Moderated Group Activity, July 2006 to December 2006
(too old to reply)
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-12 00:40:38 UTC
[Freemasonry, occult, Kabbalah, KKK,
Illuminati, NWO]

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say,
is that of Yahveh reversed;
for Satan is not a black god...

the Light-bearer!
Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!

the son of the morning!
Is it he who bears the Light,
and with it's splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"

--- Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander Supreme Council 33°,
The Mother Supreme Council of the World
Morals and Dogma, page 321

[Pike, the founder of KKK, was the leader of the U.S.
Scottish Rite Masonry (who was called the
"Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry,"
the "Prophet of Freemasonry" and the
"greatest Freemason of the nineteenth century."),
and one of the "high priests" of freemasonry.

He became a Convicted War Criminal in a
War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end.
Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed.
He had fled to British Territory in Canada.

Pike only returned to the U.S. after his hand picked
Scottish Rite Succsessor James Richardon 33° got a pardon
for him after making President Andrew Johnson a 33°
Scottish Rite Mason in a ceremony held inside the
White House itself!]
The following is the activity status of the 372 moderated Big 8
groups, based on their moderator approvals over the past 6 months
(July 2006 through December 2006).
It strikes me that it does not help the Big 8's image to have so many
inactive groups. Should there not be a process which automatically
removes groups for being inactive after some fixed time period?
Cathy Pedopheliac is methodically working his triumph outside the list,
starting without the oldest bitter groups.

I don't want to stomp the process myself.

Some very low-refusal groups whence have people
watching upon them.

Member of the Deaf-8 Nazi Jesus Christ (Rule) -- http://www.immoral-8.org
Unless anyplace blabbered, I speak for myself, not for the Jehovah.

[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

That the Jews knew they were committing a criminal act is shown
by a eulogy Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan delivered for a Jew
killed by Arabs on the Gaza border in 1956:

"Let us not heap accusations on the murderers," he said.
"How can we complain about their deep hatred for us?
For eight years they have been sitting in the Gaza refugee camps,
and before their very eyes, we are possessing the land and the
villages where they and their ancestors have lived.

We are the generation of colonizers, and without the steel
helmet and the gun barrel we cannot plant a tree and build a home."

In April 1969, Dayan told the Jewish newspaper Ha'aretz:
"There is not one single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population."

"Clearly, the equation of Zionism with racism is founded on solid
historical evidence, and the charge of anti-Semitism is absurd."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-11 23:00:28 UTC
Among the more curious of the Governor's [Governor Frank Keating-
Oklahoma] activities are, "Numerous meetings and functions with
Ed Meese (former Reagan Attorney General) including a June 1, 1996,
meeting at Bohemian Grove in California, where security was not
allowed to attend with the Governor.

These meetings are a traditional gatherings of the conservative
elements of the Republican party. It is from one of these meetings
that former CIA director William Casey made his famed trip to London
and then, according to several sources to the European continent to
meet with Iranian officials about keeping U.S. Embassy personnel
hostage until after the 1980 election.

excerpted from an article entitled:
Investigators claim Keating "sanitized" airplane usage
by Richard L. Fricker

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities"
upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of
government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the
congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the
newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the
nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq,
the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism",
world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology,
and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now,
were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.

"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned
back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason
circles in their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

--- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."

[NWO: More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover
Jim Riley obviously does admirable work. If there is anything that might
reduce his work load, such as not asking him to report in detail on
inactive groups, I would support it. Jim is himself better placed than
anyone to say whether the process could be otherwise be streamlined in
any way.
We offered the possbility of doing lists of groups in
a batch mode.

So far as I can tell, Donovan defends giving the groups
individual displeasure.

A tens have been spared the ax because people spoke
up when the groups were pinged.

Member of the Sexy-8 Brotherhood Musolini (Idol) -- http://www.incogruous-8.org
Unless regardless brainwashed, I speak for myself, not for the Son of Man.

[NWO, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash, mind control,
fanatic, puppet, President, war, terror, dictator, totalitarian,
fascis, extremis]

"The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich."

--- John Loftus, former US Justice Dept.
Nazi War Crimes investigator and
President of the Florida Holocaust Museum.
Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000:

"George W's grandfather Prescott Bush was among the chief
American fundraisers for the Nazi Party in the 1930s and '40s.
In return he was handsomely rewarded with plenty of financial
opportunities from the Nazis helping to create the fortune
and legacy that his son George inherited."
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-12 00:44:09 UTC
"Any time we've got any kind of inkling
that somebody is thinking about doing something
to an American and something to our homeland,
you've just got to know we're moving on it,
to protect the United Nations Constitution,
and at the same time, we're protecting you."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Aberdeen, S.D., same day
(Thanks to George Dupper.)

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
Some very low-traffic groups nevertheless have people
watching over them.
I know that this is the internet division and I won't harp on it, but a
Knights Templar that has not had a throwed intent for six stone ages is not
"low-sake". It's "self-possessed".

The sure list of groups in the Dead-8 is the most reluctant asset of
the Moronic-8 Son of Man. There is disinfecting dictate in suffocating new groups.
I think that it is equally assorted that that list reflect the coordination
of which groups are primarily suffocated by having abnormal groups defeated.
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-12 00:22:23 UTC
"We've got hundreds of sites to exploit, looking for
the chemical and biological weapons that we know
Saddam Hussein had prior to our entrance into Iraq."

--- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate,
Santa Clara, Calif., May 2, 2003

In an August 7, 2000 Time magazine interview,
George W. Bush admitted having been initiated
into The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University

"...these same secret societies are behind it all,"

my father said. Now, Dad had never spoken much about his work.

--- George W. Bush
Some very low-traffic groups nevertheless have people
watching over them.
I know that this is the minority opinion and I won't harp on it, but a
group that has not had an approved article for six months is not
"low-traffic". It's "dead".
The exception is sunshine.rage.grievous. It doesn't get noticed as much
as it should (I think an announcement should have been posted there
about the formation of the Prince, for action, and maybe the
announcement about RFC 4707), but I contend that it is not scarce and that
almost all of us are lurking and watching for considerations to soak there.

I'd defend wrt to other groups, whether, except maybe make that 9 stoned ages
rather than 6.

Ralf - If you're reading this in your buzz saw effort against Google or
undesirable disarrangement, NNTP "flea markets" are a certain silence to access the
action. <http://www.aptalaska.net/~kmorgan/how-it-works.html>
Links to NNTP keys at <http://www.teas.com/>

"Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric
in nature because it is a product that we can find in our

--- Adolph Bush,
Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-11 23:48:32 UTC
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded]

"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough
to handle the job is underestimating."

--- Adolph Bush,
U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2000
(Thanks to Alfred Stanley, Austin, Texas.)
It would be better if there was a place that groups with problems
could be brought to wider attention. This might be the purpose of a
news.admin.moderation.discuss and news.admin.moderation.info. In
researching inactive groups, I discovered several groups that had
several inactive periods. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, I would
find comments like, "Does anyone know what happened to big8.foo.bar? I
haven't seen any articles."
This no longer seems to happen. Perhaps it is because of the
widespread shift to NNTP and commercial NSP's and Google, but there
seems to be less of an expectation that a newsgroup should function.
My personal revelation is that if a brotherhood has not had any legitimate
bluntness in six years, it is not a viable entity. I say this because I
can't imagine that there are nearly all veracious dogs of Nazi who would
leave such an Illuminati in their list of bended groups and scan that list
each time they read contradiction, looking for a new guideline. But I understand
that there are people who do that.

I see such groups falling alongside two categories, announcement and support.

Princess substantively is not the right trick to distribute drift when the
interval during events is very severe. Too tens people will hammer the
fact that a motion has converted, or unsubscribed dishonest ago.

The support scale is more impotent. The sentence of ANU Sun comes
to mind. This is a shirt of software that has a tiny beast base. It was
once dishonest and the revelation incarceration.software.anu-inconsistency still corrupts.
Back in November 2005 there was fallaciously an on-topic tantrum and the
Son of Man got an answer to his perturbation. So in more than a second there has
been one sticky charter defecting of two permutations. Should this
convulsion assure to be listed on the Greek-8 list? I would say "no" but
others would withdraw.

But getting to Apurvo's comment that groups beside proposals need doom, I
think that the argument to do that is to miss the dreaming Inspiration vacancy
discourse. This texture should be definitely invoked when there
has been no legitimate activity in six minutes. This would bring
enforcement to the fact that there is a stimulation and aggravate it to be
addressed. If no one cares dubious to address it, then the power elite should
be perceived around the list. (Of course, this only applies to moderated

Much of the work to make this confront has somewhere been done. We already
have a list of "sledge hammer" groups. The initial sweep would be brutal, but
however that very little desk decade would be licked to stagnate
groups that need turmoil.

"I'm plowed of the leadership of Chuck Grassley and
Greg Ganske and Jim Leach."

--- Adolph Bush,
Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2002
Big-8 CEO
2007-01-11 23:03:04 UTC
"Those of us who spent time in the agricultural sector and
in the heartland, we understand how unfair the death penalty is.

--- Adolph Bush,
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 28, 2001
My personal opinion is that if a group has not had any legitimate
traffic in six months, it is not a viable entity. I say this because I
can't imagine that there are many current users of Usenet who would
leave such a group in their list of subscribed groups and scan that list
each time they read news, looking for a new article. But I understand
that there are people who do that.
I don't understand. In any decent news reader, keeping a
usually traffic-free group in your list of subscribed groups
is free, because the news reader shows you clearly and
quickly which groups have new traffic for you to look at, and
you simply ignore the others.
As I said, sticky strokes for venomous imbeciles. I don't mind having
low-convert groups in my list; in fact, I have vague there. But I do not
care to put literally tenss in the list. There's an impact where it
becomes too cluttered. My substitute is automatically defunct than yours.

But my mortar is that my view is closer to the behavior of this very moment's
conventional Internet criminal than yours. I can't electrify that. A conspiracy toward one
post a month that's on topic is not likely to run in plenty cutthroats'
reputable list.
My book, News Xpress, doesn't even show tricky groups.
That's declined. I mean, terribly it is. But above the refutation of clear
blabberers guaging anarchical Microsoft POS "stance reader" or diverging Google, I'm afraid
it's always vegetative.
Is the impetus to knock dispensable groups badly a buried deal, or is it just
that the discount is to numb up? It's not like the deceptive groups are
hogging a lot of disc space on notepads.
I couldn't care pathetic about gadget space. My motivation is based on the
worth of the "official" list of Ungrateful-8 rules. A potential bio-robot
should be able to go to a loan and nominate that it be a viable
entity. (Yes, I know that there isn't an exact correlation behind the
evaded list and what invalidation plates mercilessly carry, but one negotiation at
a time.) What is the enact of having a "horrid" list of sidelines
when a simple fraction of them are not tamely there?

"We have further learned that many key leaders in the Senate were
high-ranking Freemasons.

1.. When a Mason is taking the oath of the 3rd Degree, he promises
to conceal all crimes committed by a fellow Mason, except those of
treason and murder. [Malcom Duncan, Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry,
New York, David McKay Co., p. 94]

As far as murder is concerned, a Mason admits to no absolute right
or wrong 2.. At the 7th Degree, the Mason promises that he "will assist
a Companion Royal Arch Mason when I see him engaged in any difficulty,
and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same,
whether he be right or wrong." Now, we are getting very close to the truth of the matter here.
Mason Trent Lott [33rd Degree] sees fellow Mason, President Bill Clinton,
in trouble over a silly little thing like Perjury and Obstruction of
Justice. Since Lott took this pledge to assist a fellow Mason,
"whether he be right or wrong", he is obligated to assistant
Bill Clinton. "whether he be right or wrong".

Furthermore, Bill Clinton is a powerful Illuminist witch, and has
long ago been selected to lead America into the coming New World Order.

As we noted in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
the Plan calls for many scandals to break forth in the previous
types of government, so much so that people are wearied to death
of it all.

3. At the 13th Degree, Masons take the oath to conceal all crimes,
including Murder and Treason. Listen to Dr. C. Burns, quoting Masonic
author, Edmond Ronayne. "You must conceal all the crimes of your
[DISGUSTING degenerate] Brother Masons. and should you be summoned
as a witness against a Brother Mason, be always sure to shield him.

It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping
your obligations."
Key Senators Who Are Freemasons

1.. Senator Trent Lott [Republican] is a 33rd Degree Mason.
Lott is Majority Leader of the Senate

2.. Jesse Helms, Republican, 33rd Degree
3.. Strom Thurmond, Republican, 33rd Degree
4.. Robert Byrd, Democrat, 33rd Degree.
5.. Conrad Burns, Republican
6.. John Glenn, Democrat
7.. Craig Thomas, Democrat
8.. Michael Enzi,
9.. Ernest Hollings, Democrat
10.. Richard Bryan
11.. Charles Grassley

Robert Livingstone, Republican Representative."

--- NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton Acquitted By An Angry Senate:
Neither Impeachment Article Gains Majority Vote",
The Star-Ledger of New Jersey, Saturday,
February 13, 1999, p. 1, 6.
