XPAT - advantages
(too old to reply)
Terminator) (Terminator
2007-02-21 00:34:21 UTC
Having used freeAgent for some years now after a hard drive failure I am
expermimenting with a new newsreader, am trying thunderbird.
I attempted to use the search facility and got the message xpat not
supported so did a search on google to find out what it was.
It appears that my uk isp (Pipex) does not support this facility but am
wondering what is the advantage of an xpat search over perhaps a google
It works with your local news server instead of Google's. Other than
that, Google search is in every way superior.
What have you done to big-8,
you crawling worm calling himself an eagle,
thus insulting about the highest symbol of his own land?
Terminator) (Terminator
2007-02-21 00:34:22 UTC
Thought as much, I was just wondering how to get a found message into my
newsreader for easier management as Google's reply formatting is not too
If Google gives you a message ID and if your news reader supports
retrieving a message by message ID and if your local news server still has
the same message, that's probably the easiest way.
Give it a message-ID, and it'll try to find the article from a
custom-defined list of news servers, or Google if that fails. It can be
Oh, DA nazi chicken shit impersonator Tim Skirvin
is also here?

Where have you been, mr. "tsar"?
Is THAT how herr fuehrer Russ Allbery calls you?

Your nazi puppets are sucking full time on news.groups
and that other hole of yours news.groups.proposals.

And YOU, mr. "tsar"?
Hiding in da bushes?

What are you doing here on news.software.nntp anyway?
