Blood boiling neo-nazi puppets of Russ Allbery, herr fuehrer of big-8
(too old to reply)
2007-02-21 18:09:49 UTC
And the usual happened again. The point about proposals/proponents not
needing ngp disappears again.
The proposals/proponent needs n.g.p in a very practical sense: according to
the current "official" policy, all "official" discussion of a proposal is to
take place in news.grous.proposals. That's not something you or I can
immediately do anything about about.
Because the offer is unnecessary since ngp is unnecessary.
Perhaps. Why not play along until the whole evil B8MB charade is exposed, if
it allows for people to have their wishes granted,


Who has the necessary authority to "grant"
just about ANYTHING on usenet?
when those wishes are
"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
2007-02-21 18:09:49 UTC
On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 03:54:32 GMT, Aatu Koskensilta
The proposals/proponent needs n.g.p in a very practical sense: according to
the current "official" policy, all "official" discussion of a proposal is to
take place in news.grous.proposals. That's not something you or I can
immediately do anything about about.
I can do something about it: I can ignore it whenever I'm not in the
mood for making fun of it.
Sure. That won't have any effect on the "official" decision process, though.
There aint and can not POSSIBLY be and "official"
decision process on Usenet.
Because there exists no entity or organization
that can have the necessary authority to present
itself as "officials" on Usenet.

All this "official" crap is just that, crap.
It was created by the power hungry sickos,
trying to control, oppress and dominate others
and submit everyone to their nazi will,
which is destruction.

Nothing more.
Nothing less...
None of the recent proponents' wishes have been justified by any
realistic expectation of traffic.
I haven't been following closely enough to allow for any conclusive decision
myself, but you might be right - (and might not be right, of course).
"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
2007-02-21 18:09:50 UTC
What if the proponent does not *want* his proposal discussed in ngp?
Would you do it anyway?
No, I wouldn't. But why would a proponent not wanting his proposal discussed
in ngp submit an official RFD
What are you pedding here?

One more time, see if you can get it thru your egghead.


It is not in the very nature of Usenet.
By mere fact that Russ Allbery happens to be a
maintainer of INN news server software package,
and, being a blood boiling nazi he is,
he placed the restrictions in INN configuration files
as to who is "authorized" management party on big-8.

But it was all a grand scam.
A trick, no one has noticed.
And, from then on, herr fuehrer Russ has become
the "official party". Because HE has the PGP
signature key to sign the control messages on big-8.


ALL of you, puppets, are just that, puppets.
He never "resigned".
He is still here full blast.
HE is the one who issues those control messages
for your puppet theatre.

The whole thing is a trick of his
as he does not have to dirty his hands in blood any longer.
YOU do, puppets.

But you do EXACTLY as he wants,
as if you don't,
he won't issue the control message.

Is that clear enough?

Enough of this totalitarian propaganda.
in the first place? Of course, if someone
else came and wished to propose the same or similar group, and were willing
to submit an offical RFD, it would be discussed in n.g.p. Myself, I have yet
to post a single article in ngp, and that is unlikely to change unless a
proposal that interests me personally turns up.
2007-02-27 18:51:33 UTC
Then you need to show the board
What "board"?
Just because your own puppet mind,
filled with slave mentality,
knows no other way
but to submit to some "authority" figure,
does it mean there is some kind of BOARD here?

There ain't no board here of ANY kind.
This is nothing more than a scam,
created by the clique of nazi crooks,
trying to convert Usenet into a global system
for promotion of nazi propaganda of raging grade.

that it can be done effectively and
I've seen no evidence of this in the past year.
Hansen (what ever that spam trap was called)
Victory (Another fine build it and they will come product)
Both done in that *horribly noisy* environment of news.groups in about
2 weeks.
(Again this point will be avoided like the black plague)
Big-8 CEO
2007-02-28 19:36:04 UTC
You are discretionary and highly ignitable...


Nigel Sixsmith
The Art Of Sound Studios
James, AZ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
