To news admins: rmgroup news.groups.proposals "moderated", news.groups exists
(too old to reply)
Big-8 CEO
2007-02-23 09:09:57 UTC
ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
the group-***@isc.org as the only valid, PGP signed
address regarding the big-8 group creation/status,


The most propagated hierarchy on the planet Earth,
big-8, has been taken over by herr fuehrer Russ Allbery
and his puppet theatre they call B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).

They have violated one of the most fundamental rules
of discussing the group creation/status issues on
news.groups and created so called moderated group
to do the same thing, called news.groups.proposals,
where these nazi puppets of herr fuehrer are
"moderators", thus preventing ANY and ALL views
but their own on some of the most important issues
of the entire Usenet, the group creation/status issues.

Their arrogance and blatant totalitarian techniques
are well documented on a public record and this
latest trick of theirs, trying to create a "moderated"
version of a group to discuss the issues of "moderation",
is but an attempt to nail the final nail into the coffin
of nothing less than Democracy itself.

Tim Skirvin, the hand picked nazi puppet of Russ Allbery,
the current "tsar" wannabe of big-8, went as far
as to create an illusion of RFD for news.admin.moderation
group being "MODERATED" itself!!!

How could the issues of "moderation" be discussed
in a "moderated" group LITERALLY OWNED by one of the
most arrogant nazis in the entire history of big-8?

"Moderated" groups are nothing but a "private property"
of "moderators", who, in vast majority of cases,
turn out to be about the MOST immoderate and intolerant,
mouth foaming and blood boiling nazis there are.

Following is this ugliest perversion, a so called RFD,
meant to take over the news.admin.moderation name space
not even including the .moderated at the group name,
thus attempting to forever squash any and all attempts
to finally create the group dedicated to discussions
of the issues of "moderation", one of the most significant
issues on Usenet as such.

======================== QUOTE BEGIN ========================
moderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
moderated Usenet newsgroup, news.admin.moderation.
Before we begin, the original RFD for news.admin.moderation
as NON "moderated" group, is included at the end of this
post for references.

Russ Allbery, this is your creation,
this ugliest nazi perverion,
trying to take over name space
for one of the most important groups on usenet,

This group has been voted for 3 times as NON "moderated"
group and had over 100 votes to support it.
And YOU, Russ Allbery, that crawling worm,
having enough guts and arrogance to call himself an eagle,
have prevented this group from being created.
At least 3 times to date.
After torturing the proponents for MONTHS on.

And now, this lil nazi louse, hand picked by you,
is doing the ultimate perversion number,
trying to create a group to discuss the issues of
"moderation" being moderated itself!

With this recent frenzy of creating the "moderated"
groups left and right by this nazi puppet theatre
of yours, called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
you are simply attempting to COMPLETELY block
ANY and ALL discussions on the issue of "moderation".

It is YOU, who is issuing the control messages
to create just about ANY "moderated" group imaginable
as it implements YOUR long time dream of taking over

It is YOU, who created the idea of so called Usenet 2
as described on www.usenet2.org.

It is YOUR not so famous rants that state that
Usenet as it is is "no good" and it has to be
converted into a "moderated" version, called Usenet 2,
where ANY and ALL groups are made "moderated"
and are controlled by the "tsars", LITERALLY speaking,
and the super-tsar, controlling those local "tsars"
is who?

Well, it is YOU, Russ Allbery, a crawling nazi worm,
doing ALL he can to destroy the most fundamental
principles of Democracy.

It is YOU, who is associated with ISC,
Internet Software Consortium www.isc.org,
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies,
such as DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.

It is YOU, who placed ALL sorts of tricks
into the INN configuration files to make sure
the MOST propagated set of hierarchies, big-8,
is controlled by no one else than YOU.

It is YOU, who made configuration of INN
in such a way that the ONLY "authorized" address
for big-8 group creation and maintenance is

Not only that, but it is YOU, and that previous
herr fuehrer, David Lawrence, aka tale,
one of the most poisonous nazi perverts in the
entire history of Usenet, who created and implemented
the idea of PGP signatures for control messages
on big-8, and, unless those messages originate
from group-***@isc.org and are PGP signed with
YOUR key, they are not even SEEN by the news admins
as they are simply pre-filtered before they even
have a chance to see the controls.

These lil nazi puppets of yours merely reflect
YOUR totalitarian ambitions.

This so called "RFD", which you WILL "authorize"
and WILL issue the control message to create this
group in a "MODERATED" version is nothing but a final
spit into the face of all people participating in
OPEN PUBLIC forums, which is what Usenet it.

Instead, you forever craved for a totally nazi controlled
version of the Universe, and now, with these nazi puppets
of yours, you pretend not to be responsible for all this
totalitarian garbage.

You claimed you retired. But this was just a lie,
a typical lie, representing your sadistic nazi nature.

From now on, the game is different,
as this is a final nail on a coffin of nothing less
than Democracy itself.

Beware now.
NEWSGROUPS LINE: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation Moderated Usenet newsgroups. (Moderated)
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Currently, newsgroup moderation is discussed primarily in meta-discussions
throughout the Big-8 hierarchies, especially in news.groups.* and
news.admin.net-abuse.*. However, none of these newsgroups is truly
appropriate for these discussions. A dedicated newsgroup would help
consolidate and nurture these conversations.
How can you "nurture these conversations"
in a group taken over by nazis of YOUR kind
that will prevent ANY and ALL conversations of ANY value,
you lil nazi pervert?

This is just about the most poisonous trick imaginable.
news.admin.moderation is a moderated newsgroup
The group discussing the issues of "moderation"
can not be "moderated" itself.
This is the most arrogant and ugliest perversion possible.
for discussion of topics
of interest to both moderators and users of moderated newsgroups. Some
* how to be a good/neutral/effective moderator
* problems using moderation software
* "moderation ethics"
* developing appropriate moderation policies and implementations
* methods for filling vacancies in a moderation team
* evaluation of moderation software
* personal complaints about individual moderators
* proposals for new moderated newsgroups, or to unmoderate existing
MODERATION POLICY: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation is robot-moderated. The robot will automatically
* Are not crossposted.
* Are not excessively quoted.
* Contain no (large) binaries, HTML, or other similar content types.
* Are not spam, spew, or otherwise clearly inappropriate content (to be
determined programmatically).
A current list of posting criteria will be published regularly.
Users may be blocked from posting for consistently violating the group
charter, especially in regards to the "unsuitable topics".
MODERATOR INFO: news.admin.moderation
I (Tim) am willing, but not excited, to write and run the moderation
'bot for news.admin.moderation. Other volunteers would be welcome.
I also welcome discussion as to whether or not this group should be
moderated at all.
Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final
resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate in the
relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy to groups in
which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic as well as the best
method of making sure that one's comments or criticisms are heard.
All discussion of active proposals should be posted to news.groups.proposals.
To this end, the 'Followup-To' header of this RFD has been set to this group.
If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the discussion
may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure
that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well.
We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed newsgroup
to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to
keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID
Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good
evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created.
Following is the original RFD posted numerous times
to news.groups and those "moderated" news hierarchy
groups that was COMPLETELY ignored and the article
was simply censored out by these nazi puppets of
herr fuehrer Russ Allbery.

======================== QUOTE BEGIN ==========================

You, lil nazi puppet, ALREADY managed to take over
a few groups in news hierarchy in your long dream
of becoming the next herr fuehrer of Usenet,
replacing this pathetic fuehrer Russ Allbery.

But I tellya one thing, and listen carefully.

2007-02-22 1st RFD
From: ***@invalid.addr
Subject: Re: RFD: news.admin.moderation
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:51:53 GMT
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises
Message-ID: <8k45km$49o$***@slb7.atl.mindspring.net>

Here is an article for news.admin.moderation proposal,
a 2nd attempt to create a group. The author was Giovanni Greco.

unmoderated group news.admin.moderation

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup news.admin.moderation.

This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.

Newsgroup line:
news.admin.moderation A forum for moderation (unmoderated).

RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation

Since the introduction of group moderation (1980) members of the
Usenet community have always had different opinions about moderation:
some users think newsgroup moderation means censorship;
others do it as work with no pay.

What is needed is a specific forum where this
topic can be talked about.

At the moment there is no appropriate newsgroup for discussion
of this topic, so posts on the subject are debated mainly in
other places like news.groups, news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
news.admin.censorship and the debate tends to go nowhere.

The purpose of news.admin.moderation is to provide a focal point
of discussion on this issue. In the Big Eight hierarchies there are
almost 300 moderated groups: this should offer sufficient traffic
for such a forum.

As we all know, the future will bring increased flows of messages
and more and more moderated newsgroups.

Two mailing lists for moderators already exist. The newsgroup will be
something more and will involve normal users bringing their personal
know-how to this specific group.

CHARTER: news.admin.moderation

The news.admin.moderation newsgroup is intended to be unmoderated
to allow users who don't think their message is off-topic to come
into the proposed group and show their message there: "People of
news.admin.moderation, why can't this message of mine be approved
in this newsgroup?" And, of course, the newsgroup can also be used
by moderators to justify their work.

Here new moderators can ask for advice from experienced ones about
the best way to moderate a newsgroup or how to behave with certain
kinds of posters. Users who would like to open a moderated newsgroup
can ask in the group about all the problems that moderation can
include or find out about the help that robo-moderation can give to
save a lot of work (thanks, for instance, to the pre-approved list).

Information on moderation's software tools will be welcome here.

If a moderator disappears, or any other problems occur, posters from
that group can come into the newsgroup and discuss how to deal
with this matter, deciding what to do and who can replace the old
moderator. Everything about moderation can be discussed in this
newsgroup. The goal of this newsgroup is to preserve the freedom
of one and all, users and moderators alike.



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion
warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.



Proponent: Giovanni Greco <***@tiscalinet.it>
And now the proponent is ***@invalid.addr.
You can send your feedback to /dev/null at that address.

Following comments are a part of proposal:

This group was sabotaged out of existence twice by the same
megalomaniacs and perverts, sucking life out of usenet,
calling themselves the public servants at the same time
and their assorted output hole lickers, aka news groupies.

This group SHOULD have been created by default as soon,
as the first "moderated" group was created.
This so called moderation trick is used by the most intolerant
censors, megalomaniacs and assorted parasites as a double edged
sword. On one hand, it allows the most intolerant of all to take
over the group and TOTALLY control the content, reducing the
discussion to the level of the lowest common denominator.
One the other hand, it is a trick of self promotion, allowing
those very parasites to establish a certain status symbol.

First of all, moderation is nothing but PURE form of censorship.
Furthermore, these very perverts and megalomaniacs effectively
establish an ownership of the group and convert the PUBLIC
groups into their personal "property", where they can do
ANYTHING they please. Nevermind, they are using the public
resources and public forums.

Some of the most significant groups are already
converted into these outlets of propaganda, peddled by
the intellectual pigmeys to assert their dictates.

Again, comp.ai, sci.psychology.consciousness and plenty
of other groups of profound significance are already
coverted into either bulletin boards of advertisement
or the outlets for peddling the propaganda of the lowest

Comp.ai is one of the oldest groups. It was created
even before the usenet was created on the first place.
It isued to be an interesting group discussing general
issues of AI. It had a fair amount of traffic and
everything just fine.
This group turns out to be the very root of entire AI
hierarchy. Any article that is crossposted from some
other AI group, would automatically be subject to
censorship by this so called "moderator".

Then, this self-admitted fascist, David Kinny, began the
campaign of trying to take it over using the trick of
"moderation. He started inviting people to talk behind
the scene via private email messages.

The reason this group was sabotaged out of existence not
only once, but twice, is simple enough to comprehend.
This is one of the most "dangerous" groups for all these
megalomaniacs, ruling usenet, and their output hole lickers.
They will not allow any feedback, opinions and complaints
to be voiced because there simply exist no such a place.

Last time, the "vote" was rigged by the vote taker jjd,
who was usually assigned to "unwanted" (by the power elite)
proposals in order to defat them no matter what are
the results, rigging the vote counts or whatever he pleases.
Just make sure this group will not be created. As simple as
it gets.

I am personally aware of numerous "votes" that did not appear
in the final results. They just evaporated out of existence.
They were not even classified as "illegal".
Simply vanished.


"Moderation software tools" is simply obscene.
There exist no technology at this junction to allow "moderation"
by the machines. Even Artificial Suckology, they used to call
Artificial Intelligence, is not capable of producing ANYTHING
of a kind beyond the stupid string matching, translating into
outright censorship, no matter what the criteria is.

It is simply an idea of obscene grade.
How can you "robomoderate" the content?
By creating the lists of "evil" words?
So, if someone posts an article with subject
"Robots also want to have sex",
what are the chances that "robomoterator" gadget
will be able to figure out that this is not an advertizement?

Black lists and white lists:

PURE form of totalitarian censorship. No matter what kind of garbage
the "whitelisted" individuals post, their articles will be
automatically approved by the stupid robo script, because they are
pure blooded Aryans, and, no matter what the "blacklisted" individuals
say, their posts are automatically junked upon arrival. Because they
are considered to be the filth of inferior race.
PURE 4th Reich in virtual domain!

======================== QUOTE END ==========================

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Degrees do not matter...one does not bargain about inches of evil."

--- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Kadaitcha Man
2007-02-23 09:48:46 UTC
***@big8.orgy (Big-8 CEO) Thou one o' th' false ones. What hempen
homespun have we swaggering here. Thou shag-haired crafty kern. Thou
Post by Big-8 CEO
ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
address regarding the big-8 group creation/status,
WOW! 21KB of froth and a Godwin in the first sentence.
Post by Big-8 CEO
The most propagated hierarchy on the planet Earth,
big-8, has been taken over by herr fuehrer Russ Allbery
and his puppet theatre they call B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
They have violated one of the most fundamental rules
of discussing the group creation/status issues on
news.groups and created so called moderated group
to do the same thing, called news.groups.proposals,
where these nazi puppets of herr fuehrer are
"moderators", thus preventing ANY and ALL views
but their own on some of the most important issues
of the entire Usenet, the group creation/status issues.
Their arrogance and blatant totalitarian techniques
are well documented on a public record and this
latest trick of theirs, trying to create a "moderated"
version of a group to discuss the issues of "moderation",
is but an attempt to nail the final nail into the coffin
of nothing less than Democracy itself.
Tim Skirvin, the hand picked nazi puppet of Russ Allbery,
the current "tsar" wannabe of big-8, went as far
as to create an illusion of RFD for news.admin.moderation
group being "MODERATED" itself!!!
How could the issues of "moderation" be discussed
in a "moderated" group LITERALLY OWNED by one of the
most arrogant nazis in the entire history of big-8?
"Moderated" groups are nothing but a "private property"
of "moderators", who, in vast majority of cases,
turn out to be about the MOST immoderate and intolerant,
mouth foaming and blood boiling nazis there are.
Following is this ugliest perversion, a so called RFD,
meant to take over the news.admin.moderation name space
not even including the .moderated at the group name,
thus attempting to forever squash any and all attempts
to finally create the group dedicated to discussions
of the issues of "moderation", one of the most significant
issues on Usenet as such.
======================== QUOTE BEGIN ========================
moderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
moderated Usenet newsgroup, news.admin.moderation.
Before we begin, the original RFD for news.admin.moderation
as NON "moderated" group, is included at the end of this
post for references.
Russ Allbery, this is your creation,
this ugliest nazi perverion,
trying to take over name space
for one of the most important groups on usenet,
This group has been voted for 3 times as NON "moderated"
group and had over 100 votes to support it.
And YOU, Russ Allbery, that crawling worm,
having enough guts and arrogance to call himself an eagle,
have prevented this group from being created.
At least 3 times to date.
After torturing the proponents for MONTHS on.
And now, this lil nazi louse, hand picked by you,
is doing the ultimate perversion number,
trying to create a group to discuss the issues of
"moderation" being moderated itself!
With this recent frenzy of creating the "moderated"
groups left and right by this nazi puppet theatre
of yours, called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
you are simply attempting to COMPLETELY block
ANY and ALL discussions on the issue of "moderation".
It is YOU, who is issuing the control messages
to create just about ANY "moderated" group imaginable
as it implements YOUR long time dream of taking over
It is YOU, who created the idea of so called Usenet 2
as described on www.usenet2.org.
It is YOUR not so famous rants that state that
Usenet as it is is "no good" and it has to be
converted into a "moderated" version, called Usenet 2,
where ANY and ALL groups are made "moderated"
and are controlled by the "tsars", LITERALLY speaking,
and the super-tsar, controlling those local "tsars"
is who?
Well, it is YOU, Russ Allbery, a crawling nazi worm,
doing ALL he can to destroy the most fundamental
principles of Democracy.
It is YOU, who is associated with ISC,
Internet Software Consortium www.isc.org,
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies,
such as DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.
It is YOU, who placed ALL sorts of tricks
into the INN configuration files to make sure
the MOST propagated set of hierarchies, big-8,
is controlled by no one else than YOU.
It is YOU, who made configuration of INN
in such a way that the ONLY "authorized" address
for big-8 group creation and maintenance is
Not only that, but it is YOU, and that previous
herr fuehrer, David Lawrence, aka tale,
one of the most poisonous nazi perverts in the
entire history of Usenet, who created and implemented
the idea of PGP signatures for control messages
on big-8, and, unless those messages originate
YOUR key, they are not even SEEN by the news admins
as they are simply pre-filtered before they even
have a chance to see the controls.
These lil nazi puppets of yours merely reflect
YOUR totalitarian ambitions.
This so called "RFD", which you WILL "authorize"
and WILL issue the control message to create this
group in a "MODERATED" version is nothing but a final
spit into the face of all people participating in
OPEN PUBLIC forums, which is what Usenet it.
Instead, you forever craved for a totally nazi controlled
version of the Universe, and now, with these nazi puppets
of yours, you pretend not to be responsible for all this
totalitarian garbage.
You claimed you retired. But this was just a lie,
a typical lie, representing your sadistic nazi nature.
From now on, the game is different,
as this is a final nail on a coffin of nothing less
than Democracy itself.
Beware now.
NEWSGROUPS LINE: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation Moderated Usenet newsgroups. (Moderated)
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Currently, newsgroup moderation is discussed primarily in
meta-discussions throughout the Big-8 hierarchies, especially in
news.groups.* and news.admin.net-abuse.*. However, none of these
newsgroups is truly appropriate for these discussions. A dedicated
newsgroup would help consolidate and nurture these conversations.
How can you "nurture these conversations"
in a group taken over by nazis of YOUR kind
that will prevent ANY and ALL conversations of ANY value,
you lil nazi pervert?
This is just about the most poisonous trick imaginable.
news.admin.moderation is a moderated newsgroup
The group discussing the issues of "moderation"
can not be "moderated" itself.
This is the most arrogant and ugliest perversion possible.
for discussion of topics
of interest to both moderators and users of moderated newsgroups.
* how to be a good/neutral/effective moderator
* problems using moderation software
* "moderation ethics"
* developing appropriate moderation policies and implementations
* methods for filling vacancies in a moderation team
* evaluation of moderation software
* personal complaints about individual moderators
* proposals for new moderated newsgroups, or to unmoderate existing
MODERATION POLICY: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation is robot-moderated. The robot will
* Are not crossposted.
* Are not excessively quoted.
* Contain no (large) binaries, HTML, or other similar content types.
* Are not spam, spew, or otherwise clearly inappropriate content
(to be determined programmatically).
A current list of posting criteria will be published regularly.
Users may be blocked from posting for consistently violating the
group charter, especially in regards to the "unsuitable topics".
MODERATOR INFO: news.admin.moderation
I (Tim) am willing, but not excited, to write and run the moderation
'bot for news.admin.moderation. Other volunteers would be welcome.
I also welcome discussion as to whether or not this group should be
moderated at all.
Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final
resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate
in the relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy
to groups in which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic
as well as the best method of making sure that one's comments or
criticisms are heard.
All discussion of active proposals should be posted to
news.groups.proposals. To this end, the 'Followup-To' header of this
RFD has been set to this group.
If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the
may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure
that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well.
We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed
to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to
keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID
(e.g., Barney Fife,
Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good
evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created.
Following is the original RFD posted numerous times
to news.groups and those "moderated" news hierarchy
groups that was COMPLETELY ignored and the article
was simply censored out by these nazi puppets of
herr fuehrer Russ Allbery.
======================== QUOTE BEGIN ==========================
You, lil nazi puppet, ALREADY managed to take over
a few groups in news hierarchy in your long dream
of becoming the next herr fuehrer of Usenet,
replacing this pathetic fuehrer Russ Allbery.
But I tellya one thing, and listen carefully.
2007-02-22 1st RFD
Subject: Re: RFD: news.admin.moderation
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:51:53 GMT
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises
Here is an article for news.admin.moderation proposal,
a 2nd attempt to create a group. The author was Giovanni Greco.
unmoderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.
news.admin.moderation A forum for moderation (unmoderated).
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Since the introduction of group moderation (1980) members of the
some users think newsgroup moderation means censorship;
others do it as work with no pay.
What is needed is a specific forum where this
topic can be talked about.
At the moment there is no appropriate newsgroup for discussion
of this topic, so posts on the subject are debated mainly in
other places like news.groups, news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
news.admin.censorship and the debate tends to go nowhere.
The purpose of news.admin.moderation is to provide a focal point
of discussion on this issue. In the Big Eight hierarchies there are
almost 300 moderated groups: this should offer sufficient traffic
for such a forum.
As we all know, the future will bring increased flows of messages
and more and more moderated newsgroups.
Two mailing lists for moderators already exist. The newsgroup will be
something more and will involve normal users bringing their personal
know-how to this specific group.
CHARTER: news.admin.moderation
The news.admin.moderation newsgroup is intended to be unmoderated
to allow users who don't think their message is off-topic to come
into the proposed group and show their message there: "People of
news.admin.moderation, why can't this message of mine be approved
in this newsgroup?" And, of course, the newsgroup can also be used
by moderators to justify their work.
Here new moderators can ask for advice from experienced ones about
the best way to moderate a newsgroup or how to behave with certain
kinds of posters. Users who would like to open a moderated newsgroup
can ask in the group about all the problems that moderation can
include or find out about the help that robo-moderation can give to
save a lot of work (thanks, for instance, to the pre-approved list).
Information on moderation's software tools will be welcome here.
If a moderator disappears, or any other problems occur, posters from
that group can come into the newsgroup and discuss how to deal
with this matter, deciding what to do and who can replace the old
moderator. Everything about moderation can be discussed in this
newsgroup. The goal of this newsgroup is to preserve the freedom
of one and all, users and moderators alike.
This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion
warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.
All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.
This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.
You can send your feedback to /dev/null at that address.
This group was sabotaged out of existence twice by the same
megalomaniacs and perverts, sucking life out of usenet,
calling themselves the public servants at the same time
and their assorted output hole lickers, aka news groupies.
This group SHOULD have been created by default as soon,
as the first "moderated" group was created.
This so called moderation trick is used by the most intolerant
censors, megalomaniacs and assorted parasites as a double edged
sword. On one hand, it allows the most intolerant of all to take
over the group and TOTALLY control the content, reducing the
discussion to the level of the lowest common denominator.
One the other hand, it is a trick of self promotion, allowing
those very parasites to establish a certain status symbol.
First of all, moderation is nothing but PURE form of censorship.
Furthermore, these very perverts and megalomaniacs effectively
establish an ownership of the group and convert the PUBLIC
groups into their personal "property", where they can do
ANYTHING they please. Nevermind, they are using the public
resources and public forums.
Some of the most significant groups are already
converted into these outlets of propaganda, peddled by
the intellectual pigmeys to assert their dictates.
Again, comp.ai, sci.psychology.consciousness and plenty
of other groups of profound significance are already
coverted into either bulletin boards of advertisement
or the outlets for peddling the propaganda of the lowest
Comp.ai is one of the oldest groups. It was created
even before the usenet was created on the first place.
It isued to be an interesting group discussing general
issues of AI. It had a fair amount of traffic and
everything just fine.
This group turns out to be the very root of entire AI
hierarchy. Any article that is crossposted from some
other AI group, would automatically be subject to
censorship by this so called "moderator".
Then, this self-admitted fascist, David Kinny, began the
campaign of trying to take it over using the trick of
"moderation. He started inviting people to talk behind
the scene via private email messages.
The reason this group was sabotaged out of existence not
only once, but twice, is simple enough to comprehend.
This is one of the most "dangerous" groups for all these
megalomaniacs, ruling usenet, and their output hole lickers.
They will not allow any feedback, opinions and complaints
to be voiced because there simply exist no such a place.
Last time, the "vote" was rigged by the vote taker jjd,
who was usually assigned to "unwanted" (by the power elite)
proposals in order to defat them no matter what are
the results, rigging the vote counts or whatever he pleases.
Just make sure this group will not be created. As simple as
it gets.
I am personally aware of numerous "votes" that did not appear
in the final results. They just evaporated out of existence.
They were not even classified as "illegal".
Simply vanished.
"Moderation software tools" is simply obscene.
There exist no technology at this junction to allow "moderation"
by the machines. Even Artificial Suckology, they used to call
Artificial Intelligence, is not capable of producing ANYTHING
of a kind beyond the stupid string matching, translating into
outright censorship, no matter what the criteria is.
It is simply an idea of obscene grade.
How can you "robomoderate" the content?
By creating the lists of "evil" words?
So, if someone posts an article with subject
"Robots also want to have sex",
what are the chances that "robomoterator" gadget
will be able to figure out that this is not an advertizement?
PURE form of totalitarian censorship. No matter what kind of garbage
the "whitelisted" individuals post, their articles will be
automatically approved by the stupid robo script, because they are
pure blooded Aryans, and, no matter what the "blacklisted" individuals
say, their posts are automatically junked upon arrival. Because they
are considered to be the filth of inferior race.
PURE 4th Reich in virtual domain!
======================== QUOTE END ==========================
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Degrees do not matter...one does not bargain about inches of evil."
--- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
alt.usenet.kooks - Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

"K-Man's particular genius, however, lies not merely in his humour,
but his ability to make posters who had previously seemed reasonably
well-balanced turn into foaming, frothing, death threat-uttering
maniacs" - Snarky, Demon Lord of Confusion

Fuckwitted alt.atheism atheist to Kadaitcha Man:
"Imagine if I were to suggest "I have a prehensile tail". You
would, naturally, ask for evidence."

Kadaitcha Man in reply to fuckwitted alt.atheism atheist:
"Not at all. I would unquestionably accept your admission to being
a monkey."

"I have forgotten more about IT than both you sorry bitches combined."
DUHane Arnold in <r_myh.20067$***@newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net>

Snarky: "I think 'Wolfy's taking the piss..."
Kadaitcha Man: "In which orifice?"
Art Deco
2007-02-24 20:15:24 UTC
Post by Kadaitcha Man
homespun have we swaggering here. Thou shag-haired crafty kern. Thou
Post by Big-8 CEO
ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
address regarding the big-8 group creation/status,
WOW! 21KB of froth and a Godwin in the first sentence.
And multi-posted screed.
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Post by Big-8 CEO
The most propagated hierarchy on the planet Earth,
big-8, has been taken over by herr fuehrer Russ Allbery
and his puppet theatre they call B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
They have violated one of the most fundamental rules
of discussing the group creation/status issues on
news.groups and created so called moderated group
to do the same thing, called news.groups.proposals,
where these nazi puppets of herr fuehrer are
"moderators", thus preventing ANY and ALL views
but their own on some of the most important issues
of the entire Usenet, the group creation/status issues.
Their arrogance and blatant totalitarian techniques
are well documented on a public record and this
latest trick of theirs, trying to create a "moderated"
version of a group to discuss the issues of "moderation",
is but an attempt to nail the final nail into the coffin
of nothing less than Democracy itself.
Tim Skirvin, the hand picked nazi puppet of Russ Allbery,
the current "tsar" wannabe of big-8, went as far
as to create an illusion of RFD for news.admin.moderation
group being "MODERATED" itself!!!
How could the issues of "moderation" be discussed
in a "moderated" group LITERALLY OWNED by one of the
most arrogant nazis in the entire history of big-8?
"Moderated" groups are nothing but a "private property"
of "moderators", who, in vast majority of cases,
turn out to be about the MOST immoderate and intolerant,
mouth foaming and blood boiling nazis there are.
Following is this ugliest perversion, a so called RFD,
meant to take over the news.admin.moderation name space
not even including the .moderated at the group name,
thus attempting to forever squash any and all attempts
to finally create the group dedicated to discussions
of the issues of "moderation", one of the most significant
issues on Usenet as such.
======================== QUOTE BEGIN ========================
moderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
moderated Usenet newsgroup, news.admin.moderation.
Before we begin, the original RFD for news.admin.moderation
as NON "moderated" group, is included at the end of this
post for references.
Russ Allbery, this is your creation,
this ugliest nazi perverion,
trying to take over name space
for one of the most important groups on usenet,
This group has been voted for 3 times as NON "moderated"
group and had over 100 votes to support it.
And YOU, Russ Allbery, that crawling worm,
having enough guts and arrogance to call himself an eagle,
have prevented this group from being created.
At least 3 times to date.
After torturing the proponents for MONTHS on.
And now, this lil nazi louse, hand picked by you,
is doing the ultimate perversion number,
trying to create a group to discuss the issues of
"moderation" being moderated itself!
With this recent frenzy of creating the "moderated"
groups left and right by this nazi puppet theatre
of yours, called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
you are simply attempting to COMPLETELY block
ANY and ALL discussions on the issue of "moderation".
It is YOU, who is issuing the control messages
to create just about ANY "moderated" group imaginable
as it implements YOUR long time dream of taking over
It is YOU, who created the idea of so called Usenet 2
as described on www.usenet2.org.
It is YOUR not so famous rants that state that
Usenet as it is is "no good" and it has to be
converted into a "moderated" version, called Usenet 2,
where ANY and ALL groups are made "moderated"
and are controlled by the "tsars", LITERALLY speaking,
and the super-tsar, controlling those local "tsars"
is who?
Well, it is YOU, Russ Allbery, a crawling nazi worm,
doing ALL he can to destroy the most fundamental
principles of Democracy.
It is YOU, who is associated with ISC,
Internet Software Consortium www.isc.org,
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies,
such as DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.
It is YOU, who placed ALL sorts of tricks
into the INN configuration files to make sure
the MOST propagated set of hierarchies, big-8,
is controlled by no one else than YOU.
It is YOU, who made configuration of INN
in such a way that the ONLY "authorized" address
for big-8 group creation and maintenance is
Not only that, but it is YOU, and that previous
herr fuehrer, David Lawrence, aka tale,
one of the most poisonous nazi perverts in the
entire history of Usenet, who created and implemented
the idea of PGP signatures for control messages
on big-8, and, unless those messages originate
YOUR key, they are not even SEEN by the news admins
as they are simply pre-filtered before they even
have a chance to see the controls.
These lil nazi puppets of yours merely reflect
YOUR totalitarian ambitions.
This so called "RFD", which you WILL "authorize"
and WILL issue the control message to create this
group in a "MODERATED" version is nothing but a final
spit into the face of all people participating in
OPEN PUBLIC forums, which is what Usenet it.
Instead, you forever craved for a totally nazi controlled
version of the Universe, and now, with these nazi puppets
of yours, you pretend not to be responsible for all this
totalitarian garbage.
You claimed you retired. But this was just a lie,
a typical lie, representing your sadistic nazi nature.
From now on, the game is different,
as this is a final nail on a coffin of nothing less
than Democracy itself.
Beware now.
NEWSGROUPS LINE: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation Moderated Usenet newsgroups. (Moderated)
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Currently, newsgroup moderation is discussed primarily in
meta-discussions throughout the Big-8 hierarchies, especially in
news.groups.* and news.admin.net-abuse.*. However, none of these
newsgroups is truly appropriate for these discussions. A dedicated
newsgroup would help consolidate and nurture these conversations.
How can you "nurture these conversations"
in a group taken over by nazis of YOUR kind
that will prevent ANY and ALL conversations of ANY value,
you lil nazi pervert?
This is just about the most poisonous trick imaginable.
news.admin.moderation is a moderated newsgroup
The group discussing the issues of "moderation"
can not be "moderated" itself.
This is the most arrogant and ugliest perversion possible.
for discussion of topics
of interest to both moderators and users of moderated newsgroups.
* how to be a good/neutral/effective moderator
* problems using moderation software
* "moderation ethics"
* developing appropriate moderation policies and implementations
* methods for filling vacancies in a moderation team
* evaluation of moderation software
* personal complaints about individual moderators
* proposals for new moderated newsgroups, or to unmoderate existing
MODERATION POLICY: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation is robot-moderated. The robot will
* Are not crossposted.
* Are not excessively quoted.
* Contain no (large) binaries, HTML, or other similar content types.
* Are not spam, spew, or otherwise clearly inappropriate content
(to be determined programmatically).
A current list of posting criteria will be published regularly.
Users may be blocked from posting for consistently violating the
group charter, especially in regards to the "unsuitable topics".
MODERATOR INFO: news.admin.moderation
I (Tim) am willing, but not excited, to write and run the moderation
'bot for news.admin.moderation. Other volunteers would be welcome.
I also welcome discussion as to whether or not this group should be
moderated at all.
Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final
resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate
in the relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy
to groups in which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic
as well as the best method of making sure that one's comments or
criticisms are heard.
All discussion of active proposals should be posted to
news.groups.proposals. To this end, the 'Followup-To' header of this
RFD has been set to this group.
If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the
may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure
that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well.
We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed
to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to
keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID
(e.g., Barney Fife,
Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good
evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created.
Following is the original RFD posted numerous times
to news.groups and those "moderated" news hierarchy
groups that was COMPLETELY ignored and the article
was simply censored out by these nazi puppets of
herr fuehrer Russ Allbery.
======================== QUOTE BEGIN ==========================
You, lil nazi puppet, ALREADY managed to take over
a few groups in news hierarchy in your long dream
of becoming the next herr fuehrer of Usenet,
replacing this pathetic fuehrer Russ Allbery.
But I tellya one thing, and listen carefully.
2007-02-22 1st RFD
Subject: Re: RFD: news.admin.moderation
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:51:53 GMT
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises
Here is an article for news.admin.moderation proposal,
a 2nd attempt to create a group. The author was Giovanni Greco.
unmoderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.
news.admin.moderation A forum for moderation (unmoderated).
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Since the introduction of group moderation (1980) members of the
some users think newsgroup moderation means censorship;
others do it as work with no pay.
What is needed is a specific forum where this
topic can be talked about.
At the moment there is no appropriate newsgroup for discussion
of this topic, so posts on the subject are debated mainly in
other places like news.groups, news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
news.admin.censorship and the debate tends to go nowhere.
The purpose of news.admin.moderation is to provide a focal point
of discussion on this issue. In the Big Eight hierarchies there are
almost 300 moderated groups: this should offer sufficient traffic
for such a forum.
As we all know, the future will bring increased flows of messages
and more and more moderated newsgroups.
Two mailing lists for moderators already exist. The newsgroup will be
something more and will involve normal users bringing their personal
know-how to this specific group.
CHARTER: news.admin.moderation
The news.admin.moderation newsgroup is intended to be unmoderated
to allow users who don't think their message is off-topic to come
into the proposed group and show their message there: "People of
news.admin.moderation, why can't this message of mine be approved
in this newsgroup?" And, of course, the newsgroup can also be used
by moderators to justify their work.
Here new moderators can ask for advice from experienced ones about
the best way to moderate a newsgroup or how to behave with certain
kinds of posters. Users who would like to open a moderated newsgroup
can ask in the group about all the problems that moderation can
include or find out about the help that robo-moderation can give to
save a lot of work (thanks, for instance, to the pre-approved list).
Information on moderation's software tools will be welcome here.
If a moderator disappears, or any other problems occur, posters from
that group can come into the newsgroup and discuss how to deal
with this matter, deciding what to do and who can replace the old
moderator. Everything about moderation can be discussed in this
newsgroup. The goal of this newsgroup is to preserve the freedom
of one and all, users and moderators alike.
This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion
warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.
All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.
This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.
You can send your feedback to /dev/null at that address.
This group was sabotaged out of existence twice by the same
megalomaniacs and perverts, sucking life out of usenet,
calling themselves the public servants at the same time
and their assorted output hole lickers, aka news groupies.
This group SHOULD have been created by default as soon,
as the first "moderated" group was created.
This so called moderation trick is used by the most intolerant
censors, megalomaniacs and assorted parasites as a double edged
sword. On one hand, it allows the most intolerant of all to take
over the group and TOTALLY control the content, reducing the
discussion to the level of the lowest common denominator.
One the other hand, it is a trick of self promotion, allowing
those very parasites to establish a certain status symbol.
First of all, moderation is nothing but PURE form of censorship.
Furthermore, these very perverts and megalomaniacs effectively
establish an ownership of the group and convert the PUBLIC
groups into their personal "property", where they can do
ANYTHING they please. Nevermind, they are using the public
resources and public forums.
Some of the most significant groups are already
converted into these outlets of propaganda, peddled by
the intellectual pigmeys to assert their dictates.
Again, comp.ai, sci.psychology.consciousness and plenty
of other groups of profound significance are already
coverted into either bulletin boards of advertisement
or the outlets for peddling the propaganda of the lowest
Comp.ai is one of the oldest groups. It was created
even before the usenet was created on the first place.
It isued to be an interesting group discussing general
issues of AI. It had a fair amount of traffic and
everything just fine.
This group turns out to be the very root of entire AI
hierarchy. Any article that is crossposted from some
other AI group, would automatically be subject to
censorship by this so called "moderator".
Then, this self-admitted fascist, David Kinny, began the
campaign of trying to take it over using the trick of
"moderation. He started inviting people to talk behind
the scene via private email messages.
The reason this group was sabotaged out of existence not
only once, but twice, is simple enough to comprehend.
This is one of the most "dangerous" groups for all these
megalomaniacs, ruling usenet, and their output hole lickers.
They will not allow any feedback, opinions and complaints
to be voiced because there simply exist no such a place.
Last time, the "vote" was rigged by the vote taker jjd,
who was usually assigned to "unwanted" (by the power elite)
proposals in order to defat them no matter what are
the results, rigging the vote counts or whatever he pleases.
Just make sure this group will not be created. As simple as
it gets.
I am personally aware of numerous "votes" that did not appear
in the final results. They just evaporated out of existence.
They were not even classified as "illegal".
Simply vanished.
"Moderation software tools" is simply obscene.
There exist no technology at this junction to allow "moderation"
by the machines. Even Artificial Suckology, they used to call
Artificial Intelligence, is not capable of producing ANYTHING
of a kind beyond the stupid string matching, translating into
outright censorship, no matter what the criteria is.
It is simply an idea of obscene grade.
How can you "robomoderate" the content?
By creating the lists of "evil" words?
So, if someone posts an article with subject
"Robots also want to have sex",
what are the chances that "robomoterator" gadget
will be able to figure out that this is not an advertizement?
PURE form of totalitarian censorship. No matter what kind of garbage
the "whitelisted" individuals post, their articles will be
automatically approved by the stupid robo script, because they are
pure blooded Aryans, and, no matter what the "blacklisted" individuals
say, their posts are automatically junked upon arrival. Because they
are considered to be the filth of inferior race.
PURE 4th Reich in virtual domain!
======================== QUOTE END ==========================
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Degrees do not matter...one does not bargain about inches of evil."
--- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco

"To err is human, to cover it up is Weasel" -- Dogbert
Brian Downstairs
2007-02-24 23:57:11 UTC
This is
I hope I grow on you...
I'm a Fungi!!!

Blindness is a way of life.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Kadaitcha Man
homespun have we swaggering here. Thou shag-haired crafty kern. Thou
Post by Big-8 CEO
ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
address regarding the big-8 group creation/status,
WOW! 21KB of froth and a Godwin in the first sentence.
And multi-posted screed.
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Post by Big-8 CEO
The most propagated hierarchy on the planet Earth,
big-8, has been taken over by herr fuehrer Russ Allbery
and his puppet theatre they call B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
They have violated one of the most fundamental rules
of discussing the group creation/status issues on
news.groups and created so called moderated group
to do the same thing, called news.groups.proposals,
where these nazi puppets of herr fuehrer are
"moderators", thus preventing ANY and ALL views
but their own on some of the most important issues
of the entire Usenet, the group creation/status issues.
Their arrogance and blatant totalitarian techniques
are well documented on a public record and this
latest trick of theirs, trying to create a "moderated"
version of a group to discuss the issues of "moderation",
is but an attempt to nail the final nail into the coffin
of nothing less than Democracy itself.
Tim Skirvin, the hand picked nazi puppet of Russ Allbery,
the current "tsar" wannabe of big-8, went as far
as to create an illusion of RFD for news.admin.moderation
group being "MODERATED" itself!!!
How could the issues of "moderation" be discussed
in a "moderated" group LITERALLY OWNED by one of the
most arrogant nazis in the entire history of big-8?
"Moderated" groups are nothing but a "private property"
of "moderators", who, in vast majority of cases,
turn out to be about the MOST immoderate and intolerant,
mouth foaming and blood boiling nazis there are.
Following is this ugliest perversion, a so called RFD,
meant to take over the news.admin.moderation name space
not even including the .moderated at the group name,
thus attempting to forever squash any and all attempts
to finally create the group dedicated to discussions
of the issues of "moderation", one of the most significant
issues on Usenet as such.
======================== QUOTE BEGIN ========================
moderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
moderated Usenet newsgroup, news.admin.moderation.
Before we begin, the original RFD for news.admin.moderation
as NON "moderated" group, is included at the end of this
post for references.
Russ Allbery, this is your creation,
this ugliest nazi perverion,
trying to take over name space
for one of the most important groups on usenet,
This group has been voted for 3 times as NON "moderated"
group and had over 100 votes to support it.
And YOU, Russ Allbery, that crawling worm,
having enough guts and arrogance to call himself an eagle,
have prevented this group from being created.
At least 3 times to date.
After torturing the proponents for MONTHS on.
And now, this lil nazi louse, hand picked by you,
is doing the ultimate perversion number,
trying to create a group to discuss the issues of
"moderation" being moderated itself!
With this recent frenzy of creating the "moderated"
groups left and right by this nazi puppet theatre
of yours, called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
you are simply attempting to COMPLETELY block
ANY and ALL discussions on the issue of "moderation".
It is YOU, who is issuing the control messages
to create just about ANY "moderated" group imaginable
as it implements YOUR long time dream of taking over
It is YOU, who created the idea of so called Usenet 2
as described on www.usenet2.org.
It is YOUR not so famous rants that state that
Usenet as it is is "no good" and it has to be
converted into a "moderated" version, called Usenet 2,
where ANY and ALL groups are made "moderated"
and are controlled by the "tsars", LITERALLY speaking,
and the super-tsar, controlling those local "tsars"
is who?
Well, it is YOU, Russ Allbery, a crawling nazi worm,
doing ALL he can to destroy the most fundamental
principles of Democracy.
It is YOU, who is associated with ISC,
Internet Software Consortium www.isc.org,
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies,
such as DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.
It is YOU, who placed ALL sorts of tricks
into the INN configuration files to make sure
the MOST propagated set of hierarchies, big-8,
is controlled by no one else than YOU.
It is YOU, who made configuration of INN
in such a way that the ONLY "authorized" address
for big-8 group creation and maintenance is
Not only that, but it is YOU, and that previous
herr fuehrer, David Lawrence, aka tale,
one of the most poisonous nazi perverts in the
entire history of Usenet, who created and implemented
the idea of PGP signatures for control messages
on big-8, and, unless those messages originate
YOUR key, they are not even SEEN by the news admins
as they are simply pre-filtered before they even
have a chance to see the controls.
These lil nazi puppets of yours merely reflect
YOUR totalitarian ambitions.
This so called "RFD", which you WILL "authorize"
and WILL issue the control message to create this
group in a "MODERATED" version is nothing but a final
spit into the face of all people participating in
OPEN PUBLIC forums, which is what Usenet it.
Instead, you forever craved for a totally nazi controlled
version of the Universe, and now, with these nazi puppets
of yours, you pretend not to be responsible for all this
totalitarian garbage.
You claimed you retired. But this was just a lie,
a typical lie, representing your sadistic nazi nature.
From now on, the game is different,
as this is a final nail on a coffin of nothing less
than Democracy itself.
Beware now.
NEWSGROUPS LINE: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation Moderated Usenet newsgroups. (Moderated)
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Currently, newsgroup moderation is discussed primarily in
meta-discussions throughout the Big-8 hierarchies, especially in
news.groups.* and news.admin.net-abuse.*. However, none of these
newsgroups is truly appropriate for these discussions. A dedicated
newsgroup would help consolidate and nurture these conversations.
How can you "nurture these conversations"
in a group taken over by nazis of YOUR kind
that will prevent ANY and ALL conversations of ANY value,
you lil nazi pervert?
This is just about the most poisonous trick imaginable.
news.admin.moderation is a moderated newsgroup
The group discussing the issues of "moderation"
can not be "moderated" itself.
This is the most arrogant and ugliest perversion possible.
for discussion of topics
of interest to both moderators and users of moderated newsgroups.
* how to be a good/neutral/effective moderator
* problems using moderation software
* "moderation ethics"
* developing appropriate moderation policies and implementations
* methods for filling vacancies in a moderation team
* evaluation of moderation software
* personal complaints about individual moderators
* proposals for new moderated newsgroups, or to unmoderate existing
MODERATION POLICY: news.admin.moderation
news.admin.moderation is robot-moderated. The robot will
* Are not crossposted.
* Are not excessively quoted.
* Contain no (large) binaries, HTML, or other similar content types.
* Are not spam, spew, or otherwise clearly inappropriate content
(to be determined programmatically).
A current list of posting criteria will be published regularly.
Users may be blocked from posting for consistently violating the
group charter, especially in regards to the "unsuitable topics".
MODERATOR INFO: news.admin.moderation
I (Tim) am willing, but not excited, to write and run the moderation
'bot for news.admin.moderation. Other volunteers would be welcome.
I also welcome discussion as to whether or not this group should be
moderated at all.
Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final
resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate
in the relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy
to groups in which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic
as well as the best method of making sure that one's comments or
criticisms are heard.
All discussion of active proposals should be posted to
news.groups.proposals. To this end, the 'Followup-To' header of this
RFD has been set to this group.
If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the discussion
may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure
that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well.
We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed newsgroup
to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to
keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID
(e.g., Barney Fife,
Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good
evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created.
Following is the original RFD posted numerous times
to news.groups and those "moderated" news hierarchy
groups that was COMPLETELY ignored and the article
was simply censored out by these nazi puppets of
herr fuehrer Russ Allbery.
======================== QUOTE BEGIN ==========================
You, lil nazi puppet, ALREADY managed to take over
a few groups in news hierarchy in your long dream
of becoming the next herr fuehrer of Usenet,
replacing this pathetic fuehrer Russ Allbery.
But I tellya one thing, and listen carefully.
2007-02-22 1st RFD
Subject: Re: RFD: news.admin.moderation
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:51:53 GMT
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises
Here is an article for news.admin.moderation proposal,
a 2nd attempt to create a group. The author was Giovanni Greco.
unmoderated group news.admin.moderation
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.
news.admin.moderation A forum for moderation (unmoderated).
RATIONALE: news.admin.moderation
Since the introduction of group moderation (1980) members of the
some users think newsgroup moderation means censorship;
others do it as work with no pay.
What is needed is a specific forum where this
topic can be talked about.
At the moment there is no appropriate newsgroup for discussion
of this topic, so posts on the subject are debated mainly in
other places like news.groups, news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
news.admin.censorship and the debate tends to go nowhere.
The purpose of news.admin.moderation is to provide a focal point
of discussion on this issue. In the Big Eight hierarchies there are
almost 300 moderated groups: this should offer sufficient traffic
for such a forum.
As we all know, the future will bring increased flows of messages
and more and more moderated newsgroups.
Two mailing lists for moderators already exist. The newsgroup will be
something more and will involve normal users bringing their personal
know-how to this specific group.
CHARTER: news.admin.moderation
The news.admin.moderation newsgroup is intended to be unmoderated
to allow users who don't think their message is off-topic to come
into the proposed group and show their message there: "People of
news.admin.moderation, why can't this message of mine be approved
in this newsgroup?" And, of course, the newsgroup can also be used
by moderators to justify their work.
Here new moderators can ask for advice from experienced ones about
the best way to moderate a newsgroup or how to behave with certain
kinds of posters. Users who would like to open a moderated newsgroup
can ask in the group about all the problems that moderation can
include or find out about the help that robo-moderation can give to
save a lot of work (thanks, for instance, to the pre-approved list).
Information on moderation's software tools will be welcome here.
If a moderator disappears, or any other problems occur, posters from
that group can come into the newsgroup and discuss how to deal
with this matter, deciding what to do and who can replace the old
moderator. Everything about moderation can be discussed in this
newsgroup. The goal of this newsgroup is to preserve the freedom
of one and all, users and moderators alike.
This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion
warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.
All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.
This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.
You can send your feedback to /dev/null at that address.
This group was sabotaged out of existence twice by the same
megalomaniacs and perverts, sucking life out of usenet,
calling themselves the public servants at the same time
and their assorted output hole lickers, aka news groupies.
This group SHOULD have been created by default as soon,
as the first "moderated" group was created.
This so called moderation trick is used by the most intolerant
censors, megalomaniacs and assorted parasites as a double edged
sword. On one hand, it allows the most intolerant of all to take
over the group and TOTALLY control the content, reducing the
discussion to the level of the lowest common denominator.
One the other hand, it is a trick of self promotion, allowing
those very parasites to establish a certain status symbol.
First of all, moderation is nothing but PURE form of censorship.
Furthermore, these very perverts and megalomaniacs effectively
establish an ownership of the group and convert the PUBLIC
groups into their personal "property", where they can do
ANYTHING they please. Nevermind, they are using the public
resources and public forums.
Some of the most significant groups are already
converted into these outlets of propaganda, peddled by
the intellectual pigmeys to assert their dictates.
Again, comp.ai, sci.psychology.consciousness and plenty
of other groups of profound significance are already
coverted into either bulletin boards of advertisement
or the outlets for peddling the propaganda of the lowest
Comp.ai is one of the oldest groups. It was created
even before the usenet was created on the first place.
It isued to be an interesting group discussing general
issues of AI. It had a fair amount of traffic and
everything just fine.
This group turns out to be the very root of entire AI
hierarchy. Any article that is crossposted from some
other AI group, would automatically be subject to
censorship by this so called "moderator".
Then, this self-admitted fascist, David Kinny, began the
campaign of trying to take it over using the trick of
"moderation. He started inviting people to talk behind
the scene via private email messages.
The reason this group was sabotaged out of existence not
only once, but twice, is simple enough to comprehend.
This is one of the most "dangerous" groups for all these
megalomaniacs, ruling usenet, and their output hole lickers.
They will not allow any feedback, opinions and complaints
to be voiced because there simply exist no such a place.
Last time, the "vote" was rigged by the vote taker jjd,
who was usually assigned to "unwanted" (by the power elite)
proposals in order to defat them no matter what are
the results, rigging the vote counts or whatever he pleases.
Just make sure this group will not be created. As simple as
it gets.
I am personally aware of numerous "votes" that did not appear
in the final results. They just evaporated out of existence.
They were not even classified as "illegal".
Simply vanished.
"Moderation software tools" is simply obscene.
There exist no technology at this junction to allow "moderation"
by the machines. Even Artificial Suckology, they used to call
Artificial Intelligence, is not capable of producing ANYTHING
of a kind beyond the stupid string matching, translating into
outright censorship, no matter what the criteria is.
It is simply an idea of obscene grade.
How can you "robomoderate" the content?
By creating the lists of "evil" words?
So, if someone posts an article with subject
"Robots also want to have sex",
what are the chances that "robomoterator" gadget
will be able to figure out that this is not an advertizement?
PURE form of totalitarian censorship. No matter what kind of garbage
the "whitelisted" individuals post, their articles will be
automatically approved by the stupid robo script, because they are
pure blooded Aryans, and, no matter what the "blacklisted" individuals
say, their posts are automatically junked upon arrival. Because they
are considered to be the filth of inferior race.
PURE 4th Reich in virtual domain!
======================== QUOTE END ==========================
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"Degrees do not matter...one does not bargain about inches of evil."
--- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco
"To err is human, to cover it up is Weasel" -- Dogbert