Blood boiling neo-nazi puppets of herr fuehrer Russ Allbery
(too old to reply)
2007-02-17 16:19:55 UTC
1) Do you think there is a need or interest in a new group to replace /
expand upon a.b.n-s-c?
I think it's a viable & worthwhile topic.
2) Would you be interested in, taking an active role / participating in
n.s-p if it were non-moderated?
3) Would you be interested in, taking an active role / participating in
n.s-p if it were moderated by means of robo-moderation based upon the
bot filtering out posts that were cross-posted to more than 3 groups?
4) Would you be interested in, taking an active role / participating in
n.s-p if it were moderated by means of robo-moderation based upon the
bot filtering out posts that were cross-posted to groups that were not
defined as being related groups, in the charter?
5) Would you be interested in, taking an active role / participating in
n.s-p if it were moderated by means of human moderation?
I can imagine situations in which I might want to follow
some threads in a well-moderated group.
Now wonder you behave like nazis.
Because you ARE nazis.
About the only thing you can tolerate
is "well moderated group", whatever that means.

You see, any moderator I have seen,
ends up being a blood boiling nazi.

Why would THAT be the case?
6) If you answered yes to question (2) do you think that the group would
be successful given what occurred to a.b.n-s-c, if the new group was
7) Do you think there is a need or interest in a new group to replace /
expand upon a.b.n-s-c?
Is this one of those MMPI tests? I thought I answered that question
first. :o)
8) Any further comments/suggestions/ideas?
I think you need to write the moderation rules in such a
way that you can escalate or relax moderation as circumstances
change. In some seasons, the group may need close human
moderation; in others, not.
Looks like a "moderation" fastline
with these nazi puppets of Russ Allbery.
2007-02-21 18:09:52 UTC
I would agree that if crossposting is to allowed, that would seem to be
the best way of doing it, on a thread by thread or per need basis. This
also seems to be the general consensus of opinion at the moment.
To simplify things, why not just ban x-posting totally?
Zig hail!
A member of, but not speaking for, The Big-8 Management Board