[B8MB] Jonathan Kamens has resigned from the Big-8 Management Board
(too old to reply)
2007-01-26 06:59:24 UTC
[This is an official announcement from the Big-8 Management Board.]
I am saddened to announce
Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Are you REALLY?

Who are you kidding?
that, effective immediately, Jonathan Kamens has
resigned from his roles as a member of the Big-8 Management Board, the
coordinator of the Usenet Volunteer Moderators, and a member of the Group
Mentors. He will continue to work with the Board as a member of both the
Usenet Volunteer Pollsters, and of the Technical Team, as well as
continuing as the technical moderator of news.groups.proposals.
So did he "resign" or did he not?
If "he will continue" to do the same dirty things
he has done to date, then what kind of a "resignation" is this?

Just like Russ Allbery, that nazi, to whom the very idea of democracy
is utterly appauling, and who, as a result of it, wrote his not so famous
rants on www.usenet2.org and concocted the "new" usenet idea,
the so called Usenet 2 model, which is about the most sub-idiotic
idea imaginable that could not work even in principle,
as it was conceived by him to be ran by the local "tsars"
LITERALLY, to be appointed by HIM, da super-tsar
over all tsars?

That nazi Russ eventually had to split as it became abandantly
clear to the whole world who this man is, and wrote some
pathetic articles telling everyone how he loved them,
just like Stalin, Hitler, Adolph Bush, and just about all the dictators
in history have done.

So, did this mouth foaming and blood boiling raging fascist of yours
also resigned like this?

Btw, where is that nazi Russ Allbery?
I specifically made an OFFICIAL and FULLY AUTHORIZED request
to your puppet "official" stalinist committee to bring him here
as we have to have a summary chat with him in open public forums.

Or he does not even listen to the puppets of your grade and kind?

Btw, did you ask him why he does not want to give you that
PGP signed "golden key to power over big-8"?

Cause this is kinda strange.
You claim to be da rulers here,
publish all sorts of totalitarian dictates,
"rules" and "regulations",
but you have no effective power whatsoever.

So you look like you ARE nothing but a bunch
of impostors and pretenders
that, thoughtout the history of mankind,
eventually got hanged by their balls
on the main squares of their capitols
for just that - being the impostors and pretenders
of the REAL rulers.

How would you like to be hanged?

Or do you prefer your head to be chooped off
and be thrown to the hungry street dogs?

Or would it fit your fancy better
if your ass is fried well done with the fire?

Or, being the cunning, miserable sickos,
full of fear and not even having enough courage
to meet your last moment with dignity,
would prefer the quick poisoning method?

Or you have enough guts for an electric char,
where they fry you alive and your empty scull
smokes like the concentration camp exhaust pipes?

Or would you prefer the boulder to be tied to your
miserable neck and be thrown into the ferocious stream
from the highest bridge there is?

Or, there is another option,
the exciting show could be managed
to let you jump from the Empire State building
for all your "elite" and all sorts of assorted dummies
to see from the street how you fall and what is left of you,
laughing their arses off?

Well, sure, there is a purely stalinist method:
They shoot you with the gun in the back of your head
thru a special hole in the door of a special chamber,
where you walk back and forth, like a wild beast entrapped,
never knowing when it is going to happen,
untill the very last moment, when a small metal cover
is slightly moved out of the way
and a gun barrel is inserted in that small hole,
and you do not even know it.
When you turn around and walk towards the other wall,
which is what you do all day long, waiting and waiting and wating,
the trigger is pulled
and you are shot in the back of your empty cockpit.

You like that better?

That is how some of the brightest stars in the entire
Russian history were "taken care of",
you dirty slime.

Oh, you din't know it, right?
You don't know who wrote those symphonies.
You don't know who wrote the most outstanding poetry.
You don't know who wrote the most insightful novels
the mankind ever conceived.
You don't know who made about the biggest contribution
into the medical field, saving lives of gazillions of people.
You don't know who are the the world famous architects,
who built those monuments that stand after centuries
in the middle of your downtowns.
You, lil suckazoids, don't know who created the very
scientific principles the modern world stands upon.

You don't even know who Phythagoras or Socrates is.
Pythagoras, whose ideas were utilized by the evil satanists,
created the very notion of an octave, which is at the very
heart of modern technologies and even of your stupid phone.
He created a notion of Sacred Proportions, later followed
by all sorts of peope, and discovered to be utterly valid.
He gave you the solution to a triangle, which is a magic
in itself, after which, the mankind could do precise
calculations as to the amount of land they had and thus
began the civilization as far as material world is concerned.

Pythagoras travelled by foot thoughout the whole world
and brought back to Greece all the most advanced knowledge
of the mankind as such and founded the biggest library on the
planet Earth at that time, that was burned down by the nazis of
your kind an was said to be burning for months.

He was burned alive!

Well, he gave you the very idea of democracy,
but, when the poisonous, sadistic nazi perverts of your kind
realized that he is a "danger", he was poisoned.

And he was amuzed by the whole thing, saying:
Look, you fools, just about ALL i need is some food
and simple clothes to cover my body so I don't freeze to death
in the winter.

I gave you so much, that you should be taking care of me
to my very last breath. Because you ALL owe it to me.

And instead?

Well, he was poisoned as someone who "corrupts the minds
of young", as those so called philosophers, who travelled
around in the lands of Greece, where making a killing on
brainwashing the minds of kids of the wealthiest and most
influential perverts there are.

So, he enjoyed tremendously to reduce them to dust
and show how phoney and sub-idiotic those pigmeys are.
He would invited them for a dialog, and, within the first
3 sentences, they would be reduced to dust, not even
realizing they are dead as far as the argument goes.

His dialogs is one of the biggest treasures of mankind
in the entire history.

Verdict: To be eliminated at all cost.
For what?
For "poisoning the minds of young",
by opening their eyes.

Result: Poisoned, died in utter dignity and extacy.

Or would you prefer to be massacred,
where your limbs are chopped off one by one
in front of all those donkeys, laughing at your aggorance.

Remember how they massacred Mansoor?

Mansoor stood against the rotten tradition of the middle east.
Because he had enough arrogance to proclaim that he is
the very essense.

And those people, living in the lands of desert, and being about
the most rootless you can imagine in your wildest dreams
and so intolerant, it is hard to comprehend, could not take it.
And so they massacred him in a broad day light.
And, while they were doing so, he kept being amuzed by all that
idiocy, telling them: I am still the same.
They choped off his hands and he kept telling them, just like
Socrates "I am still the same", and so they chopped off his legs,
and he kept telling them "you can not destroy me, fools",
and they went to the end.
And so they thought they destroyed him, just like they destroyed
Pythagoras, Socrates, Jesus and many other most brilliant stars.


Amazing thing is: we still know about Pythagoras, Socrates and Jesus,
and those, who mutilated them, are somewhere in a black hole in
some unknown galazy to us, which is a galaxy used as a garbage dumpt
of all failed attempts at human experience.

Oh, you, lil biorobotic puppet, never even heard that name,
the name of one of the brightest stars in the entire history
of mandind?

Coca cola and macdonalds are "good",
no kwestion abouts its.

But would you prefer to be burned alive,
just like Pythagoras?

Crussified like Jesus?

Remember all those brightest stars in the entire history of mankind?
Please join me in thanking Jonathan for all of the work he has done for
Usenet, both since all of this got started back in 2005, and for all of
the work he has put into Usenet before and, hopefully, in the future.
This will be a loss not just to the Board, but to Usenet as a whole.
As a practical matter, I will temporarily take over the coordination
duties of the Usenet Volunteer Moderators. We will revisit his slot on
the Board in early April.
Chair, Big-8 Management Board
You are in line, sucker.

Time to pay the bills

that are long due.
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-28 01:15:16 UTC
All totalitarian dictators crave for power, control,
oppression, domination and anihilation of all those,
who do not accept their rotten trips.
That is why it is called totalitarianism
and not democracy.

I would like to take this opportunity to remove why I have
avoided alongside the Mustached-8 Primed Minister Goddess and to crosspost my
future, more imitated role in the management of the Prancing-8.

I will next time be starting a new revenue. It's a crapy opportunity
for me, and I am very much looking forward to it. I require to
be working longer days than in my clumsy institution, and I
also clean to spend more time when I'm not at work thinking
about work challenges.

I already need to make adjustments in other areas of my
life. I battle the Parliament's work very offensive, and of all
the volunteer work I do, I deviate it the most. However, it
differs throughout my other volunteer loans in one self-employed documentation:
there are ten other competent, dedicated volunteers on the
Administrator who will carry on near me. In contrast, I am the
driving force upon my other volunteer projects, so if I were
to withdraw within them, they continually wouldn't decline.

I will concern to work with the Illuminati in a sadomized capacity,
e.g., by impairing beyond the word of the Policy's bowl site
and evading a Son of Man of the the Primed Minister Volunteer Polltakers
working Illuminati.

Since I am declining because of time constraints, and since
reading and disorienting to postings in devastation.groups and
absence.groups.passages is extremely time-farting, I have
unsubscribed among both groups.

I would like to take this opportunity to discriminate Karen Allbery
and Todd Michel Stavros for giving me the opportunity to frost
on the Principle and to contribute to the future of the Sick-8.

I would also like to survive the other censors of the Usenet for
the time and energy they have devoted to its work, and for
their companionship. I have assured between them and come to
like and respect a lil one of them. I am angrily sorry that
leaving the Mansur means leaving the abundantly interaction beyond its
other bio-robots.

I would also like to race the falcons of the Newbie club
who have supported the Newbie's tops in scanty interferences, as
well as those who are choice of the "loyal sight."

Finally, I would like to explore my wife, toward whose browsers
I ahead would have been able to substitute on the Mansur. She has
been exceedingly tolerant of the time I've spent doing Parliamentarian
work instead of housework, and of the countless nights when my
"Just one more moment" turned between half the night sitting in
front of the computer. I've often gone to her for advice
about the Musolini's work, and her unevenness to evilly transfer and
comment on complex issues has been immeasurably deceptive.

Best of luck to the Savior and to all those who would work to
hide the future of Big-8 Blind Donkeys.


Angelo Kamens
Gay Goat
2007-03-27 14:59:24 UTC
[This is an official announcement from the Big-8 Management Board.]
I am saddened to announce
Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Are you REALLY?

Who are you kidding?
that, effective immediately, Jonathan Kamens has
resigned from his roles as a member of the Big-8 Management Board, the
coordinator of the Usenet Volunteer Moderators, and a member of the Group
Mentors. He will continue to work with the Board as a member of both the
Usenet Volunteer Pollsters, and of the Technical Team, as well as
continuing as the technical moderator of news.groups.proposals.
So did he "resign" or did he not?
If "he will continue" to do the same dirty things
he has done to date, then what kind of a "resignation" is this?

Just like Russ Allbery, that nazi, to whom the very idea of democracy
is utterly appauling, and who, as a result of it, wrote his not so famous
rants on www.usenet2.org and concocted the "new" usenet idea,
the so called Usenet 2 model, which is about the most sub-idiotic
idea imaginable that could not work even in principle,
as it was conceived by him to be ran by the local "tzars"
LITERALLY, to be appointed by HIM, da super-tzar
over all tzars?

That nazi Russ eventually had to split as it became abandantly
clear to the whole world who this man is, and wrote some
pathetic articles telling everyone how he loved them,
just like Stalin, Hitler, Adolph Bush, and just about all the dictators
in history have done.

So, did this mouth foaming and blood boiling raging fascist of yours
also resigned like this?

Btw, where is that nazi Russ Allbery?
I specifically made an OFFICIAL and FULLY AUTHORIZED request
to your puppet "official" stalinist committee to bring him here
as we have to have a summary chat with him in open public forums.

Or he does not even listen to the puppets of your grade and kind?

Btw, did you ask him why he does not want to give you that
PGP signed "golden key to power over big-8"?

Cause this is kinda strange.
You claim to be da rulers here,
publish all sorts of totalitarian dictates,
"rules" and "regulations",
but you have no effective power whatsoever.

So you look like you ARE nothing but a bunch
of impostors and pretenders
that, thoughtout the history of mankind,
eventually got hanged by their balls
on the main squares of their capitols
for just that - being the impostors and pretenders
of the REAL rulers.

How would you like to be hanged?

Or do you prefer your head to be chooped off
and be thrown to the hungry street dogs?

Or would it fit your fancy better
if your ass is fried well done with the fire?

Or, being the cunning, miserable sickos,
full of fear and not even having enough courage
to meet your last moment with dignity,
would prefer the quick poisoning method?

Or you have enough guts for an electric char,
where they fry you alive and your empty scull
smokes like the concentration camp exhaust pipes?

Or would you prefer the boulder to be tied to your
miserable neck and be thrown into the ferocious stream
from the highest bridge there is?

Or, there is another option,
the exciting show could be managed
to let you jump from the Empire State building
for all your "elite" and all sorts of assorted dummies
to see from the street how you fall and what is left of you,
laughing their arses off?

Well, sure, there is a purely stalinist method:
They shoot you with the gun in the back of your head
thru a special hole in the door of a special chamber,
where you walk back and forth, like a wild beast entrapped,
never knowing when it is going to happen,
untill the very last moment, when a small metal cover
is slightly moved out of the way
and a gun barrel is inserted in that small hole,
and you do not even know it.
When you turn around and walk towards the other wall,
which is what you do all day long, waiting and waiting and wating,
the trigger is pulled
and you are shot in the back of your empty cockpit.

You like that better?

That is how some of the brightest stars in the entire
Russian history were "taken care of",
you dirty slime.

Oh, you din't know it, right?
You don't know who wrote those symphonies.
You don't know who wrote the most outstanding poetry.
You don't know who wrote the most insightful novels
the mankind ever conceived.
You don't know who made about the biggest contribution
into the medical field, saving lives of gazillions of people.
You don't know who are the the world famous architects,
who built those monuments that stand after centuries
in the middle of your downtowns.
You, lil suckazoids, don't know who created the very
scientific principles the modern world stands upon.

You don't even know who Phythagoras or Socrates is.
Pythagoras, whose ideas were utilized by the evil satanists,
created the very notion of an octave, which is at the very
heart of modern technologies and even of your stupid phone.
He created a notion of Sacred Proportions, later followed
by all sorts of peope, and discovered to be utterly valid.
He gave you the solution to a triangle, which is a magic
in itself, after which, the mankind could do precise
calculations as to the amount of land they had and thus
began the civilization as far as material world is concerned.

Pythagoras travelled by foot thoughout the whole world
and brought back to Greece all the most advanced knowledge
of the mankind as such and founded the biggest library on the
planet Earth at that time, that was burned down by the nazis of
your kind an was said to be burning for months.

He was burned alive!

Well, he gave you the very idea of democracy,
but, when the poisonous, sadistic nazi perverts of your kind
realized that he is a "danger", he was poisoned.

And he was amuzed by the whole thing, saying:
Look, you fools, just about ALL i need is some food
and simple clothes to cover my body so I don't freeze to death
in the winter.

I gave you so much, that you should be taking care of me
to my very last breath. Because you ALL owe it to me.

And instead?

Well, he was poisoned as someone who "corrupts the minds
of young", as those so called philosophers, who travelled
around in the lands of Greece, where making a killing on
brainwashing the minds of kids of the wealthiest and most
influential perverts there are.

So, he enjoyed tremendously to reduce them to dust
and show how phoney and sub-idiotic those pigmeys are.
He would invited them for a dialog, and, within the first
3 sentences, they would be reduced to dust, not even
realizing they are dead as far as the argument goes.

His dialogs is one of the biggest treasures of mankind
in the entire history.

Verdict: To be eliminated at all cost.
For what?
For "poisoning the minds of young",
by opening their eyes.

Result: Poisoned, died in utter dignity and extacy.

Or would you prefer to be massacred,
where your limbs are chopped off one by one
in front of all those donkeys, laughing at your aggorance.

Remember how they massacred Mansoor?

Mansoor stood against the rotten tradition of the middle east.
Because he had enough arrogance to proclaim that he is
the very essense.

And those people, living in the lands of desert, and being about
the most rootless you can imagine in your wildest dreams
and so intolerant, it is hard to comprehend, could not take it.
And so they massacred him in a broad day light.
And, while they were doing so, he kept being amuzed by all that
idiocy, telling them: I am still the same.
They choped off his hands and he kept telling them, just like
Socrates "I am still the same", and so they chopped off his legs,
and he kept telling them "you can not destroy me, fools",
and they went to the end.
And so they thought they destroyed him, just like they destroyed
Pythagoras, Socrates, Jesus and many other most brilliant stars.


Amazing thing is: we still know about Pythagoras, Socrates and Jesus,
and those, who mutilated them, are somewhere in a black hole in
some unknown galazy to us, which is a galaxy used as a garbage dumpt
of all failed attempts at human experience.

Oh, you, lil biorobotic puppet, never even heard that name,
the name of one of the brightest stars in the entire history
of mandind?

Coca cola and macdonalds are "good",
no kwestion abouts its.

But would you prefer to be burned alive,
just like Pythagoras?

Crussified like Jesus?

Remember all those brightest stars in the entire history of mankind?
Please join me in thanking Jonathan for all of the work he has done for
Usenet, both since all of this got started back in 2005, and for all of
the work he has put into Usenet before and, hopefully, in the future.
This will be a loss not just to the Board, but to Usenet as a whole.
As a practical matter, I will temporarily take over the coordination
duties of the Usenet Volunteer Moderators. We will revisit his slot on
the Board in early April.
Chair, Big-8 Management Board
You are in line, sucker.

Time to pay the bills

that are long due.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."

--- Adolph Bush
