents.
4) I ask why, then, you weren't listed as one in the RFD.
5) Rather than simply acknowledging and explaining the
omission, you respond by reposting the entire RFD, this time
inserting your name into the PROPONENT section.
And what is the problem with that, herr fuehrer?
This makes you look just a little foolish.
But if i call you a straight out idiot,
how would you feel, mr. smartass?
Is that your intent?
Which intent?
What are you talking about?
Which intent you trying to fabricate out of nothing?
Do you think that making yourself look foolish will
make your proposal more or less likely to succeed?
Again insults.
Again fabrications.
Again insulting assumptions right out of thin air,
trying the make a person feel guilty.
The assumption is that the person is foolish.
Then, based on that fabrication, the false conclusion
is dictated and guilt manipulation techniques are used.
Just like Freemasons do.
Are you a Freemason, by any humble chance?

Well... Looks like it is you, who is making himself foolish.

Look what i can do using the same technique:

You think by being a jackass, you can prove anything?

How's that?

A dictator wannabe.
An impostor.
Mr. nobody that thinks he is Da Ruler here.
What do the moderators of the other moderated sci.physics.*
newsgroups (research, plasma, discrete, strings) think about
this proposal?
All "moderators" think about the same thing.
And what does it matter what they think on the first place?
What does your neighbor think about you?
They like it.
I would like to hear that from them.
Zig hail!

Who da funk you think you are?
And what do they have to do with this proposal?
Those guys talk to god, you'll need an appointment.
Not too bad.
Uh huh. More foolishness.
More insults from YOUR side, mr. smart ass.
By now, you not only look foolish, but simply idiotic.
Have the proponents contacted the group mentors?
Are you out of your mind, by ANY humble chance?

What "group mentors"?
What are you talking about?
Why should anyone even bother to contact those "mentors"
and what authority do they have on the first place?

It there another clan that babysits YOUR clan?
Why did you even bother?
I am on the group mentors mailing list and have not seen any
email about this proposal on that list. How have you
contacted the group mentors, if not on the mailing list?
Are you sure? Maybe you have been dropped.
May be you are lunatic?
And maybe you are a loon.
And may be you are but a pile of dogshit
that imagined that he is DA king
and his totalitarian dictates are the word of God?
Anyway, if so, I'll petition to have you re-instated.
Yup, definitely a loon.
Yup, definetely a sick nazi, power hungry lunatic.
Who will the moderators of the proposed newsgroup be? Is
there some reason why they weren't listedin the RFD you
And I thought I had a reading problem!
Sorry, I was looking for the list of moderators where it
belongs in the RFD.
[remainder of snide, useless responses snipped]
What an arrogant sicko!

But what if YOU are but a pile of useless horseshit
that thinks he is to be reported to and he is to interrogate
others like his is an FBI agent that caught some drug dealer suspect?

Hows that?
With only a few postings, you've managed to convince me that I
probably can't take you seriously or trust you.
You see, the true nazi will not be convinced by just about anything,
just like you. It all depends on how biased is your mind
and how rotten you are.
Whether the alleged other proponents
Said the alleged bumby.
of this proposal can be trusted is a different question,

To do what?

Can YOU be trusted?
I mean with a single stinky dollar?
one which I'm not going to bother
Yep, yerr royal highness is a buy entity.
All sorts of horseshit to invent and to mend.
to try answering
Said Mr. god wannabe.
until they show up here
Uhu, and bring their chansaws to stick up your sorry totalitarian arse?
or in news.groups.proposals
and actually confirm that they're backing this proposal.
Why don't you go screw yourself, you stinky nazi?

What a sicko.
The alternative is that you made up the proposal and put their
names on it without their consent.
Another alternative is to realize that YOU are nothing
but nazi sicko and go hang yourself or jump from the highest bridge
there is.

Hows that?
That seems entirely
possible given the way you're acting and the reception that
your proposal seems to have received in sci.physics.
Have you been sniffing their asses, mr. "investigator"?
I find it curious that neither you nor any of the other
proponents have an email address at an academic or research
Fer what?

To please a nazi like YOU?
It seems to me that reputable physicists
And what does THAT supposed to mean, mr. smart?
What seems to you, you cat just eat it.
What means "reputable"?
Does he have to bring his shnobel prize certificate
and show it to YOU?
Or shove it up your tootoo?
who are
"serious researchers"
And how would you define that?
would be affiliated with a such an
is where YOU belong.

You must be thinking you are Adolph himself...
Or Stalin fits your fancy better?
and would publicize that affiliation.
For what?
To please a donkey like you?
I've got zome certificates and i don't even know where
they are. Never even thought i have to publicize ANY of it?

Plus you, pervert, even if it is publicized,
would claim you do not believe it.

Do you know what publication is, mr. smart?

Well, you are reading it this very moment.

So, I publicize that you are a nazi, and impostor,
a destroyer of big-8, a useless pile of crap and
of the lowest grade at that,
and a miserable scum
that never knew any joy in his life.

THAT is why you like to torture all these "clueless",
that even bother to talk to you, sicko.
I would
like to know what institutions the proponents of this proposal
are affiliated with,
What is this?
A criminal investigation of some sort?
Who ARE you, donkey?
and I would like the email addresses they
use at those institutions
Who da funk you think you are, you lil mosquito?
so I can confirm the affiliation
Zig hail!
(you can send the email addresses to the Board at
Or he can shove the chainsaw up yer perverted tootoo too?
if you don't want to post them publicly).
If you sniff my whiff,
you're gonna get it stiff.

Ever heard?
Help stop the genocide in Darfur!
And THAT is your signature, mr. nazi,
interested in destroying just about anything that comes his way?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S: Some of the mechanism is probably a kind of cronyism sometimes,
since they're cronies, the heads of big business and the people in
government, and sometimes the business people literally are the
government people -- they wear both hats.

A lot of people in big business and government go to the same retreat,
this place in Northern California...

NS: Bohemian Grove? Right.

JS: And they mingle there, Kissinger and the CEOs of major
corporations and Reagan and the people from the New York Times
and Time-Warnerit's realIy worrisome how much social life there
is in common, between media, big business and government.

And since someone's access to a government figure, to someone
they need to get access to for photo ops and sound-bites and
footage -- since that access relies on good relations with
those people, they don't want to rock the boat by running
risky stories.

excerpted from an article entitled:
by John Shirley

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

[NWO: More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover
2007-03-25 19:40:23 UTC
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Xref: news.easynews.nl news.groups:10593
Status: O
Have the proponents contacted the group mentors?
Who are these "group mentors"?
Is it some kind of a madhouse?
I am on the group mentors mailing list and have not seen any
email about this proposal on that list. How have you
contacted the group mentors, if not on the mailing list?
Are you sure? Maybe you have been dropped.
Are you sure?
May be you suck like a black hole?
And maybe you are a loon.
And may be you are but an arrogant idiot
who imagined that he is to interrogate others?
I am also on the group-mentors list
Oh, another wannabe.
What "mentor list"?
What are you inventing here?
WHO apointted you?
WHO authorized you?
WHO elected you?

You are not on MY list.
Well, you ARE on a monkey list,
but that is a different story.

And you know who I am?


Dummy, i guess,
a brainless lil nazi.
That is all.
But that passes too.

Sure, with some, it happens when others throw the last shovel
of soil on your grave.

But what to do?

Such is the nature of da Wheel Of Karma
as told by the Idiot.
and have not received a copy of the RFD.
You mean Fedex?
With sase?
What else?
Where is Tim Skirvin?
Does he know you behave like a "tzar",
which arrogantly challenges HIS position and "power"?
At best a clueless proponent who can learn.
From whom?

Well, with the idiots of your kind
there is plenty to learn indeed.

The first thing is why do i have to deal with these nazis?
Anyway, if so, I'll petition to have you re-instated.
Yup, definitely a loon.
You forgot to say: lick, lick on his ass.

Othewise, everything is nize and dandy.
With only a few postings, you've managed to convince me that I
probably can't take you seriously or trust you.
It does appear to be a request for a group about discreditted
So what?
Is it illegal?

Do you have ANY theory of ANY merit?
Expect UFO sightings to be approved.
Depends on how arrogant you are, ain't it?
Whether the
alleged other proponents of this proposal can be trusted is a
different question, one which I'm not going to bother to try
answering until they show up here or in news.groups.proposals
and actually confirm that they're backing this proposal. The
alternative is that you made up the proposal and put their
names on it without their consent. That seems entirely
possible given the way you're acting and the reception that
your proposal seems to have received in sci.physics.
I find it curious that neither you nor any of the other
proponents have an email address at an academic or research
institution. It seems to me that reputable physicists who are
"serious researchers" would be affiliated with a such an
institution and would publicize that affiliation. I would
like to know what institutions the proponents of this proposal
are affiliated with, and I would like the email addresses they
use at those institutions so I can confirm the affiliation
(you can send the email addresses to the Board at
I don't object to a group that will discuss discreditted theories.
It could go under talk.* or wherever.
Good ideas have emerged
from scorned visionaries. But sci.physics would not be the
home of such.
Says who?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"When we have settled the land,
all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be
to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle."

--- Raphael Eitan,
Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces,
New York Times, 14 April 1983.
Prof. Rose Mouse
2007-03-25 19:40:34 UTC
wrote in
... There is a lot of misinformation about forming groups on the
net. I will rectify and post again in the new year.
I wish someone **could** rectify the now-outdated information
on the internet. :-O
Cleaning that mess up is a long-term project.
The board was only solemnly ratified at the
end of September after a year of intense and
convoluted negotiations.
By whom?
By the previous dictator?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"For the third time in this century, a group of American
schools, businessmen, and government officials is
planning to fashion a New World Order..."

--- Jeremiah Novak, "The Trilateral Connection"
July edition of Atlantic Monthly, 1977
2007-03-25 19:40:45 UTC
Yes, people can still post about X in the old group, or they can post
about X in some other unmoderated group, but they are unlikely to
find anyone interested in listening to X there. They are, truly, not
"silenced", but the effect is the same.
No, they are not silenced, they are just more effectively ignored.
There's something I find very troubling in that statement.
I'm not sure what it is, other than to me the main purpose of moderation
is to focus discusion, and concentrate it, rather than exclude it.
Exclusion should be a *side* effect, not the main purpose. I'm fumbling
here, but this really does bother me.
I think the "purpose" of moderation is to focus the discussion,
but the "method" of moderation is to exclude certain posts.
Sometimes the tools available are not direct ones.
Discussion isn't like light. There's no lens available that can
focus it. So filtering out the part that isn't focused is the best
that's available.
Depends on who is filtering what and using what methods.
"Moderators", by definition, are biased and are obscessed
with destroying all views that do not align with their black and white world.
This brings up a point about moderated groups. Good active
well moderated groups tend to have better depth and focus
than unmoderated groups.
Uhu, tell me about it.

What happened to comp.ai, the root of entire hierarchy
and one of the oldest OPEN, public groups on record
once it has been taken over by that self-admitted fascist,
David Kinny?

Well, the alive group with plenty of discussions
simly died. That nazi propaganda marketeer
converted the very root of entire hierarcy
into a bulleting board of advertizements.

What happened to sci.psychology.consciousness?
The same thing.

And these are some of the MOST important groups
in the entire big-sucking-8.
Good active untrolled unmoderated
groups tend to have better depth and coverage than moderated
groups. There's a potential in that difference that is occasionally
There are moderated and unmoderated physics groups. I hope
that this happens in that mix.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded]

"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here,
even though I wasn't here."

--- Adolph Bush
Deaf Sombrero
2007-03-25 19:40:52 UTC
No, they are not silenced, they are just more effectively ignored.
There's something I find very troubling in that statement.
I'm not sure what it is, other than to me the main purpose of moderation
is to focus discusion, and concentrate it, rather than exclude it.
Exclusion should be a *side* effect, not the main purpose. I'm fumbling
here, but this really does bother me.
People asking for moderated groups are heavily criticized by some
groupies for their inability to ignore the trolls who have destroyed
their favorite group.
Good start.
Fabrications, assumptions and lies.
First of all, WHO says the posters are "trolls"?
What does it mean trolls? According to whose interpretation?
Those oppressors of thought you call "moderator" wannabies,
the most immoderate of all, craving for power, control,
domination and oppressioni?

What are you fabricating here?

From the very first sentence, you made an assumption
that those "moderator" wannabies are telling truth
and nothing but truth, and those, they call "trolls"
are automatically assumed to be evil.

Is it how your story goes?
Creating a moderated group provides an
environment where these people can enjoy their discussions
The same thing. "nice" people, "enjoying" their discussions,
that are mostly blabber on the first place, and, as a matter
of intercourse, "positive" environment.

Are you working as advertizer?
Or just a totalitarian fabricator of horseshit, and of the lowest grade
at that?
and easily
ignore any trolls
What trols?
What are you making up here out of thin air.
As far as i can see, YOU are nothing but troll.
All you say is horseshit, you just troll people
and catch them in the nets you weave.
still infesting the original group.
which immediately assumes they are but pests,
and pests are "bad" by definition.

So, out of thin air, you already fabricated something
that makes some posters "bad", and that herd of donkeys,
licking the moderators output hole, "good".
I'm sorry that bothers you,
ARE you?
First of all, you already made assumptions that what YOU
are fabricating here is truth and nothiing but truth,
and that other individual is but a delusional lunatic,
"bothered" by "nice" things.
but I think it's reasonable to help these posters by giving
them a moderated group for the discussion they want.
But you wouldn't even bother about all the other people,
who do not like this rotten totalitarian "moderation" trip
you constantly support.

Why is that?
That doesn't silence the trolls,
What trolls, you stinky troll?
You fabricated some crap and base your entire chain
of lies based on your own fabrications.

What a bunch of sickos these B8MB totalitarian perverts are.
who are still able to ravage the original group--it
just makes it easier for people to discuss the intended topic of their
Uhu, and that is about ALL you are interested in.
You don't even CONSIDER the other side of the coin.
You don't even bother about the fact that vast majority of those
moderators destroy the groups MUCH more effectively than
ANY "troller".

Why is your mind so one sided?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"It would be helpful if we opened up ANWR
(Arctic National Wildlife Refuge).
I think it's a mistake not to.
And I would urge you all to travel up there and take a look at it,
and you can make the determination
as to how beautiful that country is."

--- Adolph Bush,
Press conference, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001
2007-03-25 19:40:56 UTC
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User-Agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through
Obscurity, linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:v+AWOyezHoneLqF6zPvx/CKXaws=
Xref: news.easynews.nl news.groups:11846
Status: N
However, I would hate for the proponents to settle for a name
they do not like, believing their vote might be at stake if they do not.
That is exactly what they're being told: 'my way or the highway'
I agree, it sucks.
That's not at all what we're saying. Our obligation is to ensure not
only that needed groups are created,
As determined by whom?
Based on what criteria?
but that they're properly named.
You, donkeys understand about group naming?
Based on what criteria?

The author, who is a pro in his field, choses the name for a group,
then you, totalitarian dictators, better put your delusional ideas aside.

Do you think you know what is the appropriate name for a group
better than a pro in the field?

You need a brain examination.
It is like a bunch of lunatics of your kind
tell the pro salesman how to sell his stuff.

This is simply insane.
The general consensus among those board members who've voiced
an opinion here is that sci.physics.fundamentals isn't a great name
for the group the proponents want.
Screw your totalitarian "board", hand picked by the previous

You are just a bunch of wannabies and perverts,
doing ALL you can to destroy what is left of usenet.

That are you thinking of when you are torturing people
for weeks on?

That is why they left usenet by the truckloads.

It is such a hassle to create a stinky group,
and it is such a waste of time,
such a humiliation, insult and redicule,
no wonder there is hardly a group a month being created.

Sick as it gets.
We're more than willing to work to
find a name suitable to both sides.
Just get lost in a giant sucking machine.
Who ARE you on the first place?
What makes you so different than anybody else?

That godfather of brainwashing, the previous dictator,
Russ Allbery, who ran away in shame?

But he is a totalitarian pervert, the Stalin style,
craving for KGB type of supervision over all.
People who have no interest in the
group, but oppose the Board, and therefor encourage the proponents to
insist on their pet name are not doing them or the Big 8 a service.
Go fuck yourself, you dirty slime.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

--- Adolph Bush

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
