POINTER - RESULT: news.admin.moderation will be created
(too old to reply)
Tim Skirvin
2007-03-31 02:55:03 UTC
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.

- Tim Skirvin (***@killfile.org)
http://www.killfile.org/~tskirvin/ Skirv's Homepage <FISH>< <*>
http://www.killfile.org/dungeon/ The Killfile Dungeon
2007-03-31 03:18:20 UTC
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
:Lead Moderator: Nigel Sixsmith <***@gmail.com>
Slurping the board works, even for idiots. (choice of board or nigel)
:Technical Moderator: Tim Skirvin <***@killfile.org>
:Moderator: Kevin A. Cannon <***@insurgent.org>
formerly respected kookologist, now b8mb apologist.
:Moderator: Marcel Beaudoin <***@gmail.com>
:Moderator: Charles Calvert <***@celticwolf.net>
:Backup Moderator: Steve Bonine <***@pobox.com>
:Backup Moderator: Vito Kuhn <***@gmail.com>
:Backup Moderator: Doug Freyburger <***@yahoo.com>
:Backup Moderator: Nancy Leitner <***@surewest.net>
:Advisory Moderator: Kathy Morgan <***@aptalaska.net>
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
Bob Officer
2007-03-31 08:42:16 UTC
On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 20:18:20 -0700, in news.groups, Aratzio
Post by Aratzio
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
Slurping the board works, even for idiots. (choice of board or nigel)
Idiot of the day...
Post by Aratzio
With the "Grandiose Plans"/conflict of interests.
Post by Aratzio
formerly respected kookologist, now b8mb apologist.
Post by Aratzio
confused person... places children in cages. :) I've seen the photo.
Post by Aratzio
Beats me...
Post by Aratzio
Pity, he could have a brain if he would only use it.
Post by Aratzio
Backwards moderator... I means I have seen some idiots, but vito is a
moron... I wonder if he developed some sort of brain damage when he
had his heart attack. It does happen, lack of oxygen to the brain...
Post by Aratzio
Neo-nazi, helmet headed jerk
Post by Aratzio
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
LOL, never really seen much from her that was indications she could
even think.
Brian Mailman
2007-04-01 03:08:58 UTC
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
They were smart enough to get out of smm.

dave hillstrom
2007-04-01 04:26:46 UTC
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:08:58 -0700, Brian Mailman
Post by Brian Mailman
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
They were smart enough to get out of smm.
lets go check the new bitches out, hmmm?
dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

this signature is NOT for mimus. so there.

but it is for hatchetmama and shirley.
2007-04-01 05:28:48 UTC
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:08:58 -0700, Brian Mailman
Post by Brian Mailman
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
They were smart enough to get out of smm.
The fact they had to get out is sufficient evidence to doubt their
intelligence or sanity.
Brian Mailman
2007-04-01 17:32:08 UTC
Post by dave hillstrom
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:08:58 -0700, Brian Mailman
Post by Brian Mailman
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
They were smart enough to get out of smm.
The fact they had to get out is sufficient evidence to doubt their
intelligence or sanity.
I don't understand how that follows.

2007-04-02 14:17:20 UTC
On Sun, 01 Apr 2007 10:32:08 -0700, Brian Mailman
Post by Brian Mailman
Post by dave hillstrom
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:08:58 -0700, Brian Mailman
Post by Brian Mailman
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
They were smart enough to get out of smm.
The fact they had to get out is sufficient evidence to doubt their
intelligence or sanity.
I don't understand how that follows.
What is the requirement for them to be able to "get out"?

"Get IN"
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
Peter J Ross
2007-04-01 21:08:49 UTC
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:08:58 -0700, Brian Mailman
Post by Brian Mailman
Post by Aratzio
Can't even figure out "bitches" is an insult to women.
They were smart enough to get out of smm.
I was smarter; I got out before they did.

And you were the smartest of all.
PJR :-)
Dave Balderstone
2007-03-31 04:15:37 UTC
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
Of course it will, Timmy.
"You know why men name their penis? Because we wouldn't want a total stranger
making all our decisions for us!" -- Ed the Sock
Meat Plow
2007-03-31 04:51:22 UTC
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
#1 Offishul Ruiner of Usenet, March 2007
#1 Usenet Asshole, March 2007
#1 Bartlo Pset, March 13-24 2007
#10 Most hated Usenetizen of all time
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2004
Wayne Brown
2007-03-31 14:04:23 UTC
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
Who cares? Keep your garbage out of news.groups, skirvy knave.
Wayne Brown <***@bellsouth.net> (HPCC #1104)

Þæs ofereode, ðisses swa mæg. ("That passed away, this also can.")
from "Deor," in the Exeter Book (folios 100r-100v)
Peter J Ross
2007-04-01 21:02:49 UTC
On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 21:55:03 -0500, Tim Skirvin
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
news.groupies read NAN, so why did you post your silly "pointer" here?
Is it because you secretly acknowledge that news.groups was the proper
place for newgroup discussions long before you arrived and will
continue to be the proper place long after you and your silly
innovations are gone?

It's funny that you crossposted to news.admin.censorship, given that
the whole point of your new moderated system of group creation is to
stifle any comments that aren't respectful towards you and your
colleagues on your Board.

<waves to news.admin.censorship>
I've never read NAC, but Tim's recent attempts to control discussions
suggest that I ought to. See ya soon!
PJR :-)
Bob Officer
2007-04-01 21:21:50 UTC
On 01 Apr 2007 21:02:49 GMT, in news.groups, Peter J Ross
Post by Peter J Ross
On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 21:55:03 -0500, Tim Skirvin
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
news.groupies read NAN, so why did you post your silly "pointer" here?
Is it because you secretly acknowledge that news.groups was the proper
place for newgroup discussions long before you arrived and will
continue to be the proper place long after you and your silly
innovations are gone?
It's funny that you crossposted to news.admin.censorship, given that
the whole point of your new moderated system of group creation is to
stifle any comments that aren't respectful towards you and your
colleagues on your Board.
<waves to news.admin.censorship>
I've never read NAC, but Tim's recent attempts to control discussions
suggest that I ought to. See ya soon!
Start with this one...
Message-ID: <***@nmt.edu>

the Message starting the thread:

Very comical
2007-04-03 18:33:39 UTC
Post by Tim Skirvin
news.admin.moderation will be created
The Last Call for Comments on 24 Mar 2007 initiated a five-day period for
final comments. Following this comment period, the Big-8 Management Board
has decided by consensus to create the newsgroup news.admin.moderation.
This group will be created on 04 Apr 2007.
As per the quoted message, news.admin.moderation will be created
on Wednesday.
Big surprise, windowhead.

I have reported your abusive post to you: news+***@ks.uiuc.edu

