!ADMIN: Moderation Policy for This Newsgroup
(too old to reply)
2007-02-25 17:08:23 UTC
Oh, oh, oh, oh.

"Administrative Statement" from a Russ Allbery's ass licker.

"Parliamentary rules", "Administrative Statements"
and all sort of crock shit, these lil nazi snakes
invented to delude the most clueless of all clueless.

That's impressive.

Archive material.
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 12:03:07 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: Presbyterian College, Clinton SC, USA
X-No-Archive: yes
Administrative Statement
You fergot to add "by herr fuehrer Russ Allbery ass licker".
Web/HTML: http://web.presby.edu/~nnqadmin/nnq/admin.html
Posted: weekly and when updated
Last revised: 17 March 2004
Time to master-bate?
News.newusers.questions is moderated, which means that all messages to
the group pass through a review process before being posted. Currently,
moderation is performed primarily by software, though some messages are
forwarded to human moderators for review or rejection.
The charter, which defines what is on-topic for this group and the
Moderation Board's powers, is posted to this group once per week.
A copy can be found at the news.newusers.questions Administrative Site,
The moderation software is currently appending a seven-line footer to
all posted messages.
The moderation software is currently returning the following kinds of
Messages which have a "Newsgroups:" header line that does not contain
news.newusers.questions. [Postings without any "Newsgroups:" header
line are assumed to be intended for n.n.q but were e-mailed directly
to the moderation site, for example in order to bypass an
incorrectly-configured news server.]
Messages with an empty or missing Subject field.
Messages over twenty lines in which the quoted text constitutes
more than 90% of the total lines. (Quoted text refers to
lines which start with one of these characters: ">" or ":" or "|".)
Messages which have been crossposted to more than two other groups
unless they have a "Followup-to:" header redirecting followups to
no more than three groups including n.n.q, or to "poster".
[Crossposted articles which are acceptable according to the
criterion above are forwarded to a human moderator if they
are crossposted to another moderated newsgroup, so that the
moderators can coordinate their approvals.]
Messages which contain more than 200 lines or 10,000 characters,
except for FAQs that have been approved by the moderator of
news.answers and cross-posted there.
Messages which mostly consist of binary or encoded binary data,
such as picture, sound, or word-processor files.
The moderation software is currently forwarding the following types
of messages to human moderators for review. There may be a delay of
up to 24 hours before they are either posted or returned to their
Messages which appear to be simple tests of posting.
Messages which appear to be simple greetings ("hello" messages) or
requests for email.
Messages which contain certain words or phrases that are commonly
found in "Make Money Fast"-type chain letters.
Messages which contain certain words or phrases that are commonly
found in some kinds of advertisements.
Messages from certain people who have repeatedly posted inappropriate
messages in the past. See the section on the "Watch List" below.
Messages which appear to contain cancel or other control messages.
Messages which contain certain words or phrases that are commonly
found in hoax virus warnings - "Good Times," and similar.
Messages which contain Javascript or other scripting code. (Bad
scripts can cause browsers to crash or have other undesirable
side effects.)
The moderation software (or a human moderator) is currently
*discarding* the following type of messages, without attempting to
return them to their senders.
Off-topic advertisements which are being posted regularly despite
having been returned to their senders several times. Efforts to
contact the senders have not produced any results.
--- ------ -----
The Watch List is a list of e-mail addresses, postings from which
are automatically forwarded to a member of the Moderation Board for
An address which is the source of several inappropriate messages may
be placed on the Watch List by any member of the Moderation Board,
who must also notify the rest of the moderation board, and
normally attempt to notify the person at that address.
Postings from a particular address on the Watch List must be reviewed
by a different moderator from the one who placed the address on the
Watch List.
At the discretion of the moderator who wishes to place the address on
the Watch List, one of the following options may be used for attempting
* The person may be given a warning that further inappropriate
postings will place his/her address on the Watch List. This
should be the normal response for simple cases of repeated
off-topic posting.
* The address may be placed on the Watch List immediately, and
the person notified of this action. This should be used only in
more serious cases, for example, to stop an ongoing flow of
inappropriate postings immediately. In this case, the person
will normally be notified immediately, but notification may be
delayed pending a decision by the Moderation Board if the
moderator making the charge thinks that the situation below
may apply.
* In rare cases, the address may be placed on the Watch List
immediately, and the person not notified at all. Complete
withholding of notification requires a majority vote by the
Moderation Board. This should be done only in extreme cases of
abuse of the newsgroup, in which (for example) it is deemed
important that the offender not gain any clues as to the tactics
being used to block him/her.
A person will normally be removed from the Wateh List by a majority
vote of the Moderation Board, either when that person has posted
appropriately to the newsgroup for some period of time, or when
he/she has not posted at all for an extended period.
The moderation software tries to return any rejected message to the
sender via email. The email includes the reason for the rejection and
the address, where the rejection can be appealed. The current appeals
address is nnq-adm at presby.edu.
If the poster uses in invalid "From:" address, any rejection notice
will "bounce" and not be delivered. To avoid this, you can put a valid
address in the "Sender:" header of your posting; the moderation software
uses that address instead of the "From:" address, if it is present.
If you think your message might have been rejected, but you didn't get
a rejection notice, please check to make sure your email address and
reply-to address are correct. You can do so by sending an email
message to yourself and trying to reply to it.
The first 200 lines of all articles rejected in the last two weeks are
archived for public inspection. You can find this archive at the
news.newusers.questions Administrative Site,
Send mail (other than appeals) related to the moderation of the group
to nnq-adm at presby.edu.
Head Moderator: Jon Bell <jtbellm4h at presby.edu>
(since June 1997)
Backup Moderator} Michael Buchenrieder <mibu at scrum.muc.de>
(since May 2000)
Backup Moderator: Dennis Calhoun <dcalhoun at BLomand.Net>
(since June 1997)
Backup Moderator: Kathy Cole <kathy at scconsult.com>
(since October 1997)
Backup Moderator: Denis McKeon <dmckeon at swcp.com>
(since June 1997)
Backup Moderator: Barbara Pattist <pattist at earthlink.com>
(since June 1997)
Backup Moderator: Heinrich Schramm <heinrich at schramm.com>
(since May 2000)
Backup Moderator: Kivi Shapiro <kivi at pobox.com>
(since June 1997)
Emeritus Moderator: Kate Weizel (June 1997 to September 1997)
Emeritus Moderator: Stella Nemeth (June 1997 to December 1997)
Emeritus Moderator: Ethan Bradford (June 1997 to March 1998)
Emeritus Moderator: Don Sillaway (June 1997 to November 1999)
Emeritus Moderator: Dave Howard (June 1997 to May 1998)
Emeritus Moderator: Julius Kusuma (March 1998 to May 2001)
Emeritus Moderator: Kathy Morgan (October 1997 to May 2000)
2007-02-25 19:56:39 UTC
Post by Terminator
Time to master-bate?
I would join you komrad but I can't find my penis!

Hey! You got microscope?
