Easynews Terms of Service
(too old to reply)
2007-09-25 14:01:44 UTC
Easynews just cancelled my account for "violating their terms of
service." What I did was post a complaint in their own support forum
about their failure to send out a warning about a backdoor trojan I
had found in a binary file I had downloaded through them. My NNTP
client (Forte Agent) reported that the message had been successfully
sent but it failed to propagate to the newsgroups. I had been given
permission to post and had posted successfully before.

I do file indexing for Newzbin and I consider it my responsibility to
report such things if I find them. I don't deal with copyright issues
since there already is a mechanism for dealing with that and I am not
a party at interest.

The action was taken by support person "Darkore" (***@easynews.com),
who also cancelled my accumulated Gig bank and marked my credit card
as fraudulent. I have tried to contact other people at Easynews but
have received no response (***@easynews.com, ***@easynews.com).

Was my complaint a sufficient provocation to justify the action taken
by Easynews?
2007-09-25 23:56:57 UTC
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Easynews just cancelled my account for "violating their terms of
service." What I did was post a complaint in their own support forum
about their failure to send out a warning about a backdoor trojan I
had found in a binary file I had downloaded through them. My NNTP
client (Forte Agent) reported that the message had been successfully
sent but it failed to propagate to the newsgroups. I had been given
permission to post and had posted successfully before.
Actually, it looks like your post did make it, assuming I've found the
right one. If I'm wrong, let me know and post up a copy of the post you
attempted to make, I can adjust or correct my response as needed.
Post by m***@yahoo.com
I do file indexing for Newzbin and I consider it my responsibility to
report such things if I find them. I don't deal with copyright issues
since there already is a mechanism for dealing with that and I am not
a party at interest.
Unfortunately, since the files are located on their servers, Easynews
has additional obligations beyond what Newzbin does (as an indexer
without any actual content)

So, with that in mind... Let me take a guess here, you're probably

Your message read:

| A binary file titled "PDF to Word v3.0" appeared on about
| five newsgroups on September 15. I downloaded it and

So the short version of what happened is that you posted that you
downloaded copyrighted material (and got an unexpected surprise along
with it -- Not uncommon in the crack/warez world)

Easynews, in compliance with their ToS, terminated your account, with
the following comment:

| EasyNews absolutely does not support trading copyrighted material.
| Do not request help on using, extracting, opening, downloading,
| decoding and/or posting any type of copyrighted materials. Do not
| ask for cracks/passwords/keys/serial numbers, etc. Do not ask for
| reposts or make requests for posts.
| All of the above violate part 4 of our AUP and TOS.
| Violations will result in the termination of your account.

Downloading copyrighted material without permission is fine, as long as
Easynews reasonably doesn't know what you're doing. Once you post about
it, they have little choice but to terminate your account
Post by m***@yahoo.com
who also cancelled my accumulated Gig bank and marked my credit card
as fraudulent. I have tried to contact other people at Easynews but
While I can't say I'm too thrilled at Easynews' habit of no longer
answering email once an account is terminated, since you're no longer a
customer they no longer have an obligations.
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Was my complaint a sufficient provocation to justify the action taken
by Easynews?
As a satisfied Easynews user who would prefer to see Easynews continue
to operate, and with the knowledge that Easynews' legal team has
informed Easynews that the only way to continue operations with a legal
shield is to terminate users whom are known to violate copyright law, I,
for one, am very glad Easynews takes the approach they do.
You can get more with a kind word and a 2x4 than just a kind word.