New World Order Guidelines for Newsgroup Creation
(too old to reply)
2003-08-25 20:13:09 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.

Loading Image...
Loading Image...
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This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-09-12 16:23:00 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-09-18 23:40:59 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-09-30 22:05:39 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-10-08 18:01:03 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-10-15 23:06:26 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2006-10-22 15:00:12 UTC
All totalitarian dictators suck.

====================== Quote Begin ======================

From The New York Times, 10/31/03:


Bush Got $500,000 From Companies That Got Contracts, Study Finds


Executives, employees and political action committees of the 70
companies that received government contracts for work in either Iraq
or Afghanistan contributed slightly more than $500,000 to President
Bush's 2000 election campaign, according to a comprehensive study of
the contracts released on Tuesday.

The overwhelming majority of government contracts for billions of
dollars of reconstruction work in Iraq and Afghanistan went to
companies run by executives who were heavy political contributors to
both political parties.

Though the employees contributed to both parties, their giving favored
Republicans by a two-to-one margin.

And they gave more money to Mr. Bush than any other politician in the
last 12 years.

====================== Quote End ========================

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
====================== Quote Begin ======================

[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, Illuminati, Lucifer, satan, 666]

"The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us
in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical
existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after
the war."

--- Israeli General Matityahu Peled,
Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972.

====================== Quote End ========================
2006-10-27 01:59:07 UTC
====================== Quote Begin ======================

"Thus, Illuminist John Page is telling fellow Illuminist
Thomas Jefferson that "...
Lucifer rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm."

Certainly, this interpretation is consistent with most New Age
writings which boldly state that this entire plan to achieve
the New World Order is directed by Lucifer working through
his Guiding Spirits to instruct key human leaders of every
generation as to the actions they need to take to continue
the world down the path to the Kingdom of Antichrist."

--- from Cutting Edge Ministries

====================== Quote End ========================

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
====================== Quote Begin ======================

Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez insisted there was "stability and
security across great parts of this country." He dismissed what he called "a strategically and operationally
insignificant surge of attacks."

====================== Quote End ========================
2006-10-31 23:47:33 UTC
[Zionism, fascism, genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

As famed violinist Lord Yehudi Menuhin told the French newspaper
Le Figaro in January 1988:

"It is extraordinary how nothing ever dies completely.
Even the evil which prevailed yesterday in Nazi Germany is
gaining ground in that country [Israel] today."

For it to have any moral authority, the UN must equate Zionism
with racism. If it doesn't, it tacitly condones Israel's war
of extermination against the Palestinians.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
senile, puppet,

"I'm thrilled to be here in the bread basket of America
because it gives me a chance to remind our fellow citizens
that we have an advantage here in America -- we can feed

--- Adolph Bush,
Stockton, Calif., Aug. 23, 2002
(Thanks to Christopher Baird.)
2006-11-18 04:14:44 UTC
Buchanan: "The War Party may have gotten its war," he writes.
"... In a rare moment in U.S. journalism, Tim Russert put
this question directly to Richard Perle [of PNAC]:

'Can you assure American viewers ...
that we're in this situation against Saddam Hussein
and his removal for American security interests?
And what would be the link in terms of Israel?'

Buchanan: "We charge that a cabal of polemicists and
public officials seek to ensnare our country in a series
of wars that are not in America's interests. We charge
them with colluding with Israel to ignite those wars
and destroy the Oslo Accords."

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, senile, puppet,
President, religion]

"Anyway, after we go out and work our hearts out,
after you go out and help us turn out the vote,
after we've convinced the good Americans to vote,
and while they're at it, pull that old George W. lever,
if I'm the one, when I put my hand on the Bible,
when I put my hand on the Bible,
that day when they swear us in,
when I put my hand on the Bible,
I will swear to not -- to uphold the laws of the land."

--- Adolph Bush,
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 27, 2000

--- George W. Bush
2006-11-22 02:48:32 UTC
"President Musharraf, he's still tight with us on the war
against terror, and that's what I appreciate.

He's a -- he understands that we've got to keep al-Qaida
on the run, and that by keeping him on the run, it's more
likely we will bring him to justice."

--- Adolph Bush,
Ruch, Ore., Aug. 22, 2002 (Thanks to Scott Miller.)

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
"The greatest calamity which could befall us
would be submission to a government of unlimited power."

--- Thomas Jefferson.
2006-11-23 05:05:48 UTC
"[The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs."

--- Menahim Begin,
speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk,
"Begin and the Beasts".
New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
"Families is where our nation finds hope,
where wings take dream."

--- Adolph Bush,
LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000
2006-12-03 02:58:10 UTC
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded]

"I think if you know what you believe,
it makes it a lot easier to answer questions.
I can't answer your question."

--- Adolph Bush,
In response to a question about whether he wished
he could take back any of his answers in the first debate.
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000
(Thanks to Peter Feld.)

"Families is where our nation finds hope,
where wings take dream."

--- Adolph Bush,
LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000
2006-12-03 04:16:32 UTC
"Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your
economy is kind of ooching along, it's important to let
people have more of their own money."

--- Adolph Bush,
Boston, Oct. 4, 2002

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
"We have a much bigger objective. We've got to look at
the long run here. This is an example -- the situation
between the United Nations and Iraq -- where the United
Nations is deliberately intruding into the sovereignty
of a sovereign nation...

Now this is a marvelous precedent (to be used in) all
countries of the world..."

--- Stansfield Turner (Rhodes scholar),
CFR member and former CIA director
Late July, 1991 on CNN

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

[NWO: More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover
2006-12-11 01:28:51 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2006-12-18 00:37:58 UTC
"Tommy [Thompson, Health and Human Services secretary,]
is a good listener, and he's a pretty good actor, too."

--- Adolph Bush

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
"We should not march into Baghdad. To occupy Iraq would
instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab
world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day
Arab hero.

Assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely
entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what
would be an unwinable urban guerilla war, it could only
plunge that part of the world into ever greater instability."

--- George H. W. Bush,
Skull and Bones super-secret society initiate
in his 1998 book "A World Transformed",
2006-12-24 03:43:40 UTC
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded]

"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough
to handle the job is underestimating."

--- Adolph Bush,
U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2000
(Thanks to Alfred Stanley, Austin, Texas.)

New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
"The federal government and the state government must not fear
programs who change lives, but must welcome those faith-based
programs for the embetterment of mankind."

--- Adolph Bush,
Stockton, Calif., Aug. 23, 2002
(Thanks to George Dupper.)
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-17 03:01:44 UTC
What is B8MB (Big 8 Management Board)?

Before we begin, we need to mention this new version of
big-8 "ruling elite", so called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
This clique was hand picked by the previous totalitrian dictator
Russ Allbery to do the dirty work of dealing with all the
"clueless" and "newbies", who come to news.groups interested in
creating some group.

Russ Allbery is associated with ISC (Internet Software Consortium),
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies, such as
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency), working on issues
of global electronic warfare among other things.

The PGP signed key, used to sign the control messages for
group creation and removal, is newgroups-***@isc.org,
which clearly indicates that isc.org is the ONLY "authorized"
party to issue the control messages to be recognized by news
admins worldwide.

Interestingly enough, Russ Allbery is a maintainer of one of
the most widely used news server software, INN. So, being a
totalitarian dictator he is, he placed the information into
the INN configuration files in such a way that news admins
do not even see the control messages arriving at their site
unless those messages originate from newgroups-***@isc.org,
and, to make it a double armor protection, they have to be
PGP signed, meaning they can not be forged, and if they are not
signed, the news admins do not even see those messages on their
screen, because they are prefiltered before he even knows it.

And isc.org is owned by whom?


In a democratic world, we have a global information system
controlled by the US military and intelligence. They can just
remove the whole big-8 in seconds if they wish during the times
of "emergencies", they themselves create. Because THEY are the
ones that have the "golden key" to "power" over big-8.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse.
The wildest thing of all this is that ANYBODY can issue these
control messages using their newsreader. There are no prohibitions
according to various RFCs on this subject. There is nothing "illegal"
about it. But these crooks created the whole system in such a way
that only the totalitarian dictators of their kind have a chance
to send the control messages that will be seen by the news admins
wordwide, on the most propagated hierarchy there is, big-8,
carried by every single provider in the world.

News admins better realize what they are supporting with this
arrangement and change their configuration files to make sure
that not only military and intelligence agencies puppets can
issue the controls that will even be seen by them.

This is not a joke, by ANY means.

Russ Allbery, who holds that "golden key" to sign the newgroup
control messages to create a group, was actively involved in
big-8 "management" scam for many years. He is a totalitarian
dictator of the pure grade as evidenced by his pet project
code named Usenet-2, www.usenet2.org (if it is still around).
His not so famous rants about the essential principles of democracy
and a need to create a totally dictatorial version of usenet,
where each hierarchy and a group were literally dominated by
the local "tsars", LITERALLY, show in no uncertain terms who
this man is. Written by his own hand.

This man does not think that Usenet should be open to uncensored
and open discussions and forums and everything should be
controlled by these "tsars", hand picked by himself,
as he envisions himself as a super-tsar, sick as it gets.

In that scheme, all groups and hierarchies are "moderated".
For those, who do not fully comprehend what this "moderation"
thing is all about, there are couple of things to realize.
First of all, the "moderated" groups are effectively a "property"
of "moderator", and vast majority of those "moderators" are just
about the most immoderate people you can find. That is why they
crave to become a "moderator" on the first place.

Most of them are mouth foaming, blood boiling and the most
intolerant people there are. Vast majority of them are pathological
liars and about the cunniest crooks you can find any place.
You don't become a "moderator" if you are simply a honest man.
You'd be the very last entry on the list of candidates,
if you ever get there on the first place.

Now, usenet, from the day one was conceived as a collection
of free public forums. The MAIN principle of usenet is

FACILITATION of discussions.

Yes. And this "moderation" trick is used for what?
For DIS-facilitation of discussions where some intolerant,
blood boiling idiot, decides what the world should see on
"his" group, as it is his property.

This ugly "moderation" thing went as far, as converting one
of the oldest groups in history, predating usenet as such,
comp.ai, which is the very root of entire AI hierarchy and
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is one of the most important
aspects of modern world. All these "smart" bombs and rockets,
and the most devastating weapons of mass destruction
are controlled by AI technology. AI technology is just about
any place you look down to your phone and washing machine.

So, that self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, who conned people
into supporting him in his desire to "moderate" the very
root of entire ai hierarchy, using behind the scenes email
campaigns resulting in totally obscene "vote" counts, was
eventually successful in converting the entire AI hierarchy
into "moderated" one. So, not many of you know that this
nazi now controls the global usenet information system on AI

Now, since he took over comp.ai, which was an active group
before, virtually all the discussions ceased and most of what
is published on that group is advertizements, which is totally
obscene. There are special groups for advertizements and
various announcements, he could have created a comp.ai.announce,
in accordance to widely known usenet tradition and principle.

WHO allowed him to convert and open public forum into his

Well, ask Russ Allbery, as HE was the "tsar" of big-8 at that
time and HE was the ONLY person who held the key to issue
a control message, and HE HIMSELF sent that message.

That nazi gave away the control to one of the most important
public forums in the entire usenet history to some other nazi.

It is just like Adolph Bush issues a declaration that the people
can not gather in public places unless he "authorizes" such

Then what is democracy on the first place?

Can democracy be ruled by nazis and totalitarian dictators
of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin kind?


All the articles you post to "moderated" groups, are automatically
forwarded to a "moderator" address and he decides wether to allow
those articles to be posted.

Now, Russ Allbery, in his turn, was hand picked by the previous
totalitarian dictator, David Lawrence, aka tale, also directly
associated with ISC, owned by you know whom.

These dictators regularly publish their "FAQs", which are nothing
more than a set of poisonous lies and fabrications meant to
delude the "clueless" and "newbies" to believe that those faqs
are the "official", "authorized" intepretation of what big-8 is.
They put all sorts of cunning lies into those faqs, and unless
you know how this whole thing works, you won't even realize
you are being trapped by this sticky slime thing.


Eventually, Russ Allbery, that crawling totalitarian worm,
calling himself an eagle, has disgraced himself to the point,
where he had to ran away in shame. So, he wrote a couple of
pathetic messages where he thanked everyone for ...
and told everybody how he loves them, just like Stalin,
Hitler, Musolini, Alexander Da Gret, Ghingis Khan, Timurlen,
or hundreds of other violent sadists that killed people by
millions. Stalin even went as far as to kill over 20 million
of his own people. He totally destroyed the intelligencia class,
word famed scientists, academicians, doctors, artists, writers,
engineers and you name it, and those people contributed so much
to their own country, it is hard to imagined. Most of them
dedicated their lives and worked days and nights to help the
society to become better, more open, more intelligent and
more advanced.

And these blood boiling nazis and totalitarian dictators
rule your world?

Back to that nazi Russ.
His announcement that he is going to "retired" from ruling
big-8 and disengage himself from even participating on
news.groups was just a trick. He simply paled into
background, so he does not have to deal with mere "mortals".
But he never religuished the REAL control as he is the only
one that holds that PGP key. To this day, HE is the one
who issues the control messages.

So, he hand picked a new clique of totalitarian dictators
and blood boiling nazis to "replace" him. And now, they
keep telling everyone in every single post that they
are the "rulers", the "authorized" and "official" party
that literally OWNS the entire big-8 hierarchy.
They crated their own "rules" and "regulations" and present
them as something "official" and they keep deluding everyone
into believing this is so.

And just about ALL they do and CAN possibly do,
is to torture those "clueless" and "newbies".
These nazi perverts even went as far as to destroy nearly
every single usenet principle that existed.

Accoring to usenet practice, the groups were created after
a public "vote" by the usenet audience in general, which was
a scam on the first place. But at least it looked like
something democratically looking, at least on paper.
Never mind, that behind all that stood the totalitarian dictator,
a blood boiling nazi.

So, these new conmen, calling themselves B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
started with creating a new group, news.grups.proposals (ngp)
and made it "moderated" using the blood stained hands of that
nazi Russ, and they DID create it.

That is about the MOST perverted and openly dictatorial event
in the entire usenet history. Because they created a group
that they TOTALLY control, to discuss the issues of PUBLIC forums.
On a "private property", which is what "moderated" groups are.

Now, can you imagine, in your wildest dreams, that you discuss
the issues of global public concern on somebody's private property?
You must be totally out of your mind in that case.
First of all, they can just throw you on your ears,
if you squick too much. Or they can just shoot your between
the eyes making it look like you attacked them on their private

Who, in his clear mind would go to such a group to discuss the
issue of creating a PUBLIC open forum?

This "moderation" trick was done SPECIFICALLY to destroy any
and all opinions but those that align with their crooked
totalitarian view of the Universe.

Furthermore, they keep publishing the articles on the root
groups of entire usenet hierarchy, telling everyone that from
now on, all the discussions on group creation and status are
to be "officially" discussed in their private property.
They, though the blooded hands of that Russ, control several
news.* groups, meant to inform the new users to usenet of
general things on how to use it and so on.

Now, from the very beginning of usenet, there was a group,
specifically dedicated to these issues, news.grups, an open,
unmoderated forum where people can come and discuss the issues
related to usenet as such.


The question naturally arises: what is the need for this ngp thing?
What is it for?
What is the problem of discussing the issues in public
in news.grups as is known to the whole world as a central place
to discuss things?

These power hungry perverts with megalomaniacal tendencies,
these bunch of nobodies, who work their rears to make it look
like they are everybodies on usenet, are but a bunch of puppets
of the real dictator, who stands in shade behind their backs,
and that is that Godfather Of Brainwashing, Russ Allbery,
as HE is the one that holds any "power", be it imaginary and

This clique of impostors, pretenders and wannabies are just
a bunch of puppets, who came here to gain "power" over others
and "fame" in their never ending search for self-propotion,
as they MUST feel like nobodies if they crave to become

It is just a plain complex of inferiority, just like in any
other totalitarian dictator throught the history of mankind.

But they ARE nobodies.
They have no power whatsoever.
Their whole trip is meant to torture people for months,
making is as difficult, if not impossible to create a new group,
a stinky group that does not change anything.

At a time when people are running away from usenet,
just because of this exact reason, these nazis do all they can
to make it even more difficult.

THAT is their REAL contribution to big-8 and Usenet as such.


If these self-appointed nobodies can call themselves the
B8MB, I call myself a Big-8 CEO, and will issue various
pronouncements and proclamations that are equally valid,
if not more so, than their fabrications and lies.

The first thing, I thereby declare that this so called B8MB
is just a bunch of the same old dectator wannabies.
ALL their "faqs", "rules" and "regulations" are thus
decrlared NULL and VOID, carrying not meaning and bearing
no significance on big-8 or Usenet, whatsoever.

Anyone is welcome to talk to these donkeys fer the entertainment
value. That is not a problem at all, but to take them
as something real, you must be totally out of your mind
and utterly clueless.

And now follows the OFFICIAL FAQ on what big-8 was upto now.
It was originally published back in 1999 or so.
Still valid, to the last dot and comma.

Have fun...
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-17 00:36:36 UTC
The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2007-01-17 04:46:04 UTC
Post by nucleus
The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
Only 120,893 participate in Usenet.


Post by nucleus
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.
On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.
The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.
Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.
He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".
In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.
It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.
Now, fraud is crime, by definition.
What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.
======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.
It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.
As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.
(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)
======================= End of quote =======================
The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.
They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of
Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.
Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.
The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.
Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.
Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.
If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.
Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.
Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of
"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.
Ok, let us begin the main part.
1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.
2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.
Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever
There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.
So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.
You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.
Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.
There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.
These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...
There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.
There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.
We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.
So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.
You understand? NONE.
So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.
That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".
The rule is: This is how it works.
If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.
Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).
They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and
You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.
No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.
So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.
Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".
Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.
That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".
You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.
If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.
Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.
So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".
So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)
Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of
In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean
You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.
So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.
You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!
The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.
Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).
If you look at their web page at
http://www.isc.org and follow
the link to sponsors
you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...
Surprise, surprise...
DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.
What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.
These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.
Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?
One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?
Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.
Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.
These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.
That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.
These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.
That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.
The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.
There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your
2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.
It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.
It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.
All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.
Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.
You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.
Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.
This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.
The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".
Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.
The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.
Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.
To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.
The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.
If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?
Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.
There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.
http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.
Virtual fascism?
Nah, just "practical realities of the day".
Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.
None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.
3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.
Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.
That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.
First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.
Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.
You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
to discover INTEREST in the group.
Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?
On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?
Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.
Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?
You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".
Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.
Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.
You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.
Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.
Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the
Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.
That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.
Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.
Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other
It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.
Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.
That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".
Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?
So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.
Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and
No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.
These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.
So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...
So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.
4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.
The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.
Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.
Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.
You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.
Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.
Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.
ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.
This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.
They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.
Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.
Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?
Not even funny.
Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such
So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"
Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.
The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.
Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.
Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.
There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.
Good luck.
Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.
This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.
[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]
Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.
Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-26 01:05:45 UTC
What happened to your freedoms, such as freedom of speech,
freedom to associate as you please and all others?
All gone? Evaporated into a thin air?
And what are you going to do about it?
Just sit on your sorry ass and say
"just give my my paycheck, the rest i could care less about"?

ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
the group-***@isc.org is the only valid address
regarding the big-8 group creation/status,


If you do not remove the requirement for PGP signature
and From address of group-***@isc.org,
you, effectively, become an active participant
in this neo-nazi dictatorship and actively support
this Stalinist style "committee".

Nothing more.
Nothing less...

Not only that, but you ALL suppot this totalitarian system
actively. You are ALL destroying the very chair you are
sitting on. Just because you are lazy and wouldn't want
to see the real things from real people.
Instead, you simply allow these nazis run YOUR business.

Nothing more,
nothing less...

Ever heard of WWII or Stalinist Russia?
Ever heard of Siberia?


You ALL feed this ugliest trip imaginable.
And you also gorge on that so called power you have over
your customers, as your lil puppet minds enjoy shutting
down the accounts of those, who do not submit to this
humongous totalitarian conspiracy you are all participating in.

Because your boss could care less of how many accounts
you shot down as they wouldn't even BEGIN to imagine
dealing with all those "mortals". Just about the ONLY
thing they crave for, is the dollar bills arriving automatically
from those very customers, who they delude
into believing that what is advertized on their main web page,
is what those customers are going to get, which is nothing
further from the truth.

They do not feel obliged to propagate your articles beyond
their own facilities. They do not feel obliged to carry ALL
the alt.* hierarchy, because of this ugly big-8 excuse,
thinking that if they carry this ugliest nazi hierarchy,
they do not have to bother about carrying anything else.

Not only that, but they support this nazi dictatorship
explicitly by keeping the news server configuration files
according to herr fuehrer original designs.

They could care less if they see the control messages
from real people, be it world known scientists, proffessionals
of all kinds, artists, musicians, other creative people,
philosophers, writers and on and on and on.

Just about ALL they feel obliged to carry, is this nazi
version of the Universe.

They ACTIVELY support this ugly setup and convert
the oldest groups into a dominated status, they call
"moderation", and covert them in place.

They are willingly accept the control messages from
the only "authorized" party, and that is this nazi clique
of self-appointed dictators.

They create groups that violate the MAJOR principles
in OPEN PUBLIC FORUMS, which is what usenet is
and was designed to be on the first place.

Instead, they accept the PGP signed checkgroup and other
control messages, issued by the puppets of the US military
and intelligence agencies, being fed by those very agencies
and performing various "projects" for them, such as those,
Russ Allbery was working on for years, and, specifically,
the unbreakable identification protocols that will allow to
identify the users and send/receive just about ANY information
from their computers during the initial handshake when they go on line
or do the DNS querries.

WHO created this NWO style "project"?

Well, the US military and intelligence agencies,
who, in their turn, are nothing but puppets in the hands
of those, who rule the world, such as Skull and Bones
super-secret society, where Adolph Bush and his father,
George Bush, the senior, are active members,
illuminati super-secret society, who considers a mankind
to be a herd of sheep, utterly blind, to be led to "enlightenment",
the highest, 33 degree Freemasons, who control the most powerful
and influential seats in Congress, the Supreme Court justices,
those puppet appointees, the media moguls, controlling your
minds, the energy industry, diamonds and gold, the financial
world, the biggest and baddest of them all, computer companies,
control your stupid phone, your internet, your logs
and just about anyting imaginable and unimaginable,
even in the wildest dreams.

The New World Order, this horrendous NWO thing,
is of their own design, they pursue for centuries.
The model where the whole world is divided into two
classes, the "elite" and the slaves, LITERALLY.
There is not to be a middle class.
There is not to be any opposition.
Those, who do not agree with their agenda,
can be killed in a broad day light, right smack in the
middle of your favorite downtown, for no reason whatsoever,
and it is not just some delusionial lunacy.
It IS a reality even at this very junction.

Right now, ANY of you could be killed in a broad day light,
and a plastic sticker stuck on your forhead saying:
Terrorist Suspect.

You see?

What does it mean?
Well, just about ANYTHING they want to put into it.
Never mind, that it isn't even clear on what basis one
was labeled as a "terrorist suspect" and according to
what principles and according to what information.

Even at this very junction, these satanists destroyed
the Constitution of the United States. What is left of it,
isn't even worth mentioning. ALL the major provisions,
people gave their lives for, are wiped out clean.

Right now, Adolph Bush has UNLIMITED powers to do
just about ANYTHING he pleases, and he is nothing less,
than a pathological killer and a sadist, who is known from
his childhood years to enjoy killing. He is also a pervert,
visiting some private sado/masochistic clubs, to gorge on
all sorts of perversions. This man has a mind of a two year
old and reality is but a dream to him. Not even clear he
realizes that he exists.

And you ALL supported this monster, even though you
were told beforehand what is going to happen if you
elect him, which did happen EXACTLY as was pronounced.
Dig up the archives. It is all on the public record, distributed

You simply blindly submbit to this horrendous perversion
and "could care less", because it is not you, who got slothered
in a broad day light for no reason whatsoever, just like
it was done in the fascist Germany or Stalinist Russia,
where people were killed by tens of millions.


But YOU?
Oh, that is not "your problem", right?
Just about the ONLY thing you want is your paycheck.
So, you are willing to go as far as to become literal slaves,
just for that stinky paycheck, as they constantly brainwash
you with the ideas that you are nobody without them,
that you are nothing but a biorobot, programmed to LITERAL
oblivion by the constant jamming of your mind
with the most primitive and idiotic templates,
consisting of just few words, and you accept it as granted,
as something real, just like Adolph Hitler discovered:

"Any lie, repeated long enough,
eventually becomes truth".
-- Adolph Hitler.

You sit there on your sofa with a six pack of plastic bear,
and watch that idiot box, they call TV, where all these
sick nazis jam your mind 24 hrs/day with the most horrendous
violence, perversions, destruction, mind control, and on and on
and on, and you call it "excitement", a "show", an "action"movie.
Meanwhile, your brain is conditioned to accept this satanism
as reality and all those criminals, who rule your sorry output holes,
as your true "leaders".

YOU give them power.
YOU accept them for what they claim to be,
lying their rotten shark teeth off every time
they open their sucky input holes.
YOU give them the authority.
YOU hand them your own lives
to be manipulated in ANY way they please.

It is YOU, who is feeding all this monstrocity.

And you sit there, "excited" in this zombified state,
thinking this is a real joy of live.

What a disgrace to a human intelligence!
What a puppet world you all support and live in!
What a waste of human potential!

So, you, news admins, remember this real well,
as blood is on your hands also,
as silent supporters of this most outrageous nazi setup
in the entire history of Usenet.

Big-8 has been handed off to a clique of totalitarian dictator
wannabies, the Stalinist style, calling themselves B8MB
(Big-8 Management Board), by the previous nazi,
Russ Allbery, fuehrer of big-8, who has done more to destroy
usenet than anyone in the entire history, including hipcrime.
He, in his turn, was appointed by the previous nazi
pervert, David Lawrence, aka tale, one of the most blatant
and poisonous perverts imaginable. That pahological liar,
who put all sorts of poisonous tricks, lies and excuses into
his own dictates, he called the "guidelines for new creation

Both of these people are associated with the ISC, www.isc.org
(Internet Software Consortium), sponsored in part by the
US military and intelligence agencies, such as DISA
(Defense Information Systems Agency) working, among other
things, on the issues of global electronic warfare.

The "official", "authorized" PGP signed key to sign the
control messages belongs to ISC, and, effectively to
the US military and intelligence apparatus.

Russ Allbery, who is the maintainer of one of the most popular
news server sortware packages, called INN, put all sorts of
tricks into a default configuration files to make it impossible
for anyone but himself to post the control messages regarding
big-8, thus making the whole big-8 to effectively belong to him.

And the ugliest and most outrageous thing of this all,
is that unless the control messages are signed with
group-***@isc.org address and unless they are signed
with a PGP key, they are not even seen by the news admins
as they are simply get filtered out. That is the way Russ Allbery
designed it and that is what he spent literally years on.

He, among other things, is controlling the entire information
system at Standord University, USA, which is one of the
most influential information systems in the world.
Stanford is where this Hover Institution is, and that is where
humongous archives on the entire human history are kept
among other things. You can not even enter that department
unless you have a special authorization cards. There is information
in those archives on just about anyone in human history
of any significance. All sorts of stuff. And Russ Allbery
is sitting on their main wire to the world, and vast amounts
of information flow thru Stanford facilities.

You can't even BEGIN to imagine what you are dealing with.

Thus, these Stalinist style nazis effectively took over big-8,
the most widely propagated set of hierarchies in the whole
world and made it their "private property" and made it
an outlet of their nazi propaganda.

They actively support this totalitarian perversion,
called "moderation", where any opinion that does not
align with the opinion of that local ruling dictator,
is junked upon arrival.

It hard to imagine how much of the most brilliant insights
of the mankind were destroyed by these mouth foaming
blood boiling, and utterly intolerant fascist censors.

They even went as far, as to convert one of the oldest
groups in the entire history of usenet, the very root
of the entire AI (Artificial Intelligence) hierarchy into
a "moderated" group, controlled by the self-admitted
nazi, David Kinny, who conducted a usual behind the
scenes campaign of lies and conspiracy and fabricated
five times more votes than there were actual participants
in the comp.ai group.

And AI is at the very core of those horrendous weapons
of mass destruction, the US military is filled to the brim with.
All those "smart bombs" and rockets, that are dumb enough
to hit the Chinese embacy need be, are all a product of AI.
AI is everywhere, going down to your phone and a washing

Now, these fascist censors had enough guts to give away
the very root of AI hierarchy to the most blatant nazi on

What do you call this?
Oh, "law and order",
the NWO style?

Thus, the VERY ROOT of entire ai hierarchy was made
a "private property" of this self-admitted nazi. As soon,
as he was made an "official" moderator by herr fuehrer,
Russ Allbery, the first thing was to post several posts,
openly stating that "from now on, the realities are different.
There will be whitelists of the blue blooded Aryan race,
whose articles will be automatically approved, regardless
of what kind of garbage those "blue blooded" post,
and there will be blacklists containing the names of
the "inferiour race", the filth of mankind, whose articles
will be automaticall junked upon arrival regardless of
how brilliant and insightful they are.

That nazi "moderator" went so far, that even herr fuehrer
was getting concerned, as the whole thing was so openly
and blatantly presented, that it was clear even to a five
year old what herr fuehrer signed into usenet "law"
and sent a control message approving it with his own hand.
So, the whole thing was directly endangering herr fuehrer

It even went as far, as some news admins and old timers
were getting concerned about it and, after doing some
research of their own, came to the same conclusion:

The group was literally killed.
Just look up the archives for the period of 1998-2001
on comp.ai and see for yourself how much and what kind
of messages are there on comp.ai. Clear to a five year old.

This is ALL on a public record in the years of 1999-2000.

Again, Russ Allbery with his own hand sent out a PGP
signed control message to change about the OLDEST
HIERARCHY to make it a private property of that
self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, the "moderator" of


Thus, the blood is on their hands also.

As a result, what was an active group, became the land of
desolation. Practically all discussions ceased and a group
was converted into a marketing outlet.



Takeover of one of the oldest open public forums!

Nothing less.
Nothing more...

That nazi "moderator" even went as far, as to explicitly
prohibit any and all discussions on the subject of Lisp language,
considered by Marvin Minsky, one of the founding fathers of
AI, to be the language of AI. Thus, that nazi with an amoeba
sized brain, prohibited even the father of AI to talk on the subject
of the AI language "until the next millenium"...
(a literal quote by David Kinny)


These Stalinist style dictators regularly post their own inventions
and fabrications, filled to the brim with the most poisonous lies
and perversion, they call "official guidelines" in news.groups and
several other major groups in news.* hierarchy, they also
"moderate", where all the "newbies" read their dictates and take
it as something "official", not even realizing they are being fed the
totalitarian garbage of the lowest grade.

Those so called faqs are filled with all sorts of tricks and
lies, giving these nazis ALL the power to do ANYTHING
THEY please, and, at the same time, putting all sorts of
escape clauses in those totalitarian dictates that literally
make them UTTERLY irresponsible for their own actions.

They do just about anything imaginable, such as forging
people's articles, spamming like crazy, forging identities,
perverting the very nature of someone else's posts, and
on and on and on. ALL on a public record.

In his not so famous rants condemning usenet, which is a
system of OPEN FORUMS, he openly states that usenet
is not good as it is, and it should be replaced by his own ivention,
Usenet 2 (www.usenet2.org), where each and every hierarchy
is ruled by the local "tsar". LITERALLY, as that is how this nazi
thinks. And he, being the super-tsar of the whole Usenet 2 model,
hand picks and appoints those local "tsars".

All the groups and hierarchies are to be made "moderated",
meaning totally controlled by these nazis.

Naturally, totalitarian dictator hand picks his followers and
appoints them to replace him when it becomes abandantly clear
who he is and what are his deeds.

In a democratic society, these nazis APPOINT each other!
What kind of democracy is this?

Or this delusional world of big-8 is not subject to democratic

So, this nazi Russ, passed the "power" to this Stalinist type
B8MB, which is an exact equivalent of Stalinist committees
that pronounced dead sentences to tens of millions of their
own people and destroyed the entire intelligencia class, the
leading scientists, academicians, musicians, poets, writers,
artists, doctors, engineers and plenty of other professionals,
who literally gave away their lives, working non-stop days and
nights, trying to help their own country and their own people
to be more advanced, more educated, richer, more civilized,
more developed and more democratic.

Now, these B8MB nazis are on a public record for admitting
themselves who they are and how do they think the usenet
is to function and what are those rules that ought to be
pronounced as the "official" rules, guidelines and regulations.

So, these impostors and pretenders, with the bloodied hands
of the previous fuehrer, Russ, created a "moderated" group
to discuss the issues of group creation and group status, thus
violating just about the oldest tradition of usenet of discussing
any and all issues related to usenet in news.groups,
SPECIFICALLY dedicated to such discussions.

So, they created this "private property", ngp, and continously
delude people into believing that ngp is the ONLY "authorized"
place to have "official" discussions on the issues of group
creation and group status.

Thus, this Stalinist type closed "committee" of nazis can squash
ANY and ALL views that do not align with their nazi agenda
of dominating the biggest hierarchy there is, big-8, propagated
worldwide and carried by literally every news server on the

They even go as far, as to continuously posting messages to
news.groups telling people not to discuss the issues of group
creation in news groups, which is the real group to discuss
such issues. These corrupt nazis keep telling everybody that
all "official" discussions are to be carried out in their own
"private property", ngp, a disgrace to the very notion of usenet.

How could the issues of OPEN PUBLIC forums be discussed
in someone's "private property"? But these nazis seem to be
completely "out to lunch" with their sickness, just like zombies,
sleep walkers.

They talk language of corporate world and parliamentary
principles as they are utterly obscessed with this sick power
trip of dominating others and would like the whole big-8
look like some corporation or some corrupt "parliament".

But they are all nothing more than puppets.
Puppets in the hands of that herr fuehrer Russ Allbery,
who, after being totally disgraced, posted a few pathetic
posts in news.groups, telling everyone how he loved them
all and announced his "retirement".

Can you imagine that?
Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin
get on the podium and tell everyone how they LOVED everyone?
Just as you current fuehrer, Adolph Bush, does
and you all eat it yammy yam yammy.
Give me more of that!

But this was all nothing but lies, as he did not "retire" at all.
He still holds the PGP signature key to big-8,
and HE HIMSELF is the only one that does issue the
control messages.

So, the way these nazi tricks work is simple:
He simply faded away into a background and hand picked
this new Stalinist committee to do the dirty work for him.


These pathetic, power hungry wannabies tell everyone that
they are the "real" rulers of big-8 and they LITERALLY
own it, even though, in reality, they are but a bunch of
puppets in herr fuehrer's hands.
The way they behave on news.groups is well beyond
obscene. They ASSUME that news.groups is their "property"
also. According to their crooked view of reality, the only thing
that matters is themselves are UTTERLY, and any and all
other views or opinions are merely irrelevant and insignificant
in the crooked scheme of things they keep pusing for.
The arrogance and blatantness of theirs is on the par with utter
lunacy of a completely insane and a pathologically sick

So, with this trick, herr fuehrer does not have to dirty his hands
in more blood, and deal with all those "clueless", "newbies"
and mere mortals. But ALL the effective "power", be it purely
imaginary, belongs to him and him only.

How do you like THAT fer breakfast, lunch and dinner?

One might wonder, what kind of a retirement is this?
Who is he kidding?
Does he think the entire mankind completely lost their
brains as a result of endless and relentless brainwashing,
and have no ability to figure out who is who and
what is what?

Knowing him well enough, it is clear, that he will never
relinguish his grip on "power", until he finally goes
capoonct and the last showel of soil is thrown into his grave
by his own nazi followers, crying with their crocodile tears
about loosing such a "honorable" "hero" of usenet, and,
meanwhile, laughing at the whole thing, thinking to themselves
"oh, finally, this suckazoid is dead.
Now I am the real ruler".

But, these nazi puppets do not realize that Russ is not just
some idiot, but a very experienced dictator, and if these
lil suckers think they are the "rulers" now, they do not
realize that they'd have to cut each other's throats before,
finally, one of them will remain in "power". The dictatorial
power can not be shared, by definition.

He simply entrapped his own hand picked appointees
and puppets and is going to laugh even in his own grave,
at how he screwed everybody and how much he enjoys his
satanist trip of domination, blatant perversion and virtual

This man alone has done so much damage to usenet
by continously destroying all the groups that are not in line
with his nazi nature, that vast amounts of people simply
left usenet, realizing how hopeless this whole trip is, and,
after being insulted, rediculed, harassed, opressed, and
spit in the face, they had no choice but to simply run away,
and run away in shame and defeat, as they are trully
clueless and took this humongous nazi setup as something
real, because their brains can not function independently.

Every place they look, they see some "authority", telling
them how to think, how to walk, how to classify things,
what is what, who is who, what are the "official" "rules",
and what are the dictates to follow, and follow blindly,
obidiently and unquestionably, like they were the word
of God.

What a miserable state of affairs you all support,
you all feed, you all submit to.

You live in democratic societies, but your sorry output hole
is ruled by the most perverted sadists, totalitarian dictators
and assorted nazis, and you ALL support it, because you don't
really know who you are. You need to be TOLD how to think,
how to walk, how to classify things, what is "good" and what
is "bad".

Now, how many of you can tell me what is "good"?
From what standpoint?
According to whose dictatorial principles?
According to whose desires and interests?
In what context?
In what time frame?
In what environment?


Big-8 CEO.
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-26 00:51:20 UTC
Totalitarian censors always try to destroy any and all opinions
but their own to make sure nobody knows the real story.

What is B8MB (Big 8 Management Board)?

Before we begin, we need to mention this new version of
big-8 "ruling elite", so called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
This clique was hand picked by the previous totalitrian dictator
Russ Allbery to do the dirty work of dealing with all the
"clueless" and "newbies", who come to news.groups interested in
creating some group.

Russ Allbery is associated with ISC (Internet Software Consortium),
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies, such as
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency), working on issues
of global electronic warfare among other things.

The PGP signed key, used to sign the control messages for
group creation and removal, is newgroups-***@isc.org,
which clearly indicates that isc.org is the ONLY "authorized"
party to issue the control messages to be recognized by news
admins worldwide.

Interestingly enough, Russ Allbery is a maintainer of one of
the most widely used news server software, INN. So, being a
totalitarian dictator he is, he placed the information into
the INN configuration files in such a way that news admins
do not even see the control messages arriving at their site
unless those messages originate from newgroups-***@isc.org,
and, to make it a double armor protection, they have to be
PGP signed, meaning they can not be forged, and if they are not
signed, the news admins do not even see those messages on their
screen, because they are prefiltered before he even knows it.

And isc.org is owned by whom?


In a democratic world, we have a global information system
controlled by the US military and intelligence. They can just
remove the whole big-8 in seconds if they wish during the times
of "emergencies", they themselves create. Because THEY are the
ones that have the "golden key" to "power" over big-8.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse.
The wildest thing of all this is that ANYBODY can issue these
control messages using their newsreader. There are no prohibitions
according to various RFCs on this subject. There is nothing "illegal"
about it. But these crooks created the whole system in such a way
that only the totalitarian dictators of their kind have a chance
to send the control messages that will be seen by the news admins
wordwide, on the most propagated hierarchy there is, big-8,
carried by every single provider in the world.

News admins better realize what they are supporting with this
arrangement and change their configuration files to make sure
that not only military and intelligence agencies puppets can
issue the controls that will even be seen by them.

This is not a joke, by ANY means.

Russ Allbery, who holds that "golden key" to sign the newgroup
control messages to create a group, was actively involved in
big-8 "management" scam for many years. He is a totalitarian
dictator of the pure grade as evidenced by his pet project
code named Usenet-2, www.usenet2.org (if it is still around).
His not so famous rants about the essential principles of democracy
and a need to create a totally dictatorial version of usenet,
where each hierarchy and a group were literally dominated by
the local "tsars", LITERALLY, show in no uncertain terms who
this man is. Written by his own hand.

This man does not think that Usenet should be open to uncensored
and open discussions and forums and everything should be
controlled by these "tsars", hand picked by himself,
as he envisions himself as a super-tsar, sick as it gets.

In that scheme, all groups and hierarchies are "moderated".
For those, who do not fully comprehend what this "moderation"
thing is all about, there are couple of things to realize.
First of all, the "moderated" groups are effectively a "property"
of "moderator", and vast majority of those "moderators" are just
about the most immoderate people you can find. That is why they
crave to become a "moderator" on the first place.

Most of them are mouth foaming, blood boiling and the most
intolerant people there are. Vast majority of them are pathological
liars and about the cunniest crooks you can find any place.
You don't become a "moderator" if you are simply a honest man.
You'd be the very last entry on the list of candidates,
if you ever get there on the first place.

Now, usenet, from the day one was conceived as a collection
of free public forums. The MAIN principle of usenet is

FACILITATION of discussions.

Yes. And this "moderation" trick is used for what?
For DIS-facilitation of discussions where some intolerant,
blood boiling idiot, decides what the world should see on
"his" group, as it is his property.

This ugly "moderation" thing went as far, as converting one
of the oldest groups in history, predating usenet as such,
comp.ai, which is the very root of entire AI hierarchy and
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is one of the most important
aspects of modern world. All these "smart" bombs and rockets,
and the most devastating weapons of mass destruction
are controlled by AI technology. AI technology is just about
any place you look down to your phone and washing machine.

So, that self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, who conned people
into supporting him in his desire to "moderate" the very
root of entire ai hierarchy, using behind the scenes email
campaigns resulting in totally obscene "vote" counts, was
eventually successful in converting the entire AI hierarchy
into "moderated" one. So, not many of you know that this
nazi now controls the global usenet information system on AI

Now, since he took over comp.ai, which was an active group
before, virtually all the discussions ceased and most of what
is published on that group is advertizements, which is totally
obscene. There are special groups for advertizements and
various announcements, he could have created a comp.ai.announce,
in accordance to widely known usenet tradition and principle.

The first thing he did is to publicly announce that from now on,
the "realites are different". There will be blacklists,
for the "inferior race" of people, and whitelists, for the
pure blooded Aryan kind.

The articles posted by thoose, who are on the blacklist,
will be junked upon arrival regardless of how brilliant
their ideas are or how insightful are their views,
and the articles posted by the blue blooded, will be posted
regardless of their content, be it utter delusion, lunacy
of the most profound magnitude, spam, marketing garbage
or whatsoever.

He even went as far as to explicitly prohibit ANY discussions
on the Lisp language, considered by Marvin Minsky, one of the
founding fathers of AI, DA language of AI, thus prohibiting
no one less than Marvin Minsky himself from discussing these

And who is this intellectual pigmy, a self-admitted nazi,
David Kinny? I happen to review one of the "research" projects
and University Of Mellbourne, Australia where he worked on it.
It was such profound idiocy, it is well beyond belief
that anyone in their clear mind would even publish that garbage.
It was on the stone age level, full of utter idiocy.
There wasn't even a SINGLE point of validity in it.
It was all delusions and concuctions that could never work
in principle. It would be even more wild if he received any
funding for that so called project.

This blood boiling and mouth foaming nazi, who went after
my throat in virtual terms and wasted months of his time
trying to dig up some dirt on me, went throuh piles and piles
of archive articles by me, and, after all this waste,
all he was able to come up with is...

Allegedly my real name!

Wow! That bites.
And even if that name is my real name,
what does it tell the world?
That me is me?
But what ELSE did he find after all that waste of time?
Well, the radio goes static...

You can dig up the archives on subject "Remove moderation from comp.ai"
and see the whole trip in action. It was quite a trip indeed.

And THESE are the so called moderators.

And the most rediculous thing is that the comp.ai was
made "moderated" because...

Because of ME!


Yup, yup. That stinky nazi told it to the whole world himself.
It is all on Google. I didn't even know that happened
as i never participated on comp.ai directly beyond following
some crossposts to comp.ai.philosophy that i participated in
at that time.

Once I learned it, I went to news.groups and started
discussing this utter ugliness.

That is how it all started.
And then i have seen what kind of system this big-8 is.
It was rotten to the bone and marrow. That nazi Russ
openly declared that "it is good that big-8 is unmovable
like a rock". Thats the way it OUGHT to be!

What can one say?

Zig hail!
So i said to myself: well, looks like we've got some job
to do to clean this poisonous garbage dump, filled to the
brim with all sorts of sub-idiotic sadists, torturing
those "clueless" and "newbies" for months on, telling them
how to spell, how to think, how to name things, what "faqs"
to read, and what dictates to follow. All sorts of crap.

It went as far, as to redicule, insult, humiliate,
harass and abuse even the scientists, physicists,
mathematicians and other professionals, openly laughing
at them. Yes, those people were "clueless", as they couln't
even BEGIN to comprehend what they are dealing with.
They thought it is a simple thing and they know their
business better than any donkey on news.groups,
but by the time they were totally himiliated and abused,
they just dissapeared into thin air.

The same thing happened just recently with one of the
physicists who was interested in creating a perfectly
valid group on foundations of physics. What is wrong with that?
These perverts created a group for the sexual perverts
with a SINGLE proponent, within a couple of days.
This NEVER ever happened in the entire history of usenet.

But when the scientific expert wanted to create a group,
they tortured, humiliated, rediculed and openly insulted
him, calling him a kook and a lunatic, asking him to bring
the evidence of his credentials, signed by the noble prize
laureats kinda.

I could not believe my eyes when i saw all that orgy.
Eventually, he simply left, utterly insulted and abused.
That orgy was conducted by this so called B8MB clique
of sadists, talking about "parliamentary rules",
"corporate boards", "proceedings", and "investigations".

These people are simply sick.
Their puppet minds can only think in terms of megalomaniacal
concepts or corporate wannabe issues.
But why don't they go and try their luck in the REAL
corporate world or REAL parliament?

These slimy nobodies and intellectual pigmeys,
foaming at their mouth, yelling to the whole world
that THEY are the real "power", THEY are the real
"owners" of nothing less than big-8 itself, the most
propagated hierarchy.

They even claim the ownership of news.groups.
Their megalomaniacal tendencies are clear to a five year old.
I bet they think there is no one left with functioning brains
in the world. Everyone is just a dummy like themselves
and all they understand is coka cola and macdonalds.

I mean, this is a stoned age stuff.

These people need medical attention.
They are totally delusional.
Sleep walkers it seems.

WHO allowed that nazi David Kinny to convert and open public
forum, and not only that, but the root of entire hierarchy,
into his "private property"?

Well, ask Russ Allbery, as HE was the exclusive fuehrer of
big-8 at that time and HE was the ONLY person who held the
key to issue a control message, and HE HIMSELF sent that message.

That nazi gave away the control to one of the most important
public forums in the entire usenet history to some other nazi.

It is just like Adolph Bush issues a declaration that the people
can not gather in public places unless he "authorizes" such

Then what is democracy on the first place?

Can democracy be ruled by nazis and totalitarian dictators
of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin kind?


All the articles you post to "moderated" groups, are automatically
forwarded to a "moderator" address and he decides wether to allow
those articles to be posted.

Now, Russ Allbery, in his turn, was hand picked by the previous
totalitarian dictator, David Lawrence, aka tale, also directly
associated with ISC, owned by you know whom.

These dictators regularly publish their "FAQs", which are nothing
more than a set of poisonous lies, fabrications and invntions
of all kind, meant to delude the "clueless" and "newbies" into
believing that those faqs are the "official", "authorized"
intepretation of what big-8 is.
They put all sorts of cunning lies and excuses into those faqs,
and unless you know how this whole thing works, you won't even
realize you are being trapped by this sticky slime thing.

In small print, they say: the group MAY be created
(even after a "successful result", meaning there was
enough "votes" to win").


May or may not.
Depends on what?
Well, the direction of the wind inside that empty cockpit
of herr fuehrer, Russ Allbery with a "dimly lit kerosine
lamp between his ears".



Eventually, Russ Allbery, that crawling totalitarian worm,
having enough guts to insult the very symbols of his own country,
calling himself an eagle, has disgraced himself to the point,
where he had no choice but to ran away in shame.
So, he wrote a couple of pathetic articles where he thanked
everyone for ...
and told them how he loves them, just like Stalin,
Hitler, Musolini, Alexander Da Great, Ghingis Khan, Timurlen,
and hundreds of other violent sadists that killed people by
the millions.

Stalin even went as far as to kill over 20 million of his own
people. He totally destroyed the intelligencia class,
word famed scientists, academicians, doctors, artists, writers,
doctors, engineers and you name it, and those people contributed
so much to their own country, it is hard to imagine. Most of them
dedicated their lives and worked days and nights to help the
society to become better, more open, more intelligent, more
technologically developed, healthier, richer and more advanced.
They deserve monuments in the main squares of the world capitols,
and instead, they were tortured, killed or sent to Siberia
to die of starvation, deseases, carrying the bolders on their
shoulders in sub-artic environmental conditions
to build that "communism", which is an excersize in this
New World Order thing, NWO, carried out by the Illuminati.

And these blood boiling nazis and totalitarian dictators
rule your world?

Back to that nazi Russ.
His announcement that he is going to "retire" from ruling
the big-8 and disengage himself from even participating in
news.groups was just a trick. He simply faded into
background, so he does not have to deal with mere "mortals".

But he never religuished the REAL control as he is the only
one that holds that PGP key. To this day, HE is the one
who issues the control messages.

So, he hand picked a new clique of totalitarian dictator
wannabies and blood boiling nazis to "replace" him.
And now, they keep telling everyone in every single post
that they are the "rulers", the "authorized" and "official"
party that literally OWNS the entire big-8 hierarchy.
They crated their own "rules" and "regulations" and present
them as something "official" and they keep deluding everyone
into believing this is so.

But WHO "authorized" them?
WHO voted for them?
WHO elected them?

In what democratic system the "authorized" officials
are APPOINTED, and appointed by well known dictator,
the evidence of which is on record, globally distributed
and available to anyone with a simple mouse click?

Or is that New World Order a governing reality from now on?
What happened to democracy?
What happened to the Constitution?

And just about ALL they do and CAN possibly do,
is to torture those "clueless" and "newbies".
These nazi perverts even went as far as to destroy nearly
every single usenet principle that existed.

Accoring to usenet practice, the groups were created after
a public "vote" by the usenet audience in general, which was
a scam on the first place. But at least it looked like
something democratically looking, at least on paper.
Never mind, that behind all that stood the totalitarian dictator,
a blood boiling nazi.

So, these new conmen, calling themselves B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
started with creating a new group, news.grups.proposals (ngp)
and made it "moderated" using the blood stained hands of that
nazi Russ, and they DID create it. And they even tried to make
it look like it was supported by the usenet audience,
cunning as it gets. All on record, all on Google archives.

That is about the MOST perverted and openly dictatorial event
in the entire usenet history. Because they created a group
that they TOTALLY control, to discuss the issues of PUBLIC forums.
On a "private property", which is what "moderated" groups are.

Now, can you imagine, in your wildest dreams, that you discuss
the issues of global public concern on somebody's private property?
You must be totally out of your mind in that case.
First of all, they can just throw you on your ears,
if you squick too much. Or they can just shoot your between
the eyes making it look like you attacked them on their private

Who, in his clear mind would go to such a group to discuss the
issue of creating a PUBLIC open forum?

This "moderation" trick was done SPECIFICALLY to destroy any
and all opinions but those that align with their crooked
totalitarian view of the Universe.

Furthermore, they keep publishing the articles on the root
groups of entire usenet hierarchy, telling everyone that from
now on, all the discussions on group creation and status are
to be "officially" discussed in their private property.
They, though the blooded hands of that Russ, control several
news.* groups, meant to inform the new users to usenet of
general things on how to use it and so on.

Now, from the very beginning of usenet, there was a group,
specifically dedicated to these issues, news.grups, an open,
unmoderated forum where people can come and discuss the issues
related to usenet as such.

Not only that, but these arrogant nazis tell everyone that
on "moderated" group, "moderator" can do ANYTHING he pleases,
including the copyright violations, modifying the articles
submitted to be posted to the group, forging the article
author, just like that new "tsar" wannabe, Tim Skirvin does,
reposting someone elses posts, spamming like crazy,
not using the NNTP-Posting-Host to hide their real identity,
and on and on and on.

These are the criminally minded perverts and sadists,
those loosers, that never had any real joy in their miserable
lives and, being perverts they are, try to replace the real
joy with the sadistic joy of torturing others.

And these are you "rulers"?

Planet Earth,
Planet Earth,
Anybody home?

Oh, static again.....



Come in, Pleeeze.

We're nuking da house of da white mouse as per yer royal

Can you pleeeze turn off the lights in da Washington DC?
Just fer a couple of hours?


The question naturally arises: what is the need for this ngp thing?
What is it for?
What is the problem of discussing the issues of public interest
and concern in public, in news.groups as is known to the whole
world as a central place to discuss usenet related things?

These power hungry perverts with megalomaniacal tendencies,
these bunch of nobodies, who work their rears off to make it
look like they are everybodies on usenet, are but a bunch of
puppets of the real fuehrer, who stands in shade behind their
backs, and pushes that PGP signed button,
and that is that Godfather Of Brainwashing, Russ Allbery,
as HE is the one that holds any "power", be it imaginary and

This clique of impostors, pretenders and wannabies are just
a bunch of puppets, who came here to gain "power" over others
and "fame" in their never ending search for self-propotion,
as they MUST feel like nobodies if they crave to become

It is just a plain complex of inferiority, just like in any
other totalitarian dictator throughout the history of mankind.

But they ARE nobodies.
They have no power whatsoever.
Their whole trip is meant to torture people for months,
making it as difficult, if not impossible to create a new group,
a stinky group that does not change anything.

At a time when people are running away from usenet,
just because of this exact reason, among other things,
these nazis do all they can to make it even more difficult.

And they use the corporate and parliamentary notions,
creating their "official" dictates, "rules" and "regulations"?
What kind of a corporate mind is that?
Trying to destroy his own corporation in a record time?

THAT is their REAL contribution to big-8 and Usenet as such.


If these self-appointed nobodies can call themselves the
B8MB, I call myself a Big-8 CEO, and will issue various
pronouncements, proclamations and declarations that are
equally valid, if not more so, to their fabrications and lies.

The first thing, I thereby declare that this so called B8MB
is just a bunch of the same old dictator wannabies.
They are nothing more than criminally minded impostors
and pretenders.

ALL their "faqs", "rules" and "regulations" are thus


carrying not meaning and bearing
no significance on big-8 or Usenet, whatsoever.

Anyone is welcome to talk to these donkeys fer the entertainment
value. That is not a problem at all, but to take them
as something real, you must be totally out of your mind
and utterly clueless.

ANYONE can issue the same "rules" and "regulations",
and publish the "official" faqs till their noses go blue.

There were plenty of people in history of usenet declaring
themselves to be the "rulers", but about the most successful
one of them all was Hipcrime. He fought his battle for years
and converted their main groups into a garbage dump,
totally devastating their entire enterprises.
For years on.
All the news admins in the world knew about him,
but no one ever caught him or was able to do anything to him.
It went as far, as that SPUTUM gangs of virtual terrorists
announced and implemented the UDP (Usenet Death Penalty)
on the entire continent of India!

Nothing less,
nothing more.

And the continent of India happens to be where over 40 percent
of the most advanced software development takes place.
A significant amount of that traffic and information exchange
happens via Usenet. The problem solutions, discussions of new
technologies, bug fixes and on and on and on. It is all USENET!


Those virtual terrorists, having connections with some of the
biggest network providers and carriers on a global scale,
simply disconnected the entire continent of India from
Usenet, and, within a few hours, threatened to disconnect
them from even email!

THAT is what we are talking about here,
and not the bunch of sub-idiotic suckers and assorted wannbies,
those nobodies, trying all they can to look like they are
everybodies here.

Their chicken minds can not even BEGIN to comprehend
what they are dealing with. They, in their wildest dreams,
can not comprehend the value and significance of usenet
in global information exchange.

How could a 3 feet tall totalitarian dictator could
even BEGIN to comprehend it?
Escapes mind mind entirely.

How many of dictators throughout history of times
were taller than 4 feet?

Well, you can count them on one finger!

And now follows the OFFICIAL FAQ on what big-8 was upto now.
It was originally published back in 1999 or so.
Still valid, to the last dot and comma.

Have fun...


May be not.
Read it in New World Order Guidelines for...

More fun to come.
I promise.

Big-8 CEO
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-26 02:20:45 UTC
Power hungry megalomaniacs always crave for power, domination and oppressioin.

The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2007-02-17 01:03:25 UTC
ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
the group-***@isc.org is the only valid address
regarding the big-8 group creation/status,


If you do not remove the requirement for PGP signature
and From address of group-***@isc.org,
you, effectively, become an active participant
in this neo-nazi dictatorship and actively support
this Stalinist style "committee".

Nothing more.
Nothing less...

Not only that, but you ALL suppot this totalitarian system
actively. You are ALL destroying the very chair you are
sitting on. Just because you are lazy and wouldn't want
to see the real things from real people.
Instead, you simply allow these nazis run YOUR business.

Nothing more,
nothing less...

Ever heard of WWII or Stalinist Russia?
Ever heard of Siberia?


You ALL feed this ugliest trip imaginable.
And you also gorge on that so called power you have over
your customers, as your lil puppet minds enjoy shutting
down the accounts of those, who do not submit to this
humongous totalitarian conspiracy you are all participating in.

Because your boss could care less of how many accounts
you shot down as they wouldn't even BEGIN to imagine
dealing with all those "mortals". Just about the ONLY
thing they crave for, is the dollar bills arriving automatically
from those very customers, who they delude
into believing that what is advertized on their main web page,
is what those customers are going to get, which is nothing
further from the truth.

They do not feel obliged to propagate your articles beyond
their own facilities. They do not feel obliged to carry ALL
the alt.* hierarchy, because of this ugly big-8 excuse,
thinking that if they carry this ugliest nazi hierarchy,
they do not have to bother about carrying anything else.

Not only that, but they support this nazi dictatorship
explicitly by keeping the news server configuration files
according to herr fuehrer original designs.

They could care less if they see the control messages
from real people, be it world known scientists, proffessionals
of all kinds, artists, musicians, other creative people,
philosophers, writers and on and on and on.

Just about ALL they feel obliged to carry, is this nazi
version of the Universe.

They ACTIVELY support this ugly setup and convert
the oldest groups into a dominated status, they call
"moderation", and covert them in place.

They are willingly accept the control messages from
the only "authorized" party, and that is this nazi clique
of self-appointed dictators.

They create groups that violate the MAJOR principles
in OPEN PUBLIC FORUMS, which is what usenet is
and was designed to be on the first place.

Instead, they accept the PGP signed checkgroup and other
control messages, issued by the puppets of the US military
and intelligence agencies, being fed by those very agencies
and performing various "projects" for them, such as those,
Russ Allbery was working on for years, and, specifically,
the unbreakable identification protocols that will allow to
identify the users and send/receive just about ANY information
from their computers during the initial handshake when they go on line
or do the DNS querries.

WHO created this NWO style "project"?

Well, the US military and intelligence agencies,
who, in their turn, are nothing but puppets in the hands
of those, who rule the world, such as Skull and Bones
super-secret society, where Adolph Bush and his father,
George Bush, the senior, are active members,
illuminati super-secret society, who considers a mankind
to be a herd of sheep, utterly blind, to be led to "enlightenment",
the highest, 33 degree Freemasons, who control the most powerful
and influential seats in Congress, the Supreme Court justices,
those puppet appointees, the media moguls, controlling your
minds, the energy industry, diamonds and gold, the financial
world, the biggest and baddest of them all, computer companies,
control your stupid phone, your internet, your logs
and just about anyting imaginable and unimaginable,
even in the wildest dreams.

The New World Order, this horrendous NWO thing,
is of their own design, they pursue for centuries.
The model where the whole world is divided into two
classes, the "elite" and the slaves, LITERALLY.
There is not to be a middle class.
There is not to be any opposition.
Those, who do not agree with their agenda,
can be killed in a broad day light, right smack in the
middle of your favorite downtown, for no reason whatsoever,
and it is not just some delusionial lunacy.
It IS a reality even at this very junction.

Right now, ANY of you could be killed in a broad day light,
and a plastic sticker stuck on your forhead saying:
Terrorist Suspect.

You see?

What does it mean?
Well, just about ANYTHING they want to put into it.
Never mind, that it isn't even clear on what basis one
was labeled as a "terrorist suspect" and according to
what principles and according to what information.

Even at this very junction, these satanists destroyed
the Constitution of the United States. What is left of it,
isn't even worth mentioning. ALL the major provisions,
people gave their lives for, are wiped out clean.

Right now, Adolph Bush has UNLIMITED powers to do
just about ANYTHING he pleases, and he is nothing less,
than a pathological killer and a sadist, who is known from
his childhood years to enjoy killing. He is also a pervert,
visiting some private sado/masochistic clubs, to gorge on
all sorts of perversions. This man has a mind of a two year
old and reality is but a dream to him. Not even clear he
realizes that he exists.

And you ALL supported this monster, even though you
were told beforehand what is going to happen if you
elect him, which did happen EXACTLY as was pronounced.
Dig up the archives. It is all on the public record, distributed

You simply blindly submbit to this horrendous perversion
and "could care less", because it is not you, who got slothered
in a broad day light for no reason whatsoever, just like
it was done in the fascist Germany or Stalinist Russia,
where people were killed by tens of millions.


But YOU?
Oh, that is not "your problem", right?
Just about the ONLY thing you want is your paycheck.
So, you are willing to go as far as to become literal slaves,
just for that stinky paycheck, as they constantly brainwash
you with the ideas that you are nobody without them,
that you are nothing but a biorobot, programmed to LITERAL
oblivion by the constant jamming of your mind
with the most primitive and idiotic templates,
consisting of just few words, and you accept it as granted,
as something real, just like Adolph Hitler discovered:

"Any lie, repeated long enough,
eventually becomes truth".
-- Adolph Hitler.

You sit there on your sofa with a six pack of plastic bear,
and watch that idiot box, they call TV, where all these
sick nazis jam your mind 24 hrs/day with the most horrendous
violence, perversions, destruction, mind control, and on and on
and on, and you call it "excitement", a "show", an "action"movie.
Meanwhile, your brain is conditioned to accept this satanism
as reality and all those criminals, who rule your sorry output holes,
as your true "leaders".

YOU give them power.
YOU accept them for what they claim to be,
lying their rotten shark teeth off every time
they open their sucky input holes.
YOU give them the authority.
YOU hand them your own lives
to be manipulated in ANY way they please.

It is YOU, who is feeding all this monstrocity.

And you sit there, "excited" in this zombified state,
thinking this is a real joy of live.

What a disgrace to a human intelligence!
What a puppet world you all support and live in!
What a waste of human potential!

So, you, news admins, remember this real well,
as blood is on your hands also,
as silent supporters of this most outrageous nazi setup
in the entire history of Usenet.

Big-8 has been handed off to a clique of totalitarian dictator
wannabies, the Stalinist style, calling themselves B8MB
(Big-8 Management Board), by the previous nazi,
Russ Allbery, fuehrer of big-8, who has done more to destroy
usenet than anyone in the entire history, including hipcrime.
He, in his turn, was appointed by the previous nazi
pervert, David Lawrence, aka tale, one of the most blatant
and poisonous perverts imaginable. That pahological liar,
who put all sorts of poisonous tricks, lies and excuses into
his own dictates, he called the "guidelines for new creation

Both of these people are associated with the ISC, www.isc.org
(Internet Software Consortium), sponsored in part by the
US military and intelligence agencies, such as DISA
(Defense Information Systems Agency) working, among other
things, on the issues of global electronic warfare.

The "official", "authorized" PGP signed key to sign the
control messages belongs to ISC, and, effectively to
the US military and intelligence apparatus.

Russ Allbery, who is the maintainer of one of the most popular
news server sortware packages, called INN, put all sorts of
tricks into a default configuration files to make it impossible
for anyone but himself to post the control messages regarding
big-8, thus making the whole big-8 to effectively belong to him.

And the ugliest and most outrageous thing of this all,
is that unless the control messages are signed with
group-***@isc.org address and unless they are signed
with a PGP key, they are not even seen by the news admins
as they are simply get filtered out. That is the way Russ Allbery
designed it and that is what he spent literally years on.

He, among other things, is controlling the entire information
system at Standord University, USA, which is one of the
most influential information systems in the world.
Stanford is where this Hover Institution is, and that is where
humongous archives on the entire human history are kept
among other things. You can not even enter that department
unless you have a special authorization cards. There is information
in those archives on just about anyone in human history
of any significance. All sorts of stuff. And Russ Allbery
is sitting on their main wire to the world, and vast amounts
of information flow thru Stanford facilities.

You can't even BEGIN to imagine what you are dealing with.

Thus, these Stalinist style nazis effectively took over big-8,
the most widely propagated set of hierarchies in the whole
world and made it their "private property" and made it
an outlet of their nazi propaganda.

They actively support this totalitarian perversion,
called "moderation", where any opinion that does not
align with the opinion of that local ruling dictator,
is junked upon arrival.

It hard to imagine how much of the most brilliant insights
of the mankind were destroyed by these mouth foaming
blood boiling, and utterly intolerant fascist censors.

They even went as far, as to convert one of the oldest
groups in the entire history of usenet, the very root
of the entire AI (Artificial Intelligence) hierarchy into
a "moderated" group, controlled by the self-admitted
nazi, David Kinny, who conducted a usual behind the
scenes campaign of lies and conspiracy and fabricated
five times more votes than there were actual participants
in the comp.ai group.

And AI is at the very core of those horrendous weapons
of mass destruction, the US military is filled to the brim with.
All those "smart bombs" and rockets, that are dumb enough
to hit the Chinese embacy need be, are all a product of AI.
AI is everywhere, going down to your phone and a washing

Now, these fascist censors had enough guts to give away
the very root of AI hierarchy to the most blatant nazi on

What do you call this?
Oh, "law and order",
the NWO style?

Thus, the VERY ROOT of entire ai hierarchy was made
a "private property" of this self-admitted nazi. As soon,
as he was made an "official" moderator by herr fuehrer,
Russ Allbery, the first thing was to post several posts,
openly stating that "from now on, the realities are different.
There will be whitelists of the blue blooded Aryan race,
whose articles will be automatically approved, regardless
of what kind of garbage those "blue blooded" post,
and there will be blacklists containing the names of
the "inferiour race", the filth of mankind, whose articles
will be automaticall junked upon arrival regardless of
how brilliant and insightful they are.

That nazi "moderator" went so far, that even herr fuehrer
was getting concerned, as the whole thing was so openly
and blatantly presented, that it was clear even to a five
year old what herr fuehrer signed into usenet "law"
and sent a control message approving it with his own hand.
So, the whole thing was directly endangering herr fuehrer

It even went as far, as some news admins and old timers
were getting concerned about it and, after doing some
research of their own, came to the same conclusion:

The group was literally killed.
Just look up the archives for the period of 1998-2001
on comp.ai and see for yourself how much and what kind
of messages are there on comp.ai. Clear to a five year old.

This is ALL on a public record in the years of 1999-2000.

Again, Russ Allbery with his own hand sent out a PGP
signed control message to change about the OLDEST
HIERARCHY to make it a private property of that
self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, the "moderator" of


Thus, the blood is on their hands also.

As a result, what was an active group, became the land of
desolation. Practically all discussions ceased and a group
was converted into a marketing outlet.



Takeover of one of the oldest open public forums!

Nothing less.
Nothing more...

That nazi "moderator" even went as far, as to explicitly
prohibit any and all discussions on the subject of Lisp language,
considered by Marvin Minsky, one of the founding fathers of
AI, to be the language of AI. Thus, that nazi with an amoeba
sized brain, prohibited even the father of AI to talk on the subject
of the AI language "until the next millenium"...
(a literal quote by David Kinny)


These Stalinist style dictators regularly post their own inventions
and fabrications, filled to the brim with the most poisonous lies
and perversion, they call "official guidelines" in news.groups and
several other major groups in news.* hierarchy, they also
"moderate", where all the "newbies" read their dictates and take
it as something "official", not even realizing they are being fed the
totalitarian garbage of the lowest grade.

Those so called faqs are filled with all sorts of tricks and
lies, giving these nazis ALL the power to do ANYTHING
THEY please, and, at the same time, putting all sorts of
escape clauses in those totalitarian dictates that literally
make them UTTERLY irresponsible for their own actions.

They do just about anything imaginable, such as forging
people's articles, spamming like crazy, forging identities,
perverting the very nature of someone else's posts, and
on and on and on. ALL on a public record.

In his not so famous rants condemning usenet, which is a
system of OPEN FORUMS, he openly states that usenet
is not good as it is, and it should be replaced by his own ivention,
Usenet 2 (www.usenet2.org), where each and every hierarchy
is ruled by the local "tsar". LITERALLY, as that is how this nazi
thinks. And he, being the super-tsar of the whole Usenet 2 model,
hand picks and appoints those local "tsars".

All the groups and hierarchies are to be made "moderated",
meaning totally controlled by these nazis.

Naturally, totalitarian dictator hand picks his followers and
appoints them to replace him when it becomes abandantly clear
who he is and what are his deeds.

In a democratic society, these nazis APPOINT each other!
What kind of democracy is this?

Or this delusional world of big-8 is not subject to democratic

So, this nazi Russ, passed the "power" to this Stalinist type
B8MB, which is an exact equivalent of Stalinist committees
that pronounced dead sentences to tens of millions of their
own people and destroyed the entire intelligencia class, the
leading scientists, academicians, musicians, poets, writers,
artists, doctors, engineers and plenty of other professionals,
who literally gave away their lives, working non-stop days and
nights, trying to help their own country and their own people
to be more advanced, more educated, richer, more civilized,
more developed and more democratic.

Now, these B8MB nazis are on a public record for admitting
themselves who they are and how do they think the usenet
is to function and what are those rules that ought to be
pronounced as the "official" rules, guidelines and regulations.

So, these impostors and pretenders, with the bloodied hands
of the previous fuehrer, Russ, created a "moderated" group
to discuss the issues of group creation and group status, thus
violating just about the oldest tradition of usenet of discussing
any and all issues related to usenet in news.groups,
SPECIFICALLY dedicated to such discussions.

So, they created this "private property", ngp, and continously
delude people into believing that ngp is the ONLY "authorized"
place to have "official" discussions on the issues of group
creation and group status.

Thus, this Stalinist type closed "committee" of nazis can squash
ANY and ALL views that do not align with their nazi agenda
of dominating the biggest hierarchy there is, big-8, propagated
worldwide and carried by literally every news server on the

They even go as far, as to continuously post messages to
news.groups telling people not to discuss the issues of group
creation in news groups, which is the real group to discuss
such issues. These corrupt nazis keep telling everybody that
all "official" discussions are to be carried out in their own
"private property", ngp, a disgrace to the very notion of usenet.

How could the issues of OPEN PUBLIC forums be discussed
in someone's "private property"? But these nazis seem to be
completely "out to lunch" with their sickness, just like zombies,
sleep walkers.

They talk language of corporate world and parliamentary
principles as they are utterly obscessed with this sick power
trip of dominating others and would like the whole big-8
look like some corporation or some corrupt "parliament".

But they are all nothing more than puppets.
Puppets in the hands of that herr fuehrer Russ Allbery,
who, after being totally disgraced, posted a few pathetic
posts in news.groups, telling everyone how he loved them
all and announced his "retirement".

Can you imagine that?
Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin
get on the podium and tell everyone how they LOVED everyone?
Just as you current fuehrer, Adolph Bush, does
and you all eat it yammy yam yammy.
Give me more of that!

But this was all nothing but lies, as he did not "retire" at all.
He still holds the PGP signature key to big-8,
and HE HIMSELF is the only one that does issue the
control messages.

So, the way these nazi tricks work is simple:
He simply faded away into a background and hand picked
this new Stalinist committee to do the dirty work for him.


These pathetic, power hungry wannabies tell everyone that
they are the "real" rulers of big-8 and they LITERALLY
own it, even though, in reality, they are but a bunch of
puppets in herr fuehrer's hands.
The way they behave on news.groups is well beyond
obscene. They ASSUME that news.groups is their "property"
also. According to their crooked view of reality, the only
thing that matters is themselves, and any and all other
views or opinions are merely irrelevant and insignificant
in the crooked scheme of things they keep pushing for
and trying to convince others as to validity of it all.

The arrogance and blatantness of theirs is on the par with utter
lunacy of a completely insane and a pathologically sick

So, with this trick, herr fuehrer does not have to dirty his hands
in more blood, and deal with all those "clueless", "newbies"
and mere mortals. But ALL the effective "power", be it purely
imaginary, belongs to him and him only.

How do you like THAT fer breakfast, lunch and dinner?

One might wonder, what kind of a retirement is this?
Who is he kidding?
Does he think the entire mankind completely lost their
brains as a result of endless and relentless brainwashing,
and have no ability to figure out who is who and
what is what?

Knowing him well enough, it is clear, that he will never
relinguish his grip on "power", until he finally goes
capoonct and the last showel of soil is thrown into his grave
by his own nazi followers, crying with their crocodile tears
about loosing such a "honorable" "hero" of usenet, and,
meanwhile, laughing at the whole thing, thinking to themselves
"oh, finally, this suckazoid is dead.
Now I am the real ruler".

But, these nazi puppets do not realize that Russ is not just
some idiot, but a very experienced dictator, and if these
lil suckers think they are the "rulers" now, they do not
realize that they'd have to cut each other's throats before,
finally, one of them will remain in "power". The dictatorial
power can not be shared, by definition.

He simply entrapped his own hand picked appointees
and puppets and is going to laugh even in his own grave,
at how he screwed everybody and how much he enjoys his
satanist trip of domination, blatant perversion and virtual

This man alone has done so much damage to usenet
by continously destroying all the groups that are not in line
with his nazi nature, that vast amounts of people simply
left usenet, realizing how hopeless this whole trip is, and,
after being insulted, rediculed, harassed, opressed, and
spit in the face, they had no choice but to simply run away,
and run away in shame and defeat, as they are trully
clueless and took this humongous nazi setup as something
real, because their brains can not function independently.

Every place they look, they see some "authority", telling
them how to think, how to walk, how to classify things,
what is what, who is who, what are the "official" "rules",
and what are the dictates to follow, and follow blindly,
obidiently and unquestionably, like they were the word
of God.

What a miserable state of affairs you all support,
you all feed, you all submit to.

You live in democratic societies, but your sorry output hole
is ruled by the most perverted sadists, totalitarian dictators
and assorted nazis, and you ALL support it, because you don't
really know who you are. You need to be TOLD how to think,
how to walk, how to classify things, what is "good" and what
is "bad".

Now, how many of you can tell me what is "good"?
From what standpoint?
According to whose dictatorial principles?
According to whose desires and interests?
In what context?
In what time frame?
In what environment?


Big-8 CEO.
2007-02-17 23:06:12 UTC
What is B8MB (Big 8 Management Board)?

Before we begin, we need to mention this new version of
big-8 "ruling elite", so called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
This clique was hand picked by the previous totalitrian dictator
Russ Allbery to do the dirty work of dealing with all the
"clueless" and "newbies", who come to news.groups interested in
creating some group.

Russ Allbery is associated with ISC (Internet Software Consortium),
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies, such as
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency), working on issues
of global electronic warfare among other things.

The PGP signed key, used to sign the control messages for
group creation and removal, is newgroups-***@isc.org,
which clearly indicates that isc.org is the ONLY "authorized"
party to issue the control messages to be recognized by news
admins worldwide.

Interestingly enough, Russ Allbery is a maintainer of one of
the most widely used news server software, INN. So, being a
totalitarian dictator he is, he placed the information into
the INN configuration files in such a way that news admins
do not even see the control messages arriving at their site
unless those messages originate from newgroups-***@isc.org,
and, to make it a double armor protection, they have to be
PGP signed, meaning they can not be forged, and if they are not
signed, the news admins do not even see those messages on their
screen, because they are prefiltered before he even knows it.

And isc.org is owned by whom?


In a democratic world, we have a global information system
controlled by the US military and intelligence. They can just
remove the whole big-8 in seconds if they wish during the times
of "emergencies", they themselves create. Because THEY are the
ones that have the "golden key" to "power" over big-8.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse.
The wildest thing of all this is that ANYBODY can issue these
control messages using their newsreader. There are no prohibitions
according to various RFCs on this subject. There is nothing "illegal"
about it. But these crooks created the whole system in such a way
that only the totalitarian dictators of their kind have a chance
to send the control messages that will be seen by the news admins
wordwide, on the most propagated hierarchy there is, big-8,
carried by every single provider in the world.

News admins better realize what they are supporting with this
arrangement and change their configuration files to make sure
that not only military and intelligence agencies puppets can
issue the controls that will even be seen by them.

This is not a joke, by ANY means.

Russ Allbery, who holds that "golden key" to sign the newgroup
control messages to create a group, was actively involved in
big-8 "management" scam for many years. He is a totalitarian
dictator of the pure grade as evidenced by his pet project
code named Usenet-2, www.usenet2.org (if it is still around).
His not so famous rants about the essential principles of democracy
and a need to create a totally dictatorial version of usenet,
where each hierarchy and a group were literally dominated by
the local "tsars", LITERALLY, show in no uncertain terms who
this man is. Written by his own hand.

This man does not think that Usenet should be open to uncensored
and open discussions and forums and everything should be
controlled by these "tsars", hand picked by himself,
as he envisions himself as a super-tsar, sick as it gets.

In that scheme, all groups and hierarchies are "moderated".
For those, who do not fully comprehend what this "moderation"
thing is all about, there are couple of things to realize.
First of all, the "moderated" groups are effectively a "property"
of "moderator", and vast majority of those "moderators" are just
about the most immoderate people you can find. That is why they
crave to become a "moderator" on the first place.

Most of them are mouth foaming, blood boiling and the most
intolerant people there are. Vast majority of them are pathological
liars and about the cunniest crooks you can find any place.
You don't become a "moderator" if you are simply a honest man.
You'd be the very last entry on the list of candidates,
if you ever get there on the first place.

Now, usenet, from the day one was conceived as a collection
of free public forums. The MAIN principle of usenet is

FACILITATION of discussions.

Yes. And this "moderation" trick is used for what?
For DIS-facilitation of discussions where some intolerant,
blood boiling idiot, decides what the world should see on
"his" group, as it is his property.

This ugly "moderation" thing went as far, as converting one
of the oldest groups in history, predating usenet as such,
comp.ai, which is the very root of entire AI hierarchy and
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is one of the most important
aspects of modern world. All these "smart" bombs and rockets,
and the most devastating weapons of mass destruction
are controlled by AI technology. AI technology is just about
any place you look down to your phone and washing machine.

So, that self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, who conned people
into supporting him in his desire to "moderate" the very
root of entire ai hierarchy, using behind the scenes email
campaigns resulting in totally obscene "vote" counts, was
eventually successful in converting the entire AI hierarchy
into "moderated" one. So, not many of you know that this
nazi now controls the global usenet information system on AI

Now, since he took over comp.ai, which was an active group
before, virtually all the discussions ceased and most of what
is published on that group is advertizements, which is totally
obscene. There are special groups for advertizements and
various announcements, he could have created a comp.ai.announce,
in accordance to widely known usenet tradition and principle.

The first thing he did is to publicly announce that from now on,
the "realites are different". There will be blacklists,
for the "inferior race" of people, and whitelists, for the
pure blooded Aryan kind.

The articles posted by thoose, who are on the blacklist,
will be junked upon arrival regardless of how brilliant
their ideas are or how insightful are their views,
and the articles posted by the blue blooded, will be posted
regardless of their content, be it utter delusion, lunacy
of the most profound magnitude, spam, marketing garbage
or whatsoever.

He even went as far as to explicitly prohibit ANY discussions
on the Lisp language, considered by Marvin Minsky, one of the
founding fathers of AI, DA language of AI, thus prohibiting
no one less than Marvin Minsky himself from discussing these

And who is this intellectual pigmy, a self-admitted nazi,
David Kinny? I happen to review one of the "research" projects
and University Of Mellbourne, Australia where he worked on it.
It was such profound idiocy, it is well beyond belief
that anyone in their clear mind would even publish that garbage.
It was on the stone age level, full of utter idiocy.
There wasn't even a SINGLE point of validity in it.
It was all delusions and concuctions that could never work
in principle. It would be even more wild if he received any
funding for that so called project.

This blood boiling and mouth foaming nazi, who went after
my throat in virtual terms and wasted months of his time
trying to dig up some dirt on me, went throuh piles and piles
of archive articles by me, and, after all this waste,
all he was able to come up with is...

Allegedly my real name!

Wow! That bites.
And even if that name is my real name,
what does it tell the world?
That me is me?
But what ELSE did he find after all that waste of time?
Well, the radio goes static...

You can dig up the archives on subject "Remove moderation from comp.ai"
and see the whole trip in action. It was quite a trip indeed.

And THESE are the so called moderators.

And the most rediculous thing is that the comp.ai was
made "moderated" because...

Because of ME!


Yup, yup. That stinky nazi told it to the whole world himself.
It is all on Google. I didn't even know that happened
as i never participated on comp.ai directly beyond following
some crossposts to comp.ai.philosophy that i participated in
at that time.

Once I learned it, I went to news.groups and started
discussing this utter ugliness.

That is how it all started.
And then i have seen what kind of system this big-8 is.
It was rotten to the bone and marrow. That nazi Russ
openly declared that "it is good that big-8 is unmovable
like a rock". Thats the way it OUGHT to be!

What can one say?

Zig hail!
So i said to myself: well, looks like we've got some job
to do to clean this poisonous garbage dump, filled to the
brim with all sorts of sub-idiotic sadists, torturing
those "clueless" and "newbies" for months on, telling them
how to spell, how to think, how to name things, what "faqs"
to read, and what dictates to follow. All sorts of crap.

It went as far, as to redicule, insult, humiliate,
harass and abuse even the scientists, physicists,
mathematicians and other professionals, openly laughing
at them. Yes, those people were "clueless", as they couln't
even BEGIN to comprehend what they are dealing with.
They thought it is a simple thing and they know their
business better than any donkey on news.groups,
but by the time they were totally himiliated and abused,
they just dissapeared into thin air.

The same thing happened just recently with one of the
physicists who was interested in creating a perfectly
valid group on foundations of physics. What is wrong with that?
These perverts created a group for the sexual perverts
with a SINGLE proponent, within a couple of days.
This NEVER ever happened in the entire history of usenet.

But when the scientific expert wanted to create a group,
they tortured, humiliated, rediculed and openly insulted
him, calling him a kook and a lunatic, asking him to bring
the evidence of his credentials, signed by the noble prize
laureats kinda.

I could not believe my eyes when i saw all that orgy.
Eventually, he simply left, utterly insulted and abused.
That orgy was conducted by this so called B8MB clique
of sadists, talking about "parliamentary rules",
"corporate boards", "proceedings", and "investigations".

These people are simply sick.
Their puppet minds can only think in terms of megalomaniacal
concepts or corporate wannabe issues.
But why don't they go and try their luck in the REAL
corporate world or REAL parliament?

These slimy nobodies and intellectual pigmeys,
foaming at their mouth, yelling to the whole world
that THEY are the real "power", THEY are the real
"owners" of nothing less than big-8 itself, the most
propagated hierarchy.

They even claim the ownership of news.groups.
Their megalomaniacal tendencies are clear to a five year old.
I bet they think there is no one left with functioning brains
in the world. Everyone is just a dummy like themselves
and all they understand is coka cola and macdonalds.

I mean, this is a stoned age stuff.

These people need medical attention.
They are totally delusional.
Sleep walkers it seems.

WHO allowed that nazi David Kinny to convert and open public
forum, and not only that, but the root of entire hierarchy,
into his "private property"?

Well, ask Russ Allbery, as HE was the exclusive fuehrer of
big-8 at that time and HE was the ONLY person who held the
key to issue a control message, and HE HIMSELF sent that message.

That nazi gave away the control to one of the most important
public forums in the entire usenet history to some other nazi.

It is just like Adolph Bush issues a declaration that the people
can not gather in public places unless he "authorizes" such

Then what is democracy on the first place?

Can democracy be ruled by nazis and totalitarian dictators
of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin kind?


All the articles you post to "moderated" groups, are automatically
forwarded to a "moderator" address and he decides wether to allow
those articles to be posted.

Now, Russ Allbery, in his turn, was hand picked by the previous
totalitarian dictator, David Lawrence, aka tale, also directly
associated with ISC, owned by you know whom.

These dictators regularly publish their "FAQs", which are nothing
more than a set of poisonous lies, fabrications and invntions
of all kind, meant to delude the "clueless" and "newbies" into
believing that those faqs are the "official", "authorized"
intepretation of what big-8 is.
They put all sorts of cunning lies and excuses into those faqs,
and unless you know how this whole thing works, you won't even
realize you are being trapped by this sticky slime thing.

In small print, they say: the group MAY be created
(even after a "successful result", meaning there was
enough "votes" to win").


May or may not.
Depends on what?
Well, the direction of the wind inside that empty cockpit
of herr fuehrer, Russ Allbery with a "dimly lit kerosine
lamp between his ears".



Eventually, Russ Allbery, that crawling totalitarian worm,
having enough guts to insult the very symbols of his own country,
calling himself an eagle, has disgraced himself to the point,
where he had no choice but to ran away in shame.
So, he wrote a couple of pathetic articles where he thanked
everyone for ...
and told them how he loves them, just like Stalin,
Hitler, Musolini, Alexander Da Great, Ghingis Khan, Timurlen,
and hundreds of other violent sadists that killed people by
the millions.

Stalin even went as far as to kill over 20 million of his own
people. He totally destroyed the intelligencia class,
word famed scientists, academicians, doctors, artists, writers,
doctors, engineers and you name it, and those people contributed
so much to their own country, it is hard to imagine. Most of them
dedicated their lives and worked days and nights to help the
society to become better, more open, more intelligent, more
technologically developed, healthier, richer and more advanced.
They deserve monuments in the main squares of the world capitols,
and instead, they were tortured, killed or sent to Siberia
to die of starvation, deseases, carrying the bolders on their
shoulders in sub-artic environmental conditions
to build that "communism", which is an excersize in this
New World Order thing, NWO, carried out by the Illuminati.

And these blood boiling nazis and totalitarian dictators
rule your world?

Back to that nazi Russ.
His announcement that he is going to "retire" from ruling
the big-8 and disengage himself from even participating in
news.groups was just a trick. He simply faded into
background, so he does not have to deal with mere "mortals".

But he never religuished the REAL control as he is the only
one that holds that PGP key. To this day, HE is the one
who issues the control messages.

So, he hand picked a new clique of totalitarian dictator
wannabies and blood boiling nazis to "replace" him.
And now, they keep telling everyone in every single post
that they are the "rulers", the "authorized" and "official"
party that literally OWNS the entire big-8 hierarchy.
They crated their own "rules" and "regulations" and present
them as something "official" and they keep deluding everyone
into believing this is so.

But WHO "authorized" them?
WHO voted for them?
WHO elected them?

In what democratic system the "authorized" officials
are APPOINTED, and appointed by well known dictator,
the evidence of which is on record, globally distributed
and available to anyone with a simple mouse click?

Or is that New World Order a governing reality from now on?
What happened to democracy?
What happened to the Constitution?

And just about ALL they do and CAN possibly do,
is to torture those "clueless" and "newbies".
These nazi perverts even went as far as to destroy nearly
every single usenet principle that existed.

Accoring to usenet practice, the groups were created after
a public "vote" by the usenet audience in general, which was
a scam on the first place. But at least it looked like
something democratically looking, at least on paper.
Never mind, that behind all that stood the totalitarian dictator,
a blood boiling nazi.

So, these new conmen, calling themselves B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
started with creating a new group, news.grups.proposals (ngp)
and made it "moderated" using the blood stained hands of that
nazi Russ, and they DID create it. And they even tried to make
it look like it was supported by the usenet audience,
cunning as it gets. All on record, all on Google archives.

That is about the MOST perverted and openly dictatorial event
in the entire usenet history. Because they created a group
that they TOTALLY control, to discuss the issues of PUBLIC forums.
On a "private property", which is what "moderated" groups are.

Now, can you imagine, in your wildest dreams, that you discuss
the issues of global public concern on somebody's private property?
You must be totally out of your mind in that case.
First of all, they can just throw you on your ears,
if you squick too much. Or they can just shoot your between
the eyes making it look like you attacked them on their private

Who, in his clear mind would go to such a group to discuss the
issue of creating a PUBLIC open forum?

This "moderation" trick was done SPECIFICALLY to destroy any
and all opinions but those that align with their crooked
totalitarian view of the Universe.

Furthermore, they keep publishing the articles on the root
groups of entire usenet hierarchy, telling everyone that from
now on, all the discussions on group creation and status are
to be "officially" discussed in their private property.
They, though the blooded hands of that Russ, control several
news.* groups, meant to inform the new users to usenet of
general things on how to use it and so on.

Now, from the very beginning of usenet, there was a group,
specifically dedicated to these issues, news.grups, an open,
unmoderated forum where people can come and discuss the issues
related to usenet as such.

Not only that, but these arrogant nazis tell everyone that
on "moderated" group, "moderator" can do ANYTHING he pleases,
including the copyright violations, modifying the articles
submitted to be posted to the group, forging the article
author, just like that new "tsar" wannabe, Tim Skirvin does,
reposting someone elses posts, spamming like crazy,
not using the NNTP-Posting-Host to hide their real identity,
and on and on and on.

These are the criminally minded perverts and sadists,
those loosers, that never had any real joy in their miserable
lives and, being perverts they are, try to replace the real
joy with the sadistic joy of torturing others.

And these are you "rulers"?

Planet Earth,
Planet Earth,
Anybody home?

Oh, static again.....



Come in, Pleeeze.

We're nuking da house of da white mouse as per yer royal

Can you pleeeze turn off the lights in da Washington DC?
Just fer a couple of hours?


The question naturally arises: what is the need for this ngp thing?
What is it for?
What is the problem of discussing the issues of public interest
and concern in public, in news.groups as is known to the whole
world as a central place to discuss usenet related things?

These power hungry perverts with megalomaniacal tendencies,
these bunch of nobodies, who work their rears off to make it
look like they are everybodies on usenet, are but a bunch of
puppets of the real fuehrer, who stands in shade behind their
backs, and pushes that PGP signed button,
and that is that Godfather Of Brainwashing, Russ Allbery,
as HE is the one that holds any "power", be it imaginary and

This clique of impostors, pretenders and wannabies are just
a bunch of puppets, who came here to gain "power" over others
and "fame" in their never ending search for self-propotion,
as they MUST feel like nobodies if they crave to become

It is just a plain complex of inferiority, just like in any
other totalitarian dictator throughout the history of mankind.

But they ARE nobodies.
They have no power whatsoever.
Their whole trip is meant to torture people for months,
making it as difficult, if not impossible to create a new group,
a stinky group that does not change anything.

At a time when people are running away from usenet,
just because of this exact reason, among other things,
these nazis do all they can to make it even more difficult.

And they use the corporate and parliamentary notions,
creating their "official" dictates, "rules" and "regulations"?
What kind of a corporate mind is that?
Trying to destroy his own corporation in a record time?

THAT is their REAL contribution to big-8 and Usenet as such.


If these self-appointed nobodies can call themselves the
B8MB, I call myself a Big-8 CEO, and will issue various
pronouncements, proclamations and declarations that are
equally valid, if not more so, to their fabrications and lies.

The first thing, I thereby declare that this so called B8MB
is just a bunch of the same old dictator wannabies.
They are nothing more than criminally minded impostors
and pretenders.

ALL their "faqs", "rules" and "regulations" are thus


carrying not meaning and bearing
no significance on big-8 or Usenet, whatsoever.

Anyone is welcome to talk to these donkeys fer the entertainment
value. That is not a problem at all, but to take them
as something real, you must be totally out of your mind
and utterly clueless.

ANYONE can issue the same "rules" and "regulations",
and publish the "official" faqs till their noses go blue.

There were plenty of people in history of usenet declaring
themselves to be the "rulers", but about the most successful
one of them all was Hipcrime. He fought his battle for years
and converted their main groups into a garbage dump,
totally devastating their entire enterprises.
For years on.
All the news admins in the world knew about him,
but no one ever caught him or was able to do anything to him.
It went as far, as that SPUTUM gangs of virtual terrorists
announced and implemented the UDP (Usenet Death Penalty)
on the entire continent of India!

Nothing less,
nothing more.

And the continent of India happens to be where over 40 percent
of the most advanced software development takes place.
A significant amount of that traffic and information exchange
happens via Usenet. The problem solutions, discussions of new
technologies, bug fixes and on and on and on. It is all USENET!


Those virtual terrorists, having connections with some of the
biggest network providers and carriers on a global scale,
simply disconnected the entire continent of India from
Usenet, and, within a few hours, threatened to disconnect
them from even email!

THAT is what we are talking about here,
and not the bunch of sub-idiotic suckers and assorted wannbies,
those nobodies, trying all they can to look like they are
everybodies here.

Their chicken minds can not even BEGIN to comprehend
what they are dealing with. They, in their wildest dreams,
can not comprehend the value and significance of usenet
in global information exchange.

How could a 3 feet tall totalitarian dictator could
even BEGIN to comprehend it?
Escapes mind mind entirely.

How many of dictators throughout history of times
were taller than 4 feet?

Well, you can count them on one finger!

And now follows the OFFICIAL FAQ on what big-8 was upto now.
It was originally published back in 1999 or so.
Still valid, to the last dot and comma.

Have fun...


May be not.
Read it in New World Order Guidelines for...

More fun to come.
I promise.

Big-8 CEO
2007-02-17 23:19:53 UTC
The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2007-03-27 22:58:54 UTC
Totalitarian censors always try to destroy any and all opinions
but their own to make sure nobody knows the real story.

What is B8MB (Big 8 Management Board)?

Before we begin, we need to mention this new version of
big-8 "ruling elite", so called B8MB (Big 8 Management Board).
This clique was hand picked by the previous totalitrian dictator
Russ Allbery to do the dirty work of dealing with all the
"clueless" and "newbies", who come to news.groups interested in
creating some group.

Russ Allbery is associated with ISC (Internet Software Consortium),
sponsored by the US military and intelligence agencies, such as
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency), working on issues
of global electronic warfare among other things.

The PGP signed key, used to sign the control messages for
group creation and removal, is newgroups-***@isc.org,
which clearly indicates that isc.org is the ONLY "authorized"
party to issue the control messages to be recognized by news
admins worldwide.

Interestingly enough, Russ Allbery is a maintainer of one of
the most widely used news server software, INN. So, being a
totalitarian dictator he is, he placed the information into
the INN configuration files in such a way that news admins
do not even see the control messages arriving at their site
unless those messages originate from newgroups-***@isc.org,
and, to make it a double armor protection, they have to be
PGP signed, meaning they can not be forged, and if they are not
signed, the news admins do not even see those messages on their
screen, because they are prefiltered before he even knows it.

And isc.org is owned by whom?


In a democratic world, we have a global information system
controlled by the US military and intelligence. They can just
remove the whole big-8 in seconds if they wish during the times
of "emergencies", they themselves create. Because THEY are the
ones that have the "golden key" to "power" over big-8.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse.
The wildest thing of all this is that ANYBODY can issue these
control messages using their newsreader. There are no prohibitions
according to various RFCs on this subject. There is nothing "illegal"
about it. But these crooks created the whole system in such a way
that only the totalitarian dictators of their kind have a chance
to send the control messages that will be seen by the news admins
wordwide, on the most propagated hierarchy there is, big-8,
carried by every single provider in the world.

News admins better realize what they are supporting with this
arrangement and change their configuration files to make sure
that not only military and intelligence agencies puppets can
issue the controls that will even be seen by them.

This is not a joke, by ANY means.

Russ Allbery, who holds that "golden key" to sign the newgroup
control messages to create a group, was actively involved in
big-8 "management" scam for many years. He is a totalitarian
dictator of the pure grade as evidenced by his pet project
code named Usenet-2, www.usenet2.org (if it is still around).
His not so famous rants about the essential principles of democracy
and a need to create a totally dictatorial version of usenet,
where each hierarchy and a group were literally dominated by
the local "tzars", LITERALLY, show in no uncertain terms who
this man is. Written by his own hand.

This man does not think that Usenet should be open to uncensored
and open discussions and forums and everything should be
controlled by these "tzars", hand picked by himself,
as he envisions himself as a super-tzar, sick as it gets.

In that scheme, all groups and hierarchies are "moderated".
For those, who do not fully comprehend what this "moderation"
thing is all about, there are couple of things to realize.
First of all, the "moderated" groups are effectively a "property"
of "moderator", and vast majority of those "moderators" are just
about the most immoderate people you can find. That is why they
crave to become a "moderator" on the first place.

Most of them are mouth foaming, blood boiling and the most
intolerant people there are. Vast majority of them are pathological
liars and about the cunniest crooks you can find any place.
You don't become a "moderator" if you are simply a honest man.
You'd be the very last entry on the list of candidates,
if you ever get there on the first place.

Now, usenet, from the day one was conceived as a collection
of free public forums. The MAIN principle of usenet is

FACILITATION of discussions.

Yes. And this "moderation" trick is used for what?
For DIS-facilitation of discussions where some intolerant,
blood boiling idiot, decides what the world should see on
"his" group, as it is his property.

This ugly "moderation" thing went as far, as converting one
of the oldest groups in history, predating usenet as such,
comp.ai, which is the very root of entire AI hierarchy and
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is one of the most important
aspects of modern world. All these "smart" bombs and rockets,
and the most devastating weapons of mass destruction
are controlled by AI technology. AI technology is just about
any place you look down to your phone and washing machine.

So, that self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, who conned people
into supporting him in his desire to "moderate" the very
root of entire ai hierarchy, using behind the scenes email
campaigns resulting in totally obscene "vote" counts, was
eventually successful in converting the entire AI hierarchy
into "moderated" one. So, not many of you know that this
nazi now controls the global usenet information system on AI

Now, since he took over comp.ai, which was an active group
before, virtually all the discussions ceased and most of what
is published on that group is advertizements, which is totally
obscene. There are special groups for advertizements and
various announcements, he could have created a comp.ai.announce,
in accordance to widely known usenet tradition and principle.

The first thing he did is to publicly announce that from now on,
the "realites are different". There will be blacklists,
for the "inferior race" of people, and whitelists, for the
pure blooded Aryan kind.

The articles posted by thoose, who are on the blacklist,
will be junked upon arrival regardless of how brilliant
their ideas are or how insightful are their views,
and the articles posted by the blue blooded, will be posted
regardless of their content, be it utter delusion, lunacy
of the most profound magnitude, spam, marketing garbage
or whatsoever.

He even went as far as to explicitly prohibit ANY discussions
on the Lisp language, considered by Marvin Minsky, one of the
founding fathers of AI, DA language of AI, thus prohibiting
no one less than Marvin Minsky himself from discussing these

And who is this intellectual pigmy, a self-admitted nazi,
David Kinny? I happen to review one of the "research" projects
and University Of Mellbourne, Australia where he worked on it.
It was such profound idiocy, it is well beyond belief
that anyone in their clear mind would even publish that garbage.
It was on the stone age level, full of utter idiocy.
There wasn't even a SINGLE point of validity in it.
It was all delusions and concuctions that could never work
in principle. It would be even more wild if he received any
funding for that so called project.

This blood boiling and mouth foaming nazi, who went after
my throat in virtual terms and wasted months of his time
trying to dig up some dirt on me, went throuh piles and piles
of archive articles by me, and, after all this waste,
all he was able to come up with is...

Allegedly my real name!

Wow! That bites.
And even if that name is my real name,
what does it tell the world?
That me is me?
But what ELSE did he find after all that waste of time?
Well, the radio goes static...

You can dig up the archives on subject "Remove moderation from comp.ai"
and see the whole trip in action. It was quite a trip indeed.

And THESE are the so called moderators.

And the most rediculous thing is that the comp.ai was
made "moderated" because...

Because of ME!


Yup, yup. That stinky nazi told it to the whole world himself.
It is all on Google. I didn't even know that happened
as i never participated on comp.ai directly beyond following
some crossposts to comp.ai.philosophy that i participated in
at that time.

Once I learned it, I went to news.groups and started
discussing this utter ugliness.

That is how it all started.
And then i have seen what kind of system this big-8 is.
It was rotten to the bone and marrow. That nazi Russ
openly declared that "it is good that big-8 is unmovable
like a rock". Thats the way it OUGHT to be!

What can one say?

Zig hail!
So i said to myself: well, looks like we've got some job
to do to clean this poisonous garbage dump, filled to the
brim with all sorts of sub-idiotic sadists, torturing
those "clueless" and "newbies" for months on, telling them
how to spell, how to think, how to name things, what "faqs"
to read, and what dictates to follow. All sorts of crap.

It went as far, as to redicule, insult, humiliate,
harass and abuse even the scientists, physicists,
mathematicians and other professionals, openly laughing
at them. Yes, those people were "clueless", as they couln't
even BEGIN to comprehend what they are dealing with.
They thought it is a simple thing and they know their
business better than any donkey on news.groups,
but by the time they were totally himiliated and abused,
they just dissapeared into thin air.

The same thing happened just recently with one of the
physicists who was interested in creating a perfectly
valid group on foundations of physics. What is wrong with that?
These perverts created a group for the sexual perverts
with a SINGLE proponent, within a couple of days.
This NEVER ever happened in the entire history of usenet.

But when the scientific expert wanted to create a group,
they tortured, humiliated, rediculed and openly insulted
him, calling him a kook and a lunatic, asking him to bring
the evidence of his credentials, signed by the noble prize
laureats kinda.

I could not believe my eyes when i saw all that orgy.
Eventually, he simply left, utterly insulted and abused.
That orgy was conducted by this so called B8MB clique
of sadists, talking about "parliamentary rules",
"corporate boards", "proceedings", and "investigations".

These people are simply sick.
Their puppet minds can only think in terms of megalomaniacal
concepts or corporate wannabe issues.
But why don't they go and try their luck in the REAL
corporate world or REAL parliament?

These slimy nobodies and intellectual pigmeys,
foaming at their mouth, yelling to the whole world
that THEY are the real "power", THEY are the real
"owners" of nothing less than big-8 itself, the most
propagated hierarchy.

They even claim the ownership of news.groups.
Their megalomaniacal tendencies are clear to a five year old.
I bet they think there is no one left with functioning brains
in the world. Everyone is just a dummy like themselves
and all they understand is coka cola and macdonalds.

I mean, this is a stoned age stuff.

These people need medical attention.
They are totally delusional.
Sleep walkers it seems.

WHO allowed that nazi David Kinny to convert and open public
forum, and not only that, but the root of entire hierarchy,
into his "private property"?

Well, ask Russ Allbery, as HE was the exclusive fuehrer of
big-8 at that time and HE was the ONLY person who held the
key to issue a control message, and HE HIMSELF sent that message.

That nazi gave away the control to one of the most important
public forums in the entire usenet history to some other nazi.

It is just like Adolph Bush issues a declaration that the people
can not gather in public places unless he "authorizes" such

Then what is democracy on the first place?

Can democracy be ruled by nazis and totalitarian dictators
of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin kind?


All the articles you post to "moderated" groups, are automatically
forwarded to a "moderator" address and he decides wether to allow
those articles to be posted.

Now, Russ Allbery, in his turn, was hand picked by the previous
totalitarian dictator, David Lawrence, aka tale, also directly
associated with ISC, owned by you know whom.

These dictators regularly publish their "FAQs", which are nothing
more than a set of poisonous lies, fabrications and invntions
of all kind, meant to delude the "clueless" and "newbies" into
believing that those faqs are the "official", "authorized"
intepretation of what big-8 is.
They put all sorts of cunning lies and excuses into those faqs,
and unless you know how this whole thing works, you won't even
realize you are being trapped by this sticky slime thing.

In small print, they say: the group MAY be created
(even after a "successful result", meaning there was
enough "votes" to win").


May or may not.
Depends on what?
Well, the direction of the wind inside that empty cockpit
of herr fuehrer, Russ Allbery with a "dimly lit kerosine
lamp between his ears".



Eventually, Russ Allbery, that crawling totalitarian worm,
having enough guts to insult the very symbols of his own country,
calling himself an eagle, has disgraced himself to the point,
where he had no choice but to ran away in shame.
So, he wrote a couple of pathetic articles where he thanked
everyone for ...
and told them how he loves them, just like Stalin,
Hitler, Musolini, Alexander Da Great, Ghingis Khan, Timurlen,
and hundreds of other violent sadists that killed people by
the millions.

Stalin even went as far as to kill over 20 million of his own
people. He totally destroyed the intelligencia class,
word famed scientists, academicians, doctors, artists, writers,
doctors, engineers and you name it, and those people contributed
so much to their own country, it is hard to imagine. Most of them
dedicated their lives and worked days and nights to help the
society to become better, more open, more intelligent, more
technologically developed, healthier, richer and more advanced.
They deserve monuments in the main squares of the world capitols,
and instead, they were tortured, killed or sent to Siberia
to die of starvation, deseases, carrying the bolders on their
shoulders in sub-artic environmental conditions
to build that "communism", which is an excersize in this
New World Order thing, NWO, carried out by the Illuminati.

And these blood boiling nazis and totalitarian dictators
rule your world?

Back to that nazi Russ.
His announcement that he is going to "retire" from ruling
the big-8 and disengage himself from even participating in
news.groups was just a trick. He simply faded into
background, so he does not have to deal with mere "mortals".

But he never religuished the REAL control as he is the only
one that holds that PGP key. To this day, HE is the one
who issues the control messages.

So, he hand picked a new clique of totalitarian dictator
wannabies and blood boiling nazis to "replace" him.
And now, they keep telling everyone in every single post
that they are the "rulers", the "authorized" and "official"
party that literally OWNS the entire big-8 hierarchy.
They crated their own "rules" and "regulations" and present
them as something "official" and they keep deluding everyone
into believing this is so.

But WHO "authorized" them?
WHO voted for them?
WHO elected them?

In what democratic system the "authorized" officials
are APPOINTED, and appointed by well known dictator,
the evidence of which is on record, globally distributed
and available to anyone with a simple mouse click?

Or is that New World Order a governing reality from now on?
What happened to democracy?
What happened to the Constitution?

And just about ALL they do and CAN possibly do,
is to torture those "clueless" and "newbies".
These nazi perverts even went as far as to destroy nearly
every single usenet principle that existed.

Accoring to usenet practice, the groups were created after
a public "vote" by the usenet audience in general, which was
a scam on the first place. But at least it looked like
something democratically looking, at least on paper.
Never mind, that behind all that stood the totalitarian dictator,
a blood boiling nazi.

So, these new conmen, calling themselves B8MB (Big 8 Management Board),
started with creating a new group, news.grups.proposals (ngp)
and made it "moderated" using the blood stained hands of that
nazi Russ, and they DID create it. And they even tried to make
it look like it was supported by the usenet audience,
cunning as it gets. All on record, all on Google archives.

That is about the MOST perverted and openly dictatorial event
in the entire usenet history. Because they created a group
that they TOTALLY control, to discuss the issues of PUBLIC forums.
On a "private property", which is what "moderated" groups are.

Now, can you imagine, in your wildest dreams, that you discuss
the issues of global public concern on somebody's private property?
You must be totally out of your mind in that case.
First of all, they can just throw you on your ears,
if you squick too much. Or they can just shoot your between
the eyes making it look like you attacked them on their private

Who, in his clear mind would go to such a group to discuss the
issue of creating a PUBLIC open forum?

This "moderation" trick was done SPECIFICALLY to destroy any
and all opinions but those that align with their crooked
totalitarian view of the Universe.

Furthermore, they keep publishing the articles on the root
groups of entire usenet hierarchy, telling everyone that from
now on, all the discussions on group creation and status are
to be "officially" discussed in their private property.
They, though the blooded hands of that Russ, control several
news.* groups, meant to inform the new users to usenet of
general things on how to use it and so on.

Now, from the very beginning of usenet, there was a group,
specifically dedicated to these issues, news.grups, an open,
unmoderated forum where people can come and discuss the issues
related to usenet as such.

Not only that, but these arrogant nazis tell everyone that
on "moderated" group, "moderator" can do ANYTHING he pleases,
including the copyright violations, modifying the articles
submitted to be posted to the group, forging the article
author, just like that new "tzar" wannabe, Tim Skirvin does,
reposting someone elses posts, spamming like crazy,
not using the NNTP-Posting-Host to hide their real identity,
and on and on and on.

These are the criminally minded perverts and sadists,
those loosers, that never had any real joy in their miserable
lives and, being perverts they are, try to replace the real
joy with the sadistic joy of torturing others.

And these are you "rulers"?

Planet Earth,
Planet Earth,
Anybody home?

Oh, static again.....



Come in, Pleeeze.

We're nuking da house of da white mouse as per yer royal

Can you pleeeze turn off the lights in da Washington DC?
Just fer a couple of hours?


The question naturally arises: what is the need for this ngp thing?
What is it for?
What is the problem of discussing the issues of public interest
and concern in public, in news.groups as is known to the whole
world as a central place to discuss usenet related things?

These power hungry perverts with megalomaniacal tendencies,
these bunch of nobodies, who work their rears off to make it
look like they are everybodies on usenet, are but a bunch of
puppets of the real fuehrer, who stands in shade behind their
backs, and pushes that PGP signed button,
and that is that Godfather Of Brainwashing, Russ Allbery,
as HE is the one that holds any "power", be it imaginary and

This clique of impostors, pretenders and wannabies are just
a bunch of puppets, who came here to gain "power" over others
and "fame" in their never ending search for self-propotion,
as they MUST feel like nobodies if they crave to become

It is just a plain complex of inferiority, just like in any
other totalitarian dictator throughout the history of mankind.

But they ARE nobodies.
They have no power whatsoever.
Their whole trip is meant to torture people for months,
making it as difficult, if not impossible to create a new group,
a stinky group that does not change anything.

At a time when people are running away from usenet,
just because of this exact reason, among other things,
these nazis do all they can to make it even more difficult.

And they use the corporate and parliamentary notions,
creating their "official" dictates, "rules" and "regulations"?
What kind of a corporate mind is that?
Trying to destroy his own corporation in a record time?

THAT is their REAL contribution to big-8 and Usenet as such.


If these self-appointed nobodies can call themselves the
B8MB, I call myself a Big-8 CEO, and will issue various
pronouncements, proclamations and declarations that are
equally valid, if not more so, to their fabrications and lies.

The first thing, I thereby declare that this so called B8MB
is just a bunch of the same old dictator wannabies.
They are nothing more than criminally minded impostors
and pretenders.

ALL their "faqs", "rules" and "regulations" are thus


carrying not meaning and bearing
no significance on big-8 or Usenet, whatsoever.

Anyone is welcome to talk to these donkeys fer the entertainment
value. That is not a problem at all, but to take them
as something real, you must be totally out of your mind
and utterly clueless.

ANYONE can issue the same "rules" and "regulations",
and publish the "official" faqs till their noses go blue.

There were plenty of people in history of usenet declaring
themselves to be the "rulers", but about the most successful
one of them all was Hipcrime. He fought his battle for years
and converted their main groups into a garbage dump,
totally devastating their entire enterprises.
For years on.
All the news admins in the world knew about him,
but no one ever caught him or was able to do anything to him.
It went as far, as that SPUTUM gangs of virtual terrorists
announced and implemented the UDP (Usenet Death Penalty)
on the entire continent of India!

Nothing less,
nothing more.

And the continent of India happens to be where over 40 percent
of the most advanced software development takes place.
A significant amount of that traffic and information exchange
happens via Usenet. The problem solutions, discussions of new
technologies, bug fixes and on and on and on. It is all USENET!


Those virtual terrorists, having connections with some of the
biggest network providers and carriers on a global scale,
simply disconnected the entire continent of India from
Usenet, and, within a few hours, threatened to disconnect
them from even email!

THAT is what we are talking about here,
and not the bunch of sub-idiotic suckers and assorted wannbies,
those nobodies, trying all they can to look like they are
everybodies here.

Their chicken minds can not even BEGIN to comprehend
what they are dealing with. They, in their wildest dreams,
can not comprehend the value and significance of usenet
in global information exchange.

How could a 3 feet tall totalitarian dictator could
even BEGIN to comprehend it?
Escapes mind mind entirely.

How many of dictators throughout history of times
were taller than 4 feet?

Well, you can count them on one finger!

And now follows the OFFICIAL FAQ on what big-8 was upto now.
It was originally published back in 1999 or so.
Still valid, to the last dot and comma.

Have fun...


May be not.
Read it in New World Order Guidelines for...

More fun to come.
I promise.

Big-8 CEO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, puppet]

"You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know,
it'll take time to restore chaos and order -- order
out of chaos. But we will."

--- Adolph Bush,
Washington, D.C.,
April 13, 2003
Estefana A. Riley
2007-03-27 22:59:03 UTC
What happened to your freedoms, such as freedom of speech,
freedom to associate as you please and all others?
All gone? Evaporated into a thin air?
And what are you going to do about it?
Just sit on your sorry ass and say
"just give my my paycheck, the rest i could care less about"?

ALL NEWS ADMINS THAT CARRY news.groups.proposals
and/or have their servers configured to accept
the group-***@isc.org is the only valid address
regarding the big-8 group creation/status,


If you do not remove the requirement for PGP signature
and From address of group-***@isc.org,
you, effectively, become an active participant
in this neo-nazi dictatorship and actively support
this Stalinist style "committee".

Nothing more.
Nothing less...

Not only that, but you ALL suppot this totalitarian system
actively. You are ALL destroying the very chair you are
sitting on. Just because you are lazy and wouldn't want
to see the real things from real people.
Instead, you simply allow these nazis run YOUR business.

Nothing more,
nothing less...

Ever heard of WWII or Stalinist Russia?
Ever heard of Siberia?


You ALL feed this ugliest trip imaginable.
And you also gorge on that so called power you have over
your customers, as your lil puppet minds enjoy shutting
down the accounts of those, who do not submit to this
humongous totalitarian conspiracy you are all participating in.

Because your boss could care less of how many accounts
you shot down as they wouldn't even BEGIN to imagine
dealing with all those "mortals". Just about the ONLY
thing they crave for, is the dollar bills arriving automatically
from those very customers, who they delude
into believing that what is advertized on their main web page,
is what those customers are going to get, which is nothing
further from the truth.

They do not feel obliged to propagate your articles beyond
their own facilities. They do not feel obliged to carry ALL
the alt.* hierarchy, because of this ugly big-8 excuse,
thinking that if they carry this ugliest nazi hierarchy,
they do not have to bother about carrying anything else.

Not only that, but they support this nazi dictatorship
explicitly by keeping the news server configuration files
according to herr fuehrer original designs.

They could care less if they see the control messages
from real people, be it world known scientists, proffessionals
of all kinds, artists, musicians, other creative people,
philosophers, writers and on and on and on.

Just about ALL they feel obliged to carry, is this nazi
version of the Universe.

They ACTIVELY support this ugly setup and convert
the oldest groups into a dominated status, they call
"moderation", and covert them in place.

They are willingly accept the control messages from
the only "authorized" party, and that is this nazi clique
of self-appointed dictators.

They create groups that violate the MAJOR principles
in OPEN PUBLIC FORUMS, which is what usenet is
and was designed to be on the first place.

Instead, they accept the PGP signed checkgroup and other
control messages, issued by the puppets of the US military
and intelligence agencies, being fed by those very agencies
and performing various "projects" for them, such as those,
Russ Allbery was working on for years, and, specifically,
the unbreakable identification protocols that will allow to
identify the users and send/receive just about ANY information
from their computers during the initial handshake when they go on line
or do the DNS querries.

WHO created this NWO style "project"?

Well, the US military and intelligence agencies,
who, in their turn, are nothing but puppets in the hands
of those, who rule the world, such as Skull and Bones
super-secret society, where Adolph Bush and his father,
George Bush, the senior, are active members,
illuminati super-secret society, who considers a mankind
to be a herd of sheep, utterly blind, to be led to "enlightenment",
the highest, 33 degree Freemasons, who control the most powerful
and influential seats in Congress, the Supreme Court justices,
those puppet appointees, the media moguls, controlling your
minds, the energy industry, diamonds and gold, the financial
world, the biggest and baddest of them all, computer companies,
control your stupid phone, your internet, your logs
and just about anyting imaginable and unimaginable,
even in the wildest dreams.

The New World Order, this horrendous NWO thing,
is of their own design, they pursue for centuries.
The model where the whole world is divided into two
classes, the "elite" and the slaves, LITERALLY.
There is not to be a middle class.
There is not to be any opposition.
Those, who do not agree with their agenda,
can be killed in a broad day light, right smack in the
middle of your favorite downtown, for no reason whatsoever,
and it is not just some delusionial lunacy.
It IS a reality even at this very junction.

Right now, ANY of you could be killed in a broad day light,
and a plastic sticker stuck on your forhead saying:
Terrorist Suspect.

You see?

What does it mean?
Well, just about ANYTHING they want to put into it.
Never mind, that it isn't even clear on what basis one
was labeled as a "terrorist suspect" and according to
what principles and according to what information.

Even at this very junction, these satanists destroyed
the Constitution of the United States. What is left of it,
isn't even worth mentioning. ALL the major provisions,
people gave their lives for, are wiped out clean.

Right now, Adolph Bush has UNLIMITED powers to do
just about ANYTHING he pleases, and he is nothing less,
than a pathological killer and a sadist, who is known from
his childhood years to enjoy killing. He is also a pervert,
visiting some private sado/masochistic clubs, to gorge on
all sorts of perversions. This man has a mind of a two year
old and reality is but a dream to him. Not even clear he
realizes that he exists.

And you ALL supported this monster, even though you
were told beforehand what is going to happen if you
elect him, which did happen EXACTLY as was pronounced.
Dig up the archives. It is all on the public record, distributed

You simply blindly submbit to this horrendous perversion
and "could care less", because it is not you, who got slothered
in a broad day light for no reason whatsoever, just like
it was done in the fascist Germany or Stalinist Russia,
where people were killed by tens of millions.


But YOU?
Oh, that is not "your problem", right?
Just about the ONLY thing you want is your paycheck.
So, you are willing to go as far as to become literal slaves,
just for that stinky paycheck, as they constantly brainwash
you with the ideas that you are nobody without them,
that you are nothing but a biorobot, programmed to LITERAL
oblivion by the constant jamming of your mind
with the most primitive and idiotic templates,
consisting of just few words, and you accept it as granted,
as something real, just like Adolph Hitler discovered:

"Any lie, repeated long enough,
eventually becomes truth".
-- Adolph Hitler.

You sit there on your sofa with a six pack of plastic bear,
and watch that idiot box, they call TV, where all these
sick nazis jam your mind 24 hrs/day with the most horrendous
violence, perversions, destruction, mind control, and on and on
and on, and you call it "excitement", a "show", an "action"movie.
Meanwhile, your brain is conditioned to accept this satanism
as reality and all those criminals, who rule your sorry output holes,
as your true "leaders".

YOU give them power.
YOU accept them for what they claim to be,
lying their rotten shark teeth off every time
they open their sucky input holes.
YOU give them the authority.
YOU hand them your own lives
to be manipulated in ANY way they please.

It is YOU, who is feeding all this monstrocity.

And you sit there, "excited" in this zombified state,
thinking this is a real joy of live.

What a disgrace to a human intelligence!
What a puppet world you all support and live in!
What a waste of human potential!

So, you, news admins, remember this real well,
as blood is on your hands also,
as silent supporters of this most outrageous nazi setup
in the entire history of Usenet.

Big-8 has been handed off to a clique of totalitarian dictator
wannabies, the Stalinist style, calling themselves B8MB
(Big-8 Management Board), by the previous nazi,
Russ Allbery, fuehrer of big-8, who has done more to destroy
usenet than anyone in the entire history, including hipcrime.
He, in his turn, was appointed by the previous nazi
pervert, David Lawrence, aka tale, one of the most blatant
and poisonous perverts imaginable. That pahological liar,
who put all sorts of poisonous tricks, lies and excuses into
his own dictates, he called the "guidelines for new creation

Both of these people are associated with the ISC, www.isc.org
(Internet Software Consortium), sponsored in part by the
US military and intelligence agencies, such as DISA
(Defense Information Systems Agency) working, among other
things, on the issues of global electronic warfare.

The "official", "authorized" PGP signed key to sign the
control messages belongs to ISC, and, effectively to
the US military and intelligence apparatus.

Russ Allbery, who is the maintainer of one of the most popular
news server sortware packages, called INN, put all sorts of
tricks into a default configuration files to make it impossible
for anyone but himself to post the control messages regarding
big-8, thus making the whole big-8 to effectively belong to him.

And the ugliest and most outrageous thing of this all,
is that unless the control messages are signed with
group-***@isc.org address and unless they are signed
with a PGP key, they are not even seen by the news admins
as they are simply get filtered out. That is the way Russ Allbery
designed it and that is what he spent literally years on.

He, among other things, is controlling the entire information
system at Standord University, USA, which is one of the
most influential information systems in the world.
Stanford is where this Hover Institution is, and that is where
humongous archives on the entire human history are kept
among other things. You can not even enter that department
unless you have a special authorization cards. There is information
in those archives on just about anyone in human history
of any significance. All sorts of stuff. And Russ Allbery
is sitting on their main wire to the world, and vast amounts
of information flow thru Stanford facilities.

You can't even BEGIN to imagine what you are dealing with.

Thus, these Stalinist style nazis effectively took over big-8,
the most widely propagated set of hierarchies in the whole
world and made it their "private property" and made it
an outlet of their nazi propaganda.

They actively support this totalitarian perversion,
called "moderation", where any opinion that does not
align with the opinion of that local ruling dictator,
is junked upon arrival.

It hard to imagine how much of the most brilliant insights
of the mankind were destroyed by these mouth foaming
blood boiling, and utterly intolerant fascist censors.

They even went as far, as to convert one of the oldest
groups in the entire history of usenet, the very root
of the entire AI (Artificial Intelligence) hierarchy into
a "moderated" group, controlled by the self-admitted
nazi, David Kinny, who conducted a usual behind the
scenes campaign of lies and conspiracy and fabricated
five times more votes than there were actual participants
in the comp.ai group.

And AI is at the very core of those horrendous weapons
of mass destruction, the US military is filled to the brim with.
All those "smart bombs" and rockets, that are dumb enough
to hit the Chinese embacy need be, are all a product of AI.
AI is everywhere, going down to your phone and a washing

Now, these fascist censors had enough guts to give away
the very root of AI hierarchy to the most blatant nazi on

What do you call this?
Oh, "law and order",
the NWO style?

Thus, the VERY ROOT of entire ai hierarchy was made
a "private property" of this self-admitted nazi. As soon,
as he was made an "official" moderator by herr fuehrer,
Russ Allbery, the first thing was to post several posts,
openly stating that "from now on, the realities are different.
There will be whitelists of the blue blooded Aryan race,
whose articles will be automatically approved, regardless
of what kind of garbage those "blue blooded" post,
and there will be blacklists containing the names of
the "inferiour race", the filth of mankind, whose articles
will be automaticall junked upon arrival regardless of
how brilliant and insightful they are.

That nazi "moderator" went so far, that even herr fuehrer
was getting concerned, as the whole thing was so openly
and blatantly presented, that it was clear even to a five
year old what herr fuehrer signed into usenet "law"
and sent a control message approving it with his own hand.
So, the whole thing was directly endangering herr fuehrer

It even went as far, as some news admins and old timers
were getting concerned about it and, after doing some
research of their own, came to the same conclusion:

The group was literally killed.
Just look up the archives for the period of 1998-2001
on comp.ai and see for yourself how much and what kind
of messages are there on comp.ai. Clear to a five year old.

This is ALL on a public record in the years of 1999-2000.

Again, Russ Allbery with his own hand sent out a PGP
signed control message to change about the OLDEST
HIERARCHY to make it a private property of that
self-admitted nazi, David Kinny, the "moderator" of


Thus, the blood is on their hands also.

As a result, what was an active group, became the land of
desolation. Practically all discussions ceased and a group
was converted into a marketing outlet.



Takeover of one of the oldest open public forums!

Nothing less.
Nothing more...

That nazi "moderator" even went as far, as to explicitly
prohibit any and all discussions on the subject of Lisp language,
considered by Marvin Minsky, one of the founding fathers of
AI, to be the language of AI. Thus, that nazi with an amoeba
sized brain, prohibited even the father of AI to talk on the subject
of the AI language "until the next millenium"...
(a literal quote by David Kinny)


These Stalinist style dictators regularly post their own inventions
and fabrications, filled to the brim with the most poisonous lies
and perversion, they call "official guidelines" in news.groups and
several other major groups in news.* hierarchy, they also
"moderate", where all the "newbies" read their dictates and take
it as something "official", not even realizing they are being fed the
totalitarian garbage of the lowest grade.

Those so called faqs are filled with all sorts of tricks and
lies, giving these nazis ALL the power to do ANYTHING
THEY please, and, at the same time, putting all sorts of
escape clauses in those totalitarian dictates that literally
make them UTTERLY irresponsible for their own actions.

They do just about anything imaginable, such as forging
people's articles, spamming like crazy, forging identities,
perverting the very nature of someone else's posts, and
on and on and on. ALL on a public record.

In his not so famous rants condemning usenet, which is a
system of OPEN FORUMS, he openly states that usenet
is not good as it is, and it should be replaced by his own ivention,
Usenet 2 (www.usenet2.org), where each and every hierarchy
is ruled by the local "tzar". LITERALLY, as that is how this nazi
thinks. And he, being the super-tzar of the whole Usenet 2 model,
hand picks and appoints those local "tzars".

All the groups and hierarchies are to be made "moderated",
meaning totally controlled by these nazis.

Naturally, totalitarian dictator hand picks his followers and
appoints them to replace him when it becomes abandantly clear
who he is and what are his deeds.

In a democratic society, these nazis APPOINT each other!
What kind of democracy is this?

Or this delusional world of big-8 is not subject to democratic

So, this nazi Russ, passed the "power" to this Stalinist type
B8MB, which is an exact equivalent of Stalinist committees
that pronounced dead sentences to tens of millions of their
own people and destroyed the entire intelligencia class, the
leading scientists, academicians, musicians, poets, writers,
artists, doctors, engineers and plenty of other professionals,
who literally gave away their lives, working non-stop days and
nights, trying to help their own country and their own people
to be more advanced, more educated, richer, more civilized,
more developed and more democratic.

Now, these B8MB nazis are on a public record for admitting
themselves who they are and how do they think the usenet
is to function and what are those rules that ought to be
pronounced as the "official" rules, guidelines and regulations.

So, these impostors and pretenders, with the bloodied hands
of the previous fuehrer, Russ, created a "moderated" group
to discuss the issues of group creation and group status, thus
violating just about the oldest tradition of usenet of discussing
any and all issues related to usenet in news.groups,
SPECIFICALLY dedicated to such discussions.

So, they created this "private property", ngp, and continously
delude people into believing that ngp is the ONLY "authorized"
place to have "official" discussions on the issues of group
creation and group status.

Thus, this Stalinist type closed "committee" of nazis can squash
ANY and ALL views that do not align with their nazi agenda
of dominating the biggest hierarchy there is, big-8, propagated
worldwide and carried by literally every news server on the

They even go as far, as to continuously posting messages to
news.groups telling people not to discuss the issues of group
creation in news groups, which is the real group to discuss
such issues. These corrupt nazis keep telling everybody that
all "official" discussions are to be carried out in their own
"private property", ngp, a disgrace to the very notion of usenet.

How could the issues of OPEN PUBLIC forums be discussed
in someone's "private property"? But these nazis seem to be
completely "out to lunch" with their sickness, just like zombies,
sleep walkers.

They talk language of corporate world and parliamentary
principles as they are utterly obscessed with this sick power
trip of dominating others and would like the whole big-8
look like some corporation or some corrupt "parliament".

But they are all nothing more than puppets.
Puppets in the hands of that herr fuehrer Russ Allbery,
who, after being totally disgraced, posted a few pathetic
posts in news.groups, telling everyone how he loved them
all and announced his "retirement".

Can you imagine that?
Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin
get on the podium and tell everyone how they LOVED everyone?
Just as you current fuehrer, Adolph Bush, does
and you all eat it yammy yam yammy.
Give me more of that!

But this was all nothing but lies, as he did not "retire" at all.
He still holds the PGP signature key to big-8,
and HE HIMSELF is the only one that does issue the
control messages.

So, the way these nazi tricks work is simple:
He simply faded away into a background and hand picked
this new Stalinist committee to do the dirty work for him.


These pathetic, power hungry wannabies tell everyone that
they are the "real" rulers of big-8 and they LITERALLY
own it, even though, in reality, they are but a bunch of
puppets in herr fuehrer's hands.
The way they behave on news.groups is well beyond
obscene. They ASSUME that news.groups is their "property"
also. According to their crooked view of reality, the only thing
that matters is themselves are UTTERLY, and any and all
other views or opinions are merely irrelevant and insignificant
in the crooked scheme of things they keep pusing for.
The arrogance and blatantness of theirs is on the par with utter
lunacy of a completely insane and a pathologically sick

So, with this trick, herr fuehrer does not have to dirty his hands
in more blood, and deal with all those "clueless", "newbies"
and mere mortals. But ALL the effective "power", be it purely
imaginary, belongs to him and him only.

How do you like THAT fer breakfast, lunch and dinner?

One might wonder, what kind of a retirement is this?
Who is he kidding?
Does he think the entire mankind completely lost their
brains as a result of endless and relentless brainwashing,
and have no ability to figure out who is who and
what is what?

Knowing him well enough, it is clear, that he will never
relinguish his grip on "power", until he finally goes
capoonct and the last showel of soil is thrown into his grave
by his own nazi followers, crying with their crocodile tears
about loosing such a "honorable" "hero" of usenet, and,
meanwhile, laughing at the whole thing, thinking to themselves
"oh, finally, this suckazoid is dead.
Now I am the real ruler".

But, these nazi puppets do not realize that Russ is not just
some idiot, but a very experienced dictator, and if these
lil suckers think they are the "rulers" now, they do not
realize that they'd have to cut each other's throats before,
finally, one of them will remain in "power". The dictatorial
power can not be shared, by definition.

He simply entrapped his own hand picked appointees
and puppets and is going to laugh even in his own grave,
at how he screwed everybody and how much he enjoys his
satanist trip of domination, blatant perversion and virtual

This man alone has done so much damage to usenet
by continously destroying all the groups that are not in line
with his nazi nature, that vast amounts of people simply
left usenet, realizing how hopeless this whole trip is, and,
after being insulted, rediculed, harassed, opressed, and
spit in the face, they had no choice but to simply run away,
and run away in shame and defeat, as they are trully
clueless and took this humongous nazi setup as something
real, because their brains can not function independently.

Every place they look, they see some "authority", telling
them how to think, how to walk, how to classify things,
what is what, who is who, what are the "official" "rules",
and what are the dictates to follow, and follow blindly,
obidiently and unquestionably, like they were the word
of God.

What a miserable state of affairs you all support,
you all feed, you all submit to.

You live in democratic societies, but your sorry output hole
is ruled by the most perverted sadists, totalitarian dictators
and assorted nazis, and you ALL support it, because you don't
really know who you are. You need to be TOLD how to think,
how to walk, how to classify things, what is "good" and what
is "bad".

Now, how many of you can tell me what is "good"?
From what standpoint?
According to whose dictatorial principles?
According to whose desires and interests?
In what context?
In what time frame?
In what environment?


Big-8 CEO.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"One reason I like to highlight reading is,
reading is the beginnings of the ability to be a good student.

And if you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams;
it's going to be hard to go to college.

So when your teachers say, read -- you ought to listen to her."

--- Adolph Bush,
Nalle Elementary School, Washington, D.C., Feb 9, 2001
Drunk Hairy Clown
2007-03-27 22:59:12 UTC
Power hungry megalomaniacs always crave for power, domination and oppressioin.

The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================
Post by nucleus
Newsgroups: news.groups
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT

But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, Skull and Bones, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded,
senile, puppet, President, vampire]

"One of the interesting initiatives we've taken in Washington,
D.C., is we've got these vampire-busting devices.
A vampire is a -- a cell deal you can plug in the wall
to charge your cell phone."

--- Adolph Bush,
Denver, Aug. 14, 2001

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Upset Goofy Faggot
2007-03-27 14:59:38 UTC
You know too much, and have said too much.
Now you must pay.
You spurned and mocked the rites of Freemasonry
that built the comfortable world in which you languish.
Now you demand the velvet glove be removed from
the iron hand? So be it. No more Freemasonry for YOU.
For YOU, there can be only PAYMASONRY, from now on
At least you said something original.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, senile, puppet,

"I'm thrilled to be here in the bread basket of America
because it gives me a chance to remind our fellow citizens
that we have an advantage here in America -- we can feed

--- Adolph Bush,
Stockton, Calif., Aug. 23, 2002
(Thanks to Christopher Baird.)
Profound Dickhead
2007-03-28 03:11:57 UTC

Are you pissing in your pants yet?
Are you there to keep ANY soul pure?
Who are you, suckazoid, on the first place?

Even Jesus and people of his caliber could not
manage to do that throughout history of mankind,
because it all depends on YOUR willingness
and not THEIR effort.

You see, donkey?

Lemme process your post one more time.

Oki, doki.
And what kinda horseshit is coming up next?
Lemme push the scroll bar.
You know too much, and have said too much.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.

And then?
Now you must pay.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.


And on and on and on.

Fine. I can dig that.
It is like tuning on zome radio station on the planet Mars.

Sure, just about all you can hear is static.

Fine, and then?
Mr. scroll bar, do me a favor
and show the rest of this horseshit
and of the lowest grade at that.
You spurned and mocked the rites of Freemasonry
Look at, donkeys.

You are all perverts and of the most horrendous kind there is.
Unless you are about the most outrageous pedo-sadistic
maniac, you have no chance to be elected to congress
or become prominent in just about ANY position of power
and influence.

Do you know why, suckazoid?

Ok, you are lucky enough,
cause my fingers want to dance on my brand new keyboard.
So I'll tell you...

The reason why is because they are all puppets.
Do I have to chew on this?
Well, you are lucky tonight.

Now, in order for you to gain ANY position of power
and prominence, what needs to happen is...

Mr. scroll bar, please more space,
cause my fingers are in the mood of typing
all the diamond treasures there are.

Thanx, appreciated.

Now, because you MUST be a puppet.
So, your strings can be pulled if necessary
to make you dance to just about ANY tune there is.
And you, suckazoid, MUST put a plastic smile
on your sucky input hole,
even when they stick a chainsaw
up your sorry tootoo,
when you are lying your rotten shark teeth
standing on a podium
and brainwashing everybody
into believing that YOU are there to serve
democracy, peace and things like that.

But there is a pretty fat file on who you REALLY
are, containing all the information that you woudn't
want ANYBODY to know about. And some of those things
clearly show what kind of pervert you are,
who fucked you in yer sorry arse,
what pimples do you have on your dick,
what perverted parties and clubs you are an active
member of, what have you stollen
and who did you screw.
All sorts of things.
Just to make sure that you FOREVER dance to the tune
of those, who keep you alive,
and feed you, via all sorts of ways and outlets.

You need MORE chewing on this, mr. smart?

Anyway, this stuff has been extensively studied
and prototyped in Russia in about 1938.
The whole super secret project on degeneracy
ran at Harvard University, USA, was a study
and a practical experiment on how the rulers
could be ruled themselves. Interesting material,
I tellya.


Once the show is over,
you, bunch of perverts,
go to sadomasochistic clubs
and bring the flocks of 6 year old pedo boys
with you to exchange with other higly placed
senators in this never ending sadomasochistic orgy.

You see, you are so dull,
that simple things no longer satisfy you.
Haven't you noticed already?
So, you need more and more "excitement"
to get arousal.

First, you start screwing each other in the arse.
After a while, even that does not do the trick.
Then, you tie each other in chains
and whip them with the whip.
Then, even that stuff rubs off,
and you start breaking each other's bones
and sticking knives into each other's troats,
meaning LITERALLY to kill the other.
This isn't any kind of joke.
And then...

Is there ANY limit?
Tell me, mr. fartman.

Or, if you are of ANY worth, deserving a special
treatment, you will be invited to visit the
Bohemian Grove in da California lands, USA.

Ever heard?

THAT is where the world affairs are decided
for generations to come
by some of the most influential perverts
in the entire history of mankind.

They run around naked,
masturbate under trees
and fuck each other in the arse.


Once their sadomasochistic desires are satisfied,
they discuss what to do with the world.
What kind of most horrendous weapons of mass destruction
to produce, what countries to put on their knees,
and whose energy pipe to cut.

Things like that.

Nothing major, really.

Just things like this NWO thing,
that was discussed at Bohemian Grove
at least 3 years before it was finally announced
by that Skull and Bombs member, George Bush,
da senior.

And on and on and on.

Mr. scroll bar.

that built the comfortable world
Yep. Thats the trick you always use.
Create the image of pussy in da sky with diamonds
and feed it to all the biorobots
thru every and each information channel there is.

ANY knob they push,
here YOU are
with all your puppet theatre propaganda.

Cocal cola is good.
Drink coca cola.

See these lil templates
meant for the sub-idiots of YOUR kind?
in which you languish.
Now you demand the velvet glove be removed from
the iron hand?

I just want you, suckers, to taste the REAL thing.
You blabber too much about light,
the morning star,
the Lucifer,
the "light bearer",
and on and on and on.

ALL sorts of horseshit,
and of the lowest grade at that.

But do you, suckers,
have even a REMOTE taste
of something
born under all known fire signs?


Than HAVE it.


So simple.

I promise.

Not necessarily to the donkeys of your grade and kind,
but you are right, NOW is that time.
So be it.
Why don't you go suck a black hole
fer a change, whillya?

Who knows, may be you have a chance to win
even in THAT game, cause that thing sucks weally good,
i tellya, but, looking at you, and i looked at you
for some years now, it may turn out that you may
even win the sucking competetion with nothing less
than a black hole.
No more Freemasonry for YOU.

Who da funk you think you are, suxy?

What sucking powers do you posess
to dictate what IS and what is NOT for me.
For YOU, there can be only PAYMASONRY,
Are you a member of SUCKMASONRY?

You, suckers, owe me a few million bux
in todays terms and i am fully authorized
to receive it. Can produce evidence that
some of you, jerks, will fall on their sorry
arse and some of your dull faces may become pale.

Things like that.
Nothing major, weally...

Remember the story?
from now on
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

You suck ZO good,
almost sucked my keyboard in.

Well, pleasure to have a friendly chat with ya.
This could be the last one fer yerr royal self,
but what to do? Life goes on. There are others
that need full service, not you alone.

How does it feel?
Just in the middle of your chest,
between your lungs.

Ever paid any attention to it?

Just feel it now, tigerone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, zomby, puppet]

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and
uncertainty and potential mential losses."

--- Adolph Bush,
At a South Carolina oyster roast, as quoted in the
Financial Times, Jan. 14, 2000

2003-10-26 04:06:17 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-10-31 02:37:11 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.
2003-11-07 22:03:41 UTC
New World Order Guidelines
For Newsgroup Creation

{ WARNING!!! }
{ }


The whole big-8 is but a giant scam of global proportions,
affecting millions of people worldwide.
It is a fascist system of totalitarian oppression
and most outrageous censorship conceivable.

On the top of it sits the so called "power elite",
a group of self-appointed totalitarian dictators
that somehow managed to delude plenty of people
into believing they are some kind of public servants,
doing all this "work" for "free" as a service to
mankind. They make this giant scam look like some
democratic process, which is nothing further from
the truth.

The so called "votes" are not really votes as you know
it as NO ONE, mind you, no one, is obliged to follow
on the results of those "votes". Just read on, and
you will have a chance to see what kind of a giant
scam this corrupt big-8 is.

Following is a direct quote by Brad Templeton,
one of the founders of news distribution system
and one of the most respectable figures in the
entire usenet history and well before it.

He participated and is fully aware of the issues
of usenet and knows first hand "what it is all about".

In summary, the whole big-8 is but a fraud
on a global scale.

It was fraud when it was conceived.
It IS fraud at this very junction.
And it will remain fraud
unless these fascist censors
and oppressors of though are brought
to justice.

Now, fraud is crime, by definition.


What you are dealing with here
is a bunch of sick criminals
and assorted megalomaniacs,
censoring all there is to censor,
destroying all there is to destroy,
squashing all with their fascist boot of opression,
and running the biggest system of deceit
ever on a public record since the days of UUCP,
the founding days of news distribution system.

======================== Quote begin =======================

Newsgroups: news.groups
From: ***@templetons.com (Brad Templeton)
Subject: Re: USENET - it is over
References: <***@worldnet.att.net> <***@sfo.com>
<9vbl5t$4i3$***@panix3.panix.com> <9vejea$spf$***@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>
Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
Originator: ***@news.netfunny.com (Brad Templeton)
Message-ID: <wc7T7.10286$***@rwcrnsc51>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:10:04 GMT


But two decades later, I think that debating which newsgroups should
exist is entirely the wrong approach, and has been the source of a
good chunk of the negative aspects of managing USENET.

It started because resources were limited and tree organization
tools were (and continue to be) meagre,
but the whole idea is flawed.

As is the voting, which was just
a fraud
to make people shut up once they lost a vote.

(In those days, the debates would get long and the person
pushing for a group nobody else wanted would never go away
and admit defeat. Voting with the silly '100 more' rule
was not to create democracy, but to end the debate.)

======================= End of quote =======================

The newsgroups are controlled on all levels by the extensive
network of various groups including the newsnet power
"elite", the news admins, and various other "heroes",
"spam fighters" and all sorts of megalomaniacs,
totalitarianists and assorted perverts of all kinds.
If you study the archives of news.groups, you'll see the real
picture of this giant system of corruption and deceipt and
perversion of the most fundamental principles of usenet, such as
FACILITATION OF DISCUSSIONS and most fundamental principles
of any society.

They effectively took over the usenet and reseved the "right"
to do anything THEY please as far as usenet structure,
group creation and group status are concerned. They wrote
their own "rules" and "regulations" and present them as
some kind of usenet law, but all of it is their own invention
on their path of control, oppression, domination, intolerance
and total censorship, finally producing this system of

Reading their so called rules and guidelines is pretty revealing.
You will see their perverted tricks, lies and deception within
the first few sentences.

Those "rules" and "regulations" are effectively a campaign of
mass brainwashing into believing that THEIR version of
totalitarian dictatorship, they have established on usenet,
is for the benefit of "good" for all, they themselves invented
and defined.

The "guidelines" they regularly publish
are mere dictates and inventions. They have never been
voted for, nor they have ever been approved by anyone.
You can as well write your own "guidelines"
and they will be just as good. The only difference
is that regular usenet users do not have their fat
fingers on the big red button of anihilation and domination.

Newsgroups do NOT "belong" to posters. Get it through your
head and as fast, as you can manage. Using the usenet is a
"priviledge". NOBODY is obliged to even bother to propagate
your articles beyond your own ISP facilities. The services,
provided to use on the usenet, are provided as "free" "bonus".
Never mind that you are paying your ISP and they advertise
the news groups as part of the package. Your interpretation
that it MUST be a part of the deal is simply naive.
You'll learn.

Again, newsnet "belongs" to usenet power elite and all
sorts of perverts, engaging in a daily and massive sabotage
of global information streams and virtual terrorism under
pretense of protection of public interests.

If you ever decide to challenge ANY of them, be prepaired.
You will be humiliated, insulted, rediculed and harassed. If THAT
does not help, your account will be terminated and any accounts
you open subsequently will be subject to the same procedure.

Your posts will be cancelled if necessary. If THAT does not help,
your personal informatin will be obtained and publically disclosed
to reduce you to dust. If there are ANY impurities in your
reputation, be prepaired for it to become a public record and be
available to anyone via usenet archives for years to come.

Remember this really well. It is not a joke, but a reality of this
humongous system, ran by megalomaniacs, totalitarian dictators
and outright fascists, pretending to be the servants of

"You play with SPUTUM, you are dead" type of thing.
That is their main song. You see, THEY are "heroes",
"spam fighters" or mainterners of "law and order",
they themselves invented and defined, and you are just nobody,
for all practical purposes.

Ok, let us begin the main part.

There are two classes of citizens here:

1. The Royal Breed, or pure blooded Aryan race, those
who deserve to be included in so called "Big 8" tree
(of corruption and deceit), that no one can even comprehend
how it stands, as the very roots do not correspond to the
root issues of life.

2. The Anarchy tree of alt.*, or a dump where "the rest
of us" go. Otherwise known as filth of inferior race.

Now, the Anarchy tree contains the groups, no one is obliged
to carry or distribute. It is all a matter of
numerous factors, including the good willed heart of
your own ISP news administrator, who is "doing you a
big favor", and a favor "for free", then will, desire
or interest on the part of the other computer systems
owners, interested in carrying that traffic for whatever

There are other hiearchies besides alt.*, but they are either
local or otherwise "insignificant" in the scheme of things.

So, for the traffic to get from point A to point B, ALL
computers need to carry your group.

You may post to some group and have this strange idea
that the other people ought to be able to see it, and
they will tell you they have never seen it.

Just ask around on one of alt.* hierarchy groups and they'll
be telling you the same story all day long, never quite even
suspecting "how it REALLY works", those stupid mortals, not
realizing the consequences of even conceiving the idea of
bypassing the "big 8" tree of corruption, propagated worldwide
by virtually all the computer systems.

There are very few systems, if any, that carry all the
alt hierarchy. There is no one in the world to make them
do so, primarily of so called "big 8 excuse". The excuse is
once I carry the big-8, I don't have to bother about carrying
anything else.

These fools had guts of bypassing the "big 8" and their
rules of "acceptable norm of behavior", "official advice",
"quidelines", and all sorts of "rules" and "regulations",
invented by the power elite and the megalomaniacs, "ruling"
the usenet. Sure none of those are even worth the paper they
are written on, and it is a pure waste of bandwidh, to even
conceive of distributing those obsenities, but...

There is no one here on the newsnet, who has or even
CAN have the necessary authority, and there is no law,
that ever adressed the issues of public forums on the
newsnet. The concepts of Freedom of Speech, Basic Human
Rights, the Constitution, and basic laws of any land
simply do not apply here in this humongous system of
virtual totalitarianism and fascism.

There is no judge, most likely, that even cares about this
big black hole, or a virtual equivalent of a dump, stupidity,
insult, perversion, and all sorts of other sideffects of the
neverending and ongoing onslaght of suppression of your being,
finally resulting in frustration, which never leads anywhere,
but wars, fear, guilt, shame and all sorts of other crap of
the lowest grade. All that matters is a TOTAL submission to
the will of these power hungry megalomaniacs, these nobodies,
trying all they can to look like they are everybodys here.

We can address ANY area of human activity, and will find
the same dirty tricks of mind conditioning and a bio-robotic
dehumanisation and reduction of intelligence to the level
of a functioning machine.

So, whatever those "FAQ"s tell you, is utter and complete
crap, and of the lowest grade at that. If we start
disassembling some of those fucqs, the steam will be
coming of some elefant size ears in no time, I promise.
They are all TOTALLY biased and full of little poisonous
tricks, excuses and escape clauses, giving THEM all the
power there is and giving you, the posters, NONE whatsoever.

You understand? NONE.

So, don't get surprised that your messages just evaporate
out of existence if you post to alt.* and make sure they
are not lost if you don't see them appearing in a group.
Save them on your computer, if you wish, because once you
push the "send" button, it may be the last time your see your
own creation.

That is how "the rest of us" are treated here in this
perverted domain of "anarchy" that is still controlled
by the same elitist power maniacs at the end. Don't get
surprised because "that is how it works" here, which is
one of the main "rules".

The rule is: This is how it works.

If you don't like it, commit suicide or get lost in the
giant sucking machine.

Another little thing. There are some people around here,
(see the control.rmgroup group, and, once you are at it,
look at control.cancel, control.checkgroups, control.newgroup,
news.lists.filters to get the idea who is rulling the usenet).

They regularly remove ANY groups they don't like, for ANY
reason, whatsoever, while pretending they are following
the "commonly accepted" "guidelines", they themselves,
or the other members of the power elite, invented and

You'll be wasting some major time, subjecting yourself to
degrading classifications, such as: clueless, kook, troll,
whiner, newbie, or things of that sort, if you ask where did
your group go and according to what principles of what law.

No "answer" will be forthcoming, well, at least not the one
YOU are looking for. Not now, not tomorrow, and not until the
end of times, because that is not the idea here.

So, what IS the idea, you might wonder.

Well, it is simple enough: to enjoy torturing those very
"clueless" by the power elite and their ass lickers.
The same perverted, sadistic "joy" of torturing others, you see
in too many places around newsnet and in the "real life".

Don't fall prey, as you will be assisting those, questioning
or even insulting you and your integrity, giving them excuse
to insult, redicule and humiliate you, as their main purpose
here is mostly concerned with enjoying the perverted pleasures
of sadistic torture of those very "clueless" like yourself.

That is the very nature of control, oppression and domination.
That is how they impose their will upon all and that is EXACTLY
how they give themselves the validity, trying to look like the
servants of "good", "protecting" the usenet from "chaos".

You may sit there in wonder what is going on, what is your
own name, and things of that nature, not believing your own
eyes. But don't despair, just read on. By the time you finish
this post, you'll have a pretty good idea of "how it is" here.

If you waste enough time of your life in these lands of obsene
and incomprehensible, you'll learn who they are and find your
place in this huge garbage dump of ideas.

Again, don't despair and be ready for anything, imaginable or
unimaginable, actual, probable, improbable, alternative,
or otherwise. That is just a test of your worthiness to
participate in the domains of delusion and willingness to submit
to the power elite, ruling the usenet. If you do not lick their
output holes, you are not likely to get anywhere because the
people like you is not what they are looking for. They need a
solid structure of ass lickers to establish a TOTAL control of
the usenet on ALL levels. Every little thing, including the
group creation, counts at the end.

So, this is an overall idea of how usenet "works".

So, obviously, you consider yourself of a noble blood
and of pure breed, and think you deserve the proper treatment
and become a member of the Royal Club of "Big 8", carried
virtually by all the network providers worldwide. Aha, you think,
that is what i want. (have you noticed that little "i"? So, you
get the idea, right?)

Well, here are some minor difficulties you may experience
if you think you deserve better treatment than "the rest of

In order to create a newsgroup in "big 8" mother of all
corruption, you need to understand few things:

1. YOU ARE NOBODY. Whatever you think, does not mean

You won't be even able to prove you exist, as there is simply
no way to do so, unless the investigation is ordered by the
courts, or the information about you is released illegaly,
as it happens all the time, and since this whole thing is just
a virtual equivalent of a black hole, and the value of it is
on the par with used condom, at least as far, as mere mortals
are concerned, this is not quite something to hope for.

So, keep it in mind, to minimize frustration, as you are
about to get subjected to the worst insult, you could
have EVER imagined in your wildest dreams. Keep your
cool and don't argue. Just do lick, lick, lick. Healthy
dose of guilt ALWAYS helps. Fear is your guide. The more
you feel guilty and afraid, the more you might be considered
deserving, as remember, this is a corruption test. Unless
you are as corrupt, as expected, you have more chance to
become a president of your own country, than to "win" here.

You just want to create a newsgroup? Hahahahaha. Poor you.
First you need to learn to lick the output holes of the
power hungry totalitarian elite!

The entire "big 8" is controlled at all levels by various
people and organizations in the power structure and the spheres
of influence. Power is assigned to various individuals by the
power elite via various means.

Every time there is a news group creation, it all has to fit into
this structure, and that structure could be in place to facilitate
certain organizations, you don't even begin to comprehend.
For example, the top ruler of the "big 8" tale, or David Lawrence
is associated with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC).

If you look at their web page at

http://www.isc.org and follow

the link to sponsors


you may find some pretty interesting entries, such as some
major computer companies, and ...

Surprise, surprise...

DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency.


What? What does THAT have to do with usenet, you might
wonder? What do they "sponsor" on the newsnet and how
much of financial support does ISC receive in form of
"sponsorship", you might ask. Why tale, said to be directly
associated with ISC, further sponsored by such organizations,
is controlling the most propagated hierarchy of the usenet,
the "big 8"? How did it happen? When? Why?
Well, it is simply inevitable.

These very question were asked numerous times on
news.groups. The answer is? Still waiting for it.

Wait a minute, you might think, what does THAT have to
do with usenet? What kind of "projects" might be performed
on behalf of such agencies by the ISC? Aren't these the
most important questions, potentially affecting the entire
newsnet? What if usenet is a well organized structure,
ran by the military and intelligence agencies? How does
THAT sound to you?

One of the interesting isssues here is that ISC provides
the news distribution software, such as INN news server,
and ISC can put ANY "features", THEY might find "appropriate"
into the INN software. What THOSE could be?
Programmed according to whose requests, interests or desires?

Ok, back to the original subject. Just keep it in mind, that
once you start thinking you are somebody, deserving any better
treatment but kicking you on you rear end or the flash lights,
you are in the biggest trouble of your life as far, as usenet
goes, and not only usenet. Some people lost their jobs as a
result of the smear campaigns. There is simply no limit to
what can be done.

Another point to keep in mind, you might not even begin
to comprehend, is that there is a class of animals around here,
called the "news groupies". They regularly hang out on news.groups,
like those old ladies, that used to sit in the court rooms,
knitting while the death sentences were pronounced, exclaiming:
Oh, how exciting! Finally, the justice has been served!
Plus it has been a good show. Now it is time to move to the
death chambers and smell the burning meat of those criminals.

These people hang out on news.groups as a professional
occupation, enjoying the sadistic pleasures of anihiltion in
the virtual domain, supporting this entire structure of corruption.

That is how you get "promoted" here on usenet. Sooner or later,
the biggest output hole lickers of the power elite get noticed.
If you read the news.groups and news.admin.net-abuse.usenet,
you'll see the patterns. Clear as a bell. This is known to be the
rule of "this is the way it is". No further explanation is necessary.
Obvious on its face value. The power elite writes the "regulations"
and from then on, "this is how it is". Period.

These news groupies spend their "spare" time, arguing with every
single proponent, interested in creating a group, like they cared
about it to the very least. You see, on the first place, the ONLY
group they really "care" about, is news.groups, as that is the best
place to enjoy the pleasures of mass insult, humiliation, outright
intellectual and emotional torture of those very "clueless",
who think they can just come here and create a new group,
just because they think so.

That is why they are called "clueless", as they have not
the slightest clue of what this is REALLY all about.

The best thing to do is to disable your brain completely,
pretend you are as dumb, as a piece of wood, and follow
ALL and ANY "advice" they will give you, just make sure
you understand who are those, who "matter" here. You'll
learn. It is pretty obvious. All it takes is a couple of
days of careful reading of news.groups. ALL there.

There are few people, that will be following you around
and insulting your intelligence. Those are the ones, who
have a say in the matters of your life on usenet and your

2. Preliminary Mass Insult and Humiliation (PMIH) procedure,
otherwise known as RFD.

It is an insult to your intelligence, your ideas, the name for
a group you have chosen, your language, national or ethnic origins,
your shoe laces or anything the power elite chooses.

It is a process of prey and you are the victim.
Anything goes there. The "opponents" will be crawling out
of black holes, telling you how to think, how to spell, what
are the "appropriate" labels to classify things, or ANYTHING
you could not even imagined in your wildest dreams.

All goes here. But remember, ALL of it, even if you "succeed",
signifies NOTHING whatsoever.

Again, PURE NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, and ZILCH. So, be prepared.
It is is just a way to show you are willing to lick their
output holes and thus "deserve" a place under the sun.

You will have to prepare a document of delusion, justifying
your own existence and proving beyond even a doubt of the
cunningmost of all cunning, that you will follow it once the
group is created, which in itself is obsene enough as NONE
of it could be verified and no one really cares at the end,
beyond the sadomasochistic feeding frenzy.

Sure, you can use these so called charters, once the group is
created, to censor, control, oppress and dominate the posters on
the basis that their actions do not "fit" the holey pronouncements
as recorded in the holey charter. Yes, holey charter.

This is one of the built-in tricks of this humongous structure
of corruption and control.

The groups have to submit to the holey [with holes] word of the
power elite. Later on, need be, those "violating" the holey
charters, can be brought to "justice".

Justice? Yep. That is what they call it here. Virtual justice
by the totalitarian dictators, the final stage of corruption.

The very elements of control, oppresion and domination are
built-in into these so called charters. Posters are routinely
harassed and even netcopped for not "following the charter",
that recepie of delusion, created for the bio-robots to follow,
totally unable to use their brains to figure out what is what.

Again, keep your cool. Not a big deal.

To avoid unnecessary insult, just create the most obsene
thing you can imagine either by looking what others have done,
or inventing some equally disgracing combination of characters.
None of it really matters if you succeed at the end, as you might
have already seen what kind of grade of crap people post on usenet.

The idea here is simply avoid humiliation as much, as possible
and be as cunning and dishonest, as you can imagine.

If you are not, then you are exposing yourself to something,
you might never quite expected. You'll be doubting that you
are a legal citizen of the planet earth within a few days
of continuous insult, humiliation and redicule. Unless you
fit into a definition of corruptest of all corrupt, your
chances are pretty slim. Most likely, you will loose. So,
pretend that you can sell your own mother "should the need
arise", or things of that grade, and then you have some chance.
Just "don't take it personally". Remember that old song?

Keep your cool and remember, it all signifies nothing at
the end. If you ever succeed, you can do anything you
want on your group. Well at least as long, as the power
elite keeps the rules the same or does not get involved
otherwise. Sure, there are some discussions on record,
that may change the very nature of newsnet and convert even
the individual groups into well controlled outlets for
distribution of the propaganda and facilitation of the
lowest common denominator, barring all speech that does not
"fit the guidelines", they may create ANY moment.

There is a continuous effort to completely destroy the alt.*
hierarchy. There is this model of a Usenet 2, where
the entire hierarchy is controlled on every single level
by the "authorized" members of the power elite to the
point, where you will soon have a list of words, "acceptable"
to use on that land of pure blooded bio-robots.

http://www.usenet2.org/rules.txt and http://www.usenet2.org/
to get the idea.

Virtual fascism?

Nah, just "practical realities of the day".

Nevertheless, all these "documents", they make you submit,
simply signify nothing, and a big one at that. All you see is
these little characters on your screen, and that is the ONLY
reality of it. Everything else beyond it is pure fiction.

None of it is legal, none of it is authorized by any lawful
authority, and none of it deserves anything beyond the party
of prey, where the sharks feed upon your rears.

3. Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation (FMIATH), otherwise
called CFV.

Once you go through the PMIH phase, you will be forced
to submit the Final Mass Insult and Total Humiliation
(FMIATH) invitation.

That is where the real show begins. You see, now you are
getting closer to the sweat fruit, and the tests of your reverse
integrity are increased in sophistication and cunningness.

First of all, you'll be required to find at least 200 people to
"vote", because once the votes are counted, some of them will be
classified as illegal aliens and things of that nature. You will
have to prove to these totalitarianists that you have at least
100 valid votes. What is valid you might wonder? Well, nobody knows.

Another thing, the "no" "votes" will be substracted from "yes"
"votes" and a result should be at least 100 accoring to
the present system.

You might wonder about the very meaning of "no" votes, at least
in the context of the very definition of the voting process:
to discover INTEREST in the group.

Why would "no" votes be allowed at all if you are trying to
discover INTEREST? They represent dis-interest. So, by default,
the entire newsnet is qualifiable as a "no" vote. Who is
interested in YOUR group besides yourself and a few others?

On what basis do they have this notion of "no" "vote"?

Well, just to sabotage the global information streams and
perversely affect the domains of public interest worldwide,
allowing them to manipulate and sculpt the very body of
usenet in the ways the power elite chooses.

Interesting arrangement. Subtle but perverse. At the "end",
they expect to be called "heroes", protecting the usenet from
"anarchy". Anarchy? Well, what about fascism and totalitarian
dictatorship? Which one is "better"?

You see, with these "no" votes, you can kill basically any
group if you so desire. There have been cases of over
30000 "no" votes versus over thousands of "yes".

Secondly, there are plenty of news.groupies around, working
in conspiracy with the power elite for the purpose of self
promotion. They know exactly what is "desirable" and what is
not as they spend their useless lives on news groups.
They live this thing. They are, pretty much, the professionals.
Professional perverts that is.

Powerful trick indeed. Corrupt as it gets. There is nothing
more corrupt than this one. Well, that is "how it is" here, aka
one of the most fundamental "rules" around. You can not argue with
it, as it superceeds ALL other rules, unless of course,
overrruled by the virtual dictator number one.

You'll see all sorts of people coming at you, claiming your
votes were generated by pushing the wrong button, looking into
the wrong window on your screen, from the wrong brewser, lauser,
trouser, and things of that grade.

Again, some of you will be classified as illegal aliens, using
illegal software, you obtained via perfectly legal means, having
the evil thoughts of using your Netscape navigator, while, at the
same time, having guts to even comprehend the idea of creating a
newsgroup in the domain of the Royallest of All Royal, and things
of that sort.

So, you need a safe margin. You might be told:
"see you in 6 months" by Mr. Big Red Ass, you'll have
plenty of chances to see, once the show gets going.

Anything and everything is possible in this domain, as you are
here to learn the powers of the Wheel of Karma, as told by the

Even if you have thousands of of people in the beginning, it may
turn out there are only few of you left at the end. Once you go
through literally months of continuous insult, humiliation and
redicule, many will simply give up.

That seems to be the very "idea" here: to prevent as many people
from participating on newsnet, as possible.

Why? Well, the more groups there are, the more difficult
it becomes for all sorts of agencies to log the information in the
systematic and organized manner, watch what you are doing and things
of that nature. The fewer groups there are, the better.

Else it makes it more difficult for those bureaucrats, watching
some of you every step of the way. You need to sift through the
piles and piles of information on all sorts of groups if things
are not kept "organized". It is not clear where to find the most
critical information, such as scientific discoveries, discussions,
ideas, political views, social discussions and plenty of other

It is not even clear who came up with this idea of "big 8" hierarchy
and for what purpose. All organized, all supervised, all controlled,
all ran according to "charters" imposed by the power elite, at least
on paper.

Sure, if you ask, you'll be given all sorts of hairy tales.

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation of the connection
between the usenet power elite, ruling the usenet with unprecedented
and unlimited power of control, oppression and domination,
ISC and, finally, the "real" powers of this world, holding their
fat fingers on that big red button of nuclear anihilation, ALL in
the name of the same "good".

Good? Ok, what IS good? Anybody knows?

So, these votes don't mean ANYTHING. They are not legal and no
one here even cares about legality of it all. The power elite
simply has no concept of legality on usenet. Legality is just a
hindrance for them. Now they can do ANYTHING they want without
any limits.

Once you bring in the law, some things might have to be changed,
placing the limits on their "power", control, oppression and

No one really "cares" to the least, at least as far, as YOU
are concerned. You are just a disposable item. You squick too
much, you are as good, as dead, at least in the virtual domain.
They'll "take care of you". Just try them.

These so called FAQS are specifically designed to perpetuate the
state of mass delusion, to be manipulated by the power hungry
maniacs, accusing you of "violating" all sorts of things,
you might never even heard of.

So, don't get trapped by the powers of black holes. Don't get
surprised by ANYTHING, as you may find it nothing, but an outright
insult to your own Constitution, basic concepts of Human Rights,
Feedom of Speech, human dignity and inherent worth, and all sorts
of other things, you were told exist, at least on the paper.
They all belong to these junkyard dogs here. Just forget about it,
or else...

So, even if you get enough "votes", "acceptable" for his Royal
Consideration, and you are lucky to get the odds, as good, as
flipping a coin, at the end, NONE of it signifies ANYTHING.
Beause those "vote" are not really votes as you know.

4. The FINAL DECISION of His Royal Highness.

The FINAL decision will be made by the virtual equivalent of a
dictator, and your entire 3-6 month insult will be classified
as an "advice" to His Royal Highness to prove there is sufficient
"interest". If you ask what constitutes "interest", your ear drums
may be slightly popping. But not to worry.

Remember, your vote is not REALLY a vote, but a discovery of
"interest", or advice to His Royal Highness, which means?
Well, it means they are utterly meaningless in terms of ANY
kind of enforcement.

Your "vote" isn't really a vote you know of. It is not a democratic
process of election. It is interpreted here as an "advice".
Never mind, that in any democratic system, the "vote"
is a final determinant, the things that determines the
outcome of any election. Here, these "votes" are not
really votes as you know.

You see how nicely this cunning trick works?
No responsibility. No accountability. Looks like a "vote" on the
paper, but His Royal Highness is not obliged to act upon it.
If you learn to read these "guidelines" between the lines,
you will be able to see all sorts of escape clauses,
such as "in extremely rare cases" and things of that nature.
Look for sentences like "he MAY create a group". You see, MAY.

Well, may, or may not. All depends. Depends on what?
Well, on His Royal Highness, "reserving" the EXCLUSIVE
"right" to do ANYTHING HE pleases.

Later on, if His Royal Highness is in the mood to do so, he will
issue an "advisory" control message to the news admins to create
your group. If you are ready to accept all the humiliation and
insult, then you deserve His Royal Attention.
The same trick again and again.

ADVISORY control message means the news admins are not obliged
to follow upon it. That is how this humongous system of corruption
and deceipt works. NO ONE is responsible for ANYTHING. If you think
otherwise, you are but an idiot, deserving all the insult and
humiliation you will most certainly receive once you question
ANY of it.

This whole "system" is to facilitate DA system itself. It is
but a masterpiece of deception, perversion, control, oppression
and domination. Not even Stalin and Hitler had such powers.
Even those knew there is a limit. But here? Well, not even sky
is the limit. Total virtual paradice for the power hungry
oppressors of thought.

They will not ever tell you that the most important principle
of usenet is FACILITATION of discussions.

Now, since the news admins are not technically obliged to follow
his "advice", (most likely some crazy ISP that does not comprehend
the remifications of non submittal to His Royal Highness and the
interests behind him), there is a convinient set of excuses
available to avoid ANY responsibility, no matter what you do
or think.

Now, His Royal Highness, is a busy entity and is not obliged to
ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. He is doing it all "for free", out of
pure love of heart and for the best of ALL people, not just you
alone and your dinky group, that might not even be considered
worthy of inclusion into this structure of you know what by now.
Just because YOU think it belongs to "big 8" club, it does not
mean it does. Oh, you think you are the world know figure or
authority? A leading scientist? YOU know better?

Not even funny.

Beware, the odds are NOT in your favor under powers of such

So, if you EVER get the idea "you had enough", so be it, you
WILL. Just be prepaired to wait for as long, as it takes until
His Grace descends upon the mortals to pronounce the "FINAL"

Realize your utter relevant insignificance, compared to "more
important things to do". Keep it in mind and don't upset your
stomach unnecessarily. It is not likely to help anything anyway.

The FINAL DECISION is not subject to ANYTHING, but the will of
His Royal Highness, and you better understand it REAL good.

Don't get frustrated to the point, where you are ready to go kill
the innocent postman, never quite able to grasp the basic concepts
of "how it all REALLY works here", carrying your strange ideas of
democracy into the domain of obsene.

Remember, no need to be frustrated, just be ready, because "that
is how it is". There is just NOTHING you can do about it. Forget
about your outdated ideas of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech,
Basic Human Rights, or anything, whatsoever, you might hold as
the very foundation of the modern societies.

There is no law here. Some call it perverted suckocracy,
some benevolent dictatorship, some retarded Anarchy, and
some call it other things.

Good luck.



Here is some "art" to get the idea of what this is REALLY
all about and get your mind propertly oriented on what
you are dealing with on the usenet.


This is the main page for this "art" of domination and anihilation.




Usenet 2:



[Luck up the link for DISA, Defense Information System Agency]

Spam fighters:

Howard Knight, the biggest pervert in the history of usenet.


Andrew Gierth ***@erlenstar.demon.co.uk and his censor bot,
cancelling the articles by tens of thousands every day.
See control.cancel group.

Cosmo Roadkill virtual terrorism, conducted in the name of
"spam fighting". See control.cancel group.